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Myxothiazol inhibited the electron transport in the cytochrome b/c segment of membrane particles from Pseudomonas cichorii. A residual NADH-oxidation due to the presence of an alternative pathway via cytochrome o (Em,7=+250 mV) was sensitive to the quinone analog 5-undecyl-6-hydroxy-4,7-dioxobenzothiazole (UHDBT). This latter inhibitor was equally effective in blocking the linear respiratory chain of Pseudomonas aptata, a strain deficient in cytochromes of c type and Rieske iron-sulphur centre. The analysis of the oxido-reduction kinetic patterns of cytochromes indicated that, among the b type haems present in P. aptata, only cyt. o could be reduced by ubiquinol-1 in a reaction insensitive to both antimycin A and myxothiazol but inhibited by UHDBT. This latter finding has been correlated to the fact that P. aptata exhibits a defective b/c complex. In membranes from P. cichorii, in which the absorption maximum of dithionite reduced cytochrome(s) b shifted by 2–3 nm in the presence of antimycin A and/or myxothiazol, the electron flow through the b/c oxidoreductase complex has tentatively been arranged in a proton motive Q-cycle like mechanism.Non standard abbreviations UHDBT 5-undecyl-6-hydroxy-4,7-dioxobenzothiazole - cyt. cytochrom - Em, 7 mid-point potential at pH 7.0 - b/c complex ubiquinol-cyt. c oxidoreductase  相似文献   
Abstract: Potassium depolarization of rat brain synaptosomes (containing incorporated l-acyl-2-[14C]arachidonyl-phosphatidylcholine) stimulated endogenous phospholipase A1 (EC and A2 (EC, as determined by the formation of [14C]lysophosphatidylcholine, [14C]arachidonate, and [14C]prostaglandins, and also stimulated the secretion of [3H]catecholamines. The phospholipase A2 stimulation, dependent on calcium, was elicited in resting synaptosomes by A23187 and was demonstrated with incorporated 1-acyl-2-[l4C]oleoyl-phosphatidylcholine but not with incorporated [I4C]phosphatidylethanolamine or [l4C]phosphatidylserine. Inhibitors of phospholipase A2 [p-bromophenacylbromide (10 μM), trifluoperazine (3 μM), and quinacrine (3 μM) reduced the potassium-stimulated [3H]catecholamine release from synaptosomes to 78, 39. and 55%, respectively, of depolarized controls. The addition of lysophosphatidylcholine increased the release of [3H]norepinephrine to levels observed with potassium depolarization, whereas lysophosphatidylethanolamine, lysophosphatidylserine, and sodium dodecyl sulfate were much less effective. Potassium stimulation of synaptosomes increased the endogenous levels of free arachidonic acid and prostaglandins E2 and F. Indomethacin and aspirin decreased the amounts of prostaglandins formed, allowed the accumulation of free arachidonic acid, and diminished the potassium-stimulated release of [3H]dopamine. p-Bromophenacylbromide inhibited the formation of prostaglandin F. Addition of prostaglandin E2 inhibited, whereas prostaglandin F enhanced the release of [3H]norepinephrine. These results suggest that calcium influx induced by synaptosomal depolarization activates endogenous phospholipase A2, with subsequent formation of lysophosphatidylcholine and prostaglandins, both of which may modulate neurosecretion.  相似文献   
Summary In the Gasserian ganglion and testis of the rat the endothelium of the small blood vessels has a singular appearance due to the presence of a high number of microvillous processes. These arise from the luminal surface, either individually, or in small groups. The significance of this structure is not known. It is pointed out that these vessels are particularly sensitive to cadmium intoxication.This investigation was performed during a tenure by Dr. Gabbiani of a fellowship of the Medical Research Council of Canada and was supported by the National Institutes of Health (Grant No. 5R01 HE-08794-04) and the Ministère de la Santé du Québec (projet 604-7-635).The authors wish to thank Dr. S. M. Shea for his advice in the measurement of the villi. The technical assistance of Miss Virginia Gilmore and of Mr. Eduardo Garriga is gratefully acknowledged.  相似文献   
Résumé Les Auteurs ont démontré que, en conditions histochimiques sur du matériel fixé au formol, les acides phosphotungstique et phosphomolybdique ont une double action: 1. une action oxydative à la charge des radicaux PAS-positifs (vic-glycols et éthyleniques) en milieu aqueux, et à la charge des radicaux aminiques en milieu anhydre; cette action entraine la transformation de ces radicaux en aldéhydes; 2. la formation d'une liaison chimique entre les aldéhydes et les molécules des acides phosphomolybdique et phosphotungstique. — La coloration du collagène, au contraire, n'est pas due ni aux radicaux aminiques ni vic-glycols et implique un mécanisme encore inconnu.
