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The effect of photoperiod on nutritional quality and chemical composition of ‘Glen Ample’ red raspberry has been studied under controlled environment conditions. Long day (LD) conditions during fruit growth and maturation significantly increased fruit concentrations of ascorbic acid, total phenolics, organic acids such as malic, quinic and ellagic acids, as well as the ferric reducing activity power, while reducing the concentrations of soluble solids, sucrose and the sugar/acid ratio. The levels of total anthocyanin and oxalic acid were not significantly affected by photoperiod whereas semi‐quantitative analysis indicated a significant increase in the levels of some ellagitannins. The same responses were found whether LD was established by day‐length extension with low‐intensity light or by night interruption, thus demonstrating that the observed changes in nutritional quality of raspberry fruit was mediated through specific photoperiodic mechanism(s) independently of the daily light energy supply.  相似文献   
Diseased animals may exhibit behavioral shifts that increase or decrease their probability of being randomly sampled. In harvest-based sampling approaches, animal movements, changes in habitat utilization, changes in breeding behaviors during harvest periods, or differential susceptibility to harvest via behaviors like hiding or decreased sensitivity to stimuli may result in a non-random sample that biases prevalence estimates. We present a method that can be used to determine whether bias exists in prevalence estimates from harvest samples. Using data from harvested mule deer (Odocoileus hemionus) sampled in northcentral Colorado (USA) during fall hunting seasons 1996-98 and Akaike's information criterion (AIC) model selection, we detected within-yr trends indicating potential bias in harvest-based prevalence estimates for chronic wasting disease (CWD). The proportion of CWD-positive deer harvested slightly increased through time within a yr. We speculate that differential susceptibility to harvest or breeding season movements may explain the positive trend in proportion of CWD-positive deer harvested during fall hunting seasons. Detection of bias may provide information about temporal patterns of a disease, suggest biological hypotheses that could further understanding of a disease, or provide wildlife managers with information about when diseased animals are more or less likely to be harvested. Although AIC model selection can be useful for detecting bias in data, it has limited utility in determining underlying causes of bias. In cases where bias is detected in data using such model selection methods, then design-based methods (i.e., experimental manipulation) may be necessary to assign causality.  相似文献   
Wolbachia endosymbionts may be acquired by horizontal transfer, by introgression through hybridization between closely related species, or by cladogenic retention during speciation. All three modes of acquisition have been demonstrated, but their relative frequency is largely unknown. Drosophila suzukii and its sister species D. subpulchrella harbor Wolbachia, denoted wSuz and wSpc, very closely related to wRi, identified in California populations of D. simulans. However, these variants differ in their induced phenotypes: wRi causes significant cytoplasmic incompatibility (CI) in D. simulans, but CI has not been detected in D. suzukii or D. subpulchrella. Our draft genomes of wSuz and wSpc contain full‐length copies of 703 of the 734 single‐copy genes found in wRi. Over these coding sequences, wSuz and wSpc differ by only 0.004% (i.e., 28 of 704,883 bp); they are sisters relative to wRi, from which each differs by 0.014%–0.015%. Using published data from D. melanogaster, Nasonia wasps and Nomada bees to calibrate relative rates of Wolbachia versus host nuclear divergence, we conclude that wSuz and wSpc are too similar—by at least a factor of 100—to be plausible candidates for cladogenic transmission. These three wRi‐like Wolbachia, which differ in CI phenotype in their native hosts, have different numbers of orthologs of genes postulated to contribute to CI; and the CI loci differ at several nucleotides that may account for the CI difference. We discuss the general problem of distinguishing alternative modes of Wolbachia acquisition, focusing on the difficulties posed by limited knowledge of variation in absolute and relative rates of molecular evolution for host nuclear genomes, mitochondria, and Wolbachia.  相似文献   
