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1. Extracellular ribonuclease is produced linearly for at least 3hr. by washed post-logarithmic-phase cells of Bacillus subtilis suspended in a medium containing maltose (1%) and casein hydrolysate (0·5%). 2. Low concentrations of actinomycin D (less than 2μg./ml.) stimulate ribonuclease formation, the maximum effect being observed with a concentration of 1μg./ml. Concentrations greater than 2μg./ml. are inhibitory. There is no parallel stimulation of α-amylase formed under the same conditions, and [14C]uracil incorporation into a perchloric acid-insoluble form is inhibited. 3. The actinomycin D-induced stimulation is not due to the presence of an activator, nor is the inhibition due to the release of an inhibitor by the cells. The effect is on the amount of ribonuclease produced in the medium. 4. Extracellular ribonuclease formation is partially inhibited by anaerobiosis, 2,4-dinitrophenol, sodium azide and by chloramphenicol and puromycin. 5. High concentrations of antibiotic do not completely inhibit ribonuclease formation, but a basal amount of enzyme representing 20min. synthesis in an uninhibited system is always produced. This `antibiotic-insensitive' enzyme could possibly represent preformed enzyme `in the pipe-line' en route to secretion. 6. The stimulated appearance of ribonuclease in the presence of 1μg. of actinomycin D/ml. is shown to be dependent on enzyme synthesis. The mechanism of this effect is discussed.  相似文献   
Past research has shown that there is a circadian oscillator in laboratory rats that is entrained by restricted feeding schedules. However, in laboratory rats at least, the light-dark (LD) cycle is the dominant zeitgeber in the entrainment of wheel-running activity rhythms. Given that dasyurid marsupials are predominantly carnivorous, the episodic intake of food in the wild and the high nutritive content of that food suggest that food may be an important zeitgeber in these species. Twelve Sminthopsis macroura froggatti were presented with a daily meal at 0900 hr under an LD 12:12 cycle with lights-on at 0600 hr for 37 days. Activity in anticipation of the meal was observed in most animals. Following this, all animals were exposed to periods of 12-18 days ad lib. food interspersed with 3-day periods of deprivation--a technique used previously to demonstrate persistent meal-associated rhythms. The meal-associated activity rhythms previously observed in rats during the 3-day deprivation period were not seen, but the 3-day deprivation period produced large phase-shifts in the activity rhythms of several S.m. froggatti. It is concluded that meal feeding does not dominate the LD cycle in entraining dasyurid marsupials, but that the frequent observation of phase shifts suggests a different and, perhaps, stronger role for food intake in biological rhythmicity than has been observed previously in laboratory rats.  相似文献   
Summary Species of the amphipod genus Paraceradocus found near the Antarctic Peninsula were observed in aquaria. The animals live under stones in burrows in sediment which they excavate with their gnathopods. During burrowing the animal regularly turns backwards in a somersault-like movement. Paraceradocus feeds on detritus, which is manipulated by the gnathopods and the antennes. The gnathopods are also used for grooming. A dense brush of setae at the medial surface of the carpi of the gnathopods I is used to clean off fine particles from the antennes. These particles are transferred to the maxillipeds and are ingested. The rear appendages are mainly cleaned by the gnathopods II. Young animals sitting between the gnathopods of the adult participate in feeding.  相似文献   
A gene library of Yersinia enterocolitica 8081 was constructed in the cosmid vector pHC79. Recombinants containing the aroA gene, encoding 5-enolpyruvylshikimate 3-phosphate synthase, were identified by complementation of the aroA mutation in Escherichia coli K-12 strain AB2829. All six recombinant plasmids which complemented aroA also complemented the serC mutation in E. coli K-12 strain KL282. Tn5 mutagenesis suggested serC encoding 3-phosphoserine aminotransferase was the proximal gene in an operon with aroA. The nucleotide sequence of a 3-kb HindII-EcoRV fragment encoding the two genes was determined. The serC and aroA open reading frames contain 362 and 428 codons, respectively, and the deduced amino acid sequences share 78% and 81% homology, respectively, with the corresponding E. coli genes. Sequence inspection revealed no obvious terminators or promoters in the intergenic region. The cloned Y. enterocolitica aroA gene was inactivated in vitro and reintroduced into the parental Y. enterocolitica 8081 strain using the suicide vector pJM703.1. Stable aroA insertion mutants of Y. enterocolitica were isolated.  相似文献   
The bacteria from overnight cultures (20 h) of S. aureus V8 and exp negative mutant K6812-1, grown, aerobically, in 3% (w/v) Tryptone Soya Broth, at 37 degrees C, were resuspended in fresh medium, in the case of the parent strain +/- 1% (w/v) glucose, without change in bacterial density. During a 6 h incubation period there was an approximate doubling of bacterial density, to the same level, in each case. However, exoprotein production by the mutant was only 20% that of the parent whilst the addition of glucose to the V8 strain resulted in a tenfold reduction in the exoprotein formed. SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis showed that the exoprotein patterns of both organisms after 6 h incubation were the same as those observed in the overnight cultures whilst the presence of 1% (w/v) extra glucose changed the pattern produced by the parent to one similar to that of the mutant. The results showed that conditions which lead to the rapid formation of glucose catabolites produced an effect consistent with the inhibition of the activity of the exp gene product.  相似文献   
