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During oocyte meiotic cell division in many animals, bipolar spindles assemble in the absence of centrosomes, but the mechanisms that restrict pole assembly to a bipolar state are unknown. We show that KLP-7, the single mitotic centromere–associated kinesin (MCAK)/kinesin-13 in Caenorhabditis elegans, is required for bipolar oocyte meiotic spindle assembly. In klp-7(−) mutants, extra microtubules accumulated, extra functional spindle poles assembled, and chromosomes frequently segregated as three distinct masses during meiosis I anaphase. Moreover, reducing KLP-7 function in monopolar klp-18(−) mutants often restored spindle bipolarity and chromosome segregation. MCAKs act at kinetochores to correct improper kinetochore–microtubule (k–MT) attachments, and depletion of the Ndc-80 kinetochore complex, which binds microtubules to mediate kinetochore attachment, restored bipolarity in klp-7(−) mutant oocytes. We propose a model in which KLP-7/MCAK regulates k–MT attachment and spindle tension to promote the coalescence of early spindle pole foci that produces a bipolar structure during the acentrosomal process of oocyte meiotic spindle assembly.  相似文献   
Current challenges to global food security require sustainable intensification of agriculture through initiatives that include more efficient use of nitrogen (N), increased protein self‐sufficiency through homegrown crops, and reduced N losses to the environment. Such challenges were addressed in a continental‐scale field experiment conducted over 3 years, in which the amount of total nitrogen yield (Ntot) and the gain of N yield in mixtures as compared to grass monocultures (Ngainmix) was quantified from four‐species grass–legume stands with greatly varying legume proportions. Stands consisted of monocultures and mixtures of two N2‐fixing legumes and two nonfixing grasses. The amount of Ntot of mixtures was significantly greater (P ≤ 0.05) than that of grass monocultures at the majority of evaluated sites in all 3 years. Ntot and thus Ngainmix increased with increasing legume proportion up to one‐third of legumes. With higher legume percentages, Ntot and Ngainmix did not continue to increase. Thus, across sites and years, mixtures with one‐third proportion of legumes attained ~95% of the maximum Ntot acquired by any stand and had 57% higher Ntot than grass monocultures. Realized legume proportion in stands and the relative N gain in mixture (Ngainmix/Ntot in mixture) were most severely impaired by minimum site temperature (R = 0.70, P = 0.003 for legume proportion; R = 0.64, P = 0.010 for Ngainmix/Ntot in mixture). Nevertheless, the relative N gain in mixture was not correlated to site productivity (P = 0.500), suggesting that, within climatic restrictions, balanced grass–legume mixtures can benefit from comparable relative gains in N yield across largely differing productivity levels. We conclude that the use of grass–legume mixtures can substantially contribute to resource‐efficient agricultural grassland systems over a wide range of productivity levels, implying important savings in N fertilizers and thus greenhouse gas emissions and a considerable potential for climate change mitigation.  相似文献   
  • 1 The endemic cicada species Amphipsalta cingulata (Fabricius) and Amphipsalta zelandica (Boisduval) are pests of New Zealand kiwifruit.
  • 2 We determined the abundance of A. cingulata and A. zelandica by counting final‐instar exuviae in a block of ‘Hayward’ kiwifruit, the dominant cultivar, on each of 70 blocks on separate orchards in the Bay of Plenty, New Zealand.
  • 3 We used a geographic information system and fragstats to generate predictive variables describing landscape structure in four nested landscapes ranging in size between 6.25 and 400 ha for each site. Other variables described the physical characteristics of the site and management practices. Data were analyzed by boosted regression trees, a method that combines the advantages of regression trees and machine learning.
  • 4 The most influential variables differed for each species. Modified coastal landscapes with high densities of ‘Hayward’ kiwifruit were most favourable for A. cingulata. For A. zelandica, favourable landscapes contained significant areas of native forest. The 12 most influential variables accounted for 51% and 46% of the total influence of all variables measured for A. cingulata and A. zelandica, respectively.
  • 5 Landscape structure was more influential than insecticide use and local site factors. Despite the apparent low vagility of cicadas, landscape structure at relatively large scales of ≥25 ha was influential for both A. cingulata and A. zelandica. The ability to use a wide range of hosts within the production landscape may account for this pattern. Key variables need to be confirmed by identifying the same patterns in other landscapes.
