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The main concepts in coastal community ecology have been proposed to explain relatively plain substrate, specially at temperate zones. We show that, on a irregular tropical substratum (a complex system of quarry stones with diverse shapes and sizes), the classical community zonation scheme is only applicable if we simplify the tridimensional substrate arrangement to a single dimensioned universe: the topographic level. Thus, the continuous spatial distribution implicited in "zones" notions is nonexistent. Our study was conducted on a rocky shore at Ubatuba (São Paulo State, Brazil) during one year. Percentual coverage was estimated using the quadrat method located by random coordinates. The topographic level was determined for each sampling element. Analysis of spatial splitting revealed large-scale stratification of the shore into dominiums related to topographical level: 1) Upper Dominium (represented by Chthamalus sp. and Tetraclita spalactifera ); 2) Transition Level (composed of Gymnogongrus griffithsiae , Gelidium aff. pusillum and often Centroceras clavulatum );. and 3) Lower Dominium (mainly Sargassum vulgare and occasionally Padina gymnospora, Dictyopteris delicatula and Grateloupia doryphora ). These dominiums cannot be recognized as "bands" or continuous "zones" in a landscape view of the community. Otherwise, these bands could be observed on a small scale on each large quarry stone.  相似文献   
Five low-density lipoprotein receptor gene (LDLR) restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs: TaqI, intron 4; HincII, exon 12; AvaII, exon 13; MspI and NcoI, exon 18) were investigated in 131 individuals from five Brazilian Indian tribes. All markers were polymorphic in this ethnic group. In the whole sample of Amerindians, 13 (41%) of the 32 expected haplotypes were identified, but only three were shared by all tribes. The Xavante, Suruí, Zoró, and Gavi?o tribes, who had been studied for anthropometry, were grouped according to their genotypes, and the corresponding mean values were examined. Significant associations were observed between HincII *H-, AvaII *A+, MspI *M-, and NcoI *N+ and the body mass index (BMI), triceps and subscapular skinfolds, and the arm fat index (AFI). Haplotypes were derived for these four RFLPs, and (*H-/*A+/*M-/*N+) haplotype carriers were compared with noncarriers of this haplotype with equally significant results for the three parameters (BMI, P=0.021; skinfold thickness, P<0.001; AFI, P=0.005). These results suggest that the LDLR gene has some influence over adipose tissue deposition.  相似文献   
Summary Amaranthus hypochondriacus ovules are of the crassinucellate type, having several layers of nucellus cells between the micropyle and the embryo sac through which pollen tubes have to penetrate. The ultrastructural features of the micropylar nucellus cells appear to reflect cells with high metabolic activity. With the monoclonal antibodies MAC207 and JIM8 (against arabinogalactan proteins) we have shown that the presence of the two epitopes was different in the gametophytic tissues and embryo sac. The young embryo and suspensor cells are reactive only to Mab JIM8. The selective presence and localization of these two epitopes was also demonstrated in the micropylar nucellus cells. The expression of these arabinogalactan proteins in this ovule seems to be closely aligned with the pathway of the pollen tube, possibly providing directional guides for tube growth inside the ovule.  相似文献   
Differences in formation of colloidal dispersions of chitosan in aqueous solutions of citric acid or lactic acid (25, 50 or 100 mM) were quantitatively studied. Protonation enthalpies, electrical conductivity and ζ-potential measurements were additionally undertaken, aiming at better understanding these differences at a molecular level. In dispersion kinetics assays, experimental data were well fitted (R2?>?0.9; MAPE?<?4 %) by a first-order kinetics model with two terms - one accounting for the fast, direct dispersion of biopolymers chains and another accounting for the slow dispersion of chains from lumps. In all cases, maximal dispersibility was reached after about 20?30 min of stirring. For both acids, the higher the acid concentration in the medium, the higher was the chitosan dispersibility. At a given acid concentration, chitosan showed higher dispersibility in lactic acid than in citric acid solutions. Protonation of chitosan -NH2 groups was strongly exothermic, with ΔH values three times higher for citric acid (triprotic) than lactic acid (monoprotic) (ΔH?=??120 kJ?mol- 1 and ΔH?