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An Ecosystem View of the Restoration of the Kissimmee River   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Restoration of the Kissimmee River and floodplain ultimately will involve restoring 70 km of river channel and riparian zone and 11,000 ha of wetland over a period of two decades. Restoring ecosystem integrity is a crucial goal of the project, and the evaluation program is designed to assess the success of this endeavor. Major components of the riverine and floodplain ecosystem will be evaluated, guided by conceptual models of their structure and function. These studies will be referenced to historic conditions of the past and to present-day conditions in the channelized system. Enhanced connectivity and interactions between the river and floodplain, the interplay of abiotic and biotic variables, and interactions between trophic levels will restructure the channelized river and the largely drained floodplain that now exist. The key to evaluating the success of this ambitious project will be selecting measurements of the structure and function of the river and floodplain ecosystems that are responsive to this large-scale manipulation. The timing and duration of floodplain inundation, improved dissolved oxygen conditions, germination and establishment of wetland vegetation, and enhancement and expansion of rheophilic benthic invertebrate populations are critical initial elements of restoration. Further expected outcomes are an increase in the primary productivity of the ecosystem, expansion of the fish community into the reopened channels and onto the reflooded floodplain, and improved visitation and use by waterbirds in the restored regions. We highlight predictions of some of these key linkages and primary structural and functional attributes of the restored river and floodplain that should be measured.  相似文献   
In poplar (Populus deltoides Bartr. ex Marsh), a 32-kD bark storage protein (BSP) accumulates in the bark during autumn and winter and declines during spring shoot growth. We investigated the physiological and environmental factors necessary for the degradation of poplar BSP. Poplar plants were exposed to short-day (SD) photoperiods for either 28 or 49 d. Plants exposed to short days for 28 d formed a terminal bud but were not dormant, whereas exposure to short days for 49 d induced bud dormancy. BSP accumulated in bark of plants exposed to both SD treatments. The level of BSP declined rapidly when nondormant plants were returned to long days. BSP levels did not decline in dormant plants that were exposed to long-day (LD) conditions. If dormant plants were first treated with either low temperatures (0[deg]C for 28 d) or with 0.5 M H2CN2 to overcome dormancy and then returned to long days, the level of BSP declined. Removal of buds from non-dormant or dormant plants in which dormancy had been overcome inhibited the degradation of BSP in LD conditions. BSP mRNA levels rapidly declined in plants exposed to long days, irrespective of the dormancy status of the plants or the presence or absence of buds. These results indicate that the buds of poplars are somehow able to communicate with bark storage sites and regulate poplar BSP degradation. These results further support an association of BSP mRNA levels with photoperiod because short days stimulate BSP mRNA accumulation, whereas long days result in a decline of BSP mRNA abundance.  相似文献   
A cDNA encoding the mature, chloroplast-localized carbonic anhydrase in pea has been expressed inE. coli. The enzyme is fully active and yields of up to 20% of the total soluble protein can be obtained from the bacteria. This expression system was used to monitor the effects of site-directed mutagenesis of seven residues found within conserved regions in the pea carbonic anhydrase amino acid sequence. The effects of these modifications are discussed with respect to the potential of various amino acids to act as sites for zinc coordination or intramolecular proton shuttles.  相似文献   
Relative quantities of DNA in individual nuclei of stem and leaf epidermal cells of Arabidopsis were measured microspectrofluorometrically using epidermal peels. The relative ploidy level in each nucleus was assessed by comparison to root tip mitotic nuclei. A clear pattern of regular endopolyploidy is evident in epidermal cells. Guard cell nuclei contain levels of DNA comparable to dividing root cells, the 2C level (i.e., one unreplicated copy of the nuclear DNA). Leaf trichome nuclei had elevated ploidy levels of 4C, 8C, 16C, 32C, and 64C, and their cytology suggested that the polyploidy represents a form of polyteny. The nuclei of epidermal pavement cells were 2C, 4C, and 8C in stem epidermis, and 2C, 4C, 8C, and 16C in leaf epidermis. Morphometry of epidermal pavement cells revealed a direct proportionality between nuclear DNA level and cell size. A consideration of the development process suggests that the cells of highest ploidy level are developmentally oldest; consequently, the developmental pattern of epidermal tissues can be read from the ploidy pattern of the cells. This observation is relevant to theories of stomate spacing and offers opportunities for genetic analysis of the endopolyploidy/polyteny phenomenon.  相似文献   
Abstract The precise molecular mechanism of Staphylococcus aureus β -toxin inactivation by the serotype F triple-converting phage φ42, φA1 and φA3 was investigated. Sequence analysis of the φ42 ( attP ) and Staphylococcus aureus ( attB ) attachment sites and the left ( attL ) and right ( attR ) chromosomal/bacteriophage DNA junctions of individual lysogens, each harbouring a triple-converting phage, revealed the presence of a common 14-bp core sequence in all four sites. These findings indicate that the genomes of the triple-converting phage integrate into the 5'-end of the β-toxin gene ( hlb ) by a site- and orientation-specific mechanism identical to that previously described for the serotype F double-converting phage φ13.  相似文献   
