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The methyltransferase RlmA(II) (formerly TlrB) is found in many Gram-positive bacteria, and methylates the N-1 position of nucleotide G748 within the loop of hairpin 35 in 23S rRNA. Methylation of the rRNA by RlmA(II) confers resistance to tylosin and other mycinosylated 16-membered ring macrolide antibiotics. We have previously solved the solution structure of hairpin 35 in the conformation that is recognized by the RlmA(II) methyltransferase from Streptococcus pneumoniae. It was shown that while essential recognition elements are located in hairpin 35, the interactions between RlmA(II) and hairpin 35 are insufficient on their own to support the methylation reaction. Here we use biochemical techniques in conjunction with heteronuclear/homonuclear nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy to define the RNA structures that are required for efficient methylation by RlmA(II). Progressive truncation of the rRNA substrate indicated that multiple contacts occur between RlmA(II) and nucleotides in stem-loops 33, 34 and 35. RlmA(II) appears to recognize its rRNA target through specific surface shape complementarity at the junction formed by these three helices. This means of recognition is highly similar to that of the orthologous Gram-negative methyltransferase, RlmA(I) (formerly RrmA), which also interacts with hairpin 35, but methylates at the adjacent nucleotide G745.  相似文献   
Chemotaxis induction is a major effect evoked by stimulation of the chemokine receptor CXCR4 with its sole ligand CXCL12. We now report that treatment of CHP-100 human neuroepithelioma cells with the glucosylceramide synthase (GCS) inhibitor DL-threo-1-phenyl-2-hexadecanoylamino-3-pyrrolidino-1-propanol inhibits CXCR4-dependent chemotaxis. We provide evidence that the phenomenon is not due to unspecific effects of the inhibitor employed and that inhibition of GCS neither affects total or plasmamembrane CXCR4 expression, nor CXCL12-induced Ca(2+) mobilization. The effects of the GCS inhibitor on impairment of CXCL12-induced cell migration temporally correlated with a pronounced downregulation of neutral glycosphingolipids, particularly glucosylceramide, and with a delayed and more moderate downregulation of gangliosides; moreover, exogenously administered glycosphingolipids allowed resumption of CXCR4-dependent chemotaxis. Altogether our results provide evidence, for the first time, for a role glycosphingolipids in sustaining CXCL12-induced cell migration.  相似文献   
Induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) are adult somatic cells genetically reprogrammed to an embryonic stem cell‐like state. Notwithstanding their autologous origin and their potential to differentiate towards cells of all three germ layers, iPSC reprogramming is still affected by low efficiency. As dermal fibroblast is the most used human cell for reprogramming, we hypothesize that the variability in reprogramming is, at least partially, because of the skin fibroblasts used. Human dermal fibroblasts harvested from five different anatomical sites (neck, breast, arm, abdomen and thigh) were cultured and their morphology, proliferation, apoptotic rate, ability to migrate, expression of mesenchymal or epithelial markers, differentiation potential and production of growth factors were evaluated in vitro. Additionally, gene expression analysis was performed by real‐time PCR including genes typically expressed by mesenchymal cells. Finally, fibroblasts isolated from different anatomic sites were reprogrammed to iPSCs by integration‐free method. Intriguingly, while the morphology of fibroblasts derived from different anatomic sites differed only slightly, other features, known to affect cell reprogramming, varied greatly and in accordance with anatomic site of origin. Accordingly, difference also emerged in fibroblasts readiness to respond to reprogramming and ability to form colonies. Therefore, as fibroblasts derived from different anatomic sites preserve positional memory, it is of great importance to accurately evaluate and select dermal fibroblast population prior to induce reprogramming.  相似文献   
