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Modern methods to develop microbe-based biomass conversion processes require a system-level understanding of the microbes involved. Clostridium species have long been recognized as ideal candidates for processes involving biomass conversion and production of various biofuels and other industrial products. To expand the knowledge base for clostridial species relevant to current biofuel production efforts, we have sequenced the genomes of 20 species spanning multiple genera. The majority of species sequenced fall within the class III cellulosome-encoding Clostridium and the class V saccharolytic Thermoanaerobacteraceae. Species were chosen based on representation in the experimental literature as model organisms, ability to degrade cellulosic biomass either by free enzymes or by cellulosomes, ability to rapidly ferment hexose and pentose sugars to ethanol, and ability to ferment synthesis gas to ethanol. The sequenced strains significantly increase the number of noncommensal/nonpathogenic clostridial species and provide a key foundation for future studies of biomass conversion, cellulosome composition, and clostridial systems biology.  相似文献   
Both models and case studies suggest that chromosomal inversions can facilitate adaptation and speciation in the presence of gene flow by suppressing recombination between locally adapted alleles. Until recently, however, it has been laborious and time‐consuming to identify and genotype inversions in natural populations. Here we apply RAD sequencing data and newly developed population genomic approaches to identify putative inversions that differentiate a sand dune ecotype of the prairie sunflower (Helianthus petiolaris) from populations found on the adjacent sand sheet. We detected seven large genomic regions that exhibit a different population structure than the rest of the genome and that vary in frequency between dune and nondune populations. These regions also show high linkage disequilibrium and high heterozygosity between, but not within, arrangements, consistent with the behaviour of large inversions, an inference subsequently validated in part by comparative genetic mapping. Genome–environment association analyses show that key environmental variables, including vegetation cover and soil nitrogen, are significantly associated with inversions. The inversions colocate with previously described “islands of differentiation,” and appear to play an important role in adaptive divergence and incipient speciation within H. petiolaris.  相似文献   
Leaf longevity (LL) varies more than 20‐fold in tropical evergreen forests, but it remains unclear how to capture these variations using predictive models. Current theories of LL that are based on carbon optimisation principles are challenging to quantitatively assess because of uncertainty across species in the ‘ageing rate:’ the rate at which leaf photosynthetic capacity declines with age. Here, we present a meta‐analysis of 49 species across temperate and tropical biomes, demonstrating that the ageing rate of photosynthetic capacity is positively correlated with the mass‐based carboxylation rate of mature leaves. We assess an improved trait‐driven carbon optimality model with in situLL data for 105 species in two Panamanian forests. We show that our model explains over 40% of the cross‐species variation in LL under contrasting light environment. Collectively, our results reveal how variation in LL emerges from carbon optimisation constrained by both leaf structural traits and abiotic environment.  相似文献   
When using stable isotopes as dietary tracers it is essential to consider effects of nutritional state on isotopic fractionation. While starvation is known to induce enrichment of 15N in body tissues, effects of moderate food restriction on isotope signatures have rarely been tested. We conducted two experiments to investigate effects of a 50–55% reduction in food intake on δ15N and δ13C values in blood cells and whole blood of tufted puffin chicks, a species that exhibits a variety of adaptive responses to nutritional deficits. We found that blood from puffin chicks fed ad libitum became enriched in 15N and 13C compared to food-restricted chicks. Our results show that 15N enrichment is not always associated with food deprivation and argue effects of growth on diet–tissue fractionation of nitrogen stable isotopes (Δ15N) need to be considered in stable isotope studies. The decrease in δ13C of whole blood and blood cells in restricted birds is likely due to incorporation of carbon from 13C-depleted lipids into proteins. Effects of nutritional restriction on δ15N and δ13C values were relatively small in both experiments (δ15N: 0.77 and 0.41‰, δ13C: 0.20 and 0.25‰) compared to effects of ecological processes, indicating physiological effects do not preclude the use of carbon and nitrogen stable isotopes in studies of seabird ecology. Nevertheless, our results demonstrate that physiological processes affect nitrogen and carbon stable isotopes in growing birds and we caution isotope ecologists to consider these effects to avoid drawing spurious conclusions.  相似文献   
