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Bees are the predominant pollinating taxa, providing a critical ecosystem service upon which many angiosperms rely for successful reproduction. Available data suggests that bee populations worldwide are declining, but scarce data in tropical regions precludes assessing their status and distribution, impact on ecological services, and response to management actions. Herein, we reviewed >150 papers that used six common sampling methods (pan traps, baits, Malaise traps, sweep nets, timed observations and aspirators) to better understand their strengths and weaknesses, and help guide method selection to meet research objectives and development of multi-species monitoring approaches. Several studies evaluated the effectiveness of sweep nets, pan traps, and malaise traps, but only one evaluated timed observations, and none evaluated aspirators. Only five studies compared two or more of the remaining four sampling methods to each other. There was little consensus regarding which method would be most reliable for sampling multiple species. However, we recommend that if the objective of the study is to estimate abundance or species richness, malaise traps, pan traps and sweep nets are the most effective sampling protocols in open tropical systems; conversely, malaise traps, nets and baits may be the most effective in forests. Declining bee populations emphasize the critical need in method standardization and reporting precision. Moreover, we recommend reporting a catchability coefficient, a measure of the interaction between the resource (bee) abundance and catching effort. Melittologists could also consider existing methods, such as occupancy models, to quantify changes in distribution and abundance after modeling heterogeneity in trapping probability, and consider the possibility of developing monitoring frameworks that draw from multiple sources of data.  相似文献   


The efficacy of oxaliplatin in cancer chemotherapy is limited by the development of drug resistance. MMP7 has been related to the loss of tumor cell response to cytotoxic agents although the exact mechanism is not fully understood. Moreover, MMP7 is an independent prognosis factor for survival in patients with colorectal cancer. The aim of the present study was to analyze the role of MMP7 and its cross-talk with the Fas/FasL system during the acquisition of oxaliplatin resistance in colon cancer cells.

Principal Findings

For this purpose we have developed three different oxaliplatin-resistant cell lines (RHT29, RHCT116 p53+/+, RHCT116 p53−/−) from the parental HT29, HCT116 p53+/+ and HCT116 p53−/− colon cancer cells. MMP7 basal expression was higher in the resistant compared to the parental cell lines. MMP7 was also upregulated by oxaliplatin in both HT29 (p53 mutant) and RHCT116 p53−/− but not in the RHCT116 p53+/+. Inhibition of MMP by 1,10-phenantroline monohydrate or siRNA of MMP7 restores cell sensitivity to oxaliplatin-induced apoptosis in both HT29 and RHCT116 p53−/− but not in the RHCT116 p53+/+. Some of these effects are caused by alterations in Fas receptor. Fas is upregulated by oxaliplatin in colon cancer cells, however the RHT29 cells treated with oxaliplatin showed a 3.8-fold lower Fas expression at the cell surface than the HT29 cells. Decrease of Fas at the plasma membrane seems to be caused by MMP7 since its inhibition restores Fas levels. Moreover, functional analysis of Fas demonstrates that this receptor was less potent in inducing apoptosis in RHT29 cells and that its activation induces MAPK signaling in resistant cells.


