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Persons with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), performing some level of regular physical activity, have a lower risk of both COPD-related hospital admissions and mortality. COPD patients of all stages seem to benefit from exercise training programs, thereby improving with respect to both exercise tolerance and symptoms of dyspnea and fatigue. Physical inactivity, which becomes more severe with increasing age, is a point of concern in healthy older adults. COPD might worsen this scenario, but it is unclear to what degree. This literature review aims to present the extent of the impact of COPD on objectively-measured daily physical activity (DPA). The focus is on the extent of the impact that COPD has on duration, intensity, and counts of DPA, as well as whether the severity of the disease has an additional influence on DPA.


A literature review was performed in the databases PubMed [MEDLINE], Picarta, PEDRO, ISI Web of Knowledge and Google scholar. After screening, 11 studies were identified as being relevant for comparison between COPD patients and healthy controls with respect to duration, intensity, and counts of DPA. Four more studies were found to be relevant to address the subject of the influence the severity of the disease may have on DPA. The average percentage of DPA of COPD patients vs. healthy control subjects for duration was 57%, for intensity 75%, and for activity counts 56%. Correlations of DPA and severity of the disease were low and/or not significant.


From the results of this review, it appears that patients with COPD have a significantly reduced duration, intensity, and counts of DPA when compared to healthy control subjects. The intensity of DPA seems to be less affected by COPD than duration and counts. Judging from the results, it seems that severity of COPD is not strongly correlated with level of DPA. Future research should focus in more detail on the relation between COPD and duration, intensity, and counts of DPA, as well as the effect of disease severity on DPA, so that these relations become more understandable.  相似文献   
We have characterized cis-acting elements involved in light regulation of the nuclear gene (GapA) encoding the A subunit of chloroplast glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH) in Arabidopsis thaliana. Our results show that a 1.1-kb promoter fragment of the GapA gene is sufficient to confer light inducibility and organ specificity in transgenic Nicotiana tabacum (tobacco) plants, using the beta-glucuronidase gene of Escherichia coli as the reporter gene. Deletion analysis indicates that the -359 to -110 bp region of the GapA gene is necessary for light responsiveness. Within this region there are three copies of a decamer repeat (termed the Gap box) having the consensus sequence 5'-CAAATGAA(A/G)A-3', which has not been characterized in the promoter regions of other light-regulated genes. A deletion (to -247) producing loss of one copy of these elements from the GapA promoter reduces light induction by two- to threefold compared with a promoter deletion (to -359) with all three Gap boxes present, while deletion of all three Gap boxes (to -110) abolishes light induction completely. Gel mobility shift experiments using tobacco nuclei as the source of nuclear proteins show that GapA promoter fragments that contain these repeats bind strongly to a factor in the nuclear extract and that binding can be abolished by synthetic competitors consisting only of a monomer or dimer of the Gap box. Furthermore, a trimer, dimer, and monomer of the Gap box show binding activity and, like the authentic GapA promoter-derived probes, show binding activities that are correlated with Gap box copy number. These results strongly suggest that these repeats play important roles in light regulation of the GapA gene of A. thaliana.  相似文献   


Microarray experiments, as well as other genomic analyses, often result in large gene sets containing up to several hundred genes. The biological significance of such sets of genes is, usually, not readily apparent.  相似文献   
