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This paper examines how selected physiological performance variables, such as maximal oxygen uptake, strength and power, might best be scaled for subject differences in body size. The apparent dilemma between using either ratio standards or a linear adjustment method to scale was investigated by considering how maximal oxygen uptake (l.min-1), peak and mean power output (W) might best be adjusted for differences in body mass (kg). A curvilinear power function model was shown to be theoretically, physiologically and empirically superior to the linear models. Based on the fitted power functions, the best method of scaling maximum oxygen uptake, peak and mean power output, required these variables to be divided by body mass, recorded in the units kg 2/3. Hence, the power function ratio standards (ml.kg-2/3.min-1) and (W.kg-2/3) were best able to describe a wide range of subjects in terms of their physiological capacity, i.e. their ability to utilise oxygen or record power maximally, independent of body size. The simple ratio standards (ml.kg-1.min-1) and (W.kg-1) were found to best describe the same subjects according to their performance capacities or ability to run which are highly dependent on body size. The appropriate model to explain the experimental design effects on such ratio standards was shown to be log-normal rather than normal. Simply by taking logarithms of the power function ratio standard, identical solutions for the design effects are obtained using either ANOVA or, by taking the unscaled physiological variable as the dependent variable and the body size variable as the covariate, ANCOVA methods.  相似文献   
The topographical distribution of genetically defined alloantigens of the bovine erythrocyte was investigated by a serological absorption procedure known as the blocking test. Blocking was observed between the E′1 and Y2 antigens in theB system when these occurred in the same phenogroup. E′1 was also blocked by G and Q′ in the same phenogroup and Y2 was blocked by G. No blocking was observed between specificities residing either in different phenogroups or in different systems. We conclude that the several specificities in a givenB-system phenogroup are carried on a single molecule having multiple antigenic determinants, and that this arrangement is entirely consistent with the hypothesis that these factors are controlled by multiple alleles at a single locus.  相似文献   
The results presented here indicate that mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) synthesis occurs on the inner mitochondrial membrane and that a membrane-DNA complex, enriched in newly synthesized DNA, can be isolated. The complex is able to synthesize DNA in vitro. Enrichment studies demonstrated that mtDNA synthesis occurs on an intact membrane-DNA complex in vitro and that pulse-labeled mtDNA could be chased from the membrane-DNA complex to the top fraction of the discontinuous sucrose gradient. The membrane-DNA complex was also shown to carry out replicative synthesis of mtDNA in vitro. Replication was shown to be asynchronous with heavy-strand synthesis preceding light-strand synthesis. The progression of mtDNA replication by the membrane-DNA complex was shown to be from small fragments (<13 S) to larger fragments (14–24 S) liberated from closed circular molecules, to a heat-stable 27 S molecule, and finally to a 38 S heat-stable molecule. The time estimated to progress from small fragments to the 38 S molecule is 120 min.  相似文献   
The metabolic rates of laboratory mice were compared in three conditions: isolated mice, mice paired together over six days (stable groups), and mice paired with strange partners daily (unstable groups). Stable pairs had 15% lower metabolic rates than either isolated or unstable pairs. In other experiments when two mice were placed in separate metabolic chambers and connected together via an air flow, the metabolic rate of the recipient in the series was 35% lower than the donor. The data suggest that a ‘factor’ produced by the donor mouse was passed via the air supply into the recipient's chamber.  相似文献   
