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Extraction of the liverwort Plagiochila rutilans afforded 1-(3,4-dihydroxy-5-methoxyphenyl)3-methylbut-2-ene, the structure of which was confirmed by synthesis.  相似文献   
Two new xanthones, smeathxanthone A (1) (2-(3,7-dimethyl-2,6-octadienyl)-1,3,5,8-tetrahydroxyxanthone) and smeathxanthone B (2) (5,7,10-trihydroxy-2-methyl-2-(4-methylpent-3-enyl)[2H, 6H]pyrano[3,2-b]xanthen-6-one), have been isolated from the stem bark of Garcinia smeathmannii, and their structures elucidated on the basis of 1D and 2D NMR experiments. 1,3,5-Trihydroxyxanthone and 1,5-dihydroxyxanthone were also obtained. The compounds showed only modest activity against a range of bacteria and yeasts.  相似文献   
A microcosm-based approach was used to study impacts of plant and chemical factors on the fungal community structure of an upland acidic grassland soil. Seven plant species typical of both unimproved and fertilized grasslands were either left unamended or treated with lime, nitrogen or lime plus nitrogen. Fungal community structure was assessed by a molecular approach, fungal automated ribosomal intergenic spacer analysis (FARISA), while fungal biomass was estimated by measuring soil ergosterol content. Addition of nitrogen (with or without lime) had the largest effect, decreasing soil pH, fungal biomass and fungal ribotype number, but there was little corresponding change in fungal community structure. Although different plant species were associated with some changes in fungal biomass, this did not result in significant differences in fungal community structure between plant species. Addition of lime alone caused no changes in fungal biomass, ribotype number or community structure. Overall, fungal community structure appeared to be more significantly affected through interactions between plant species and chemical treatments, as opposed to being directly affected by changes in individual improvement factors. These results were in contrast to those found for the bacterial communities of the same soils, which changed substantially in response to chemical (lime and nitrogen) additions.  相似文献   


The Darlington and Northallerton Asthma Study is an observational cohort study started in 1983. At that time little was published about long term outcome in asthma and the contribution of change in reversible disease or airway remodelling to any excess deterioration in function. The study design included regular review of overall and fixed function lung. We report the trends over fifteen years.


All asthmatics attending secondary care in 1983, 1988 and 1993 were recruited. Pulmonary function was recorded at attendance and potential best function estimated according to protocol. Rate of decline was calculated over each 5-year period and by linear regression analysis in those seen every time. The influence of potential explanatory variables on this decline was explored.


1724 satisfactory 5-year measurements were obtained in 912 subjects and in 200 subjects on all occasions. Overall rate of decline (ml/year (95%CI)) calculated from 5-year periods was FEV1 ♂41.0 (34.7–47.3), ♀28.9 (23.2–34.6) and best FVC ♂63.1 (55.1–71.2)ml/year, ♀45.8 (40.0–51.6).The principal association was with age. A dominant cubic factor suggested fluctuations in the rate of change in middle life with less rapid decline in youth and more rapid decline in the elderly. Rapid decline was possibly associated with short duration. Treatment step did not predict rate of deterioration.