=??40 kJ?mol- 1, respectively), indicating that chitosan -NH2 protonation itself was not dependent on the type of acid. However, the electrical conductivity of suspensions of powdered chitosan in water evolved differently as these systems were titrated with citric or acid lactic. With citric acid, electrical conductivity remained virtually constant for acid concentration?<?of 15 mM, and then increased linearly as the acid concentration increased until 75 mM. Instead, with lactic acid, electrical conductivity progressively increased with increasing of acid concentration from 0 to 75 mM. The ζ-potential of chitosan dispersed particles was +28.5 mV and +52.1 mV in dispersions containing 10 mM of citric and lactic acids, respectively. The conjoint analysis of data from physicochemical analyses suggested that, contrarily to lactate anions, citrate anions bind more strongly on the electrical double layer of protonated, positively charged chains of chitosan, diminishing the inter-chains electrostatic repulsion, thus leading to a lower dispersibility of this polysaccharide in aqueous solutions of citric acid, compared to equimolar solutions of lactic acid.  相似文献   
Rabbit retinas were incubated in medium containing 500 µCi of [3H]leucine for 3 min, and transferred to medium without isotope for another 7, 17, 37, 57, and 117 min. Retinal pieces were fixed in paraformaldehyde and osmium tetroxide and embedded in Epon. Thin sections were autoradiographed with Ilford L4 emulsion, and a quantitative study of silver grain distribution per Müller cell portion, and per Müller cell organelle, was carried out. Grain density per unit area was high over the middle cell portion at each incubation interval. Silver grains were numerous over background cytoplasm (which comprised free ribosomes) but their percentage was constant at all times and their relative concentration low. Silver grains were numerous and highly concentrated, at pulse incubation, over the rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER) and then decreased sharply, but this decline coincided with an increase over the Golgi complex, peaking at 20 min. Another peak appeared over the cell periphery at 60 min. These findings suggest the simultaneous synthesis of two types of proteins in Müller cells; structural proteins in background cytoplasm and proteins of secretory type in the RER.  相似文献   
In the present study, glass eels Anguilla anguilla in the Minho River estuary (41·5° N, 8·5° W) decreased in size (standard length, L S and mass, M ) from the beginning (autumn) to the end of the sampling season (summer). On the other hand elvers increased in L S and M from spring to summer and were significantly larger than glass eels in paired comparisons. Branchial Na+/K+-ATPase and vacuolar (V-type) proton ATPase ( in vitro activities), two important ion transporting pumps, did not show significant seasonal changes in either glass eels or elvers although in glass eels Na+/K+-ATPase (activity) expression was significantly higher than in elvers. In a single month comparison Na+/K+-ATPase branchial mRNA expression was also higher in glass eels as was the protein level expression of both Na+/K+-ATPase and NKCC (Na+:K+:2Cl co-transporter). Immunofluorescence microscopy indicated apical CFTR Cl channel labelling in Na+/K+-ATPase positive chloride cell in glass eels which was absent in elvers. Whole body sodium concentration and percentage water did not show significant seasonal differences in either glass eels or elvers although there were significant differences between these two groups during some months.  相似文献   
The mature seed of Amaranthus hypochondriacus L. consists ofa peripheric embryo surrounding the nutritive tissue which isthe perisperm. Endosperm remnants are close to the root tip.Cytochemical analysis revealed that the embryo and endospermcells had a quite homogenous internal organization, with proteinbodies embedded in a lipid matrix. The embryo, however, appearsvariable in tissue organisation, due to the differentiationof the three primary meristematic tissues: the procambium appearsas a single bundle in the embryonic axis or as small bundlesthroughout the cotyledons length, these provascular cells aresmall and elongated and with fewer reserves and more cellularorganelles than the large protoderm and ground meristem cells.These latter cells have more protein bodies, and they show ahigher number of larger globoid crystal inclusions than theothers. The perisperm is a starchy tissue, and its cells havethin walls and are full of angular starch grains.Copyright 1994,1999 Academic Press Amaranth, Amaranthus hypochondriacus, seed structure, seed reserves  相似文献   
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