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In skeletal muscle, intracellular Po2 can fall to as low as 2-3 mmHg. This study tested whether oxygen regulates cellular respiration in this range of oxygen tensions through direct coupling between phosphorylation potential and intracellular Po2. Oxygen may also behave as a simple substrate in cellular respiration that is near saturating levels over most of the physiological range. A novel optical spectroscopic method was used to measure tissue oxygen consumption (Mo2) and intracellular Po2 using the decline in hemoglobin and myoglobin saturation in the ischemic hindlimb muscle of Swiss-Webster mice. 31P magnetic resonance spectroscopic determinations yielded phosphocreatine concentration ([PCr]) and pH in the same muscle volume. Intracellular Po2 fell to <2 mmHg during the ischemic period without a change in the muscle [PCr] or pH. The constant phosphorylation state despite the decline in intracellular Po2 rejects the hypothesis that direct coupling between these two variables results in a regulatory role for oxygen in cellular respiration. A second set of experiments tested the relationship between intracellular Po2 and Mo2. In vivo Mo2 in mouse skeletal muscle was increased by systemic treatment with 2 and 4 mg/kg body wt 2,4-dinitrophenol to partially uncouple mitochondria. Mo2 was not dependent on intracellular Po2 above 3 mmHg in the three groups despite a threefold increase in Mo2. These results indicate that Mo2 and the phosphorylation state of the cell are independent of intracellular Po2 throughout the physiological range of oxygen tensions. Therefore, we reject a regulatory role for oxygen in cellular respiration and conclude that oxygen acts as a simple substrate for respiration under physiological conditions.  相似文献   
Novel peptide inhibitors of angiotensin-converting enzyme 2   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
Angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2), a recently identified human homolog of ACE, is a novel metallocarboxypeptidase with specificity, tissue distribution, and function distinct from those of ACE. ACE2 may play a unique role in the renin-angiotensin system and mediate cardiovascular and renal function. Here we report the discovery of ACE2 peptide inhibitors through selection of constrained peptide libraries displayed on phage. Six constrained peptide libraries were constructed and selected against FLAG-tagged ACE2 target. ACE2 peptide binders were identified and classified into five groups, based on their effects on ACE2 activity. Peptides from the first three classes exhibited none, weak, or moderate inhibition on ACE2. Peptides from the fourth class exhibited strong inhibition, with equilibrium inhibition constants (K(i) values) from 0.38 to 1.7 microm. Peptides from the fifth class exhibited very strong inhibition, with K(i) values < 0.14 microm. The most potent inhibitor, DX600, had a K(i) of 2.8 nm. Steady-state enzyme kinetic analysis showed that these potent ACE2 inhibitors exhibited a mixed competitive and non-competitive type of inhibition. They were not hydrolyzed by ACE2. Furthermore, they did not inhibit ACE activity, and thus were specific to ACE2. Finally, they also inhibited ACE2 activity toward its natural substrate angiotensin I, suggesting that they would be functional in vivo. As novel ACE2-specific peptide inhibitors, they should be useful in elucidation of ACE2 in vivo function, thus contributing to our better understanding of the biology of cardiovascular regulation. Our results also demonstrate that library selection by phage display technology can be a rapid and efficient way to discover potent and specific protease inhibitors.  相似文献   
Epidermal growth factor (EGF) has been reported to promote different functions in mammalian ovaries, including oocyte maturation. The aim of the present study was to establish: that EGF influences oocyte maturation in ovine and equine, that a tyrosine kinase-dependent intracellular mechanism mediates EGF effect and, that EGF-R receptor is detectable in ovarian follicles by immunohistochemistry methods. Selected ovine and equine oocytes were aspirated from 2-5 mm (ovine) or 25 mm (equine) follicles and cultured in TCM 199 for 22 (ovine) or 36 hours (equine). They are then subjected to culture with EGF and two specific tyrosine-kinase inhibitors (TKIs, tyrphostins A-23 y A-47). Maturation was determined as the percentage of oocytes at metaphase II stage after culture. Treatments with EGF significantly increased incidences of metaphase II stage compared to controls (86.2% vs. 55% and 70.4% vs. 22.5% in ovine and equine oocytes, respectively). Tyrphostins A-23 and A-47 were effective in suppressing EGF-effect on oocytes. EGF-receptor was localized in follicles, being more prominent in cumulus and granulosa cells. These results confirm that EGF has a physiological role in the regulation of oocyte maturation via tyrosine-kinase pathway.  相似文献   