In the equine, the zona pellucida (ZP) is the major barrier to successful in vitro fertilization. Therefore the aim of our studies was to analyze species-specific features of the equine ZP in regard to structure and glycoprotein ZPB and ZPC expression sites during oocyte development and embryogenesis. The equine ZP revealed high immunological cross-reactivity to porcine ZPB and ZPC. In the ovary, the distribution of ZPB and ZPC was co-localized and correlated with the developmental stage of the follicle. ZPB and ZPC expression started in the oocyte of the late primordial and primary follicle. In the secondary follicle, both the oocyte and the cumulus cells contributed to ZPB and ZPC synthesis. After in vivo maturation the oocyte stopped ZPB and ZPC production whereas the cumulus cells continued synthesis. Contrary, in vitro matured (IVM) cumulus-oocyte-complexes (COCs) revealed a reverse expression pattern. This was correlated to alterations in the distribution, number, and size of pores in the ZP. In the zona, N-acetylglucosamine residues were co-localized with ZPC. The acellular glycoprotein capsule surrounding early equine embryos was negative for ZPB and ZPC. Our results imply that in the horse ZPB and ZPC glycoprotein expression is differentially regulated during folliculogenesis, oocyte maturation, and embryogenesis. Contrary to the bovine and porcine, zona protein synthesis during in vivo maturation is completely overtaken by the cumulus cells implying that in the horse these cells are crucial for zona integrity. During IVM, the cumulus cells lose their ability to synthesize glycoproteins leading to alterations in the zona structure.  相似文献   
Hermaphroditic organisms are key models in sex allocation research, yet the developmental processes by which hermaphrodite sex allocation can evolve remain largely unknown. Here we use experimental evolution of hermaphrodite‐male (androdioecious) Caenorhabditis elegans populations to quantify the developmental changes underlying adaptive shifts in hermaphrodite sex allocation. We show that the experimental evolution of increased early‐life self‐fertility occurred through modification of a suite of developmental traits: increased self‐sperm production, accelerated oogenesis and ovulation, and increased embryo retention. The experimental evolution of increased self‐sperm production delayed entry into oogenesis—as expected, given the sequentially coupled production of self‐spermatogenesis and oogenesis. Surprisingly, however, delayed oogenesis onset did not delay reproductive maturity, nor did it trade‐off with gamete or embryo size. Comparing developmental time dynamics of germline and soma indicates that the evolution of increased sperm production did not delay reproductive maturity due to a globally accelerated larval development during the period of self‐spermatogenesis. Overall, heterochrony in gametogenesis and soma can explain adaptive shifts in hermaphrodite sex allocation.  相似文献   
FUS is an RNA‐binding protein involved in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) and frontotemporal dementia (FTD). Cytoplasmic FUS‐containing aggregates are often associated with concomitant loss of nuclear FUS. Whether loss of nuclear FUS function, gain of a cytoplasmic function, or a combination of both lead to neurodegeneration remains elusive. To address this question, we generated knockin mice expressing mislocalized cytoplasmic FUS and complete FUS knockout mice. Both mouse models display similar perinatal lethality with respiratory insufficiency, reduced body weight and length, and largely similar alterations in gene expression and mRNA splicing patterns, indicating that mislocalized FUS results in loss of its normal function. However, FUS knockin mice, but not FUS knockout mice, display reduced motor neuron numbers at birth, associated with enhanced motor neuron apoptosis, which can be rescued by cell‐specific CRE‐mediated expression of wild‐type FUS within motor neurons. Together, our findings indicate that cytoplasmic FUS mislocalization not only leads to nuclear loss of function, but also triggers motor neuron death through a toxic gain of function within motor neurons.  相似文献   
D2/D3 dopamine receptors (D2R/D3R) agonists regulate Akt, but their effects display a complex time‐course. In addition, the respective roles of D2R and D3R are not defined and downstream targets remain poorly characterized, especially in vivo. These issues were addressed here for D3R. Systemic administration of quinelorane, a D2R/D3R agonist, transiently increased phosphorylation of Akt and GSK‐3β in rat nucleus accumbens and dorsal striatum with maximal effects 10 min after injection. Akt activation was associated with phosphorylation of several effectors of the mammalian target of rapamycin complex 1 (mTORC1): p70S6 kinase, ribosomal protein‐S6 (Ser240/244), and eukaryotic initiation factor‐4E binding protein‐1. The action of quinelorane was antagonized by a D2/D3R antagonist, raclopride, and the selective D3R antagonist S33084, inactive by themselves. Furthermore, no effect of quinerolane was seen in knock‐out mice lacking D3R. In drd1a‐EGFP transgenic mice, quinelorane activated Akt/GSK‐3β in both neurons expressing and lacking D1 receptor. Thus, the stimulation of D3R transiently activates the Akt/GSK‐3β pathway in the two populations of medium‐size spiny neurons of the nucleus accumbens and dorsal striatum. This effect may contribute to the influence of D3R ligands on reward, cognition, and processes disrupted in schizophrenia, drug abuse, and Parkinson's disease.  相似文献   
