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The torpedo (DER) gene of Drosophila, which encodes a receptor tyrosine kinase of the EGF receptor subfamily, is essential for oogenesis, embryogenesis and imaginal disc development. To gain insight into the nature of the signals transduced by the torpedo product, we have characterized the gene's loss-of-function phenotype in the embryo. Through the induction of germline clones, we provide a genetic demonstration that maternal torpedo product does not contribute to zygotic development. Thus, the embryonic lethal phenotypes examined accurately reflect the consequences of eliminating all gene activity from the zygote. Temperature-shift experiments with the conditional allele topIF26 show that torpedo is required at two distinct times during embryonic development: the gene is first needed for germband retraction and for the production of anterior, posterior and ventral cuticle, then later for the secretion of ventral denticles. Since denticle formation can be severely disrupted in topIF26 animals without affecting cuticle production, the early and late requirements for torpedo appear to be functionally unrelated. torpedo, therefore, is required at multiple times in the development of the ventral epidermis, and may transduce qualitatively different signals. Since the early requirement for torpedo correlates with the first visible defect in embryonic development, increased cell death in the amnioserosa, cephalic ectoderm and ventral epidermis, the abnormalities in cuticle production and germband shortening seen in the mutant may be secondary consequences of a primary defect in cell viability. Given that the onset of cell death in torpedo embryos is not preceded by any obvious defects in mitogenesis, the establishment of cell identities or the maintenance of gene expression, it is possible that torpedo transduces a signal necessary for cell survival per se during early embryogenesis. During late embryogenesis, torpedo may mediate the reception of a second signal which regulates ventral epidermal cell differentiation.  相似文献   
A 41 amino acid peptide, probably identical in structure to human corticotropin releasing factor, was isolated from 70 equine hypothalami by methanol extraction, immunoaffinity chromatography and single step of reverse phase HPLC. The amino acid sequence was determined by gas phase sequence analysis. Probable carboxyl terminal amidation was demonstrated by similar retention times for equine and human corticotropin releasing factor on reverse phase HPLC at pH 8. The likely structure of equine corticotropin releasing factor is: Ser-Glu-Glu-Pro-Pro- Ile-Ser-Leu-Asp-Leu-Thr-Phe-His-Leu-Leu-Arg-Glu-Val-Leu-Glu-Met-Ala-Arg-Ala-Glu-Gln-Leu-Ala-Gln-Gln-Ala-His-Ser-Asn- Arg-Lys-Leu-Met-Glu-Ile-Ile-NH2. The purified peptide is equipotent with human corticotropin releasing factor in an in vitro bioassay and in a human plasma binding protein assay.  相似文献   
The life history characteristics, population dynamics and production of Pontoporeia hoyi in Lake George, New York, were studied from May 1981 through October 1982. P. hoyi, in terms of both density and standing crop, is the most prevalent member of the deep water macrobenthos of Lake George. It reproduces in the winter, with young being released in the late winter-early spring. At the southernmost study site, young released in the spring grew to 6–7 mm in length and bred during their first winter. At the remaining sites, P. hoyi required two years to complete its life cycle. This difference in life history characteristics can be related to food availability and temperature differences. The open waters of the south end of Lake George are not only more productive but are also more closely associated with the littoral zone, providing a wealth of bacteria-rich detritus for benthic deposit feeders. The greater food availability in the south basin of Lake George is reflected in significantly larger brood sizes and smaller size at maturity for P. hoyi populations from the south end of the lake.The southernmost study site has significantly greater P. hoyi density and standing crop than all other sites. The cohort of the year dominated density and standing crop at the southern site while the cohort of the previous year dominated standing crop at the other sites. Peak abundance ranged from 600 · m–2 at the north site to 2 900 · m–2 at the south site. Cohort production ranged from 2g · m–2 at the north site to 15g · m–2 at the south site.  相似文献   
Equilibrium constants, Kdis, for the solvent- dependent, solution-phase disproportionation equilibria of monosubstituted pentakis(arlisocyanide)cobalt(I) complexes: 2[Co(CNR)4L]+?[Co(CNR)3L2]+ + [Co(CNR)5]+, Kdis = [Co(CNR)3L2][Co(CNR)5][Co(CNR)4L]2 are measured by planimeter-integration of proton- NMR spectra at ambient temperature. The complexes, [Co(CNR)4L]ClO4, R = 2,6-Me2C6H3, L = P(C6H5)3, P(C6H4Cl-p)3, P(OC6H5)3, P(OC6H4Cl-p)3; R = o-MeC6H4, L = P(C6H4Cl-p)3, P(OC6H5)3, P(OC6H4Cl-p)3; R = 2,4,6-Me3C6H2, L = P(C6H5)3; R = 2,6-Et2C6H3, L = P(C6H5)3; are investigated in the deuterated solvents, CDCl3, CD3CN, (CD3)2CO, C5D5N, CD3NO2, and (CD3)2SO. Disproportionation seems to occur in all [Co(CNR)4L]+, but NMR study is facilitated by utilizing equivalent alkyl protons (i.e., Me-groups) on the RNC ligands.Correlation of Kdis values with steric-hindrance of the RNC in sets of complexes with the same P-ligand is evident in all solvents: Kdis decreases with increased steric-hindrance in RNC. The Kdis values for complexes with the same RNC and analogous triarylphosphine, triarylphosphite ligands (i.e., PR3, P(OR)3, same R) are approximately equal. The Kdis values for complexes of P-ligands with Cl-substituent are significantly larger than Kdis values for complexes with the corresponding unsubstituted P-ligands (e.g., [Co(CNR)4P(C6H4Clp)3]ClO4vs. [Co(CNR)4P(C6H5)3]ClO4) in (CD3)2CO and C5D5N solution, but are smaller in CDCl3 and CD3CN, and approximately equal in CD3NO2 and (CD3)2SO. Properties of the solvents are also considered.  相似文献   
Alcohol dehydrogenase isozymes in Camellia japonica are encoded by two genes, Adh-1 and Adh-2. Both loci are expressed in seeds, and their products randomly associate into intragenic and intergenic dimers. Electrophoresis of leaf extracts reveals only the products of Adh-2. Formal genetic analysis indicated that the two Adh loci are tightly linked (combined estimate of r=0.004). Most segregations fit expected Mendelian ratios, but in some families distorted segregation was observed at Adh-1, Adh-2, or both loci. The deficient progeny class varied across families, and in two apparent backcrosses three rather than two phenotypic classes were recovered. The mechanism underlying these distortions is not known, but evidence is presented that suggests that the phenomenon is genic or segmental in nature. Plausible hypotheses include linkage of the Adh structural genes with a gametophytic self-incompatibility locus, translocation heterozygosity involving the segment bearing Adh-1 and Adh-2, or a combination of these two mechanisms.  相似文献   
The interaction of aflatoxins with purines and purine nucleosides   总被引:8,自引:3,他引:5  
From measurements of thermal hyperchromicity and the behaviour of an aflatoxin-DNA mixture on a Sephadex column it was concluded that aflatoxin B(1) is capable of weak binding to single-stranded DNA. The interactions of the aflatoxins (B(1), G(1) and G(2)) with nucleosides result in difference spectra and suggest that the purine bases and the amino group play a role in the binding of all the aflatoxins to DNA.  相似文献   
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