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There is a need for efficient modeling strategies which quickly lead to reliable mathematical models that can be applied for design and optimization of (bio)-chemical processes. The serial gray box modeling strategy is potentially very efficient because no detailed knowledge is needed to construct the white box part of the model and because covenient black box modeling techniques like neural networks can be used for the black box part of the model. This paper shows for a typical biochemical conversion how the serial gray box modeling strategy can be applied efficiently to obtain a model with good frequency extrapolation properties. Models with good frequency extrapolation properties can be applied under dynamic conditions that were not present during the identification experiments. For a given application domain of a model, this property can be used to considerably reduce the number of identification experiments. The serial gray box modeling strategy is demonstrated to be successful for the modeling of the enzymatic conversion of penicillin G In the concentration range of 10-100 mM and temperature range of 298-335 K. Frequency extrapolation is shown by using only constant temperatures in the (batch) identification experiments, while the model can be used reliable with varying temperatures during the (batch) validation experiments. No reliable frequency extrapolation properties could be obtained for a black box model, and for a more knowledge-driven white box model reliable frequency extrapolation properties could only be obtained by incorporating more knowledge in the model. Copyright 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   


Pseudomonas, a soil bacterium, has been observed as a dominant genus that survives in different habitats with wide hostile conditions. We had a basic assumption that the species level variation in 16S rDNA sequences of a bacterial genus is mainly due to substitutions rather than insertion or deletion of bases. Keeping this in view, the aim was to identify a region of 16S rDNA sequence and within that focus on substitution prone stretches indicating species level variation and to derive patterns from these stretches that are specific to the genus.


Repeating elements that are highly conserved across different species of Pseudomonas were considered as guiding markers to locate a region within the 16S gene. Four repeating patterns showing more than 80% consistency across fifty different species of Pseudomonas were identified. The sub-sequences between the repeating patterns yielded a continuous region of 495 bases. The sub-sequences after alignment and using Shanon's entropy measure yielded a consensus pattern. A stretch of 24 base positions in this region, showing maximum variations across the sampled sequences was focused for possible genus specific patterns. Nine patterns in this stretch showed nearly 70% specificity to the target genus. These patterns were further used to obtain a signature that is highly specific to Pseudomonas. The signature region was used to design PCR primers, which yielded a PCR product of 150 bp whose specificity was validated through a sample experiment.