Testicular secretion of estradiol is necessary for normal spermatogenesis and male reproductive physiology in humans and rodents. The role of estradiol in nonmammalian vertebrates remains unknown, but elevated circulating estradiol has been reported in male lizards, alligators, and various bird species. We have been unable to detect circulating estradiol in male alligators; therefore, we reexamined the question of testicular production of estradiol in alligators using more rigorous assay procedures. A large pool of plasma from a male alligator was extracted and run through an HPLC column. Immunoreactive estradiol-like material eluted coincident with authentic estradiol. By using an ultrasensitive RIA and processing large volumes of male plasma (1000 microl), we were able to measure estradiol. Estradiol in male alligators ranged from 0.23 to 3.14 pg/ml, whereas estradiol in immature female alligators ranged from 14 to 66 pg/ml. Aromatase activity in microsomes from adult alligator ovarian tissue was 36.2 +/- 1.6 pmol mg-1 h-1, whereas activity in testicular microsomes ranged between 0.92 and 2.38 pmol mg-1 h-1. Ovarian aromatase activity was inhibited in a concentration-dependent fashion by Fadrozole, but the essentially background activity of testicular aromatase was not inhibited at any concentration of Fadrozole. Likewise, a comparison of alligator testicular and ovarian aromatase mRNA expression gave a similar result: the ovarian expression was 600-fold higher and brain tissue was 10-fold higher than that of the testis. Circulating estradiol in male alligators is probably of extragonadal origin, and the testis produces little if any of this steroid.  相似文献   
Quantitative analysis of siliceous algal microfossils (diatoms and chrysophytes) in a radiometrically dated core of Lake Ontario sediments shows striking modifications of the flora produced and preserved, apparently as a result of anthropogenic modification of nutrient loadings to the lake, Qualitatively similar microfossil assemblages were deposited during the period ca. 1700–1815. A single major event is recorded in assemblages deposited ca. 1769. Between this event horizon and ca. 1815 there was an apparent increase in algal production, but minimal change in species composition. A major disturbance occurred at the level of the Ambrosia horizon, ca. 1831–1847. Assemblages deposited between ca. 1855 and 1900 indicate increasing eutrophication. We infer that silica limitation became important by about 1860 and that the system reached its greatest effective production ca. 1900. Major modification of the flora occurred in the period ca. 1900–1945, with most local extinctions of major indigenous populations occurring ca. 1920–1945. Assemblages deposited in the period ca. 1945–1975 are composed of some stenothermal populations also present in pre-disturbance assemblages, a large component of benthic and nearshore planktonic species, and a number of apparently planktonic populations rarely recorded from large temperate lakes, particularly species of the genus Nitzschia. Our results indicate that the major factor driving species succession in Lake Ontario was phosphorus enrichment and consequent depletion of available silica supplies. Our results also show the importance of a species' physical niche in determining its survival under these conditions.  相似文献   
Prior epidemiological, prospective intervention, and peripheral and central fatty acid composition studies suggest that omega-3 fatty acid deficiency may be associated with the pathoaetiology of depression and suicide. In the present study, we determined the fatty acid composition of the postmortem prefrontal cortex (PFC) of adolescent male and female suicide victims and age-matched controls. Fatty acid composition (wt% total fatty acids) and concentrations (μmol/g) were determined in the postmortem PFC (Brodmann area 10) of male and female adolescent (aged 13–20 years) suicide victims (n=20) and age-matched controls (n=20) by gas chromatography. None of the major polyunsaturated fatty acids including the principle brain omega-3 fatty acid, docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), monounsaturated fatty acids, or saturated fatty acids differed significantly between adolescent suicide victims and controls before or after segregation by gender. The arachidonic acid (AA, 20:4n-6): DHA ratio and adrenic acid (22:4n-6) composition were negatively correlated with age at death in controls but not in suicides, and males exhibited a greater AA:DHA ratio irrespective of cause-of-death. These results demonstrate that adolescent male and female suicide victims do not exhibit DHA deficits in the postmortem PFC relative to age-matched controls, and suggest that suicide victims do not exhibit the normal age-related decrease in adrenic acid composition and the AA:DHA ratio.  相似文献   
