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Benzoate conjugation, represented by hippurate synthesis, was measured in hepatocytes isolated from normal and sparse-fur (spf) mutant mice, with X-linked ornithine transcarbamylase deficiency, to compare the effects of glyoxylate and piridoxylate (a hemiacetal of glyoxylate and pyridoxine), substituted for glycine. Various amino acid precursors of glycine described in the literature, including serine, threonine, glutamine, and glutamate, were studied in a similar manner. The role of glyoxylate and piridoxylate was also assessed in the renal cortex, in comparison with liver homogenates from normal and hyperammonemic mice. The results indicate the importance of glyoxylate and piridoxylate to completely substitute for glycine (96-115%) in isolated hepatocytes of spf/Y mice, as compared with 53-69% (p less than 0.05) in normal +/Y controls. The mean value of amino acid precursors to substitute for glycine in spf mice was serine 51%, threonine 29% (p less than 0.05), and glutamine 9%. In normal mice, only serine (21%) (p less than 0.01) partly substituted for glycine, whereas threonine, glutamine and glutamate gave negative values of net hippurate synthesis. The specific activity of renal cortex for hippurate synthesis from glycine, glyoxylate and piridoxylate was 3-4 times that of liver homogenates (p less than 0.01 - less than 0.001). A scheme for the transamination of glyoxylate by alanine is presented. Besides alanine, the excess of glycine, serine, and threonine is readily deaminated in the body to take part in gluconeogenic reactions, thus contributing to hyperammonemia. The cumulative effect of benzoate conjugation to drain these ammoniagenic precursors through glycine may be the basis of its therapeutic effect in hyperammonemia.  相似文献   
The rat perforatorium is the part of the perinuclear theca that underlies the acrosomic system. It appears to be composed of several polypeptides. The main objective of this study was to determine the distribution of seven of these perforatorial polypeptides in the head of the rat spermatozoon. For this purpose, polyclonal antibodies were affinity purified from these polypeptides and tested 1) for their distribution on electron-microscope sections of late spermatids and spermatozoa by immunogold labeling and 2) for their specificity on Western blots of denatured perforatorial polypeptides by immunoblotting. Immunoblotting showed that all seven of the prominent perforatorial polypeptides had epitopes in common. Immunogold labeling of spermatozoa showed that antibodies against the 13, 13.4, and 16 kDa polypeptides were restricted in their localization to the thicker apical portion of the perforatorium and to the inner zone of the ventral spur. However, antibodies against the 34, 43, 57, and 63 kDa polypeptides reacted with the entire perforatorium but, in addition, reacted with the inner part of the ventral spur and with a portion of the "outer periacrosomal layer" lying between the plasma membrane and the outer acrosomal membrane. These results suggest 1) that there are regional differences in protein composition of the perforatorium, of the outer periacrosomal layer, and of the postacrosomal dense lamina; and 2) that perforatorial polypeptides may not necessarily be restricted to the subacrosomal region, but may also compose portions of the outer periacrosomal layer and postacrosomal dense lamina. Based on both immunoblotting and immunocytochemical results, using an antiactin monoclonal antibody that recognizes all known isoforms of actin, actin was not detected in the perforatorium of step 19 spermatids or spermatozoa. Actin, however, together with the seven perforatorial polypeptides tested, was present in the subacrosomal space of elongating spermatids before the process of condensation of the perforatorium takes place.  相似文献   
In primates the membrane separating the seminiferous epithelium from the interstitial space is composed of one to three (monkey) or two to six layers (man) of myoid cells associated with one to two layers of fibrocyte-like adventitial cells. All these cells are separated from each other by irregular spaces filled with various connective tissue intercellular components. Subjacent to the elements of the seminiferous epithelium is a continuous, often redundant, basement membrane. A similar basement membrane-like material forms a layer next to and over small areas of the plasma membrane of myoid cells. Collagen fibrils grouped in bundles of various sizes are seen in all connective tissue layers but are particularly abundant in the space between the seminiferous epithelium and the innermost layer of myoid cells. Elastic fibrils demonstrated by the Verhoeff iron hematoxylin technique are also present. Composed of a homogeneous material, the elastic fibrils are short, irregular, branching entities with a diameter comparable to or smaller than that of collagen fibrils. In addition, an abundance of microfibrils with a diameter of 12-15 nm is present in the various connective tissue layers. These microfibrils have a densely stained cortex and a lightly stained core. When seen close to the myoid cells, bundles of micro fibrils appear to insert on well defined areas next to the plasma membrane. These areas commonly face the patches of electron-dense material observed on the inner aspect of the plasma membrane of the myoid cells and in which the actin filaments are inserted. Bundles of microfibrils often span the gap between myoid cells of the same layer as well as those of adjacent layers. Microfibrils are also closely related to the surface of elastic fibrils and are seen intertwining with collagen fibrils. Thus microfibrils appear to bridge and bind together adjacent myoid cells and anchor the surface of these cells to the bundles of elastic and collagen fibrils present in the intercellular spaces of the limiting membrane.  相似文献   
