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The structure and bioactivity of a polysaccharide extracted and purified from a 4M KOH + H3BO3 solution from Prunus dulcis seed cell wall material was studied. Anion-exchange chromatography of the crude extract yielded two sugar-rich fractions: one neutral (A), the other acidic (E). These fractions contain a very similar monosaccharide composition: 5:2:1 for arabinose, uronic acids and xylose, respectively, rhamnose and galactose being present in smaller amounts. As estimated by size-exclusion chromatography, the acidic fraction had an apparent molecular mass of 762 kDa. Methylation analysis (from the crude and fractions A and E), suggests that the polysaccharide is an arabinan-rich pectin. In all cases, the polysaccharides bear the same type of structural Ara moieties with highly branched arabinan-rich pectic polysaccharides. The average relative proportions of the arabinosyl linkages is 3:2:1:1 for T-Araf:(1-->5)-Araf:(1-->3,5)-Araf:(1-->2,3,5)-Araf. The crude polysaccharide extract and fractions A and E induced a murine lymphocyte stimulatory effect, as evaluated by the in vitro and in vivo expression of lymphocyte activation markers and spleen mononuclear cells culture proliferation. The lymphocyte stimulatory effect was stronger on B- than on T-cells. No evidence of cytotoxic effects induced by the polysaccharide fractions was found.  相似文献   
The effect of central angiotensin AT1-receptor blockade on thermoregulation in rats during exercise on a treadmill (18 m/min, 5% inclination) was investigated. Core (Tb) and skin tail temperatures were measured in rats while they were exercising until fatigue after injection of 2 microl of losartan (Los; 20 nmol, n = 4; 30 nmol, n = 4; 60 nmol, n = 7), an angiotensin II AT1-receptor antagonist, or 2 microl of 0.15 mol/l NaCl (Sal; n = 15) into the right lateral cerebral ventricle. Body heat rate (BHR), heat storage rate, threshold Tb for tail vasodilation (TTbV), time to fatigue, and workload were calculated. During exercise, the BHR and heat storage rate of Los-treated animals were, respectively, 40 and 53% higher (P < 0.01) than in Sal-treated animals. Additionally, rats injected with Los showed an increased TTbV (38.59 +/- 0.19 degrees C for Los vs. 38.12 +/- 0.1 degrees C for Sal, P < 0.02), a higher Tb at fatigue point (39.07 +/- 0.14 degrees C Los vs. 38.66 +/- 0.07 degrees C Sal, P < 0.01), and a reduced running performance (27.29 +/- 4.48 min Los vs. 52.47 +/- 6.67 min Sal, P < 0.01), which was closely related to the increased BHR. Our data suggest that AT1-receptor blockade attenuates heat dissipation during exercise due to the higher TTbV, leading to a faster exercise-induced increase in Tb, thus decreasing running performance.  相似文献   
The best way to appraise the size of abdominal organs remains undefined. Herein we compare the size of liver and spleen in hepatosplenic schistosomiasis using clinical and ultrasound (US) examination, and the size of the organs measured by US with their visualization below the costal margin ("palpable by US"). For this study, 411 individuals from an endemic area for schistosomiasis mansoni in Brazil have been selected. We found that palpable spleens and left liver lobes are larger than non palpable ones. Also, 23% of normal spleens measured by US were palpable on clinical examination, and 22% of spleens increased in size on US were non palpable. A total of 21% of normal spleens were "palpable by US". We also found 54% of normal sized right liver lobes palpable on clinical examination, whilst 54% of the increased livers, measured by US, were non palpable. About 76% of normal right liver lobes were "palpable by US". We conclude that the association of clinical, ultrasound and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) examinations, in the near future, should give the investigators the necessary tools to perform a more accurate clinical diagnosis of hepatosplenic schistosomiasis mansoni.  相似文献   
近年来,植物遗传转化研究有了长足的发展。已经达到能够通过简单的遗传控制手段研究具有新表现型的植物,甚至达到进入商业化的程度。这些手段包括植物生物学的主要研究技术以及植物组织培养和树种改良的一些实用方法。尽管采用农瘤杆菌和鸟枪法等技术的植物遗传转化系统已经得到了广泛的应用,但是在如何开发具有能够得到控制表达的转基因高产植物方面,在如何使所得到的转基因植物远离遗传危害等方面,目前的转化系统遇到了极大的技术挑战。已经提出了各种各样的方法用于将新基因稳定地导入120多种不同植物的核基因组。本文将讨论这些遗传转化系统所需的生物学要求和实际应用方面的需求、基因转化和转基因表达的研究策略、遗传转化植物的鉴定以及转基因植物与大众的认可。本文将分为七个部分加以讨论:一、导言;二 、基因转化到细胞里的方法;三、植物遗传转化策略;四、植物遗传转化的鉴定;五、植物遗传转化的实际应用;六、转基因植物与环境;七、未来植物遗传转化的需求与发展方向。  相似文献   
