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The sorption and desorption of water in rape seeds was measured. From the sorption isotherm it follows that for water content greater than about 6% the water molecules tend to form clusters. The mutual diffusion coefficient of water into and out of the seeds was determined from the time dependence of sorption and desorption. There is a pronounced hysteresis in the sorption-desorption process, desorption proceeds faster than sorption. The self-diffusion of water (at maximum humidity of the seeds) and oil within the seeds was investigated by the pulsed field gradient NMR. The measurement of oil self-diffusion shows restricted diffusion of the oil within droplets and allows the determination of the droplet radii and their distribution width.  相似文献   
 The ultrastructure of the body cuticle in species of six of seven representative genera of Stilbonematinae (Eubostrichus, Catanema, Laxus, Robbea, Leptonemella, and Stilbonema) was investigated using SEM and TEM techniques. Additionally, one species of Spirinia (Spiriniinae) and one of Desmodora (Desmodorinae) were studied for outgroup comparison. The body cuticle of all investigated stilbonematids shows a consistent pattern composed of specific elements in a characteristic arrangement to each other. This pattern does not occur in Stilbonematinae alone, but also in Desmodorinae and Spiriniinae. Furthermore, a comparison within the Desmodorida reveals that this cuticular pattern apparently is present in the cuticle of representatives of Monoposthiidae, Epsilonematidae, and Draconematidae. The present results lead to the following conclusions: (1) the cuticle of Stilbonematinae contains no autapomorphic characters for this taxon, (2) there is a common cuticular pattern within the Desmodorida, and (3) this pattern is an autapomorphic character for the order Desmodorida. Accepted: 4 February 1996  相似文献   
Drought responses of diurnal gas exchange, malic acid accumulation and water status were examined in Delosperma tradescantioides , a succulent that grows in drought-prone microenvironments in summer rainfall and all-year rainfall regions of southern Africa. When well-watered, this species exhibited Crassulacean acid metabolism (CAM)-cycling, but its carbon fixation pattern changed during the development of drought, shifting to either low-level CAM or to CAM-idling. The rate and pattern of this change depended on environmental conditions, duration of water stress and leaf age. At the onset of drought, diurnal malate fluctuation increased, but was strongly depressed (by ca 70%) as drought continued, and when leaf water content and water potential were low (ca 35 and 50% of the initial levels, respectively). When rewatered, rates of growth and photosynthesis, gas exchange and water status recovered fully to pre-stressed values within two days. Whole-shoot carbon uptake rates suggested that leaf growth had continued unabated during a short-term (∼ one week) drought. This emphasises that CAM-idling allows the maintenance of active metabolism with negligible gas exchange when soil water is limiting. It is possible that old or senescent leaves may provide water for the expansion of developing leaves during initial periods of drought. Regardless of the water regime and environmental conditions, leaf nocturnal malate accumulation and water content were positively correlated and increased with leaf age. Thus the gradual loss of water from older mature leaves may induce CAM-idling, which reduces water loss. An important ecological consequence of this combination of CAM modes is the potential to switch rapidly between fast growth via C3 gas exchanges when well-watered to water-conserving CAM-idling during drought.  相似文献   
Atmospheric ammonia (NH3) from various anthropogenic sources has become a serious problem for natural vegetation. Ammonia not only causes changes in plant nitrogen metabolism, but also affects the acid-base balance of plants. Using the pH-sensitive fluorescent dyes pyranine and esculin, cytosolic and vacuolar pH changes were measured in leaves of C3 and C4 plants exposed for brief periods to concentrations of NH3 in air ranging from 1.33 to 8.29 mol NH3 · mol-1 gas (0.94–5.86 mg · m-3). After a lag phase, uptake of NH3 from air at a rate of 200 nmol NH3 · m - 2 leaf area · s- 1 into leaves of Zea mays L. increased pyranine fluorescence indicating cytosolic alkalinisation. The increase was much larger in the dark than in the light. In illuminated leaves of the C3 plant Pelargonium zonale L. and the C4 plants Z. mays and Amaranthus caudatus L., NH3-dependent cytosolic alkalinisation was particularly pronounced when CO2 was supplied at very low levels (16 or 20 mol CO2 · mol- 1 gas, containing 210 mmol O2 · mol- 1 gas). An increase in esculin fluorescence, which was