Taking together, these results suggest that MMP7 is related to the acquisition of oxaliplatin-resistance and that its inhibition restores drug sensitivity by increasing Fas receptor. Furthermore, Fas undergoes a change in its functionality in oxaliplatin-resistant cells inducing survival pathways instead of apoptotic signals.  相似文献   
The hindbrain and cranial paraxial mesoderm have been implicated in the induction and patterning of the inner ear, but the precise role of the two tissues in these processes is still not clear. We have addressed these questions using the vitamin-A-deficient (VAD) quail model, in which VAD embryos lack the posterior half of the hindbrain that normally lies next to the inner ear. Using a battery of molecular markers, we show that the anlagen of the inner ear, the otic placode, is induced in VAD embryos in the absence of the posterior hindbrain. By performing grafting and ablation experiments in chick embryos, we also show that cranial paraxial mesoderm which normally lies beneath the presumptive otic placode is necessary for otic placode induction and that paraxial mesoderm from other locations cannot induce the otic placode. Two members of the fibroblast growth factor family, FGF3 and FGF19, continue to be expressed in this mesodermal population in VAD embryos, and these may be responsible for otic placode induction in the absence of the posterior hindbrain. Although the posterior hindbrain is not required for otic placode induction in VAD embryos, the subsequent patterning of the inner ear is severely disrupted. Several regional markers of the inner ear, such as Pax2, EphA4, SOHo1 and Wnt3a, are incorrectly expressed in VAD otocysts, and the sensory patches and vestibulo-acoustic ganglia are either greatly reduced or absent. Exogenous application of retinoic acid prior to 30 h of development is able rescue the VAD phenotype. By performing such rescue experiments before and after 30 h of development, we show that the inner ear defects of VAD embryos correlate with the absence of the posterior hindbrain. These results show that induction and patterning of the inner ear are governed by separate developmental processes that can be experimentally uncoupled from each other.  相似文献   
We have carried out a functional analysis of invl and invJ, two Saimonella typhimurium genes required for this organism to gain access So cultured mammalian cells. These genes are located immediately downstream of invC, a previously identified gene also required for bacterial invasion. Non-polar mutations in either of these genes rendered S. typhimurium severely defective for entry into cultured epithelial cells, although these mutations did not affect the ability of these organisms to attach to those cells. Nucleotide sequence analysis revealed that the invl and invJ genes encode proteins with molecular weights of 18077 and 36415, respectively. Polypeptides of similar sizes were observed when these genes were expressed in a bacteriophage T7 RNA polymerase-based expression system. Comparison of the predicted sequences of Invl and InvJ with translated sequences in the existing databases indicated that these proteins are Identical to the previously identified S. typhimurium SpaM and SpaN proteins. Further analysis of these sequences revealed regions of homology between Invl and the N-terminus of lpaB of Shigella spp. and between InvJ and EaeB of enteropathogenic Escherichia coli. Localization studies by immunoblot analysis indicated that InvJ is secreted to the culture supernatant, a surprising finding since this protein also lacks a typical signal sequence. Mutations in invG and inyC, two members of the Salmonella inv locus, effectively prevented the transport of InvJ to the culture supernatant. Thus, InvJ is the first identified target of the protein secretion apparatus encoded in the inv locus and therefore a candidate to have effector functions related to bacterial entry.  相似文献   
Managed wetlands provide critical foraging and roosting habitats for shorebirds during migration; therefore, ensuring their availability is a priority action in shorebird conservation plans. Contemporary shorebird conservation plans rely on a number of assumptions about shorebird prey resources and migratory behavior to determine stopover habitat requirements. For example, the US Shorebird Conservation Plan for the Southeast-Caribbean region assumes that average benthic invertebrate biomass in foraging habitats is 2.4 g dry mass m?2 and that the dominant prey item of shorebirds in the region is Chironomid larvae. For effective conservation and management, it is important to test working assumptions and update predictive models that are used to estimate habitat requirements. We surveyed migratory shorebirds and sampled the benthic invertebrate community in coastal managed wetlands of South Carolina. We sampled invertebrates at three points in time representing early, middle, and late stages of spring migration, and concurrently surveyed shorebird stopover populations at approximately 7-day intervals throughout migration. We used analysis of variance by ranks to test for temporal variation in invertebrate biomass and density, and we used a model based approach (linear mixed model and Monte Carlo simulation) to estimate mean biomass and density. There was little evidence of a temporal variation in biomass or density during the course of spring shorebird migration, suggesting that shorebirds did not deplete invertebrate prey resources at our site. Estimated biomass was 1.47 g dry mass m?2 (95 % credible interval 0.13–3.55), approximately 39 % lower than values used in the regional shorebird conservation plan. An additional 4728 ha (a 63 % increase) would be required if habitat objectives were derived from biomass levels observed in our study. Polychaetes, especially Laeonereis culveri (2569 individuals m?2), were the most abundant prey in foraging habitats at our site. Polychaetes have lower caloric content than levels assumed in the regional plan; when lower caloric content and lower biomass levels are used to determine habitat objectives, an additional 6395 ha would be required (86 % increase). Shorebird conservation and management plans would benefit from considering the uncertainty in parameters used to derive habitat objectives, especially biomass and caloric content of prey resources. Iterative testing of models that are specific to the planning region will provide rapid advances for management and conservation of migratory shorebirds and coastal managed wetlands.  相似文献   

