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The culture-adapted NF54 isolate of Plasmodium falciparum was subjected in vitro to three sequential limiting dilution titrations and the resulting clone was given the designation CVD1. DNA sequence analysis of the gene encoding the circumsporozoite (CS) protein revealed differences between CVD1 and the published NF54 CS gene. CVD1 had 1191 bp, 397 amino acids, and 42 repeat units while NF54 had 1218 bp, 405 amino acids, and 44 repeat units. The CVD1 clone was more sensitive to chloroquine than was the parental line, in vitro. Anopheles stephensi mosquitoes were infected equally by the cloned and uncloned parasites. Volunteers were readily infected by NF54 and CVD1 following infectious mosquito bites. The availability of a well-characterized, chloroquine-sensitive clone which safety infects humans should facilitate performance of experimental challenge studies to assess vaccine efficacy.  相似文献   
During a lytic gammaherpesvirus infection, host gene expression is severely restricted by the global degradation and altered 3' end processing of mRNA. This host shutoff phenotype is orchestrated by the viral SOX protein, yet its functional significance to the viral lifecycle has not been elucidated, in part due to the multifunctional nature of SOX. Using an unbiased mutagenesis screen of the murine gammaherpesvirus 68 (MHV68) SOX homolog, we isolated a single amino acid point mutant that is selectively defective in host shutoff activity. Incorporation of this mutation into MHV68 yielded a virus with significantly reduced capacity for mRNA turnover. Unexpectedly, the MHV68 mutant showed little defect during the acute replication phase in the mouse lung. Instead, the virus exhibited attenuation at later stages of in vivo infections suggestive of defects in both trafficking and latency establishment. Specifically, mice intranasally infected with the host shutoff mutant accumulated to lower levels at 10 days post infection in the lymph nodes, failed to develop splenomegaly, and exhibited reduced viral DNA levels and a lower frequency of latently infected splenocytes. Decreased latency establishment was also observed upon infection via the intraperitoneal route. These results highlight for the first time the importance of global mRNA degradation during a gammaherpesvirus infection and link an exclusively lytic phenomenon with downstream latency establishment.  相似文献   
Sans résuméI. Analyse électrocapillaire des matières colorantes. Rev. gén. Mat. Col. 1926 Vol. 30 pp 34–45II. Phénomènes électrocapillaires et le problème du cancer. Arch. Med. Exper. 1926 Vol. I p 381III. Phénomènes électrocapillaires et l'antagonismes microbiens. Bol. Istituto Sier. Milano 1927 Vol. VI p 313.  相似文献   
Lava tube cave ecosystems on the volcanic islands of Hawai‘i support communities of rare and highly specialized cave arthropods. In these cave ecosystems, plant roots, both living and dead, provide the main energy source for cave animals. Loss of deep-rooted plants over caves will affect populations of cave-adapted animals living below. Furthermore, the loss of native plant species will likely eliminate host specific cave animals. Thus, identification of plant roots currently found in caves is necessary for the development of effective management actions that encourage the growth of appropriate deep-rooted plant species, thereby protecting the underlying cave ecosystem. We used molecular techniques to identify plant roots found within cave ecosystems on the islands of Maui and Hawai‘i. Sequences of the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) regions and the 5.8S gene of nuclear ribosomal DNA from cave roots were compared to sequences of known plant species either collected on the surface over the footprint of each cave or to sequences accessioned in GenBank. Roots in the cave ecosystem studied on Maui belonged to two alien tree species: Eucalyptus tereticornis and Grevillea robusta. Within the Hawai‘i cave ecosystem, roots of two plant species were identified: the alien tree G. robusta and the native vine Cocculus orbiculatus. The Maui cave ecosystem supports populations of at least 28 species of arthropods, including eight that are blind obligate cave inhabitants. The Hawai‘i cave ecosystem supports 18 arthropod species, of which three are cave-adapted. Creating protected reserves around biologically significant caves, controlling, and preventing the introduction of harmful invasive plant species within the cave footprint, and encouraging the establishment of deep-rooted native plant species is essential for the continued survival of the unique ecosystems found within Hawaiian lava tube cave systems.  相似文献   


The fish oil-derived ω-3 fatty acids, like docosahexanoic (DHA), claim a plethora of health benefits. We currently evaluated the antitumor effects of DHA, alone or in combination with cisplatin (CP) in the EAC solid tumor mice model, and monitored concomitant changes in serum levels of C-reactive protein (CRP), lipid peroxidation (measured as malondialdehyde; MDA) and leukocytic count (LC). Further, we verified the capacity of DHA to ameliorate the lethal, CP-induced nephrotoxicity in rats and the molecular mechanisms involved therein.