Foundation seaweed species are experiencing widespread declines and localized extinctions due to increased instability of sea surface temperature. Characterizing temperature thresholds are useful for predicting patterns of change and identifying species most vulnerable to extremes. Existing methods for characterizing seaweed thermal tolerance produce diverse metrics and are often time-consuming, making comparisons between species and techniques difficult, hindering insight into global patterns of change. Using three kelp species, we adapted a high-throughput method – previously used in terrestrial plant thermal biology – for use on kelps. This method employs temperature-dependent fluorescence (TF0) curves under heating or cooling regimes to determine the critical temperature (Tcrit) of photosystem II (PSII), i.e., the breakpoint between slow and fast rise fluorescence response to changing temperature, enabling rapid assays of photosynthetic thermal tolerance using a standardized metric. This method enables characterization of Tcrit for up to 48 samples per two-hour assay, demonstrating the capacity of TF0 curves for high-throughput assays of thermal tolerance. Temperature-dependent fluorescence curves and their derived metric, Tcrit, may offer a timely and powerful new method for the field of phycology, enabling characterization and comparison of photosynthetic thermal tolerance of seaweeds across many populations, species, and biomes.  相似文献   
Little is known about the patterns and dynamics of exotic species invasions at landscape to regional spatial scales. We quantified the presence (identity, abundance, and richness) and characteristics of native and exotic species in estuarine strandline plant communities at 24 sites in Narragansett Bay, Rhode Island, USA. Our results do not support several fundamental predictions of invasion biology. Established exotics (79 of 147 recorded plant species) were nearly indistinguishable from the native plant species (i.e. in terms of growth form, taxonomic grouping, and patterns of spatial distribution and abundance) and essentially represent a random sub-set of the current regional species pool. The cover and richness of exotic species varied substantially among quadrats and sites but were not strongly related to any site-level physical characteristics thought to affect invasibility (i.e. the physical disturbance regime, legal status, neighboring habitat type, and substrate characteristics). Native and exotic cover or richness were not negatively related within most sites. Across sites, native and exotic richness were positively correlated and exotic cover was unrelated to native richness. The colonization and spread of exotics does not appear to have been substantially reduced at sites with high native diversity. Furthermore, despite the fact that the Rhode Island strandline system is one of the most highly-invaded natural plant communities described to date, exotic species, both individually and as a group, currently appear to pose little threat to native plant diversity. Our findings are concordant with most recent, large-scale investigations that do not support the theoretical foundation of invasion biology and generally contradict small-scale experimental work.  相似文献   
The determination of the secondary structure of the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) regions separating nuclear ribosomal RNA genes of Chlorophytes has improved the fidelity of alignment of nuclear ribosomal ITS sequences from related organisms. Application of this information to sequences from green algae and plants suggested that a subset of the ITS-2 positions is relatively conserved. Organisms that can mate are identical at all of these 116 positions, or differ by at most, one nucleotide change. Here we sequenced and compared the ITS-1 and ITS-2 of 40 green flagellates in search of the nearest relative to Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. The analysis clearly revealed one unique candidate, C. incerta. Several ancillary benefits of the analysis included the identification of mislabelled cultures, the resolution of confusion concerning C. smithii, the discovery of misidentified sequences in GenBank derived from a green algal contaminant, and an overview of evolutionary relationships among the Volvocales, which is congruent with that derived from rDNA gene sequence comparisons but improves upon its resolution. The study further delineates the taxonomic level at which ITS sequences, in comparison to ribosomal gene sequences, are most useful in systematic and other studies. Received: 14 February 1997 / Accepted: 28 March 1997  相似文献   
Epidemiologic features of Lyme disease in New York   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
During 1982, surveillance identified 207 cases of Lyme disease in New York State. Cases were clustered in two geographic areas, eastern Long Island and northern Westchester counties. Symptoms and signs of Lyme disease in cases were consistent with previous reports, with erythema chronicum migrans (ECM) being the most frequently (77 percent) reported sign of disease. Facial palsy was reported in a surprisingly high 18 percent of cases. Of 160 cases whose sera were submitted for Lyme spirochete specific IgG antibody testing, 112 (70 percent) had titers greater than or equal to 64, while 88 (55 percent) had titers greater than or equal to 128. Positive titers were not associated with any single sign or symptom of disease, but were significantly associated with symptom onset or tick bite occurring during the three-month period of June, July, and August. We conclude that the incidence of Lyme disease in New York is much higher than previously recognized. In addition, our data suggest that a serologic test for Lyme-spirochete IgG antibody lacks sensitivity, but can be useful in confirming the diagnosis of Lyme disease when antibody titers are high.  相似文献   
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