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One hundred patients who were injured by London underground trains during 1981-6 were studied; 43 of them died. Deliberate self harm was probable in roughly three quarters. Alcohol intoxication was thought to play an important part in a further tenth of cases. Thirteen were psychiatric inpatients at the time of the incident, and a further two had recently been discharged. Early warning of a potential suicide attempt was given during the 24 hours preceding the incident in 15 of the cases. Some of the deaths in the psychiatric patients may have been preventable.  相似文献   
Silurian brachiopods of Middle Llandovery (Aeronian) ages are reviewed, and 215 genera are identified here, compared with 109 in the preceding Early Llandovery (Rhuddanian), indicating a recovery‐radiation interval after the end‐Ordovician mass extinction. The chief regions in which they are found are the continents of South China, Avalonia‐Baltica, Laurentia and Siberia, which were all at tropical latitudes with the exception of Avalonia. In addition, the very large superterrane of Gondwana, although with patchy brachiopod distribution, included temperate faunas, as well as subtropical faunas (in Iran and Afghanistan). Aeronian brachiopods greatly increased in diversity, with dominance of four major groups: orthides and strophomenides (which had flourished previously in the Rhuddanian), pentamerides and atrypides (which became dominant in the Aeronian), and many newly evolved taxa, and occupied deeper water and wider ecological niches (level bottom and reef) than those in the Rhuddanian. Each of the continents has some endemic genera, but there is a greater proportion of them in South China, where some groups (such as the pentamerides and atrypides) are more diverse and others, such as the orthides, are much less common than elsewhere. Affinity indices (AI) show that two megaunits can be recognized: South China and Avalonia‐Baltica‐Laurentia (ABL); Siberia seems to have been loosely connected with ABL and even more loosely to South China presumably because of its geographical separation in the Northern Hemisphere. The separation of South China from the other megaunits is further supported by cluster analysis.  相似文献   


The maintenance of lactation in mammals is the result of a balance between competing signals from mammary development, prolactin signalling and involution pathways. Dairy cattle are an interesting case study to investigate the effect of polymorphisms that affect the function of genes in these pathways. In dairy cattle, lactation yields and milk composition (for example protein percentage and fat percentage) are routinely recorded, and these vary greatly between individuals. In this study, we test 8058 single nucleotide polymorphisms in or close to genes in these pathways for association with milk production traits and determine the proportion of variance explained by each pathway, using data on 16 812 dairy cattle, including Holstein-Friesian and Jersey bulls and cows.


Single nucleotide polymorphisms close to genes in the mammary development, prolactin signalling and involution pathways were significantly associated with milk production traits. The involution pathway explained the largest proportion of genetic variation for production traits. The mammary development pathway also explained additional genetic variation for milk volume, fat percentage and protein percentage.