Protein kinase C (PKC) and angiotensin II (AngII) can regulate cardiac function in pathological conditions such as in diabetes or ischemic heart disease. We have reported that expression of connective tissue growth factor (CTGF) is increased in the myocardium of diabetic mice. Now we showed that the increase in CTGF expression in cardiac tissues of streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats was reversed by captopril and islet cell transplantation. Infusion of AngII in rats increased CTGF mRNA expression by 15-fold, which was completely inhibited by co-infusion with AT1 receptor antagonist, candesartan. Similarly, incubation of cultured cardiomyocytes with AngII increased CTGF mRNA expression by 2-fold, which was blocked by candesartan and a general PKC inhibitor, GF109203X. The role of PKC isoform-dependent action was further studied using adenoviral vector-mediated gene transfer of dominant negative (dn) PKC or wild type PKC isoforms. Expression of dnPKCalpha, -epsilon, and -zeta isoforms suppressed AngII-induced CTGF expression in cardiomyocytes. In contrast, expression of dominant negative PKCdelta significantly increased AngII-induced CTGF expression, whereas expression of wild type PKCdelta inhibited this induction. This inhibitory effect was further confirmed in the myocardium of transgenic mice with cardiomyocyte-specific overexpression of PKCdelta (deltaTg mice). Thus, AngII can regulate CTGF expression in cardiomyocytes through a PKC activation-mediated pathway in an isoform-selective manner both in physiological and diabetic states and may contribute to the development of cardiac fibrosis in diabetic cardiomyopathy.  相似文献   
TheLpslocus on mouse chromosome 4 controls host responsiveness to lipopolysaccharide, a major component of the outer membrane of Gram-negative bacteria. The C3H/HeJ inbred mouse strain is characterized by a mutantLpsallele (Lpsd) that renders it hyporesponsive to LPS and naturally tolerant of its lethal effects. To identify theLpsgene by a positional cloning strategy, we have generated a high-resolution linkage map of the chromosomal region surrounding this locus. We have analyzed a total of 1604 backcross mice from a preexisting interspecific backcross panel of 259 (Mus spretus× C57BL/6J)F1 × C57BL/6J and two novel panels of 597 (DBA/2J × C3H/HeJ)F1 × C3H/HeJ and 748 (C57BL/6J × C3H/HeJ)F1 × C3H/HeJ segregating atLps.A total of 50 DNA markers have been mapped in a 11.8-cM span overlapping theLpslocus. This positions theLpslocus within a 1.1-cM interval, flanked proximally by a large cluster of markers, including three known genes (Cd30l, Hxb,andAmbp), and distally by two microsatellite markers (D4Mit7/D4Mit178). The localization of theLpslocus is several centimorgans proximal to that previously assigned.  相似文献   
The three-dimensional structure of the components of the Golgi apparatus was analyzed in plasma cells of rat duodenum. The spheroidal juxtanuclear Golgi apparatus was formed by a continuous ribbonlike structure composed of the following stacked elements. On the cis-face of the Golgi stack, there was a tubular membranous network referred to as the cis-element and/or a slightly dilated saccule perforated with small pores. The two or three subjacent saccules, which showed few pores, were slightly dilated and contained a fluffy granulofilamentous material. They were also perforated in register by cavities or wells containing 80-nm vesicles. The next one or two underlying elements were fenestrated saccules showing flattened portions as well as distended portions containing a homogeneous material denser than that seen in the overlying saccules. The last two or three elements of the stack showed a partially separated or "peeling off" configuration. These last elements consisted of prosecretory granules attached to flattened, empty-looking saccules showing buds at their surface; detached, more-or-less fenestrated, flattened saccules; and shrivelled residual trans-tubular networks. In the trans-region of the stack, in addition to numerous small vesicles, short membranous tubules, detached prosecretory granules, and denser fully formed secretion granules were also seen. These images were interpreted to indicate that secretory material present in the trans-saccules flows toward the dilated portions which become prosecretory granules. The trans-most elements seemingly peel off the stack to yield prosecretory granules and fragmenting trans-tubular networks.  相似文献   