Glycogen is present in the rabbit retina in monoparticulate form. Beta particles (~ 229 A) are abundant in Müller cell cytoplasm, particularly in its inner portion, decreasing in number outwards along the cell. They are slightly larger (~ 250 A) and much scarcer in neurons, though regularly present in the juxtanuclear Golgi region of ganglion cells. When the retina was incubated in a glucose-free medium, it was rapidly depleted of native glycogen. On further incubation in medium containing glucose-3H plus unlabeled glucose, glycogen reappeared in the form of beta particles of the same size and distribution as native ones, while radioautography revealed the appearance of amylase-labile radioactivity in the same locations. This newly formed glycogen was not associated with any particular organelle. The rate of synthesis, as judged from the amount of radioactivity, was high in the inner portion of Müller cells and declined uniformly toward the cell outer end, following a logarithmic gradient. The rate of synthesis was low in ganglion cells, at best approaching values in the outer portion of Müller cells. The concentration of glycogen in the inner portion of Müller cells is consistent with the view that it may be the source of glucose for the anaerobic glycolysis prevailing in the inner retina.  相似文献   
Intravenous (IV) administration of angiotensin II (0.95 nmol/100 g body weight) produced a marked increase in plasma glucose of 20 h fasted rats. To investigate the possibility of a stimulation of gluconeogenesis, conscious unrestrained rats were continuously infused with [14C]bicarbonate, 60 microl/min (0.18 microCi/min), and label incorporation into circulating glucose was determined before and after angiotensin injection. The rate of 14C incorporation into blood glucose of fed rats increased significantly after angiotensin II administration, a 279% increase after 20 min (P < 0.01). In conclusion, the results of the present study show that the hyperglycemia induced by intravenous (IV) administration of angiotensin II is accompanied by an activation of gluconeogenesis, as evidenced by a rapid and marked increase in the rate of 14CO2 incorporation into circulating glucose.  相似文献   
Tungsten (W) has industrial and economic importance, and is in the European Union list of metals with a high supply risk. It is used by living organisms, which transport it into the cell, in the form of tungstate ion (WO42?), using three different ABC-type transporters from the specific W-uptake system coded by tupABC gene cluster. In this study, strains from a collection recovered from deep-sea hydrothermal sediments were selected according to their ability to tolerate metals and to possess the tup genetic determinants. Three multimetal-tolerant strains, Sulfitobacter dubius NA4, As(V)4 and Sb5, were chosen. The strains were able to grow in the presence of high tungsten concentrations and their growth was unaffected by 1 mM tungsten. Moreover, strain Sb5 was able to accumulate up to 52 μg W mg?1 protein. Their tup genes were shown to be organized as tupBCA, which is not the most usual gene arrangement. All three strains had the classical TupA conserved motif TTTS, comprising a first Thr replaced by a Val, which seems to be a common feature of the genus Sulfitobacter. This study was an important first step in the exploration of new biological strategies for recovering tungsten from natural or anthropogenic W-impacted environments.  相似文献   
A Leishmania (Leishmania) amazonensis ATP diphosphohydrolase isoform was partially purified from plasma membrane of promastigotes by preparative non-denaturing polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. SDS-PAGE followed by Western blots developed with polyclonal anti-potato apyrase antibodies identified diffuse bands of about 58-63 kDa, possibly glycosylated forms of this protein. By ELISA technique, a significantly higher total IgG antibody level against potato apyrase was found in serum from promastigote-infected mice, as compared to the uninfected mice, confirming both the existence of shared epitopes between the parasite and vegetable proteins, and the parasite ATP diphosphohydrolase antigenicity. By Western blotting, serum from amastigote-infected BALB/c mice recognizes both potato apyrase and this antigenic ATP diphosphohydrolase isoform isolated from promastigotes, suggesting that it is also expressed in the amastigote stage. The infection monitored along a 90-day period in amastigote-infected mice showed reactivity of IgG2a antibody in early steps of infection, while the disappearance of the IgG2a response and elevation of IgG1 antibody serum levels against that shared epitopes were associated with the progression of experimental leishmaniasis. This is the first observation of the antigenicity of a L. (L.) amazonensis ATP diphosphohydrolase isoform, and of the ability of cross-immunoreactivity with potato apyrase to differentiate serologically stages of leishmaniasis in infected mice.  相似文献   
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