Genetic variants in the involution pathway explained considerably more genetic variation in milk production traits than expected by chance. Many of the associations for single nucleotide polymorphisms in genes in this pathway have not been detected in conventional genome-wide association studies. The pathway approach used here allowed us to identify some novel candidates for further studies that will be aimed at refining the location of associated genomic regions and identifying polymorphisms contributing to variation in lactation volume and milk composition.  相似文献   
目前几乎所有有机化学品和塑料是从原油和天然气中生产的, 而生物技术的应用使得利用可再生资源进行大规模化工生产成为可能。以下主要综述了白色生物技术, 即利用细菌、酵母或酶将可发酵糖转化为特定的化学产品的技术。白色生物技术极大节省了不可再生能源的消耗, 减少了温室气体的排放。在有利条件下, 如果化工生产中相关技术有了发展并且可以成功以木质纤维素为原料, 那么到2050年不可再生能源的消耗将减少将近2/3 (67%)。欧洲(EU-25)地区的分析表明, 白色生物技术相关的用地在未来几年的欧洲不会受到制约, 尤其是有大量闲置资源的东欧。另外, 虽然原则上可以在白色生物技术中使用自然的细菌和酶, 但是很多专家认为, 利用经遗传改造生物体(GMO)可以达到高产量、高浓度、高效率, 这对实现经济活力是必要的。值得注意的是, 目前并不是所有的重组基因和其他物种间的相互作用所带来的后果都可预见, 因此化工生产释放的GMOs的安全失活和处理非常重要, 但是如果采取足够的预防措施, 在白色生物技术中应用GMOs的风险是可以控制的。我们认为, 生物生产过程的技术突破、下游生产过程的控制、化石燃料的高价格、可发酵糖的低价获得是生物质化学产业发展中的关键因素, 这4个因素及其他伴随策略是发展整体白色生物技术的要求。  相似文献   
Actual ternary phase diagrams will generally be far more complex than the simple ternary eutectic system illustrated above. However, once the features of the liquidus surface have been experimentally determined, identification of an appropriate tietriangle and application of the linear lever rule should allow quantitative information to be derived.  相似文献   
The postfreeze viability of human renal epithelial carcinoma cells frozen in solutions based on a complex physiologic support medium to which additions of NaCl and a cryoprotective agent, either glycerol or dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) were made, have been determined by a dye exclusion technique. The support medium consisted of either Eagle's Minimum Essential Medium with Hanks' salts added (MEM) or this same medium supplemented with 20 vol% heat-inactivated fetal calf serum (MEM + FCS). Glycerol was found to be an ineffective cryoprotective agent for these cells, while DMSO was highly effective. Addition of NaCl along with the DMSO further improved the viability of cells frozen at −196 °C. Freezing and thawing rates were found to be important with a slow freezing rate, 2.5 °C/min, and a rapid thawing rate, 240°C/min, yielding the best results.Maximum viability occurred in solutions containing 80 to 95 wt.% (MEM + FCS) with the balance being DMSO and NaCl in the weight ratio of 9:1. In addition to primary ice formation, two nonequilibrium glassy phases were observed during DTA studies of these solutions (10). The exintence of these vitreous states reduces the chances thet cells will be exposed to hypertonic concentrations of salt in the extracellur fluids during freezing-out of primary ice.  相似文献   
A computer model is described which is capable of predicting changes in cell composition, cell size, cell shape, and the timing of chromosome synthesis in response to changes in external glucose limitation. The model is constructed primarily from information on unrestricted growth in glucose minimal medium. The ability of the model to make reasonable quantitative predictions under glucose-limitation is a test of the plausibility of the basic biochemical mechanisms included in the model. Such a model should be of use in differentiating among competing hypotheses for biological mechanisms and in suggesting as yet unobserved phenomena. The last two points are illustrated with the testing of a mechanism for the control of the initiation of DNA synthesis and predictions on cellwidth variations during the division cycle.  相似文献   
Directed evolution of cellobiose utilization in Escherichia coli K12   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
The cellobiose catabolic system of Escherichia coli K12 is being used to study the role of cryptic genes in evolution of new functions. Escherichia coli does not use beta-glucoside sugars; however, mutations in several loci can activate the cryptic bgl operon and permit growth on the beta-glucoside sugars arbutin and salicin. Such Bgl+ mutants do not use cellobiose, which is the most common beta-glucoside in nature. We have isolated a Cel+ (cellobiose-utilizing) mutant from a Bgl+ mutant of E. coli K12. The Cel+ mutant grows well on cellobiose, arbutin, and salicin. Genes for utilization of these beta-glucosides are located at 37.8 min on the E. coli map. The genes of the bgl operon are not involved in cellobiose utilization. Introduction of a deletion covering bgl does not affect the ability to utilize cellobiose, arbutin, or salicin, indicating that the new Cel+ genes provide all three functions. Spontaneous cellobiose negative mutants also become arbutin and salicin negative. Analysis of beta-glucoside positive revertants of these mutants indicates that there are separate loci for utilization of each of the beta-glucoside sugars. The genes are closely linked and may be activated from a single locus. A fourth gene at an unknown location increases the growth rate on cellobiose. The cel genes constitute a second cryptic system for beta-glucoside utilization in E. coli K12.   相似文献   
B G Cocks  L E Pyle    L R Finch 《Nucleic acids research》1989,17(16):6713-6719
A physical map is presented for the 900 kilobase pair genome of Ureaplasma urealyticum 960T, locating 29 sites for 6 restriction endonucleases. The large restriction fragments were separated and sized by pulsed-field agarose gel electrophoresis (PFGE). Their locations on the map were determined by probing Southern blots of digests with individual fragments isolated from other digests and by correlating the products of double digestions and partial digestions. An end-labelling technique was used to detect small fragments not readily observed by PFGE. Two loci for rRNA genes have been determined by probing with cloned DNA.  相似文献   
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