Concentrations of calcium and magnesium were determined for 39 lots of media, including broth and agar media used for susceptibility tests and plain agar. In addition, the effect that media with and without physiological levels of these divalent cations would have on the disk diffusion susceptibility of 21 strains ofPseudomonas aeruginosa to four antimicrobics was also ascertained. Mueller-Hinton agar showed a wide variation in calcium and magnesium content. Mueller-Hinton broth contained lower concentrations of calcium and magnesium, and there was little lot-to-lot variation. Lots of Mueller-Hinton agar with higher concentrations of calcium and magnesium yielded smaller zone diamaters than those with lower concentrations. Even at equal cation concentration, zones of inhibition varied from lot to lot. Since the addition of calcium and magnesium to Mueller-Hinton agar to obtain a predetermined level did not result in equivalent zone diameters, performance testing of susceptibility media is recommended.  相似文献   
After disulphide bonds are reduced with dithiothreitol, trans-3- (α-bromomethyl)-3’-[α- (trimethylammonium)methyl]azobenzene (trans-QBr) alkylates a sulfhydryl group on receptors. The membrane conductance induced by this “tethered agonist” shares many properties with that induced by reversible agonists. Equilibrium conductance increases as the membrane potential is made more negative; the voltage sensitivity resembles that seen with 50 [mu]M carbachol. Voltage- jump relaxations follow an exponential time-course; the rate constants are about twice as large as those seen with 50 μM carbachol and have the same voltage and temperature sensitivity. With reversible agonists, the rate of channel opening increases with the frequency of agonist-receptor collisions: with tethered trans-Qbr, this rate depends only on intramolecular events. In comparison to the conductance induced by reversible agonists, the QBr-induced conductance is at least 10-fold less sensitive to competitive blockade by tubocurarine and roughly as sensitive to “open-channel blockade” bu QX-222. Light-flash experiments with tethered QBr resemble those with the reversible photoisomerizable agonist, 3,3’,bis-[α-(trimethylammonium)methyl]azobenzene (Bis-Q): the conductance is increased by cis {arrow} trans photoisomerizations and decreased by trans {arrow} cis photoisomerizations. As with Bis-Q, ligh-flash relaxations have the same rate constant as voltage-jump relaxations. Receptors with tethered trans isomer. By comparing the agonist-induced conductance with the cis/tans ratio, we conclude that each channel’s activation is determined by the configuration of a single tethered QBr molecule. The QBr-induced conductance shows slow decreases (time constant, several hundred milliseconds), which can be partially reversed by flashes. The similarities suggest that the same rate-limiting step governs the opening and closing of channels for both reversible and tethered agonists. Therefore, this step is probably not the initial encounter between agonist and receptor molecules.  相似文献   
Isolates of Fusarium species obtained from freshly harvested bean grains for human consumption collected from different Argentinean regions, were investigated for their ability to biosynthesise trichothecenes and zearalenone either on rice grains or beans. Low incidence of toxigenic fungi was observed. These mycotoxigenic species produced several toxins when grown on rice but none or little amount when cultured on beans. The results of this report suggest that contamination of Argentinean beans with Fusarium mycotoxins will not be common and therefore people would be at low mycotoxicosis risk through consumption of beans.  相似文献   
The CAF1 protein is a component of the CCR4–NOT deadenylase complex. While yeast CAF1 displays deadenylase activity, this activity is not required for its deadenylation function in vivo, and CCR4 is the primary deadenylase in the complex. In order to identify CAF1-specific functional regions required for deadenylation in vivo, we targeted for mutagenesis six regions of CAF1 that are specifically conserved among CAF1 orthologs. Defects in residues 213–215, found to be a site required for binding CCR4, reduced the rate of deadenylation to a lesser extent and resulted in in vivo phenotypes that were less severe than did defects in other regions of CAF1 that displayed greater contact to CCR4. These results imply that CAF1, while affecting deadenylation through its contact to CCR4, has functions in deadenylation separate from its contact to CCR4. Synthetic lethalities of caf1Δ, but not that of ccr4Δ, with defects in DHH1 or PAB1, both of which are involved in translation, further supports a role of CAF1 separate from that of CCR4. Importantly, other mutations in PAB1 that reduced translation, while not affecting deadenylation by themselves or when combined with ccr4Δ, severely blocked deadenylation when coupled with a caf1 deletion. These results indicate that both CAF1 and factors involved in translation are required for deadenylation.  相似文献   
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