Function declined non-linearly and more rapidly than predicted from normal subjects. It reports for the first time a cubic relationship between age and pulmonary function. This should be taken into account when interpreting other articles reporting change in function over time.  相似文献   
Nociceptin, a 17 amino acid opioid-like peptide that has an inhibitory effect on synaptic transmission in the nervous system, is involved in learning, memory, attention, and emotion and is also implicated in the perception of pain and visual, auditory, and olfactory functions. In this study, we investigated the NMR solution structure of nociceptin in membrane-like environments (trifluoroethanol and SDS micelles) and found it to have a relatively stable helix conformation from residues 4-17 with functionally important N-terminal residues being folded aperidoically on top of the helix. In functional assays for receptor binding and calcium flux, alanine-scanning variants of nociceptin indicated that functionally important residues generally followed helix periodicity, consistent with the NMR structural model. Structure-activity relationships allowed identification of pharmacophore sites that were used in small molecule data base searches, affording hits with demonstrated nociceptin receptor binding affinities.  相似文献   
An investigation into the role of Bcl-2 in neuroendocrine differentiation   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
INTRODUCTION: In addition to its role in apoptosis suppression, Bcl-2 has been reported to be co-expressed with neuroendocrine markers in several tissues, leading to speculation that this oncoprotein may promote neuroendocrine differentiation. AIM: This study investigated whether Bcl-2 modulated neuroendocrine biopeptide expression. METHODS: Levels of chromogranin A, neurone specific enolase, protein gene peptide 9.5, pancreatic polypeptide, and the chromogranin-derived peptides, intervening peptide and vasostatin-1 were examined by immunocytochemistry in rat phaeochromocytoma (PC12) cell lines genetically engineered to over-express Bcl-2 and their mock-transfected controls. Intensity of fluorescence was graded using a semi-quantitative scale from (-) indicating negative expression to (+++) indicating intense positivity. RESULTS: Mann-Whitney U analysis indicated that no significant differences in expression existed between control and Bcl2 over-expressing cell lines for any of the six peptides examined. CONCLUSIONS: The results of this study do not support the hypothesis that Bcl-2 promotes the acquisition of a neuroendocrine phenotype.  相似文献   
A method for the extraction and purification of PrP(C), in its native monomeric form, from outdated human platelet concentrates is described. Both calcium ionophore platelet activation and lysis in Triton X-100 were evaluated as methods for the extraction of soluble platelet PrP(C) in its monomeric form. Following platelet activation, the majority of released PrP(C) was detected as a disulphide linked high molecular weight complex, which under reducing conditions could be separated into what appear to be stable non-disulphide linked PrP dimers or PrP covalently linked to another as yet unidentified protein. This phenomenon appears to be unique to activation since only monomeric PrP(C) was detected following lysis of resting platelets. Subsequently, PrP(C) was purified from the Triton X-100 lysate by sequential cation ion exchange and Cu2+ affinity chromatography. From 10 L of outdated platelet concentrate, we were able to recover 1.29 mg PrP(C) at a purity of 92%.  相似文献   
The v-ErbB retroviral oncogene is a transduced, mutated copy of the avian EGF receptor gene, and its expression is sufficient to induce tumor formation in vivo. The structural alterations that release the oncogenic potential of the v-ErbB oncogene are similar to EGFR gene mutations described in human tumors. Thus, the study of v-ErbB tumor biology offers a useful model through which we can gain insight into the mechanism of EGFR-induced malignancies. Despite years of study, however, questions remain regarding the domains of v-ErbB required for oncogenicity. We sought to clarify the role of the transmembrane domain of v-ErbB during transformation using S3-v-ErbB, an acutely transforming retroviral oncogene isolated from avian sarcomas. Infection of primary fibroblasts with a retroviral vector containing S3-v-ErbB results in the formation of a transformation-associated phosphoprotein signaling complex, soft agar colony formation, and the rapid induction of highly vascularized sarcomas in vivo. To address contribution of the transmembrane domain of S3-v-ErbB during these processes, we constructed a mutant version of this oncogene with a precise deletion in this domain. Specifically, the S3-v-ErbB-TM- mutant was created through an in-frame deletion of the entire transmembrane domain. Primary fibroblasts expressing this S3-v-ErbB-TM- mutant fail to form a characteristic transformation-associated phosphoprotein complex and do not grow in an anchorage-independent manner. In addition, day-old chicks injected with a helper-independent retrovirus expressing the S3-v-ErbB-TM- mutant exhibit only limited tumor formation in vivo. These results demonstrate that the transmembrane domain and, consequently membrane localization, are essential for S3-v-ErbB-mediated transformation.  相似文献   
Targeting recycling endocytic receptors with specific Abs provides a means for introducing a variety of tumor-associated Ags into human dendritic cells (DCs), culminating in their efficient presentation to T cells. We have generated a human mAb (B11) against the mannose receptor that is rapidly internalized by DCs through receptor-mediated endocytosis. By genetically linking the melanoma Ag, pmel17, to Ab B11, we obtained the fully human fusion protein, B11-pmel17. Treatment of DCs with B11-pmel17 resulted in the presentation of pmel17 in the context of HLA class I and class II molecules. Thus, potent pmel17-specific T cells were cytotoxic toward gp100(+) HLA-matched melanoma targets, but not HLA-mismatched melanoma or gp100(-) nonmelanoma tumor lines. Importantly, competitive inhibition of lysis of an otherwise susceptible melanoma cell line by cold targets pulsed with known gp100 CD8 T cell epitopes as well as a dose-dependent proliferative response to Th epitopes demonstrates that DCs can process targeted Ag for activation of cytotoxic as well as helper arms of the immune response. Thus, the specific targeting of soluble exogenous tumor Ag to the DC mannose receptor directly contributes to the generation of multiple HLA-restricted Ag-specific T cell responses.  相似文献   
The spirochetemia of relapsing fever in mice is cleared by a complement-independent, polyclonal IgM response with reactivity to two prominent Ags of 20 and 35 kDa. In this study, we have dissected the polyclonal IgM Ab response against a relapsing fever spirochete to determine the specificity of its complement-independent bactericidal properties. Our experimental approach selectively generated an IgM murine mAb from the early specific immune response to a variable outer membrane protein. This IgM is bactericidal in the absence of complement and is part of the polyclonal Ab response that mediates the clearance of this bacterium from the blood. Purified monoclonal IgM caused direct structural damage to the outer membrane of the spirochete, in the absence of complement, and protected both B cell- and C5-deficient mice from challenge when administered passively. The direct, complement-independent, bactericidal activity of Abs is a critical mechanism of host defense against infection.  相似文献   
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