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Carbohydrate metabolism in transforming lymphocytes from the aged   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
There is an age-related decline in immune capacity which has been linked to a decreased response of lymphocytes to mitogens in vitro. During transformation, lymphocytes require a marked increase in energy production and biosynthesis which is supplied primarily by glycolysis. In the elderly, the glycolytic enzymes increase significantly in transforming lymphocytes at least 24 hr later than in the young and then at significantly reduced levels. Glucose utilization is also impaired in stimulated lymphocytes from the elderly but follows the impairment of glycolysis. In stimulated cells from the young, increases in glycolytic enzyme activity levels accompany sharp increases in blastogenesis while a delayed increase in glycolytic enzyme activity in the elderly is accompanied by a delay in blastogenesis. Maximal glycolytic enzyme activity levels are significantly reduced in transformed lymphocytes from the elderly though the number of transformed cells is also significantly reduced. However, glycolytic enzyme activity levels are significantly lower in the elderly than in the young even on a per transformed cell basis. Thus, this reduction cannot be attributed to the lower number of transformed cells that are present in the elderly. This defect in the increase of glycolysis in stimulated cells from the elderly suggests an intracellular mechanism which could be related to the impaired lymphocyte stimulation in vitro in the aged.  相似文献   
We have examined T cell recognition of the nuclear autoantigen Sm. Rabbit Sm-primed cells from autoimmune MRL/Mp-+/+ (+/+) mice and from all normal strains tested were able to proliferate to rabbit Sm in vitro. In contrast, the reactivity of normal strains to Sm of murine origin was genetically restricted; only H-2f strains B10.M and A.CA, and H-2s strains B10.S and A.SW could recognize mouse Sm, suggesting that responsiveness to mouse Sm was under the control of H-2-linked Ir genes. Although five Iak-bearing normal strains (B10.A, B10.A(2R), B10.BR, A/Sn, and CBA) did not recognize mouse Sm, autoimmune +/+ (Iak) mice were responders. The responsiveness of the +/+ mice to Sm was probably not due to differences in their Iak region, compared with other strains, because the Iak region of normal strains and the autoimmune +/+ strain were indistinguishable by interstrain MLC, immune response gene product function, and recognition by anti-Iak mAb. Inhibition of Sm-induced proliferation by mAb demonstrated that T cells from autoimmune +/+ mice, responder normal strains, and nonresponder normal strains recognized rabbit and mouse Sm in the context of I region-encoded products. The T cell response to Sm antigen in normal mice is therefore Ia region restricted and, for the murine antigen, under Ir gene control. Autoimmune mice that spontaneously make anti-Sm antibodies (+/+) also perceive Sm in an Ia-restricted manner, but their responder status abrogates H-2-linked Ir gene control.  相似文献   
We demonstrated previously the presence of an Ia+ (OX-6+) antigen-presenting cell within the rat T cell fraction that is capable of presenting antigen to antigen-primed OX-6-T cells. This antigen-presenting cell (T-APC) reacted with the monoclonal antibodies W3/25 and W3/13, which is known to react mainly with rat T cells. Further characterization of the T-APC indicated that the cell also reacted with the monoclonal antibody OX-19, which is highly specific for rat T cells. Moreover, the antigen-presenting function of the T-APC was sensitive to treatment with mitomycin C or gamma-irradiation (2000 rad). Under similar conditions, antigen presentation by partially purified dendritic cells or macrophages was totally resistant to these treatments. The antigen-presenting activity of gamma-irradiated T-APC was not reconstituted by the addition of the lymphokines IL 1, IL 2, or Con A supernatants. Although unirradiated T-APC were able to stimulate an MLR response, this function was also sensitive to gamma-irradiation, whereas the MLR-stimulating ability of macrophages and dendritic cells was resistant to gamma-irradiation. These data indicate that Ia+ T cells from the rat are capable of presenting antigen to antigen-primed T lymphocytes and that, in contrast to antigen presentation by macrophages and dendritic cells, the function of T-APC is gamma-radiation sensitive.  相似文献   
Treatment of rat cerebral cortical membranes with phospholipase A2 affects, in a parallel fashion, beta-, alpha 1- and alpha 2-adrenergic receptor binding, but not the affinity of these receptors for their respective ligands. Pretreatment of membranes with 0.1 percent glutaraldehyde blocks the effects of phospholipase A2 on adrenergic receptor binding. The results support the hypothesis that desensitization or "masking" of adrenergic receptors may involve changes in membrane lipid composition. Furthermore, glutaraldehyde may prove a useful tool in the investigation of the dynamic roles of lipids in receptor function and more specifically, their regulation and coupling to physiological events.  相似文献   
