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在绿豆子叶衰老达到不归点(萌发后5~6d)前切除上胚轴可使开始衰老的子叶中核酸和蛋白质含量回升,衰老短期逆转。衰老不归点后的子叶中核酸和蛋白质变化的主要特征是:丧失了较多的核主带DNA、25S、18S rRNA以及大部分可溶性蛋白质组分,一种小分子DNA 组分完全消失。不归点前切除上胚轴可使上述核酸和蛋白质组分明显增加,表明子叶衰老的逆转可能与这些重要功能物质的回升有关。在切除上胚轴的茎顶涂抹IAA,能阻止子叶核酸和蛋白质回升,也消除了切除上胚轴对子叶裹老的逆转作用。  相似文献   
不同基肥对退化坡地及牧草产量和质量的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
探讨了不同基肥组合处理对退化坡地的改造利用和对牧草生产的影响.在相同的肥水管理条件下,以“鸡粪+牛粪+石灰”的基肥组合(A)处理退化坡地土壤,可使皇草、杂交狼尾草、矮象草和墨西哥玉米的年产量比“猪粪+牛粪+石灰”的组合(B)处理分别高出9.7%、12.8%、43.0%和9.9%,前者(A)生产出的牧草的粗蛋白含量略高于后者(B),粗纤维含量略低于后者,而粗灰分含量显著高于后者.  相似文献   
西藏南部放射虫微体古生物研究进展   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
西藏南部的雅鲁藏布蛇绿岩带以及该带之南的沉积地层带(特提期沉积区,北喜马拉雅亚区)中广泛发育着大量含放射虫地层,放射虫研究在确定该区蛇绿岩的形成时代,解释造山带复杂的地层层序以及揭示印度板块与欧亚板块在古近纪碰撞老祖宗前的古海洋盆地的演化历史等方面发挥了重要作用。根据已发表的文献以及我们正在进行中的初步成果显示,藏南地区的含放射虫地层的时代分布之中三叠世(安尼期)至晚白垩(土仑期)。这些地层的岩性包括硅质岩,硅质泥岩,凝灰质细碎屑岩和泥晶灰岩等,尽管藏南的放射虫研究已取得一些成果,但系统的放射虫研究与地层研究仍然有待于进一步深入开展。  相似文献   
顾增发  王志均 《生理学报》1986,38(6):635-642
以0.25%牛磺胆酸钠-0.25%胰蛋白酶溶液注入大鼠胰导管制备急性(出血坏死性)胰腺炎模型。观察剂量为 3μg/kg的牛胰多肽(BPP)对胰腺炎大鼠胰组织磷脂酶 A(PA)活性、钙含量、胰蛋白酶活性以及血清α_1-抗胰蛋白酶抑制力(STIC)的影响。结果如下:1.在伴注BPP的胰腺炎组,PA 活性、钙含量、胰蛋白酶活性及STIC 分别降为胰腺炎组的51%(P<0.001),75%(P<0.001)、20%(P<0.001)以及24%(P<0.001);2.在伴注碳酰胆碱的胰腺炎组,上述四项指标的水平升高。但在伴注碳酰胆碱及BPP 两者的胰腺炎组却分别降至伴注碳酰胆碱的胰腺炎组的39%(P<0.005)、51%(P<0.001)、40%(P<0.001)以及 59%(P<0.001);3.在伴注Ca~(2 )的胰腺炎组,上述四项指标剧升,注射 BPP对其无影响。结果提示,BPP 能降低大鼠胰组织内磷脂酶A 和胰蛋白酶活性及胰内钙沉积量。机制可能与 BPP打断胰酶活化链有关,是否还影响腺泡细胞膜上M受体的功能,有待探讨。  相似文献   
The St and E are two important basic genomes in the perennial tribe Triticeae (Poaceae). They exist in many perennialspecies and are very closely related to the A, B and D genomes of bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Genomic Southernhybridization and genomic in situ hybridization (GISH) were used to analyze the genomic relationships between the twogenomes (St and E) and the three basic genomes (A, B and D) of T. aestivum. The semi-quantitative analysis of the Southernhybridization suggested that both St and E genomes are most closely related to the D genome, then the A genome, andrelatively distant to the B genome. GISH analysis using St and E genomic DNA as probes further confirmed the conclusion.St and E are the two basic genomes of Thinopyrum ponticum (StStE~eE~bE~x) and Th. intermedium (StE~eE~b), two perennialspecies successfully used in wheat improvement. Therefore, this paper provides a possible answer as to why most of thespontaneous wheat-Thinopyrum translocations and substitutions usually happen in the D genome, some in the A genomeand rarely in the B genome. This would develop further use of alien species for wheat improvement, especially thosecontaining St or E in their genome components.  相似文献   
