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Development of 8-cell bovine embryos derived from in vitro matured/in vitro fertilized (IVM/IVF) oocytes was evaluated in two simple, serum-free media (CZB and SOM) with buffalo rat liver cells co-culture (BRLC) or after conditioning compared to a commonly used, serum-supplemented complex medium TCM-199. In a 3 x 4 factorial design, 578 eight-cell embryos were randomly assigned to 12 treatment groups. The factors were: first, type of culture medium (M199/FBS, CZBg and SOM), and second, the use of BRLC (as co-culture or to condition media for 24 hr and 48 hr) and unconditioned media. Development to morula was not affected by the type of medium, but co-culture and 48 hr conditioning within media type resulted in better development when compared to the 24-hr conditioned or unconditioned groups. Blastocyst development in SOM (38.9%) was different (P < 0.05) than in CZBg (46.6%) and M199/FBS (48.7%) and was lowest in the unconditioned group (27.8%) followed by 24 hr conditioned (33.3%), 48 hr (56.3%), and co-culture (59.6%). No blastocyst expansion was observed with unconditioned media and 24 hr conditioned SOM. Significant differences (P < 0.05) were found among all treatment groups except the co-culture and 48-hr conditioned groups. Hatching occurred only with co-culture and 48-hr conditioned groups of M199/FBS and CZBg media. These data show that CZB with glucose conditioned by BRLC monolayers for 48 hr can support the development of IVM/IVF produced bovine embryos to blastocyst compared to culture in TCM-199 with serum. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
Kin recognition and cannibalism in polyphenic salamanders   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
We investigated kin discrimination among larvae of Arizona tigersalamanders (Ambystoma tigrinum nebulosum) which occur as "typical"morphs that feed mostly on invertebrate prey and occasionallyon conspecifics, and as "cannibal" morphs that feed primarilyon conspecifics. When housed with smaller larvae that differedin relatedness, both cannibals and typicals preferentially consumedless-related individuals. Cannibals ate typicals much quickerwhen the choice was between nonkin and siblings than when thechoice was between nonkin and cousins, indicating that cannibalscould distinguish different categories of relatives. Cannibalswere less likely to eat a larval sibling that was a cannibalmorph than a sibling that was a typical morph. Occluding animals'nares temporarily eliminated kin discrimination, implying thatolfaction is important in recognition. Larvae from differentsibships varied considerably in their ability to discriminatekin, and the greater the probability that a larva from a givensibship would develop into a cannibal morph, the more likelythe members of that sibship were to discriminate kin. Our resultsenable us to infer the functional significance of kin recognitionin this species and to develop an evolutionary model of themechanisms underlying the joint control of kin recognition andcannibalistic polyphenism.  相似文献   
Lipophilic and hydrophilic extracts from approximately 600 strains of cultured cyanophytes, representing some 300 species, were examined for antiviral activity against three pathogenic viruses. Approximately 10% of the cultures produced substances that caused significant reduction in cytopathic effect normally associated with viral infection. The screening program identified the order Chroococcales as commonly producing antiviral agents.  相似文献   
BRCA1 maps proximal to D17S579 on chromosome 17q21 by genetic analysis   总被引:7,自引:6,他引:1  
Previous studies have demonstrated linkage between early-onset breast cancer and ovarian cancer and genetic markers on chromosome 17q21. These markers define the location of a gene (BRCA1) which appears to be inherited as an autosomal dominant susceptibility allele. We analyzed five families with multiple affected individuals for evidence of linkage to the BRCA1 region. Two of the five families appear to be linked to BRCA1. One apparently linked family contains critical recombinants, suggesting that the gene is proximal to the marker D17S579 (Mfd188). These findings are consistent with the maximum-likelihood position estimated by the Breast Cancer Linkage Consortium and with recombination events detected in other linked families. Linkage analysis was greatly aided by PCR-based analysis of paraffin-embedded normal breast tissue from deceased family members, demonstrating the feasibility and importance of this approach. One of the two families with evidence of linkage between breast cancer and genetic markers flanking BRCA1 represents the first such family of African-American descent to be reported in detail.  相似文献   
Oligonucleotide primers were designed against rRNA sequences to give a DNA-based PCR assay for the rapid identification/detection of Brochothrix spp. The PCR products could be confirmed by hybridization to an internal oligonucleotide probe. The method successfully and sensitively detected/identified these organisms in pure cultures but was of limited value as a detection method because the detection sensitivity, in relation to conventional plate counts, varied and the assay sensitivity was reduced in the presence of staphylococci. Furthermore, sensitivity was also lost when the assay was applied directly to meat samples. However, a separation step using a lectin (from Agaricus bisporus ) immobilized on magnetic beads prior to the PCR assay, allowed the direct detection of low numbers (> 10 cfu g-1) of Brochothrix in meat samples within a working day.  相似文献   
Abstract. Previous research has indicated that patch structure at small spatial scales (<100m2) in tallgrass prairies was defined by a diverse array of infrequent species because dominant species occurred in all samples at this scale. Also, patch structure was not significantly different from that derived from random species associations. Based on these results, we hypothesized that remo val of a dominant species would have no effect on patch structure in these prairies. We tested this hypothesis by removing a dominant grass, Schizachyrium scoparium (Poaceae), from half of each of four 10 m × 10 m study blocks, and comparing differences in patch structure between control and removal halves before and after removal. The minimum resolution in our study was 1 m2. Patches of similar species composition were defined by cluster analysis of presence/absence data and cover data. Patch sizes ranged from 1 to 34 m2. Following the removal of S. scoparium there was an overall increase in the number of species in the removal half of each block compared to pre-treatment levels. However, the number of patch types and number of spatially mapped groups, based on presence/absence or cover data, did not change between control and removal plots after the removal of S. scoparium. This supports the hypothesis that removal of a large, dominant species would have no effect on patch structure at this scale of resolution in these prairies. Thus, patch structure, as defined here, is an emergent property in these grasslands that is not predictable from changes in species composition. This property of stochastic patch structure results from interactions of processes operating at scales both larger and smaller than our scale of resolution. Stochastic models may provide a reasonable approach to modelling small-scale patch dynamics in tallgrass prairie communities.  相似文献   
An antimicrobial substance which resembles a bacteriocin was identified in culture supernatant fluids of Lactobacillus helveticus strain CNRZ450. The bacteriocin was active against a narrow range of strains from closely rested species of homofermentative lactobacilli. Its mode of action appeared to be bacteriostatic. Partial purification of the bacteriocin suggested that it was a complex protein with a mol. wt of between 30 and 50 kDa, although there is some evidence that the polypeptide monomer has a mol. wt of around 17 kDa. There was no evidence indicating an extrachromosomal location for its genetic determinant. PCR generated an amplicon from total DNA from strain CNRZ450 using primers based on the helJ gene sequence. A fragment showing homology to this amplicon was located in an Eco RI digest of total DNA from strain CNRZ450. The pattern obtained was different from that obtained with the helveticin J producer strain NCFB481. It is possible, therefore, that the antimicrobial from strain CNRZ450 is related to helveticin J at the DNA sequence level although the physical properties of the two antimicrobials reveal several differences.  相似文献   
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