The potential of production of sulfated polysaccharides from Porphyridium   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Summary The environmental conditions prevailing in Israel make marine algae an attractive crop for the production of valuable chemicals. A marine species of Porphyridium seems to fit this purpose.The unicellular red alga Porphyridium is encapsulated by a polysaccharide envelope that is present in the gel state. This polysaccharide is an acidic heteropolymer composed of sulfated sugars. It forms ionic bridges through divalent cations, thus reaching a very high molecular weight. The thickness of the polysaccharide capsule varies according to the phase of growth and the growth conditions. Its outer part dissolves in the growth medium, which becomes progressively more viscous. Sulfated polysaccharides form theramlly reversible gels similar to agar and carrageenan, which are usually extracted from marine macroalgae. These gels have been finding increasing use in commercial applications as gelling agents, thickeners, stabilizers, and emulsifiers.We have done experiments on the cultivation of a marine species of Porphyridium for the production of polysaccharides. This unicellular alga has an advantage over the macroalgae due to its relatively faster growth rate and the possibility to regulate its growth. The potential for production of the polysaccharide, both that dissolved in the external medium and that attached to the cell (including an intracellular fraction), and the effects of growth conditions on productivity were suudied in the laboratory. Porphyridium was also cultivated outdoors in seawater in 1-m2 ponds and its growth potential investigated.  相似文献   
The development of functional Fc receptors (FcR) during induced differentiation with the tumor promoter, phorbol myristate acetate (PMA), was studied in the murine tumor cell line, P388. PMA induced the appearance of FcR on the membranes of P388 cells as indicated by the binding of IgG-coated sheep red blood cells (IgG-SRBC). Concentrations of PMA as low as 1 ng/ml were sufficient to induce the expression of FcR as well as to inhibit cellular division and to induce adherence in the P388 tumor cell line; however, optimal FcR induction occurred at PMA concentrations of 10-100 ng/ml. Immunofluorescent analysis with heat-aggregated myeloma proteins indicated that PMA induced FcR which were capable of binding IgG2a and IgG2b immunoglobulins, but not IgG1. Adherence to a substratum was determined to be a second required signal for expression of FcR, since PMA induction of P388 tumor cells in teflon dishes failed to fully develop FcR and adherence of P388 cells to poly-L-lysine-coated culture dishes in the absence of PMA was insufficient for FcR expression. FcR which appeared after PMA induction were non-functional in the sense that membrane-bound IgG-SRBC were not ingested to any significant extent by the tumor cells. However, if FcR induction occurred in the presence conA-induced rat spleen cell culture supernatants, phagocytosis of membrane-bound erythrocytes occurred. These findings suggest that for the expression of FcR which are capable of particle internalization, at least three identifiable membrane-transmitted signals are required during differentiation.  相似文献   
The experimental modulation of tight junctions (TJ) was studied in the human adenocarcinoma cell line HT 29 by freeze-fracture electron microscopy. The cell line has virtually no TJ when grown in culture. TJ could be induced by mild treatment with a variety of endopeptidases (trypsin, chymotrypsin, collagenase, elastase, plasmin, thrombin, papain, and pronase). Pronase induced the formation of TJ at low (but not at high) concentrations. All exopeptidases studied were unable to induce the formation of TJ. At 0 degree C the trypsin-induced formation of TJ was greatly slowed down although not entirely inhibited. However, when cells were briefly treated with trypsin at 0 degree C and subsequently transferred to 37 degrees C in the presence of protease inhibitors, TJ were rapidly assembled. Thus an induction phase at low temperature and an assembly phase at high temperature could be experimentally separated. When cells were briefly trypsinized at 0 degrees and subsequently kept at 0 degree C without trypsin for several hours, TJ still formed abundantly upon incubation at 37 degrees C. It appears therefore that the effect produced by the protease is retained for long periods in the cold.  相似文献   
Injection of 7000 i.u. PMSG induced oestrus in 7 camels during the last part of seasonal anoestrus. Mature follicles developed and a CL was formed after fertile mating. However, pregnancy was not maintained by Day 60 in the 3 females detected as pregnant by rectal palpation and increased progesterone concentrations at Day 50. A single male camel mated with 4 of the females 2-16 days after the PMSG injection, and 2 or 3 matings occurred. The failure of pregnancy after induction of oestrus and mating during seasonal anoestrus was probably due to inadequate luteal function.  相似文献   
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