The developed approach was successfully applied to genus Pseudomonas. It could be tried in other bacterial genera to obtain respective signature patterns and thereby PCR primers, for their rapid tracking in the environmental samples.
Certain conjugative plasmids in Enterococcus faecalis encode a mating response to peptide sex pheromones encoded on the chromosome of potential recipient (plasmid-free) strains. The pheromone precursors correspond to the precursors of surface lipoproteins with the mature peptides coming from the last 7-8 residues of the related signal sequences. Processing that gives rise to the pAD1-related peptide involves a chromosome-encoded metalloprotease (Eep) that is believed to operate within the cytoplasmic membrane. Mutations in the determinants for cAD1 and cAM373, cad and camE, respectively, do not affect cell viability; and when the related plasmid is present, the pheromone response is normal. A cAM373-like activity is produce by Staphylococcus aureus, but the corresponding lipoprotein determinant (camS) is unrelated to the enterococcal determinant (camE). pAD1 has two origins of transfer, oriT1 and oriT2 and encodes a relaxase (TraX), which has been shown to specifically nick in oriT2. pAM373 has a site, oriT, that is similar to oriT2 of pAD1. Both sites (oriT2 of pAD1 and oriT of pAM373) have a series of short direct repeats (5-6 bp with 5-6 bp-spacings) adjacent to a long inverted repeat (140 bp). The direct repeats differ significantly and confer specificity to the two systems. pAD1 and pAM373 are both able to mobilize the nonconjugative plasmid pAMalpha1, which encodes two relaxases that are involved in transfer. Relevant information concerning the possible movement of vancomycin resistance from E. faecalis to S. aureus in a clinical environment is discussed.  相似文献   
Two plasmids designated pOB1 and pOB2 were isolated from Streptococcus faecalis strain 5952 and found to have molecular weights of approximately 46 X 10(6) and 28 X 10(6), respectively. pOB1 was found to determine hemolytic activity and was transmissible, whereas pOB2 appeared to determine a bacteriocin that is specifically inhibitory to S. faecalis strains harboring the 26-megadalton plasmid pAM539.  相似文献   
Streptococcus faecalis DT-11 harbors the 6.0-megadalton plasmid pAMalpha1, which determines resistance to tetracycline (TC). When this strain is grown in the presence of TC for a number of generations, a reversible gene amplification occurs, generating tandem repeats of a 2.65-megadalton segment of the plasmid. On the basis of heteroduplex studies between various forms of pAMalpha1 and fragments generated by the Escherichia coli restriction endonuclease EcoRI, we have obtained direct evidence for the presence of a small sequence designated RS1 (for recombination sequence) located on both sides of the TC resistance determinant. Corresponding points on the two sequences are separated by 2.65 megadaltons of deoxyribonucleic acid. The two RS1 sequences have the same polarity and are of a size corresponding to about 380 nucleotide base pairs. The data presented serve as strong support for amplification models that are based on recombinational events involving the RS1 sequences.  相似文献   
Plasmids pAD1 (37.8 megadaltons) and pAD2 (17.1 megadaltons) of Streptococcus faecalis strain DS16 have been mapped with restriction enzymes. The location of a hemolysin-bacteriocin determinant on the conjugative pAD1 plasmid was derived from analyses of transposon insertions. Electron microscope and hybridization analyses located Tn917(Em) and the streptomycin (Sm) and kanamycin (Km) resistance determinants on the nonconjugative pAD2 plasmid. It was shown previously that the erythromycin (Em) resistance associated with Tn917 is inducible and that transposition from pAD2 to pAD1 is also stimulated by exposure of cells to low concentrations of Em. Here we show that inducing concentrations of Em also increase the conjugative transfer potential of pAD1; this is possibly related to a mild and short-lived inhibitory stress placed on the cells before full induction of resistance. Selection of Em-resistant transconjugants arising from matings between DS16 and a plasmid-free recipient gave rise to transconjugants which primarily harbor stable pAD1::pAD2 cointegrates. A 30-min exposure of donors to Em (0.5 microgram/ml) before mating resulted in a severalfold increase in the number of such transconjugants. However, a small fraction (e.g., 3 of 40) of these Emr Smr Kmr transconjugants harbored pAD1::Tn917 and pAD2 molecules. Since we believe pAD2 is incapable of being mobilized by pAD1 without being covalently linked, it is likely that transfer in these cases involved cointegrates representing structural intermediates in the transposition of Tn917 from pAD2 to pAD1. It follows that such intermediates probably had two copies of Tn917 and readily resolved after transfer. (These cointegrates are different from the stable cointegrates which were shown to have only a single copy of Tn917; the latter are assumed not to be related to transposition.) Two variants with altered Tn917 transposition properties were derived. One of them transposed at an elevated frequency, whereas the other showed no detectabel transposition. In neither case was transposition influenced by Em exposure; however, both remained inducible for Em resistance.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: Although several potential risk factors have been discussed, risk factors associated with bacterial colonization or even infection of catheters used for regional anaesthesia are not very well investigated. METHODS: In this prospective observational trial, 198 catheters at several anatomical sites where placed using a standardized technique. The site of insertion was then monitored daily for signs of infection (secretion at the insertion site, redness, swelling, or local pain). The catheters were removed when clinically indicated (no or moderate postoperative pain) or when signs of potential infection occurred. After sterile removal they were prospectively analyzed for colonization, defined as > 15 colony forming units. RESULTS: 33 (16.7%) of all catheters were colonized, and 18 (9.1%) of these with additional signs of local inflammation. Two of these patients required antibiotic treatment due to superficial infections. Stepwise logistic regression analysis was used to identify factors associated with catheter colonization. Out of 26 potential factors, three came out as statistically significant. Catheter placement in the groin (odds-ratio and 95%-confidence interval: 3.4; 1.5-7.8), and repeated changing of the catheter dressing (odds-ratio: 2.1; 1.4-3.3 per removal) increased the risk for colonization, whereas systemic antibiotics administered postoperatively decreased it (odds ratio: 0.41; 0.12-1.0). CONCLUSION: Colonization of peripheral and epidural nerve catheter can only in part be predicted at the time of catheter insertion since two out of three relevant variables that significantly influence the risk can only be recorded postoperatively. Catheter localisation in the groin, removal of the dressing and omission of postoperative antibiotics were associated with, but were not necessarily causal for bacterial colonization. These factors might help to identify patients who are at increased risk for catheter colonization.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: In many studies investigating measures to attenuate the hemodynamic and humoral stress response during induction of anaesthesia, primary attention was paid to the period of endotracheal intubation since it has been shown that even short-lasting sympathetic cardiovascular stimulation may have detrimental effects on patients with coronary artery disease. The aim of this analysis was, however, to identify the influencing factors on high catecholamine levels before induction of anaesthesia. METHODS: Various potential risk factors that could impact the humoral stress response before induction of anaesthesia were recorded in 84 males undergoing coronary aortic bypass surgery, and were entered into a stepwise linear regression analysis. The plasma level of norepinephrine measured immediately after radial artery canulation was chosen as a surrogate marker for the humoral stress response, and it was used as the dependent variable in the regression model. Accordingly, the mean arterial blood pressure, heart rate and the calculated pressure-rate product were taken as parameters of the hemodynamic situation. RESULTS: Stepwise regression analysis revealed that the oral administration of low-dose clonidine (mean dose 1.75 μg.kg-1) on the morning of surgery was the only significant predictor (p = 0.004) of the high variation in preoperative norepinephrine plasma levels. This intervention decreased norepinephrine levels by more than 40% compared to no clonidine administration, from 1.26 to 0.75 nmol.l-1. There was no evidence for dose-responsiveness of clonidine. All other potential predictors were removed from the model as insignificant (p > 0.05). The use of beta-blocker, ace-inhibitors, ejection fraction, and body mass index were significant determinants for the hemodynamic situation (heart rate, mean arterial pressure, pressure rate product) of the patient during the pre-induction period. CONCLUSION: The oral administration of clonidine is the only significant predictor for the observed variation of norepinephrine levels during the preoperative period. Lack of significant dose responsiveness suggests that even a low dose of the drug can attenuate the preoperative stress response and thus is recommended in cardiovascular high risk patients.  相似文献   
The small multicopy plasmid pAMalpha1 (9.75 kb) encoding tetracycline resistance in Enterococcus faecalis is known to generate tandem repeats of a 4.1-kb segment carrying tet(L) when cells are grown extensively in the presence of tetracycline. Here we show that the initial (rate-limiting) step involves a site-specific recombination event involving plasmid-encoded relaxase activity acting at two recombination sequences (RS1 and RS2) that flank the tet determinant. We also present the complete nucleotide sequence of pAMalpha1.  相似文献   
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