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This study investigated mechanisms used by horses and steers to increase O2 uptake and delivery (VO2) from resting to maximal rates and identified the mechanisms that enable horses to achieve higher maximal rates of O2 consumption (VO2max) than steers. VO2 and circulatory variables were measured while Standardbred trotting horses and steers (450-kg body mass) stood quietly and ran on a treadmill at speeds up to those eliciting VO2max. As VO2 increased in both species, heart rate and circulating hemoglobin (Hb) concentration increased, thereby increasing O2 delivery by the circulation, while cardiac stroke volume remained unchanged. At VO2max arterial PCO2 increased from its resting value in horses but was unchanged in steers, and arterial PO2 decreased in both species. Although the horses hypoventilated and were hypoxemic at VO2max, no significant decrease in arterial Hb saturation occurred. VO2max of the horses was 2.6 times higher than that of the steers and was associated with a 100% larger cardiac output, 100% larger stroke volume, and 40% higher Hb concentration, whereas heart rates at VO2max were identical in the two species. The higher cardiac output of the horses at VO2max resulted from a 1.2-fold higher mean arterial pressure and 1.6-fold lower peripheral tissue resistance (associated with a larger skeletal muscle capillary bed). Both the magnitude of the difference in VO2max between horses and steers and the mechanisms used to achieve it are the same as observed in smaller pairs of mammalian species with large variation in aerobic capacity.  相似文献   
Reconstitution of signaling in bacterial chemotaxis.   总被引:55,自引:30,他引:25       下载免费PDF全文
Strains missing several genes required for chemotaxis toward amino acids, peptides, and certain sugars were tethered and their rotational behavior was analyzed. Null strains (called gutted) were deleted for genes that code for the transducers Tsr, Tar, Tap, and Trg and for the cytoplasmic proteins CheA, CheW, CheR, CheB, CheY, and CheZ. Motor switch components were wild type, flaAII(cheC), or flaBII(cheV). Gutted cells with wild-type motors spun exclusively counterclockwise, while those with mutant motors changed their directions of rotation. CheY reduced the bias (the fraction of time that cells spun counterclockwise) in either case. CheZ offset the effect of CheY to an extent that varied with switch allele but did not change the bias when tested alone. Transducers also increased the bias in the presence of CheY but not when tested alone. However, cells containing transducers and CheY failed to respond to attractants or repellents normally detected in the periplasm. This sensitivity was restored by addition of CheA and CheW. Thus, CheY both enhances clockwise rotation and couples the transducers to the flagella. CheZ acts, at the level of the motor, as a CheY antagonist. CheA or CheW or both are required to complete the signal pathway. A model is presented that explains these results and is consistent with other data found in the literature.  相似文献   
The subunit composition, metal content, substrate-analogue binding and thermal stability of Aspergillus flavus uricase were determined. A. flavus uricase is a tetramer and contains no copper, iron or any other common prosthetic group. Analytical-gel-filtration and equilibrium-dialysis experiments showed one binding site per subunit for urate analogues. The free energy of xanthine binding was -30.5 kJ (-7.3 kcal)/mol of subunit by equilibrium dialysis and -30.1 kJ (-7.2 kcal)/mol of subunit by microcalorimetry. The enthalpy change for xanthine binding was -15.9 kJ (-3.8 kcal)/mol of subunit when determined from the temperature-dependence of the equilibrium constant and -18.0 kJ (-4.3 kcal)/mol of subunit when measured microcalorimetrically. The thermal inactivation rate of A. flavus uricase increases as protein concentration is decreased. This concentration-dependent instability is not due to subunit dissociation.  相似文献   
Tropomodulin (E-Tmod) is an actin filament pointed end capping protein that maintains the length of the sarcomeric actin filaments in striated muscle. Here, we describe the identification and characterization of a novel tropomodulin isoform, skeletal tropomodulin (Sk-Tmod) from chickens. Sk-Tmod is 62% identical in amino acid sequence to the previously described chicken E-Tmod and is the product of a different gene. Sk-Tmod isoform sequences are highly conserved across vertebrates and constitute an independent group in the tropomodulin family. In vitro, chicken Sk-Tmod caps actin and tropomyosin-actin filament pointed ends to the same extent as does chicken E-Tmod. However, E- and Sk-Tmods differ in their tissue distribution; Sk-Tmod predominates in fast skeletal muscle fibers, lens, and erythrocytes, while E-Tmod is found in heart and slow skeletal muscle fibers. Additionally, their expression is developmentally regulated during chicken breast muscle differentiation with Sk-Tmod replacing E-Tmod after hatching. Finally, in skeletal muscle fibers that coexpress both Sk- and E-Tmod, they are recruited to different actin filament-containing cytoskeletal structures within the cell: myofibrils and costameres, respectively. All together, these observations support the hypothesis that vertebrates have acquired different tropomodulin isoforms that play distinct roles in vivo.  相似文献   
A scheme is described for the large scale purification of thioredoxin, thioredoxin reductase, and glutathione reductase. The scheme is based on an initial separation of thioredoxin from the two reductases by affinity chromatography on agarose-bound N6-(6-aminohexyl)-adenosine 2',5'-bisphosphate (agarose-2',5'-ADP). The two reductases were then separated by hydrophobic chromatography and purified separately to homogeneity. Thioredoxin was purified to homogeneity by immunoadsorption to agarose containing immobilized goat anti-thioredoxin. Overall yields for thioredoxin, thioredoxin reductase, and glutathione reductase exceeded 80% in each case. Both reductases exhibit an absorption band at approximately 320 nm which appears due to a residual amount of tightly bound NADP. Presence of this absorption band has no apparent effect on the specific activity of either enzyme.  相似文献   
The presence of parents in the natal territory may play an important,but often overlooked, role in natal dispersal and the consequentacquisition of a territory. Living with parents in a territorymay confer a fitness advantage to subordinates through, forexample, the nepotistic behavior of the parents or indirectbenefits gained by helping to raise nondescendent kin. Whena parent is replaced by a stepparent, such advantages are reducedor disappear and, as a result, subordinates may disperse. Subordinatesthat disperse after parent replacement may be constrained intheir timing of dispersal, which could have negative fitnessconsequences. In the cooperatively breeding Seychelles warbler,we show that when a parent was naturally replaced or experimentallyremoved and subsequently replaced by a stepparent from outsidethe territory, subordinates were more likely to disperse thanwhen both parents remained in the natal territory. Furthermore,subordinates dispersing from territories in which one or bothparents had been replaced were less likely to acquire a breederposition than subordinates dispersing when both parents werestill on the natal territory. Our findings suggest that thepresence of parents in the natal territory may promote delayeddispersal and facilitate the eventual acquisition of a breederposition outside the natal territory. Our results support theidea that the prolonged parental care, which long-lived speciesare able to provide, may have selected for family living.  相似文献   


The Y-chromosomal diversity in the African buffalo (Syncerus caffer) population of Kruger National Park (KNP) is characterized by rainfall-driven haplotype frequency shifts between year cohorts. Stable Y-chromosomal polymorphism is difficult to reconcile with haplotype frequency variations without assuming frequency-dependent selection or specific interactions in the population dynamics of X- and Y-chromosomal genes, since otherwise the fittest haplotype would inevitably sweep to fixation. Stable Y-chromosomal polymorphism due one of these factors only seems possible when there are Y-chromosomal distorters of an equal sex ratio, which act by negatively affecting X-gametes, or Y-chromosomal suppressors of a female-biased sex ratio. These sex-ratio (SR) genes modify (suppress) gamete transmission in their own favour at a fitness cost, allowing for stable polymorphism.  相似文献   
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