The three-dimensional structure of the Golgi apparatus and its components has been analyzed in sections of pancreatic acinar cells by using stereopairs of electron microscope photographs. Pancreatic tissue fixed in glutaraldehyde was postfixed in reduced osmium, and the sections were stained with lead citrate. Tissues were also treated to demonstrate phosphatase activity (i.e., nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphatase, NADPase; thiamine pyrophosphatase, TPPase; cytidine monophosphatase, CMPase). The following stacked components were observed along the branching, anastomotic, continuous, ribbonlike Golgi apparatus. 1) On the cis-face of the Golgi stack there was a tubular membranous network known to be osmiophilic and referred to as the cis-osmiophilic tubular network or cis-element. 2) A first, poorly fenestrated saccule, unreactive for the phosphatases tested, was slightly distended in places and contained a fluffy granulofilamentous material. 3) The subjacent three or four saccules, reactive for NADPase and/or TPPase, showed dilated portions containing a granulofilamentous secretory material similar to that filling the rest of the saccule. They also showed nondilated portions perforated with large fenestrations, some of which were in register and formed wells containing 80-nm vesicles. The dilated portions of these saccules were present at random along the length of the saccules and were not located exclusively at their edges. 4) The remaining one or two elements of the stack, CMPase positive, showed dilated spheroidal portions or prosecretory granules containing a homogeneous secretory material and flattened fenestrated regions free of secretory material and having the appearance of networks of narrow membranous tubules. 5) Lastly on the trans-aspect of the stack there were detached prosecretory granules reactive for CMPase and surrounded by a corona of small vesicles, and smooth-surfaced spherical CMPase-negative granules having a denser content that were identified as fully formed secretion granules; there were also occasional free trans-tubular networks strongly reactive for CMPase that appeared to undergo fragmentation and numerous small vesicles free from acid-phosphatase activity. These various images were interpreted as indicating that prosecretory granules formed in relation to two or three fenestrated saccules on the trans-side of the stack. Such granules, following their detachment from the trans-face of the stack, their separation from trans-tubular networks, and condensation of their content, yielded mature secretion granules.  相似文献   


Zerumbone is a cytotoxic component isolated from Zingiber zerumbet Smith, a herbal plant which is also known as lempoyang. This new anticancer bioactive compound from Z. zerumbet was investigated for its activity and mechanism in human liver cancer cell lines.  相似文献   
Prediction of patient-centered outcomes in hospitals is useful for performance benchmarking, resource allocation, and guidance regarding active treatment and withdrawal of care. Yet, their use by clinicians is limited by the complexity of available tools and amount of data required. We propose to use Disjunctive Normal Forms as a novel approach to predict hospital and 90-day mortality from instance-based patient data, comprising demographic, genetic, and physiologic information in a large cohort of patients admitted with severe community acquired pneumonia. We develop two algorithms to efficiently learn Disjunctive Normal Forms, which yield easy-to-interpret rules that explicitly map data to the outcome of interest. Disjunctive Normal Forms achieve higher prediction performance quality compared to a set of state-of-the-art machine learning models, and unveils insights unavailable with standard methods. Disjunctive Normal Forms constitute an intuitive set of prediction rules that could be easily implemented to predict outcomes and guide criteria-based clinical decision making and clinical trial execution, and thus of greater practical usefulness than currently available prediction tools. The Java implementation of the tool JavaDNF will be publicly available.  相似文献   
The rpoS gene codes for an alternative RNA polymerase sigma factor, which acts as a general regulator of the stress response. Inactivating alleles of rpoS in collections of natural Escherichia coli isolates have been observed at very variable frequencies, from less than 1% to more than 70% of strains. rpoS is easily inactivated in nutrient-deprived environments such as stab storage, which makes it difficult to determine the true frequency of rpoS inactivation in nature. We studied the evolutionary history of rpoS and compared it to the phylogenetic history of bacteria in two collections of 82 human commensal and extraintestinal E. coli strains. These strains were representative of the phylogenetic diversity of the species and differed only by their storage conditions. In both collections, the phylogenetic histories of rpoS and of the strains were congruent, indicating that horizontal gene transfer had not occurred at the rpoS locus, and rpoS was under strong purifying selection, with a ratio of the nonsynonymous mutation rate (Ka) to the synonymous substitution rate (Ks) substantially smaller than 1. Stab storage was associated with a high frequency of inactivating alleles, whereas almost no amino acid sequence variation was observed in RpoS in the collection studied directly after isolation of the strains from the host. Furthermore, the accumulation of variations in rpoS was typical of source-sink dynamics. In conclusion, rpoS is rarely inactivated in natural E. coli isolates within their mammalian hosts, probably because such strains rapidly become evolutionary dead ends. Our data should encourage bacteriologists to freeze isolates immediately and to avoid the use of stab storage.  相似文献   
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