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The purpose of this study was to examine doxorubicin adsorption in polypropylene containers as a function of pH and drug concentration based on anecdotal evidence of such adsorption. Doxorubicin loss was first examined in high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) glass inserts by UV absorbance to determine appropriate pH and time durations for subsequent analysis. Doxorubicin loss was then investigated in polypropylene microcentrifuge tubes at different pH values and starting drug concentration at 37°C over 48 h using HPLC with fluorescent detection. Doxorubicin concentrations was essentially constant in HPLC glass inserts at pH 4.8 up to 12 h but declined 5% at pH 7.4 by 3 h. The percent doxorubicin adsorption was calculated in polypropylene microcentrifuge tubes from extrapolations to zero time and was the least at pH 4.8, but increased with pH values 6.5 and 7.4, and decreased with drug concentration to reach a maximum adsorption of 45% in 2.0 μg/mL at pH 7.4 and 37°C. Degradation rate constants, ranging from 0.0021 to 0.019 h−1, also increased with pH in these studies. Determinations of low amounts of doxorubicin in polypropylene containers at pH 7.4 may be underestimated if adsorption and degradation issues are not taken into account.KEY WORDS: adsorption, analysis, chemical stability, doxorubicin, glass, HPLC, polypropylene  相似文献   

In 59 samples of periphyton and phytoplankton collected in 2002 - 2003 from the Nahal Qishon (Qishon River), northern Israel, we found 178 species from seven divisions of algae and cyanoprocaryotes. Diatoms, clorophytes, and cyanoprocaryotes prevail. Nitzschia and Navicula (Bacillariophyta) are the most abundant. Most of the species are cosmopolitan or widespread, except Lagynion janei (Chrysophyta), which is endemic for the Mediterranean Realm. About 17% of species (26) are new for Israel and five of them represent the first recorded genera: Crinalium endophyticum Crow, Actinocyclus normanii (Gregory) Hustedt, Rhizoclonium hieroglyphicum (Agardh) Kütz (Chlorophyta), Lagynion janei Bourelly, and Stylococcus aureus Chodat. Most of them come from a rare riverine assemblage with red alga Audouinella pygmea, as well as from the estuarine assemblage. Alkaliphiles predominate among the indicators of acidity, with few acidophiles confined to the communities under the impact of industrial wastes. Among the indicators of salinity, most numerous are the oligohalobien-indifferents and species adapted to a moderate salinity level. The relative species richness of ecological groups and the indices of saprobity are correlated with changes in conductivity, pH, and N-nitrate concentration. Indicators of organic pollution fall in the range of betameso- to alfamesosaprobic self-purification grades. Our studies show ecological significance of the Nahal Qishon as a model for a strongly disturbed aquatic ecosystem in the coastal zone of eastern Mediterranean.  相似文献   
A combination of stable isotopes (15N) and molecular ecological approaches was used to investigate the vertical distribution and mechanisms of biological N2 production along a transect from the Omani coast to the central–northeastern (NE) Arabian Sea. The Arabian Sea harbors the thickest oxygen minimum zone (OMZ) in the world''s oceans, and is considered to be a major site of oceanic nitrogen (N) loss. Short (<48 h) anoxic incubations with 15N-labeled substrates and functional gene expression analyses showed that the anammox process was highly active, whereas denitrification was hardly detectable in the OMZ over the Omani shelf at least at the time of our sampling. Anammox was coupled with dissimilatory nitrite reduction to ammonium (DNRA), resulting in the production of double-15N-labeled N2 from 15NO2, a signal often taken as the lone evidence for denitrification in the past. Although the central–NE Arabian Sea has conventionally been regarded as the primary N-loss region, low potential N-loss rates at sporadic depths were detected at best. N-loss activities in this region likely experience high spatiotemporal variabilities as linked to the availability of organic matter. Our finding of greater N-loss associated with the more productive Omani upwelling region is consistent with results from other major OMZs. The close reliance of anammox on DNRA also highlights the need to take into account the effects of coupling N-transformations on oceanic N-loss and subsequent N-balance estimates.  相似文献   
The novel rhomboid-like protein RHBDD2 is distantly related to rhomboid proteins, a group of highly specialized membrane-bound proteases that catalyze regulated intramembrane proteolysis. In retina, RHBDD2 is expressed from embryonic stages to adulthood, and its levels show age-dependent changes. RHBDD2 is distinctly abundant in the perinuclear region of cells, and it localizes to their Golgi. A glycine zipper motif present in one of the transmembrane domains of RHBDD2 is important for its packing into the Golgi membranes. Its deletion causes dislodgment of RHBDD2 from the Golgi. A specific antibody against RHBDD2 recognizes two forms of the protein, one with low (39 kDa; RHBDD2L) and the other with high (117 kDa; RHBDD2H) molecular masses in mouse retinal extracts. RHBDD2L seems to be ubiquitously expressed in all retinal cells. In contrast, RHBDD2H seems to be present only in the outer segments of cone photoreceptors and may correspond to a homotrimer of RHBDD2L. This protein consistently co-localizes with S- and M-types of cone opsins. We identified a homozygous mutation in the human RHBDD2 gene, R85H, that co-segregates with disease in affected members of a family with autosomal recessive retinitis pigmentosa. Our findings suggest that the RHBDD2 protein plays important roles in the development and normal function of the retina.  相似文献   
The GES-2 β-lactamase is a class A carbapenemase, the emergence of which in clinically important bacterial pathogens is a disconcerting development as the enzyme confers resistance to carbapenem antibiotics. Tazobactam is a clinically used inhibitor of class A β-lactamases, which inhibits the GES-2 enzyme effectively, restoring susceptibility to β-lactam antibiotics. We have investigated the details of the mechanism of inhibition of the GES-2 enzyme by tazobactam. By the use of UV spectrometry, mass spectroscopy, and x-ray crystallography, we have documented and identified the involvement of a total of seven distinct GES-2·tazobactam complexes and one product of the hydrolysis of tazobactam that contribute to the inhibition profile. The x-ray structures for the GES-2 enzyme are for both the native (1.45 Å) and the inhibited complex with tazobactam (1.65 Å). This is the first such structure of a carbapenemase in complex with a clinically important β-lactam inhibitor, shedding light on the structural implications for the inhibition process.  相似文献   
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