smaller than that of pyranine, was indicative of trapping of some of the NH3 in the vacuoles of leaves of Spinacia oleracea L. and Z. mays. Photosynthesis and transpiration remained unchanged during exposure of illuminated leaves to NH3, yielding an influx of 200 nmol NH3 · m-2 leaf area · s-1 for up to 30 min, the longest exposure time used. Both CO2 and O2 influenced the extent of cytosolic alkalinisation. At 500 mol CO2 · mol-1 gas the cytosolic alkalinisation was suppressed more than at 16 or 20 mol CO2 · mol-1 gas. The suppressing effect of CO2 on the NH3induced alkalinisation was larger in illuminated leaves of the C4 plants Z. mays and A. caudatus than in leaves of the C3 plant P. zonale. A reduction of the O2 concentration from 210 to 10 mmol O2 · mol -1 gas, which inhibits photorespiration, increased the NH3induced cytosolic alkalinisation in C3 plants. Suppression by CO2 or O2 of the alkaline pH shift caused by the dissolution and protonation of NH3 in queous leaf compartments, and possibly by the production of organic compounds synthesised from atmospheric NH3, indicates that NH3 which enters leaves is rapidly assimilated if photosynthesis or photorespiration provide nitrogen acceptor molecules.This work was supported by the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council and the Deutsche Forschungsgemein-schaft within the framework of the research of Sonderforschun-gsbreich 251 of the University of Würzburg. We are grateful to Dr. B. Wollenweber (The Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University, Denmark) for discussions.  相似文献   
Saccharomyces cerevisiae mutants deficient in degradation of alpha-1-proteinase inhibitor Z (A1PiZ) have been isolated and genetically characterized. Wild-type yeast expressing A1PiZ synthesize an ER form of this protein that is rapidly degraded by an intracellular proteolytic process known as ER-associated protein degradation (ERAD). The mutant strains were identified after treatment with EMS using a colony blot immunoassay to detect colonies that accumulated high levels of A1PiZ. A total of 120,000 colonies were screened and 30 putative mutants were identified. The level of A1PiZ accumulation in these mutants, measured by ELISA, ranged from two to 11 times that of A1PiZ in the parent strain. Further studies demonstrated that the increased levels of A1PiZ in most of the mutant strains was not the result of defective secretion or elevated A1PiZ mRNA. Pulse chase experiments indicated that A1PiZ was stabilized in several strains, evidence that these mutants are defective in ER-associated protein degradation. Genetic analyses revealed that most of the mutations were recessive, ~30% of the mutants characterized conformed to simple Mendelian inheritance, and at least seven complementation groups were identified.  相似文献   
Summary The mRNA of the zona pellucida glycoprotein ZP3 was localized in frozen sections of pig ovaries, isolated oocytes and early embryos byin situ hybridization using biotinylated oligonucleotide probes. In follicles, the distribution of mRNA for ZP3 was correlated with the developmental stage: in primordial and primary follicles, the mRNA was shown to be predominantly localized in the oocyte. In secondary follicles, mRNA was found in both the oocyte and follicle cells. In tertiary and preovulatory follicles, the follicle cells showed distinct staining, whereas the oocyte was labelled weakly. In the early embryo, i.e. 2 days after fertilization, mRNA for ZP3 could not be demonstrated. Our results suggest that, in the pig, the zona pellucida protein ZP3 is synthesized by the oocyte and the follicle cells in sequence. After fertilization, synthesis of ZP3 is terminated.  相似文献   
Human follicular fluid (hFF), which has been treated with either unspecific proteases or dextran-coated charcoal (DCC) to remove proteins and/or steroids, cannot successfully induce the acrosome reaction (AR). After the removal of steroids, AR-inducing activity can be restored to hFF by supplementation with exogenous progesterone, but only in the presence of intact protein. Gel filtration experiments with 3H-progesterone-labelled hFF showed elution of the radioactive signal in the high molecular weight range, corresponding to bound progesterone. AR-inducing activity was seen in exactly the same fraction. Based on these results, the acrosome reaction-inducing substance (ARIS) appears to be a complex of progesterone and a progesterone-binding protein, which was shown to be identical with the plasma protein corticosteroid-binding globulin (CBG) by immunological techniques. AR induction was only observed in the presence of both CBG and progesterone, suggesting a combined effect of the two components. © 1995 wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
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