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Degus (Octodon degus), Patagonian cavies (Dolichotis patagonum), and mouflon (Ovis musimon) were freeze marked with instruments refrigerated in liquid nitrogen or a mixture of dry ice and alcohol. The instruments were pressed against the skin of the animal for various trial durations. Recommended exposure durations with dry ice-alcohol refrigerant were: degus—28 sec; cavies—≈ 18 sec (estimated); mouflon—12 sec. While unsatisfactory results were obtained with the liquid nitrogen refrigerant on degus and cavies, an exposure duration of 8 sec was recommended for mouflon. With mouflon, the site of the mark influenced the appropriate exposure duration for both refrigerants. With degus, moderate overexposure resulted in acceptable marks as much of the length of peripheral white hairs was exposed due to the lack of hair in the central bare area. The dry ice-alcohol refrigerant yielded much greater exposure latitude and consistency, indicating its superiority for freeze marking, especially in a zoo setting.  相似文献   
A cytolytic enterotoxin produced by Aeromonas hydrophila, isolate SSU, has been cloned in our laboratory. This enterotoxin lysed rabbit red blood cells, destroyed Chinese hamster ovary cells, caused fluid secretion in rat ligated ileal loops, inhibited the phagocytic function of mouse phagocytes, and was lethal to mice when injected intravenously. In this study, the effect of this cytolytic enterotoxin on the chemotaxis of human leukocytes (cell line RPMI 1788) was examined. This toxin, at concentrations from 92.5 to 370 ng/ml, significantly stimulated the chemotactic activity of human leukocytes in a dose-dependent fashion. The stimulation of leukocyte chemotaxis elicited by cytolytic enterotoxin was abolished when the toxin was neutralized, heated, or exposed to low pH values. This stimulatory effect also was inhibited by various concentrations of pertussis toxin. These results demonstrated that cytolytic enterotoxin may stimulate increased chemotaxis of human leukocytes, and suggest that human leukocytes may possess cytolytic enterotoxin receptors which may be coupled to pertussis toxin-sensitive G-protein.  相似文献   
Summary During their jamming avoidance response (JAR), weakly electric fish of the genusEigenmannia shift their electric organ discharge (EOD) frequency away from a similar EOD frequency of a neighboring fish. The behavioral rules and neural substrates for stimulus recognition and motor control of the JAR have been extensively studied (see review by Heiligenberg 1986). The diencephalic nucleus electrosensorius (nE) links sensory processing within the torus semicircularis and optic tectum with the mesencephalic prepacemaker nucleus which, in turn, modulates the medullary pacemaker nucleus and hence the EOD frequency. Two separate areas within the nE responsible for JAR-related EOD frequency rises and frequency falls, respectively, were identified by iontophoresis of the excitatory amino acid L-glutamate. Bilateral lesion of the areas causing EOD frequency rises resulted in elimination of JAR-related frequency rises above a baseline frequency obtained in the absence of a jamming stimulus. Similarly, bilateral lesion of the areas causing frequency falls resulted in a loss of JAR-related frequency falls below the baseline frequency. Whether these areas are also responsible for non-JAR-related frequency shifts is not known. The strength of response and spatial extent of the areas causing frequency shifts varied among fish and also varied in individual fish, reflecting the strength of JAR-related frequency shifts and the balance of activities in frequency-rise and frequency-fall areas. Local application of bicuculline-methiodide or GABA demonstrated a tonic inhibitory input to each area and suggests a reciprocal inhibitory interaction between the two ipsilateral areas, possibly accounting for much of the individual plasticity.The nE thus is a site for neuronal transformation from distributed, topographically organized processing within the laminated structures of the torus and tectum to discrete cell clusters which control antagonistic motor responses.Abbreviations EOD electric organ discharge - JAR jamming avoidance response - Df difference frequency between jamming signal and the fish's own EOD - nE nucleus electrosensorius - PPn prepacemaker nucleus  相似文献   
A simple circulating system was developed whereby growth medium or stream water was circulated through vessels containing putative Gallionella specimens. An iron source was provided, separate from the growth vessel. Removal of the iron source resulted in a rapid depletion of iron II ions indicative of Gallionella activity. Presence and viability of Gallionella were confirmed microscopically and by culture. The system is suitable for corrosion studies under conditions of controlled water chemistry, as well as for studies involving removal of metal ions from waste waters and aquifers.  相似文献   