Pronghorn (Antilocapra americana) occur throughout western North America. In Idaho, USA, following intensive hunting to reduce crop depredations in the late 1980s, pronghorn populations have not rebounded to desired levels. Because neonatal survival in ungulates is one factor limiting population growth, we evaluated cause-specific mortality and the influence of intrinsic and extrinsic factors on survival rates of 217 radio-collared pronghorn fawns across 3 study areas in Idaho during 2015–2016. For intrinsic variables, we determined the sex and body mass index (BMI) for each fawn. For extrinsic variables, we determined the abundance of predators and alternate prey, estimated the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) for 1 month pre- and post-parturition, and measured fecal nitrogen and diaminopimelic acid (DAPA). We considered NDVI as a measure of plant productivity, and fecal nitrogen and DAPA as possible proxies of diet quality. We predicted NDVI, fecal nitrogen, and DAPA would be positively related to the nutritional status of females and positively related to fawn survival. We used Program MARK with known fate models to estimate semi-monthly survival rates of pronghorn fawns for the first 4 months post-parturition. During both years, the leading cause of fawn mortality was coyote (Canis latrans) predation (58%), followed by unknown causes of mortality (18%), unknown predation (12%), predation by bobcats (Lynx rufus; 6%), predation by golden eagles (Aquila chrysaetos; 3%), and other (3%). Mean fawn survival for the 4 months post-parturition across years and study sites was 0.42 ± 0.04 (SE; range = 28–62%). The top survival model included BMI, lagomorph abundance, and DAPA and had a model weight of 83.3%. All 3 variables were positively related to pronghorn fawn survival. Because females with increased nutrition generally have heavier fawns, BMI was likely correlated to diet quality, which was supported by the positive relationship between DAPA and fawn survival. We hypothesize that high lagomorph abundance created an alternate prey base to buffer coyotes from preying on pronghorn neonates. We found no influence of measures of NDVI (pre- and post-parturition), fecal nitrogen, or predator abundance on fawn survival. Management actions providing high-quality forage for pronghorn are likely to contribute to production of heavier fawns having the highest chance of survival. © 2020 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   
The relationship of the hemipenis to the cloaca in copula and sperm storage and transport in the female oviduct were studied in Anolis carolinensis using light and scanning electron microscopy. During copulation, the hemipenis does not penetrate beyond the cloaca, but the two apical openings of the bifurcate sulcus spermaticus appose the openings of the oviducts from the cloaca. Sperm enter the sperm storage tubules between 2 and 6 hr after insemination and small amounts of sperm reach the infundibulum 6 to 24 hr following mating. Sperm storage tubules are embedded in the wall of the utero-vaginal transition, and are formed by the folding and fusion of the oviducal epithelium. The importance of the hemipenile-cloacal relationship and the role of sperm storage in the life history of A. carolinensis are discussed.  相似文献   
Four stocks derived from aberrant segregation of R-locus genes in male progeny following incompatible crosses in Mormoniella have shown characteristics suggesting that genes found on added chromosomal fragments in these stocks have separated from each other. In most cases, this separation was associated with elevated temperatures at the time of and subsequent to fertilization. Data also suggest that the R-locus genes involved are adjacent to a centromere, with the O factor being proximal thereto.  相似文献   
Vibrational communication is important for successful mating in various stink bugs species. The vibrational signals from males and females of Dichelops melacanthus Dallas (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae) are recorded from a nonresonant substrate (i.e. a loudspeaker membrane) to characterize the temporal and spectral properties of these vibrational signals, as well as on a resonant substrate (i.e. bean plants) to obtain information about how these signals are altered when they are transmitted through the plants. On the loudspeaker membrane, D. melacanthus males and females emit only one male or one female song, respectively. However, when the insects are placed on bean leaves, a more complex repertoire is recorded, with three different songs for each sex. The first female and male songs appear to have calling functions and the third male and female songs are emitted during courtship. The second female and male songs are emitted after the first song, although their functions in mating behaviour are not clear. The identified repertoire is similar to those of other Neotropical stink bugs, starting with songs 1 and 2 and developing into song 3. Frequency modulation is observed in the female songs recorded from the loudspeaker membrane and the plants. The signals recorded from plants present higher harmonic peaks compared with the signals recorded from the loudspeaker membrane. The presence of species and sex‐specific songs during mating confirms the important role of vibrational communication in mate location and recognition. The temporal and spectral characteristic signals are influenced by the substrate used to record the songs emitted by D. melacanthus.  相似文献   
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