Granulocyte-macrophage colony stimulating factor (GM-CSF) is a pleiotrophic cytokine which stimulates the function and proliferation of macrophage populations. Although the effects of GM-CSF are diverse and GM-CSF has entered into clinical trials, relatively little is known about signal transduction pathways utilized by GM-CSF. In view of previous studies which have suggested that some of the effects of GM-CSF on monocyte-macrophages can be mimicked by agents which increase intracellular cAMP, we investigated the effect of rGM-CSF on adenylate cyclase (AC) activity in murine peritoneal macrophages. Adenylate cyclase activity was quantitated in macrophage membrane preparations and in intact cells. In seven separate experiments, GM-CSF (50 U/ml) increased AC activity by 61(6)% relative to macrophages treated with carrier medium alone. A dose-dependent increase in AC activity was observed (10 to 100 U/ml) which peaked within 1 to 5 min after the addition of GM-CSF and returned to basal levels by 10 to 20 min. Lineweaver-Burk analysis revealed that the Vmax of macrophage AC was increased from 0.40 to 0.52 pmoles cAMP/min by GM-CSF but the Km was unchanged. Intracellular cAMP was increased by GM-CSF to 129(27)% of control values by 1 min of treatment (n = 6). Under similar experimental conditions, GM-CSF did not increase the activity of PK C (n = 14) or phospholipase A2 (n = 3) in peritoneal macrophages. These data show that macrophage adenylate cyclase activity is rapidly stimulated by GM-CSF. Moreover, these findings support further study of the role of cAMP in transmitting the intracellular signals initiated by GM-CSF in tissue macrophages.  相似文献   
Inflation-extension experiments were carried out on segments of the descending thoracic aortas from 4 normotensive and 4 hypertensive dogs rendered hypertensive using either unilateral or bilateral renal artery constriction. Intravascular pressures up to 200 mm Hg and axial forces up to 200 g were used. The external diameter of the segment and the distance between two longitudinally spaced gage marks were recorded photographically at each pressure-force level combination. Dimensions in the underformed configuration were measured at the end of the inflation-extension experiment. Data were analyzed for changes in geometry and force-deformation response. Results indicate that: 1. Under sustained hypertension the wall thickness in the underformed configuration increases with a concurrent reduction in the in-situ longitudinal extension ratio. 2. This dual tissue response accomplishes substantial reductions in the circumferential and longitudinal stresses from the levels that would be reached at equivalent pressures in the absence of these geometric changes. 3. At comparable intravascular pressures the extensibility in the circumferential direction is slightly greater for the hypertensive aortas as compared to normals. However, the stress-extension ratio relationship in the circumferential direction is similar in the two groups. 4. The stress-extension ratio relationship in the longitudinal direction indicates that the hypertensive aorta is stiffer than its normotensive counterpart.  相似文献   
Freshwater microalgae, lacking a fossil record, have contributed little to the study of historical biogeography. Some of the innate difficulties are discussed, as well as some of the more hopeful possibilities, if distribution records, morphology and DNA sequence analysis are combined with knowledge of the earth's history. Examples of species within the same family showing quite different distributions are given, along with suggested explanations. These include possible examples of the role played by waterfowl in dissemination of freshwater algae.  相似文献   
The transport activities of two primary ATP-dependent organic-anion transporters in the tonoplast of isolated barley (Hordeum vulgare L. cv. Klaxon) vacuoles have been characterised with N-ethylmaleimide glutathione (NEM-SG) and taurocholate as substrates. The transporters showed different sensitivities to organic anions and a variety of transport inhibitors and drugs. The vacuolar uptake of NEM-SG was inhibited by carbonylcyanide 4-trifluoromethoxyphenylhydrazone, 4,4-diisothiocyanatostilbene-2,2-disulfonic acid (DIDS), S-(2,4-dinitrophenyl)glutathione, alkyl-S-glutathione derivatives and taurocholate but stimulated by probenecid. The uptake of taurocholate was inhibited by vinblastine, DIDS and probenecid. Both transporters were unaffected by verapamil. The kinetic properties of the transporters indicate a general preference for amphiphilic anions with some substrate overlap. These characteristics of the transporters are similar to those displayed by the multidrug resistance protein of mammalian drug-resistant cells. We suggest that these vacuolar transporters be described as plant multispecific organic anion transporters (pMOATs).Abbreviations Bm-S bimane S-glutathione - DIDS 4,4-diisothiocyanatostilbene-2,2-disulfonic acid - DNP-SG S-(2,4-dinitrophenyl)glutathione - FCCP carbonylcyanide 4-trifluoromethoxyphenylhydrazone - LTC4 cysteinyl leukotriene - MDR multidrug transporter - MRP multidrug resistance protein - NEM-SG N-ethylmaleimide glutathione We thank Prof E. Martinoia for technical advice on the uptake experiments and Prof J. Palmer for helpful discussions and suggestions. M.B.-K. was partially sponsored by a grant from Stichting VSB Fonds, The Netherlands. IACR receives grant-aided support from the Biotechnology and Biological Science Research Council of the United Kingdom  相似文献   
Methods are presented for investigating the site and form of growth of bacteria in model oil-in-water emulsions and in dairy cream. Following growth of the bacteria, the continuous aqueous phase is gelled using agarose and the oil phase removed using a mixture of chloroform and methanol. Using this method, the authors have found that Listeria monocytogenes, Salmonella typhimurium and Yersinia enterocolitica grow in the form of colonies in concentrated oil-in-water emulsions. Colonies of L. monocytogenes and Y. enterocolitica also form in artificially-inoculated fresh and tinned dairy cream. If information about the precise site of growth is not required, the authors have discovered that intact colonies can be liberated from the model emulsions by dissolving away the oil phase with chloroform: methanol.  相似文献   
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