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Many central metabolic processes require iron as a cofactor and take place in specific subcellular compartments such as the mitochondrion or the chloroplast. Proper iron allocation in the different organelles is thus critical to maintain cell function and integrity. To study the dynamics of iron distribution in plant cells, we have sought to identify the different intracellular iron pools by combining three complementary imaging approaches, histochemistry, micro particle-induced x-ray emission, and synchrotron radiation micro X-ray fluorescence. Pea (Pisum sativum) embryo was used as a model in this study because of its large cell size and high iron content. Histochemical staining with ferrocyanide and diaminobenzidine (Perls/diaminobenzidine) strongly labeled a unique structure in each cell, which co-labeled with the DNA fluorescent stain DAPI, thus corresponding to the nucleus. The unexpected presence of iron in the nucleus was confirmed by elemental imaging using micro particle-induced x-ray emission. X-ray fluorescence on cryo-sectioned embryos further established that, quantitatively, the iron concentration found in the nucleus was higher than in the expected iron-rich organelles such as plastids or vacuoles. Moreover, within the nucleus, iron was particularly accumulated in a subcompartment that was identified as the nucleolus as it was shown to transiently disassemble during cell division. Taken together, our data uncover an as yet unidentified although abundant iron pool in the cell, which is located in the nuclei of healthy, actively dividing plant tissues. This result paves the way for the discovery of a novel cellular function for iron related to nucleus/nucleolus-associated processes.  相似文献   
We describe a novel cloning method, referred to as insert-tagged (InTag) positive selection, for the rapid one-step reformatting of phage-displayed antibody fragments to full-length immunoglobulin Gs (IgGs). InTag positive selection enables recombinant clones of interest to be directly selected without cloning background, bypassing the laborious process of plating out cultures and colony screening and enabling the cloning procedure to be automated and performed in a high-throughput format. This removes a significant bottleneck in the functional screening of phage-derived antibody candidates and enables a large number of clones to be directly reformatted into IgG without the intermediate step of Escherichia coli expression and testing of soluble antibody fragments. The use of InTag positive selection with the Dyax Fab-on-phage antibody library is demonstrated, and optimized methods for the small-scale transient expression of IgGs at high levels are described. InTag positive selection cloning has the potential for wide application in high-throughput DNA cloning involving multiple inserts, markedly improving the speed and quality of selections from protein libraries.  相似文献   

Background and Purpose

Ischemic stroke provokes severe brain damage and remains a predominant disease in industrialized countries. The coagulation factor XII (FXII)-driven contact activation system plays a central, but not yet fully defined pathogenic role in stroke development. Here, we investigated the efficacy of the FXIIa inhibitor rHA-Infestin-4 in a rat model of ischemic stroke using both a prophylactic and a therapeutic approach.


For prophylactic treatment, animals were treated intravenously with 100 mg/kg rHA-Infestin-4 or an equal volume of saline 15 min prior to transient middle cerebral artery occlusion (tMCAO) of 90 min. For therapeutic treatment, 100 mg/kg rHA-Infestin-4, or an equal volume of saline, was administered directly after the start of reperfusion. At 24 h after tMCAO, rats were tested for neurological deficits and blood was drawn for coagulation assays. Finally, brains were removed and analyzed for infarct area and edema formation.


Within prophylactic rHA-Infestin-4 treatment, infarct areas and brain edema formation were reduced accompanied by better neurological scores and survival compared to controls. Following therapeutic treatment, neurological outcome and survival were still improved although overall effects were less pronounced compared to prophylaxis.