EAC-bearing mice exhibited markedly elevated LC (2-fold), CRP (11-fold) and MDA levels (2.7-fold). DHA (125, 250 mg/kg) elicited significant, dose-dependent reductions in tumor size (38%, 79%; respectively), as well as in LC, CRP and MDA levels. These effects for CP were appreciably lower than those of DHA (250 mg/kg). Interestingly, DHA (125 mg/kg) markedly enhanced the chemopreventive effects of CP and boosted its ability to reduce serum CRP and MDA levels. Correlation studies revealed a high degree of positive association between tumor growth and each of CRP (r = 0.85) and leukocytosis (r = 0.89), thus attesting to a diagnostic/prognostic role for CRP. On the other hand, a single CP dose (10 mg/kg) induced nephrotoxicity in rats that was evidenced by proteinuria, deterioration of glomerular filtration rate (GFR, -4-fold), a rise in serum creatinine/urea levels (2–5-fold) after 4 days, and globally-induced animal fatalities after 7 days. Kidney-homogenates from CP-treated rats displayed significantly elevated MDA- and TNF-α-, but reduced GSH-, levels. Rats treated with DHA (250 mg/kg, but not 125 mg/kg) survived the lethal effects of CP, and showed a significant recovery of GFR; while their homogenates had markedly-reduced MDA- and TNF-α-, but -increased GSH-levels. Significant association was detected between creatinine level and those of MDA (r = 0.81), TNF-α ) r = 0.92) and GSH (r = -0.82); implying causal relationships.


DHA elicited prominent chemopreventive effects on its own, and appreciably augmented those of CP as well. The extent of tumor progression in various mouse groups was highly reflected by CRP levels (thus implying a diagnostic/prognostic role for CRP). Further, this study is the first to reveal that DHA can obliterate the lethal CP-induced nephrotoxicity and renal tissue injury. At the molecular level, DHA appears to act by reducing leukocytosis, systemic inflammation, and oxidative stress.  相似文献   
Since 2000, the National Cancer Institute’s Cancer Intervention and Surveillance Modeling Network (CISNET) modeling teams have developed and applied microsimulation and statistical models of breast cancer. Here, we illustrate the use of collaborative breast cancer multilevel systems modeling in CISNET to demonstrate the flexibility of systems modeling to address important clinical and policy-relevant questions. Challenges and opportunities of future systems modeling are also summarized. The 6 CISNET breast cancer models embody the key features of systems modeling by incorporating numerous data sources and reflecting tumor, person, and health system factors that change over time and interact to affect the burden of breast cancer. Multidisciplinary modeling teams have explored alternative representations of breast cancer to reveal insights into breast cancer natural history, including the role of overdiagnosis and race differences in tumor characteristics. The models have been used to compare strategies for improving the balance of benefits and harms of breast cancer screening based on personal risk factors, including age, breast density, polygenic risk, and history of Down syndrome or a history of childhood cancer. The models have also provided evidence to support the delivery of care by simulating outcomes following clinical decisions about breast cancer treatment and estimating the relative impact of screening and treatment on the United States population. The insights provided by the CISNET breast cancer multilevel modeling efforts have informed policy and clinical guidelines. The 20 years of CISNET modeling experience has highlighted opportunities and challenges to expanding the impact of systems modeling. Moving forward, CISNET research will continue to use systems modeling to address cancer control issues, including modeling structural inequities affecting racial disparities in the burden of breast cancer. Future work will also leverage the lessons from team science, expand resource sharing, and foster the careers of early stage modeling scientists to ensure the sustainability of these efforts.  相似文献   
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