The grass carp has been introduced into many countries and yet self-sustaining populations are known at four sites only outside its natural range. While the hydrological conditions apparently necessary for spawning are unlikely to occur in the U.K. the requirements of temperature and perhaps water speed occur locally in heated effluents from power stations. Since most heated effluents tend to layer on the water surface, grass carp eggs laid in effluents would quickly be exposed to falls in temperature of up to about 9°C. Experiments carried out in Austria with newly fertilized eggs show that incubation temperatures below 20°C result in large scale deaths, and deformities which lead to death, although 20 h old fry are not adversely affected. Because summer river temperatures seldom exceed 20°C it is concluded that if spawning did occur it would be unsuccessful at most power station sites. At sites where the power station uses a considerable proportion of the available river flow and where the effluent mixes completely downstream, eggs could possibly survive if temperature were the major criterion for successful development.  相似文献   
Microsatellite DNA markers in a mare's hair bulbs not concordant with markers in her blood confirmed the hypothesis of chimaerism which had been proposed to explain the apparent parentage exclusion of the mare from her suckling foal. Parentage analysis for this foal based on genetic markers not originating from blood cells of its dam supported a parentage verification conclusion.  相似文献   
The different drainage basins of large rivers such as the Mississippi River represent interesting systems in which to study patterns in freshwater microbial biogeography. Spatial variability in bacterioplankton communities in six major rivers (the Upper Mississippi, Missouri, Illinois, Ohio, Tennessee, and Arkansas) of the Mississippi River Basin was characterized using Ion Torrent 16S rRNA amplicon sequencing. When all systems were combined, particle-associated (>3 μm) bacterial assemblages were found to be different from free-living bacterioplankton in terms of overall community structure, partly because of differences in the proportional abundance of sequences affiliated with major bacterial lineages (Alphaproteobacteria, Cyanobacteria, and Planctomycetes). Both particle-associated and free-living communities ordinated by river system, a pattern that was apparent even after rare sequences or those affiliated with Cyanobacteria were removed from the analyses. Ordination of samples by river system correlated with environmental characteristics of each river, such as nutrient status and turbidity. Communities in the Upper Mississippi and the Missouri and in the Ohio and the Tennessee, pairs of rivers that join each other, contained similar taxa in terms of presence-absence data but differed in the proportional abundance of major lineages. The most common sequence types detected in particle-associated communities were picocyanobacteria in the Synechococcus/Prochlorococcus/Cyanobium (Syn/Pro) clade, while free-living communities also contained a high proportion of LD12 (SAR11/Pelagibacter)-like Alphaproteobacteria. This research shows that while different tributaries of large river systems such as the Mississippi River harbor distinct bacterioplankton communities, there is also microhabitat variation such as that between free-living and particle-associated assemblages.  相似文献   
High mobility group protein B1 (HMGB1) binds to the internucleosomal linker DNA in chromatin and abuts the nucleosome. Bending and untwisting of the linker DNA results in transmission of strain to the nucleosome core, disrupting histone/DNA contacts. An interaction between H3 and HMGB1 has been reported. Here we confirm and characterize the interaction of HMGB1 with H3, which lies close to the DNA entry/exit points around the nucleosome dyad, and may be responsible for positioning of HMGB1 on the linker DNA. We show that the interaction is between the N-terminal unstructured tail of H3 and the C-terminal unstructured acidic tail of HMGB1, which are presumably displaced from DNA and the HMG boxes, respectively, in the HMGB1-nucleosome complex. We have characterized the interaction by nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy and show that it is extensive for both peptides, and appears not to result in the acquisition of significant secondary structure by either partner.  相似文献   
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