Observations about the specificity of staining of phosphotungstic and phosphomolybdic acid
Summary The authors demonstrated that phosphotungstic and phosphomolybdic acid applied to formol-fixed tissues explete two following actions: 1. An oxidative action on the PAS-positive radicals (double bonds, vic-glycols groups) if in water solution and on aminogroups if in anhydrous solution. This oxidation results in a production of aldehydic radicals 2. The formation of chemical bonds between the aldehydic new-formed groups and the molecules of phosphotungstic or phosphomolybdicacid.— However, the above mentioned mechanism of action is not applicable to the collagen staining for which a different explanation has to be supposed.
As part of an analysis of the function and assembly of the mitochondrial outer membrane, we have cloned and characterized the yeast gene encoding a 45-kDa polypeptide (OM45) which is a major constituent of this membrane. The nuclear gene was isolated by immunological screening of plaques of recombinant phage lambda gt11 containing fragments of yeast genomic DNA using an antibody against OM45. Determination of the nucleotide sequence of the DNA fragment isolated by this approach revealed a single open reading frame of 1179 base pairs which encodes a protein having a predicted molecular mass of 44.6-kDa. Disruption of the OM45 gene in haploid yeast cells eliminated the expression of OM45. The mutant strain showed no apparent defect in cell viability, growth, mitochondrial function, or mitochondrial protein import.  相似文献   
When excited by ultraviolet radiation, leaves of a great number of species of higher plants exhibit emission of blue fluorescence, comparable in intensity to the red emission of chlorophyll. The fluorescence decay of the blue emission of spinach leaves recorded by single photon counting techniques is decomposed into exponential components and it is shown that at least three different components are present. The lifetime of the three components does not show significant variations with the excitation or emission wavelengths. The excitation and emission spectra of each component were determined. The nature of the chemical compounds which cause this emission is discussed in relation to these spectra.  相似文献   
The hypothesis that both genetic and linguistic similarities among Eurasian and North African populations are due to demic diffusion of neolithic farmers is tested against a wide database of allele frequencies. Demic diffusion of farming and languages from the Near East should have determined clines in areas defined by linguistic criteria; the alternative hypothesis of cultural transmission does not predict clines. Spatial autocorrelation analysis shows significant gradients in three of the four linguistic families supposedly affected by neolithic demic diffusion; the Afroasiatic family is the exception. Many such gradients are not observed when populations are jointly analyzed, regardless of linguistic classification. This is incompatible with the hypothesis that major cultural transformations in Eurasia (diffusion of related languages and spread of agriculture) took place without major demographic changes. The model of demic diffusion seems therefore to provide a mechanism explaining coevolution of linguistic and biological traits in much of the Old World. Archaeological, linguistic, and genetic evidence agree in suggesting a multidirectional process of gene flow from the Near East in the neolithic. However, the possibility should be envisaged that some allele frequency patterns can predate the neolithic and depend on the initial spread of Homo sapiens sapiens from Africa into Eurasia. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
Homing to a more or less permanent scar after each foragingexcursion is a common movement pattern among intertidal gastropodsand chitons; however, details of the timing and spacing of foragingactivity have been investigated only in a few species. The presentstudy analyzes the short-term behavior of the limpet Patellarustica along the Tyrrhenian coast, Italy, using a motographictechnique to assess the fine organization of its foraging duringfavorable periods of sea roughness. P. rustica becomes activeonce the upper midlittoral is well splashed. It alternates foragingexcursions and resting at home with a periodicity slightly longerthan 12 h, suggesting a tidal-diel pattern. However, periodogramanalysis of the sea level oscillations during the study periodsrevealed no such rhythmicity because tidal oscillations werehidden by irregular variations caused by waves. As a resultof this time partitioning, limpets move, on average, less than50% of their potential activity time. Time partitioning maybe highly adaptive in reducing potential risks. Nevertheless,in the absence of clear external driving cues, the significanceof a very regular and apparently tidal pattern, fairly synchronousamong the different specimens, remains to be explained. Theactivity of P. rustica during each excursion is organized intothree parts: the outgoing journey during which grazing activityprogressively increases, a central part characterized by intensegrazing, and the return characterized by fast displacement anda more or less consistent trail following. Limpets head forrandom directions to reach foraging grounds in successive excursions,showing only a slight avoidance of the direction taken duringthe previous outward journey. This pattern produces a spatialscattering of grazing activity, allowing efficient exploitationof grazing areas distributed radially around home during subsequentexcursions.  相似文献   
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