The porcine gonadal form of aromatase cytochrome P450 (P450arom) exhibits higher sensitivity to inhibition by the imidazole, etomidate, than the placental isozyme. The residue(s) responsible for this functional difference was mapped using chimeragenesis and point mutation analysis of the placental isozyme, and the kinetic analysis was conducted on native and mutant enzymes after overexpression in insect cells. The etomidate sensitivity of the placental isozyme was markedly increased by substitution of the predicted substrate recognition site-1 (SRS-1) and essentially reproduced that of the gonadal isozyme by substitution of SRS-1 and the predicted B helix. A single isoleucine (I) to methionine (M) substitution at position 133 of the placental isozyme (I(133)M) was proven to be the critical residue within SRS-1. Residue 133 is located in the B'-C loop and has been shown to be equally important in other steroid-metabolizing P450s. Single point mutations (including residues 110, 114, 120, 128, 137, and combinations thereof among others) and mutation of the entire B and C helixes were without marked effect on etomidate inhibitory sensitivity. The same mutation (I(133)M) introduced into human P450arom also markedly increased etomidate sensitivity. Mutation of Ile(133) to either alanine (I(133)A) or tyrosine (I(133)Y) decreased apparent enzyme activity, but the I(133)A mutant was sensitive to etomidate inhibition, suggesting that it is Ile(133) that decreases etomidate binding rather than Met(133) increasing enzyme sensitivity. Androstenedione turnover and affinity were similar for the I(133)M mutant and the native placental isozyme. These data suggest that Ile(133) is a contact residue in SRS-1 of P450arom, emphasize the functional conservation that exists in SRS-1 of a number of steroid-hydroxylating P450 enzymes, and suggest that substrate and inhibitor binding are dependent on different contact points to varying degrees.  相似文献   
Rao SP  Conley A  Dunbar JC 《Peptides》2003,24(5):745-754
The response to centrally administered beta-endorphin has been characterized by decreasing sympathetic nervous activity and decreased cardiovascular tone. We investigated the effect of the central administration of both mu and kappa opioid receptor agonist and antagonists on cardiovascular responses. The administration of the mu agonist, DAMGO (0.2nmol) increased the mean arterial pressure (MAP) and stimulated iliac vasoconstriction while higher doses (2 and 20nmol) decreased MAP and stimulated iliac vasodilation. The administration of the kappa receptor agonist, Dynorphin decreased the MAP and stimulated superior mesenteric vasodilation. beta-Funaltrexamine reduced MAP and superior mesenteric vasodilation while nor-binaltorphimine increased MAP and iliac and superior mesenteric vasoconstriction. We conclude that mu receptor activation decrease or increase MAP depending on the mu agonist concentration. However, kappa receptor activation is consistently associated with a decrease in MAP.  相似文献   
This paper uses intergenerational data from the Panel Study of Income Dynamics (PSID) to address the black-white difference in propensities toward low birth weight (LBW). We determine that socioeconomic conditions account for some variation in low birth weight across race. Further, while race differences in the risk of low birth weight cannot be explained entirely, we find that the inheritance of parental birth weight status dramatically reduces the black-white gap in low birth weight. Intergenerational legacies of poor infant health explain the largest share of racial disparities in filial birth weight. We then try to assess whether this intergenerational transmission of low birth weight is indeed genetic by using grandparent-fixed effects models to factor out, to a great extent, family socioeconomic circumstances. We find that even within this framework, both father's and mother's birth weight status have an important impact on filial outcomes. However, the degree of inheritance is weaker for African Americans than for other races. Finally, we theorize that the importance of paternal birth weight status implies a genetic association that does not work through the uterine environment but rather through the fetus itself.  相似文献   
We describe the characterization of the herpes simplex virus type 2 (HSV-2) gene encoding infected cell protein 32 (ICP32) and virion protein 19c (VP19c). We also demonstrate that the HSV-1 UL38/ORF.553 open reading frame (ORF), which has been shown to specify a viral protein essential for capsid formation (B. Pertuiset, M. Boccara, J. Cebrian, N. Berthelot, S. Chousterman, F. Puvian-Dutilleul, J. Sisman, and P. Sheldrick, J. Virol. 63: 2169-2179, 1989), must encode the cognate HSV type 1 (HSV-1) ICP32/VP19c protein. The region of the HSV-2 genome deduced to contain the gene specifying ICP32/VP19c was isolated and subcloned, and the nucleotide sequence of 2,158 base pairs of HSV-2 DNA mapping immediately upstream of the gene encoding the large subunit of the viral ribonucleotide reductase was determined. This region of the HSV-2 genome contains a large ORF capable of encoding two related 50,538- and 49,472-molecular-weight polypeptides. Direct evidence that this ORF encodes HSV-2 ICP32/VP19c was provided by immunoblotting experiments that utilized antisera directed against synthetic oligopeptides corresponding to internal portions of the predicted polypeptides encoded by the HSV-2 ORF or antisera directed against a TrpE/HSV-2 ORF fusion protein. The type-common immunoreactivity of the two antisera and comparison of the primary amino acid sequences of the predicted products of the HSV-2 ORF and the equivalent genomic region of HSV-1 provided evidence that the HSV-1 UL38 ORF encodes the HSV-1 ICP32/VP19c. Analysis of the expression of the HSV-1 and HSV-2 ICP32/VP19c cognate proteins indicated that there may be differences in their modes of synthesis. Comparison of the predicted structure of the HSV-2 ICP32/VP19c protein with the structures of related proteins encoded by other herpes viruses suggested that the internal capsid architecture of the herpes family of viruses varies substantially.  相似文献   
We describe the isolation and characterization of a cDNA encoding the complete porcine neonatal testis 17 alpha-hydroxylase/C-17,20-lyase cytochrome P-450. The deduced amino acid sequence is 509 amino acids in length.  相似文献   
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