The intercellular adhesion molecule-1 K469E polymorphism in type 1 diabetes   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Type 1 (insulin-dependent) diabetes is a complex trait. The region harboring the ICAM1 gene on 19p13 links to type 1 diabetes, and a growing body of evidence indicates that intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1) could play a role in type 1 diabetes development. Recently, association studies of an ICAM-1 K469E polymorphism in type 1 diabetes populations have reported conflicting results. Hence, we performed a transmission disequilibrium test analysis of the ICAM-1 K469E variations in 253 Danish type 1 diabetes families. Linkage and association was not found between the ICAM-1 K469E variation and type 1 diabetes in Danish patients (P(tdt)> or =0.48), and our data did not indicate an interaction between ICAM1 and IDDM1 in predisposition to type 1 diabetes in Danes (P=0.78). We did not observe significant association with late-onset type 1 diabetes (P(tdt)> or =0.12) or differences in transmission patterns between groups of affected offspring stratified for age at onset (P> or =0.19), as suggested in Japanese patients. Combined analysis of the present and previously reported transmission data comprising 728 affected offspring of Romanian, Finnish, and Danish ancestry suggested association between the ICAM-1 E469 allele and type 1 diabetes (P(tdt)=0.013), but association was not found in the combined Scandinavian material. In conclusion, we found no association of the ICAM-1 K469E polymorphism with type 1 diabetes or its subsets stratified for age at onset and HLA risk in Danish patients. Analysis of ICAM-1 K469E transmissions reported in three populations suggested association to type 1 diabetes, but also demonstrated heterogeneity between populations.  相似文献   
本文记述的曲靖始突鱼(Procondylolepis qujingensis gen.et sp.nov.)是近几年在云南曲靖早泥盆世地层中发现的有肢突胴甲鱼一原始类型。它和已知胴甲鱼(包括早泥盆世无肢突的和中、晚泥盆世有“盔”状肢突的)不同的最大特点是在其肩带与胸鳍相接的肩关节处有原始的肢突和简单的关节窝;胸鳍甲近端的关节区很小。它展现出胴甲鱼类这一高度特化、长期使人迷惑不解的肢突,在胴甲鱼演化史上发展变化的梗概,填补了肢突从无到有中间的缺环,使人了解到胸鳍的具体结构。文中主要根据肢突的有无和特化程度等,对胴甲鱼早期演化史作了初步探讨,将胴甲鱼分为无肢突超目(Abrachicondylia)和有肢突超目(Brachicondylia)两大部分。始突鱼则代表有肢突超目一早期成员。  相似文献   
海洋生物制药现状及展望   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
现代生物技术在制药产业中发挥了重要作用,海洋生物技术的出现和发展推动了海洋生 物药物的研究,是今后生物技术药物的发展方向。综述了生物技术在海洋药物开发中的应用,并 展望了新世纪海洋生物制药的前景。  相似文献   
钛合金和钴铬合金表面白色念珠菌粘附的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的比较钛合金(Ti-6Al-4V)和钴铬合金(Chromium-Cobaltalloy)表面白色念珠菌粘附能力的大小,研究表面粗糙度与细菌粘附的关系。方法将不同表面粗糙度的钛合金和钴铬合金试件进行白色念珠菌体外粘附试验,采用菌落形成计数法测定试件表面的细菌粘附量。结果各钛合金试件组的细菌粘附量均少于相同表面粗糙度的钴铬合金试件组,两种金属试件表面的细菌粘附量均随表面粗糙度的增大而增加。结论钛合金较钴铬合金更能减少由白色念珠菌引起的义齿性口炎等并发症,同时修复体表面严格的研磨抛光也能有效减少这些并发症。  相似文献   
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