With regard to the central role of the FXII-driven contact activation system in ischemic stroke, inhibition of FXIIa may represent a new and promising treatment approach to prevent cerebral ischemia/reperfusion injury.  相似文献   
A procedure for the molecular identification of MHC class I products based on 1-D IEF and subsequent immunoblotting is described. Optimal conditions for 1-D IEF, the electrophoretic transfer of proteins out of denaturing, nonionic detergent-containing gels to nitrocellulose, and the requisite antibodies, both polyclonal and monoclonal, for the visualization of class I heavy chains have been established. Cross-reactivity of antibodies has enabled the biochemical analysis of class I heavy chains in the dog. The procedure reported here requires modest amounts of cells and allows a rapid molecular characterization of class I heavy chain polymorphisms in man and other species without the need for radiochemical methods.Abbreviations used in this paper FCS fetal calf serum - MHC major histocompatibility complex - NP-40 Nonidet P-40 - PBL peripheral blood lymphocytes - PHA phytohemagglutinin - RaHC rabbit anti-heavy chain serum - TX-114 Triton X-114 - 1-D IEF one-dimensional isoelectric focusing  相似文献   
Human apolipoprotein C-I (apoC-I) is an exchangeable apolipoprotein that binds to lipoprotein particles in vivo. In this study, we employed a LC-MS/MS assay to demonstrate that residues 38-51 of apoC-I are significantly protected from proteolysis in the presence of 1,2-dimyristoyl-3-sn-glycero-phosphocholine (DMPC). This suggests that the key lipid-binding determinants of apoC-I are located in the C-terminal region, which includes F42 and F46. To test this, we generated site-directed mutants substituting F42 and F46 for glycine or alanine. In contrast to wild-type apoC-I (WT), which binds DMPC vesicles with an apparent Kd [Kd(app)] of 0.89 microM, apoC-I(F42A) and apoC-I(F46A) possess 2-fold weaker affinities for DMPC with Kd(app) of 1.52 microM and 1.58 microM, respectively. However, apoC-I(F46G), apoC-I(F42A/F46A), apoC-I(F42G), and apoC-I(F42G/F46G) bind significantly weaker to DMPC with Kd(app) of 2.24 microM, 3.07 microM, 4.24 microM, and 10.1 microM, respectively. Sedimentation velocity studies subsequently show that the protein/DMPC complexes formed by these apoC-I mutants sediment at 6.5S, 6.7S, 6.5S, and 8.0S, respectively. This is compared with 5.0S for WT apoC-I, suggesting the shape of the particles was different. Transmission electron microscopy confirmed this assertion, demonstrating that WT forms discoidal complexes with a length-to-width ratio of 2.57, compared with 1.92, 2.01, 2.16, and 1.75 for apoC-I(F42G), apoC-I(F46G), apoC-I(F42A/F46A), and apoC-I(F42G/F46G), respectively. Our study demonstrates that the C-terminal amphipathic alpha-helix of human apoC-I contains the major lipid-binding determinants, including important aromatic residues F42 and F46, which we show play a critical role in stabilizing the structure of apoC-I, mediating phospholipid interactions, and promoting discoidal particle morphology.  相似文献   
To elucidate a potential role for H. pylori BabA and SabA adhesins in the pathogenesis of gastric mucosal lesions, the MBS of BabA and SabA was examined using an in‐house ABA‐ELISA. Ninety isolates from Japanese patients with gastric cancer (n= 43) and non‐cancerous (n= 47) lesions were subjected to an ABA‐ELISA which had been developed in‐house, and sequential analysis of the babA2 middle region. The BabA‐MBS was significantly higher in the cancer than the non‐cancer group (P= 0.019), but there was no significant difference for SabA‐MBS. A weak correlation between BabA‐MBS and SabA‐MBS (r= 0.418) was observed, the positive correlation being higher in the cancer than the non‐cancer group (r= 0.598 and 0.288, respectively). The isolates were classified into two groups: a BabA‐high‐binding and a BabA‐low‐binding group (in comparison to the average for BabA‐MBS). The average SabA‐MBS in the BabA‐high‐binding group was significantly higher than in the BabA‐low‐binding group (P < 0.0001). Analysis of babA2 middle region diversity (AD1–5) revealed that AD2‐type was predominant in isolates irrespective of BabA‐MBS. H. pylori BabA‐MBS might have an effect on SabA‐MBS and relate to the severity of gastric disorders, including gastric cancer. Evaluation of MBS of the combined two adhesins would be helpful for predicting damage in the H. pylori infected stomach.  相似文献   
Highly conserved glycine residues within span I and span II of the phenylalanine and tyrosine transporter PheP were shown to be important for the function of the wild-type protein. Replacement by amino acids with increasing side chain volume led to progressive loss of transport activity. Second-site suppression studies performed with a number of the primary mutants revealed a tight packing arrangement between spans I and II that is important for function and an additional interaction between spans I and III. We also postulate that a third motif, GXXIG, present in span I and highly conserved within different members of the amino acid-polyamine-organocation family, may function as a dimerization motif. Surprisingly, other highly conserved residues, such as Y60 and L41, could be replaced by various residues with no apparent loss of activity.  相似文献   
The PheP protein is a high-affinity phenylalanine-specific permease of the bacterium Escherichia coli. A topological model based on genetic analysis involving the construction of protein fusions with alkaline phosphatase has previously been proposed in which PheP has 12 transmembrane segments with both N and C termini located in the cytoplasm (J. Pi and A. J. Pittard, J. Bacteriol. 178:2650–2655, 1996). Site-directed mutagenesis has been used to investigate the functional importance of each of the 16 proline residues of the PheP protein. Replacement of alanine at only three positions, P54, P341, and P442, resulted in the loss of 50% or more activity. Substitutions at P341 had the most dramatic effects. None of these changes in transport activity were, however, associated with any defect of the mutant protein in inserting into the membrane, as indicated by [35S]methionine labelling and immunoprecipitation using anti-PheP serum. A possible role for each of these three prolines is discussed. Inserting a single alanine residue at different sites within span IX and the loop immediately preceding it also had major effects on transport activity, suggesting an important role for a highly organized structure in this region of the protein.  相似文献   
The malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum induces a sixfold increase in the phospholipid content of infected erythrocytes during its intraerythrocytic growth. We have characterized the lipid environments in parasitized erythrocyte using the hydrophobic probe, Nile Red. Spectral imaging with a confocal microscope revealed heterogeneous lipid environments in parasite-infected erythrocytes. An insight into the nature of these environments was gained by comparing these spectra with those of triacylglycerol/phospholipid emulsions and phospholipid membranes. Using this approach, we identified a population of intensely stained particles of a few hundred nanometers in size that are closely associated with the digestive vacuole of the parasite and appear to be composed of neutral lipids. Electron microscopy and isolation of food vacuoles confirmed the size of these particles and their intimate association respectively. Lipid analysis suggests that these neutral lipid bodies are composed of di- and triacylgycerols and may represent storage organelles for lipid intermediates that are generated during digestion of phospholipids in the food vacuole. Mono-, di- and triacylglycerol suspensions promote beta-haematin formation, suggesting that these neutral lipid bodies, or their precursors, may also be involved in haem detoxification. We also characterized other compartments of the infected erythrocyte that were stained less intensely with the Nile Red probe. Both the erythrocyte membrane and the parasite membrane network exhibit red shifts compared with the neutral lipid bodies that are consistent with cholesterol-rich and cholesterol-poor membranes respectively. Ratiometric imaging revealed more subtle variations in the lipid environments within the parasite membrane network.  相似文献   
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