Climate change is altering the spatial distribution of many species around the world. In response, we need to identify and protect suitable areas for a large proportion of the fauna so that they persist through time. This exercise must also evaluate the ability of existing protected areas to provide safe havens for species in the context of climate change. Here, we combined passive acoustic monitoring, semi-automatic species identification models, and species distribution models of 21 bird and frog species based on past (1980–1989), present (2005–2014), and future (2040–2060) climate scenarios to determine how species distributions relate to the current distribution of protected areas in Puerto Rico. Species detection/non-detection data were acquired across?~?700 sampling sites. We developed always-suitable maps that characterized suitable habitats in all three time periods for each species and overlaid these maps to identify regions with high species co-occurrence. These distributions were then compared with the distribution of existing protected areas. We show that Puerto Rico is projected to become dryer by 2040–2060, and precipitation in the warmest quarter was among the most important variables affecting bird and frog distributions. A large portion of always-suitable areas (ASA) is outside of protected areas (>?80%), and the percent of protected areas that overlaps with always-suitable areas is larger for bird (75%) than frog (39%) species. Our results indicate that present protected areas will not suffice to safeguard bird and frog species under climate change; however, the establishment of larger protected areas, buffer zones, and connectivity between protected areas may allow species to find suitable niches to withstand environmental changes.

Molecular recognition of histone H3 by the WD40 protein WDR5   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The WD40-repeat protein WDR5 is a conserved subunit of Trithorax (TRX) histone methyltransferase complexes. WDR5 has been reported to selectively bind dimethylated Lys4 (K4me2) in histone H3 to promote K4 trimethylation by TRX. To elucidate the basis of this binding specificity, we have determined the crystal structure of WDR5 bound to a histone H3 peptide bearing K4me2. The structure reveals that the N terminus of histone H3 binds as a 3(10)-helix in the central depression formed by the WD40 repeats. R2 in histone H3 is bound in the acidic channel in the protein's core, whereas K4me2 is solvent exposed and does not engage in direct interactions with WDR5. Functional studies confirm that WDR5 recognizes A1, R2 and T3 in histone H3 but has virtually identical affinities for the unmodified and mono-, di- and trimethylated forms of K4, demonstrating that it does not discriminate among different degrees of methylation of this residue.  相似文献   
Studies of zoochorous seed dispersal systems often consider crop size, yet seldom consider the kinds and amounts of fruits surrounding parent plants (the fruit neighborhood) when attempting to explain among‐plant variation in fruit removal. We studied avian frugivory at 24 Schefflera morototoni trees from February to May 1998 in central Puerto Rico. The number of fruits removed by avian seed dispersers per visit was similar among focal trees (typically 2–4). In contrast, visitation rate was highly variable (range: 0–71 visits per 4 h). We used multiple regression analyses to evaluate the relative roles of crop size (focal tree ripe fruit abundance) and fruit neighborhood variables (measured within 30 m of focal trees) in affecting visitation to focal trees by avian frugivores. Visitation rate was positively related to crop size (although this variable was only significant in one of four regression models considered) and negatively related to the presence or abundance of conspecific fruits, suggesting that trees competed intraspecifically for dispersers. Relationships between visitation and heterospecific fruits were mixed—some kinds of fruits appeared to enhance visitation to focal trees, while others seemed to reduce visitation. In most regression models, neighborhood variables had larger effects on visitation than focal tree fruit crop size. Our results highlight the important effects of local fruiting environments on the ability of individual plants to attract seed dispersers.  相似文献   
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