Mutations in the photoreceptor protein peripherin-2 (also known as RDS) cause severe retinal degeneration. RDS and its homolog ROM-1 (rod outer segment protein 1) are synthesized in the inner segment and then trafficked into the outer segment where they function in tetramers and covalently linked larger complexes. Our goal is to identify binding partners of RDS and ROM-1 that may be involved in their biosynthetic pathway or in their function in the photoreceptor outer segment (OS). Here we utilize several methods including mass spectrometry after affinity purification, in vitro co-expression followed by pull-down, in vivo pull-down from mouse retinas, and proximity ligation assay to identify and confirm the SNARE proteins Syntaxin 3B and SNAP-25 as novel binding partners of RDS and ROM-1. We show that both covalently linked and non-covalently linked RDS complexes interact with Syntaxin 3B. RDS in the mouse is trafficked from the inner segment to the outer segment by both conventional (i.e., Golgi dependent) and unconventional secretory pathways, and RDS from both pathways interacts with Syntaxin3B. Syntaxin 3B and SNAP-25 are enriched in the inner segment (compared to the outer segment) suggesting that the interaction with RDS/ROM-1 occurs in the inner segment. Syntaxin 3B and SNAP-25 are involved in mediating fusion of vesicles carrying other outer segment proteins during outer segment targeting, so could be involved in the trafficking of RDS/ROM-1.  相似文献   
unc-94 is one of about 40 genes in Caenorhabditis elegans that, when mutant, displays an abnormal muscle phenotype. Two mutant alleles of unc-94, su177 and sf20, show reduced motility and brood size and disorganization of muscle structure. In unc-94 mutants, immunofluorescence microscopy shows that a number of known sarcomeric proteins are abnormal, but the most dramatic effect is in the localization of F-actin, with some abnormally accumulated near muscle cell-to-cell boundaries. Electron microscopy shows that unc-94(sf20) mutants have large accumulations of thin filaments near the boundaries of adjacent muscle cells. Multiple lines of evidence prove that unc-94 encodes a tropomodulin, a conserved protein known from other systems to bind to both actin and tropomyosin at the pointed ends of actin thin filaments. su177 is a splice site mutation in intron 1, which is specific to one of the two unc-94 isoforms, isoform a; sf20 has a stop codon in exon 5, which is shared by both isoform a and isoform b. The use of promoter-green fluorescent protein constructs in transgenic animals revealed that unc-94a is expressed in body wall, vulval and uterine muscles, whereas unc-94b is expressed in pharyngeal, anal depressor, vulval and uterine muscles and in spermatheca and intestinal epithelial cells. By Western blot, anti-UNC-94 antibodies detect polypeptides of expected size from wild type, wild-type-sized proteins of reduced abundance from unc-94(su177), and no detectable unc-94 products from unc-94(sf20). Using these same antibodies, UNC-94 localizes as two closely spaced parallel lines flanking the M-lines, consistent with localization to the pointed ends of thin filaments. In addition, UNC-94 is localized near muscle cell-to-cell boundaries.  相似文献   
Francisella tularensis is a gram-negative coccobacillus that is capable of causing severe, fatal disease in a number of mammalian species, including humans. Little is known about the proteins that are surface exposed on the outer membrane (OM) of F. tularensis, yet identification of such proteins is potentially fundamental to understanding the initial infection process, intracellular survival, virulence, immune evasion and, ultimately, vaccine development. To facilitate the identification of putative F. tularensis outer membrane proteins (OMPs), the genomes of both the type A strain (Schu S4) and type B strain (LVS) were subjected to six bioinformatic analyses for OMP signatures. Compilation of the bioinformatic predictions highlighted 16 putative OMPs, which were cloned and expressed for the generation of polyclonal antisera. Total membranes were extracted from both Schu S4 and LVS by spheroplasting and osmotic lysis, followed by sucrose density gradient centrifugation, which separated OMs from cytoplasmic (inner) membrane and other cellular compartments. Validation of OM separation and enrichment was confirmed by probing sucrose gradient fractions with antibodies to putative OMPs and inner membrane proteins. F. tularensis OMs typically migrated in sucrose gradients between densities of 1.17 and 1.20 g/ml, which differed from densities typically observed for other gram-negative bacteria (1.21 to 1.24 g/ml). Finally, the identities of immunogenic proteins were determined by separation on two-dimensional sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and mass spectrometric analysis. This is the first report of a direct method for F. tularensis OM isolation that, in combination with computational predictions, offers a more comprehensive approach for the characterization of F. tularensis OMPs.  相似文献   
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