Theory and empirical study produce clear links between mating system evolution and inbreeding depression. The connections between mating systems and outbreeding depression, whereby fitness is reduced in crosses of less related individuals, however, are less well defined. Here we investigate inbreeding and outbreeding depression in self‐fertile androdioecious nematodes, focusing on Caenorhabditis sp. 11. We quantify nucleotide polymorphism for nine nuclear loci for strains throughout its tropical range, and find some evidence of genetic differentiation despite the lowest sequence diversity observed in this genus. Controlled crosses between strains from geographically separated regions show strong outbreeding depression, with reproductive output of F1s reduced by 36% on average. Outbreeding depression is therefore common in self‐fertilizing Caenorhabditis species, each of which evolved androdioecious selfing hermaphroditism independently, but appears strongest in C. sp. 11. Moreover, the poor mating efficiency of androdioecious males extends to C. sp. 11. We propose that self‐fertilization is a key driver of outbreeding depression, but that it need not evolve as a direct result of local adaptation per se. Our verbal model of this process highlights the need for formal theory, and C. sp. 11 provides a convenient system for testing the genetic mechanisms that cause outbreeding depression, negative epistasis, and incipient speciation.  相似文献   
Cellular senescence is characterized by a stable proliferation arrest in response to stresses and the acquisition of a senescence‐associated secretory phenotype, called SASP, composed of numerous factors including pro‐inflammatory molecules, proteases, and growth factors. The SASP affects the environment of senescent cells, especially during aging, by inducing and modulating various phenotypes such as paracrine senescence, immune cell activity, and extracellular matrix deposition and organization, which critically impact various pathophysiological situations, including fibrosis and cancer. Here, we uncover a novel paracrine effect of the SASP: the neuroendocrine transdifferentiation (NED) of some epithelial cancer cells, evidenced both in the breast and prostate. Mechanistically, this effect is mediated by NF‐κB‐dependent SASP factors, and leads to an increase in intracellular Ca2+ levels. Consistently, buffering Ca2+ by overexpressing the CALB1 buffering protein partly reverts SASP‐induced NED, suggesting that the SASP promotes NED through a SASP‐induced Ca2+ signaling. Human breast cancer dataset analyses support that NED occurs mainly in p53 WT tumors and in older patients, in line with a role of senescent cells and its secretome, as they are increasing during aging. In conclusion, our work, uncovering SASP‐induced NED in some cancer cells, paves the way for future studies aiming at better understanding the functional link between senescent cell accumulation during aging, NED and clinical patient outcome.  相似文献   
Human dopamine D(2long) and D(3) receptors were modified by N-terminal addition of SNAP or CLIP forms of O(6)-alkylguanine-DNA-alkyltransferase plus a peptide epitope tag. Cells able to express each of these four constructs only upon addition of an antibiotic were established and used to confirm regulated and inducible control of expression, the specificity of SNAP and CLIP tag covalent labeling reagents, and based on homogenous time-resolved fluorescence resonance energy transfer, the presence of cell surface D(2long) and D(3) receptor homomers. Following constitutive expression of reciprocal constructs, potentially capable of forming and reporting the presence of cell surface D(2long)-D(3) heteromers, individual clones were assessed for levels of expression of the constitutively expressed protomer. This was unaffected by induction of the partner protomer and the level of expression of the partner required to generate detectable cell surface D(2long)-D(3) heteromers was defined. Such homomers and heteromers were found to co-exist and using a reconstitution of function approach both homomers and heteromers of D(2long) and D(3) receptors were shown to be functional, potentially via trans-activation of associated G protein. These studies demonstrate the ability of dopamine D(2long) and D(3) receptors to form both homomers and heteromers, and show that in cells expressing each subtype a complex mixture of homomers and heteromers co-exists at steady state. These data are of potential importance both to disorders in which D(2long) and D(3) receptors are implicated, like schizophrenia and Parkinson disease, and also to drugs exerting their actions via these sites.  相似文献   
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