The plant endoplasmic reticulum (ER) contains functionally distinct subdomains at which cargo molecules are packed into transport carriers. To study these ER export sites (ERES), we used tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) leaf epidermis as a model system and tested whether increased cargo dosage leads to their de novo formation. We have followed the subcellular distribution of the known ERES marker based on a yellow fluorescent protein (YFP) fusion of the Sec24 COPII coat component (YFP-Sec24), which, differently from the previously described ERES marker, tobacco Sar1-YFP, is visibly recruited at ERES in both the presence and absence of overexpressed membrane cargo. This allowed us to quantify variation in the ERES number and in the recruitment of Sec24 to ERES upon expression of cargo. We show that increased synthesis of membrane cargo leads to an increase in the number of ERES and induces the recruitment of Sec24 to these ER subdomains. Soluble proteins that are passively secreted were found to leave the ER with no apparent up-regulation of either the ERES number or the COPII marker, showing that bulk flow transport has spare capacity in vivo. However, de novo ERES formation, as well as increased recruitment of Sec24 to ERES, was found to be dependent on the presence of the diacidic ER export motif in the cytosolic domain of the membrane cargo. Our data suggest that the plant ER can adapt to a sudden increase in membrane cargo-stimulated secretory activity by signal-mediated recruitment of COPII machinery onto existing ERES, accompanied by de novo generation of new ERES.  相似文献   
Torpor during hibernation defines the nadir of mammalian metabolism where whole animal rates of metabolism are decreased to as low as 2% of basal metabolic rate. This capacity to decrease profoundly the metabolic demand of organs and tissues has the potential to translate into novel therapies for the treatment of ischemia associated with stroke, cardiac arrest or trauma where delivery of oxygen and nutrients fails to meet demand. If metabolic demand could be arrested in a regulated way, cell and tissue injury could be attenuated. Metabolic suppression achieved during hibernation is regulated, in part, by the central nervous system through indirect and possibly direct means. In this study, we review recent evidence for mechanisms of central nervous system control of torpor in hibernating rodents including evidence of a permissive, hibernation protein complex, a role for A1 adenosine receptors, mu opiate receptors, glutamate and thyrotropin-releasing hormone. Central sites for regulation of torpor include the hippocampus, hypothalamus and nuclei of the autonomic nervous system. In addition, we discuss evidence that hibernation phenotypes can be translated to non-hibernating species by H(2)S and 3-iodothyronamine with the caveat that the hypothermia, bradycardia, and metabolic suppression induced by these compounds may or may not be identical to mechanisms employed in true hibernation.  相似文献   
Cell nuclei spin in the absence of lamin b1   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
We investigated quantitative trait loci (QTLs) for several leaf chemistry traits in early-generation hybrids between Helianthus annuus and Helianthus petiolaris, the parental species of the ancient diploid hybrid sunflower species Helianthus anomalus, Helianthus deserticola, and Helianthus paradoxus. We grew individuals of a second-generation backcross (BC(2)) toward H. petiolaris under optimum conditions in a glass house experiment. Trait values were measured once for each individual. In addition, genotypic data previously determined for each individual were employed for composite interval mapping of QTLs. We detected QTLs for leaf carbon concentration, leaf nitrogen concentration, leaf nitrogen per unit area, and photosynthetic nitrogen use efficiency. Leaf carbon isotope discrimination (delta(13)C) and leaf nitrogen isotopic composition (delta(15)N) were analyzed, but no significant QTLs were found for these traits. Interestingly, two neighboring loci explained a relatively large percentage of the variation in leaf nitrogen per unit area. This was notable because leaf nitrogen has been shown to strongly affect the fitness of early-generation sunflower hybrids in the H. anomalus habitat, and QTLs of large effect are expected to respond relatively quickly to selection. We speculate that the genetic architecture underlying leaf nitrogen may have facilitated the colonization of active desert sand dunes by H. anomalus.  相似文献   
FgFtr1 and FgFtr2 are putative iron permeases, and FgFet1 and FgFet2 are putative ferroxidases of Fusarium graminearum. They have high homologies with iron permease ScFtr1 and ferroxidase ScFet3 of Saccharomyces cerevisiae at the amino acid level. The genes encoding iron permease and ferroxidase were localized to the same chromosome in the manner of FgFtr1/FgFet1 and FgFtr2/FgFet2. The GFP (green fluorescent protein)-fused versions of FgFtr1 and FgFtr2 showed normal functions when compared with FgFtr1 and FgFtr2 in an S. cerevisiae system, and the cellular localizations of FgFtr1 and FgFtr2 in S. cerevisiae depended on the expression of their putative ferroxidase partners FgFet1 and FgFet2 respectively. Although FgFtr1 was found on the plasma membrane when FgFet1 and FgFtr1 were co-transformed in S. cerevisiae, most of the FgFtr1 was found in the endoplasmic reticulum compartment when co-expressed with FgFet2. Furthermore, FgFtr2 was found on the vacuolar membrane when FgFet2 was co-expressed. From the two-hybrid analysis, we confirmed the interaction of FgFtr1 and FgFet1, and the same result was found between FgFtr2 and FgFet2. Iron-uptake activity also depended on the existence of the respective partner. Finally, the FgFtr1 and FgFtr2 were found on the plasma and vacuolar membrane respectively, in F. graminearum. Taken together, these results strongly suggest that FgFtr1 and FgFtr2 from F. graminearum encode the iron permeases of the plasma membrane and vacuolar membrane respectively, and require their specific ferroxidases to carry out normal function. Furthermore, the present study suggests that the reductive iron-uptake system is conserved from yeast to filamentous fungi.  相似文献   
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