Choloylglycine hydrolase (CGH, E.C. is a conjugated bile salt hydrolase that catalyses the hydrolysis of the amide bond in conjugated bile acids. Bile salt hydrolases are expressed by gastrointestinal bacteria, and they presumably decrease the toxicity of host's conjugated bile salts. Brucella species are the causative agents of brucellosis, a disease affecting livestock and humans. CGH confers Brucella the ability to deconjugate and resist the antimicrobial action of bile salts, contributing to the establishment of a successful infection through the oral route in mice. Additionally, cgh-deletion mutant was also attenuated in intraperitoneally inoculated mice, which suggests that CGH may play a role during systemic infection other than hydrolyzing conjugated bile acids. To understand the role CGH plays in B. abortus virulence, we infected phagocytic and epithelial cells with a cgh-deletion mutant (Δcgh) and found that it is defective in the internalization process. This defect along with the increased resistance of Δcgh to the antimicrobial action of polymyxin B, prompted an analysis of the cell envelope of this mutant. Two-dimensional electrophoretic profiles of Δcgh cell envelope-associated proteins showed an altered expression of Omp2b and different members of the Omp25/31 family. These results were confirmed by Western blot analysis with monoclonal antibodies. Altogether, the results indicate that Brucella CGH not only participates in deconjugation of bile salts but also affects overall membrane composition and host cell internalization.  相似文献   
A novel series of indoles and 1H-pyrrolo[2,3-b]pyridines having a piperidine ring at the 3-position were synthesized and found to bind with high affinity to the ORL-1 receptor. Structure-activity relationships at the piperidine nitrogen were investigated in each series. Substitution on the phenyl ring and nitrogen atom of the indole and 1H-pyrrolo[2,3-b]pyridine cores generated several selective high-affinity ligands that were agonists of the ORL-1 receptor.  相似文献   
Four glycoproteins (gD, gB, gH, and gL) are essential for herpes simplex virus (HSV) entry into cells. An early step of fusion requires gD to bind one of several receptors, such as nectin-1 or herpesvirus entry mediator (HVEM). We hypothesize that a conformational change in gD occurs upon receptor binding that triggers the other glycoproteins to mediate fusion. Comparison of the crystal structures of gD alone and gD bound to HVEM reveals that upon HVEM binding, the gD N terminus transitions from a flexible stretch of residues to a hairpin loop. To address the contribution of this transition to the ability of gD to trigger fusion, we attempted to "lock" the gD N terminus into a looped conformation by engineering a disulfide bond at its N and C termini. The resulting mutant (gD-A3C/Y38C) failed to trigger fusion in the absence of receptor, suggesting that formation of the loop is not the sole fusion trigger. Unexpectedly, although gD-A3C/Y38C bound HVEM, it failed to bind nectin-1. This was due to the key role played by Y38 in interacting with nectin-1. Since tyrosines are often "hot spot" residues at the center of protein-protein interfaces, we mutated residues that surround Y38 on the same face of gD and tested their binding and functional properties. Our results suggest that this region of gD is important for nectin-1 interaction and is distinct from but partially overlaps the site of HVEM binding. Unique gD mutants with altered receptor usage generated in this study may help dissect the roles played by various HSV receptors during infection.  相似文献   
Peptoids belong to a class of sequence-controlled polymers comprising of N-alkylglycine. This study focuses on using tandem mass spectrometry techniques to characterize the fragmentation patterns of a set of singly and doubly protonated peptoids consisting of one basic residue placed at different positions. The singly protonated peptoids fragment by producing predominately high-abundant C-terminal ions called Y-ions and low-abundant N-terminal ions called B-ions. Computational studies suggest that the proton affinity (PA) of the C-terminal fragments is generally higher than that of the N-terminal fragments, and the PA of the former increases as the fragments are elongated. The B-ions are likely formed upon dissociating the proton-activated amide bonds via an oxazolone structure, and the Y-ions are produced subsequently by abstracting a proton from the newly formed B-ions, which is energetically favored. The doubly protonated peptoids prefer to fragment closest to either the N- or the C-terminus and produce corresponding B/Y-ion pairs. The basic residue seems to dictate the preferred fragmentation site, which may be the result of minimizing the repulsion between the two charges. Water and terminal neutral losses are a facile process accompanying the peptoid fragmentation in both charge states. The patterns appear to be highly influenced by the location of the basic residue.  相似文献   
Extraction of the liverwort Plagiochila rutilans afforded 1-(3,4-dihydroxy-5-methoxyphenyl)3-methylbut-2-ene, the structure of which was confirmed by synthesis.  相似文献   
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