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Western scrub-jays (Aphelocoma californica) hide food and rely on spatial memory to recover their caches at a later date. They also rely on observational spatial memory to steal caches made by other individuals. Successful pilfering may require an understanding of allocentric space because the observer will often be in a different position from the demonstrator when the caching event occurs. We compared cache recovery accuracy of pairs of observers that watched a demonstrator cache food. The pattern of recovery searches showed that observers were more accurate when they had observed the caching event from the same viewing direction as the demonstrator than when they had watched from the opposite direction. Search accuracy was not affected by whether or not the tray-specific local cues provided left–right landmark information (i.e. heterogeneous vs. homogeneous local cues), or whether or not the caching tray location was rotated. Taken together, these results suggest that observers have excellent spatial memory and that they have little difficulty with mental rotation.  相似文献   
The yeast putative RNA helicase Mtr4p is implicated in exosome-mediated RNA quality control in the nucleus, interacts with the exosome, and is found in the ‘TRAMP’ complex with a yeast nuclear poly(A) polymerase (Trf4p/Pap2p or Trf5p) and a putative RNA-binding protein, Air1p or Air2p. Depletion of the Trypanosoma brucei MTR4-like protein TbMTR4 caused growth arrest and defects in 5.8S rRNA processing similar to those seen after depletion of the exosome. TbNPAPL, a nuclear protein which is a putative homolog of Trf4p/Pap2p, was required for normal cell growth. Depletion of MTR4 resulted in the accumulation of polyadenylated rRNA precursors, while depletion of TbNPAPL had little effect. These results suggest that polyadenylation-dependent nuclear rRNA quality control is conserved in eukaryotic evolution. In contrast, there was no evidence for a trypanosome TRAMP complex since no stable interactions between TbMTR4 and the exosome, TbNPAPL or RNA-binding proteins were detected.  相似文献   
IGF binding protein-5 (IGFBP-5) modulates the availability of IGF-I to its receptor and potentiates the intestinotrophic action of IGF-I. Our aim was to test the hypothesis that stimulation of intestinal growth due to coinfusion of IGF-I with total parenteral nutrition (TPN) solution is dependent on increased expression of IGFBP-5 through conducting our studies in IGFBP-5 knockout (KO) mice. IGFBP-5 KO, heterozygote (HT) and wild type (WT) male and female mice were maintained with TPN or TPN plus coinfusion of IGF-I [recombinant human (rh)IGF-I; 2.5 mg x kg(-1) x day(-1)] for 5 days. The concentration of IGF-I in serum was 73% greater (P < 0.0001) in mice given TPN + IGF-I infusion compared with TPN alone. IGF-I attenuated the 2-3 g loss of body weight associated with TPN in WT mice, whereas KO and HT mice did not show improvement in body weight with IGF-I treatment. KO and HT mice had significantly greater levels of circulating IGF-I binding proteins (IGFBPs) compared with WT mice. Intestinal growth due to IGF-I was observed in all groups treated with IGF-I based on greater concentrations of protein and DNA in small intestine and colon and significantly greater crypt depth and muscularis thickness in jejunum. Jejunal expression of IGFBP-5 mRNA was greater in WT mice, whereas IGFBP-3 mRNA was greater in KO mice treated with IGF-I. In summary, the absence of the IGFBP-5 gene did not block the ability of IGF-I to stimulate intestinal growth, possibly because greater jejunal expression of IGFBP-3 compensates for the absence of IGFBP-5.  相似文献   
Planning for the future has been considered to be a uniquely human trait [1-3]. However, recent studies challenge this hypothesis by showing that food-caching Western scrub-jays (Aphelocoma californica) can relate their previous experience as thieves to the possibility of future cache theft by another bird [4], are sensitive to the state of their caches at recovery ([5] and S. De Kort, S.P.C.C., D. Alexis, A.D., and N.S.C., unpublished data), and can plan for tomorrow's breakfast [6]. Although these results suggest that scrub-jays are capable of future planning, the degree to which these birds act independently of their current motivational state is a matter of contention. The Bischof-K?hler hypothesis [1] holds that nonhuman animals cannot anticipate and act toward the satisfaction of a future need not currently experienced or cued by their present motivational state. Using specific satiety to control for the jays' current and future motivational states, here we specifically test this hypothesis by dissociating current and future motivational states. We report that Western scrub-jays anticipate the recovery of their caches, as well as their own future needs, by acting independently of their current motivational state and immediate needs. The fact that the birds act in favor of a future need as opposed to the current one challenges the hypothesis that this ability is unique to humans.  相似文献   
The 'social intelligence hypothesis' was originally conceived to explain how primates may have evolved their superior intellect and large brains when compared with other animals. Although some birds such as corvids may be intellectually comparable to apes, the same relationship between sociality and brain size seen in primates has not been found for birds, possibly suggesting a role for other non-social factors. But bird sociality is different from primate sociality. Most monkeys and apes form stable groups, whereas most birds are monogamous, and only form large flocks outside of the breeding season. Some birds form lifelong pair bonds and these species tend to have the largest brains relative to body size. Some of these species are known for their intellectual abilities (e.g. corvids and parrots), while others are not (e.g. geese and albatrosses). Although socio-ecological factors may explain some of the differences in brain size and intelligence between corvids/parrots and geese/albatrosses, we predict that the type and quality of the bonded relationship is also critical. Indeed, we present empirical evidence that rook and jackdaw partnerships resemble primate and dolphin alliances. Although social interactions within a pair may seem simple on the surface, we argue that cognition may play an important role in the maintenance of long-term relationships, something we name as 'relationship intelligence'.  相似文献   
The dove louse genus Columbicola has become a model system for studying the interface between microevolutionary processes and macroevolutionary patterns. This genus of parasitic louse (Phthiraptera) contains 80 described species placed into 24 species groups. Samples of Columbicola representing 49 species from 78 species of hosts were obtained and sequenced for mitochondrial (COI and 12S) and nuclear (EF-1alpha) genes. We included multiple representatives from most host species for a total of 154 individual Columbicola, the largest molecular phylogenetic study of a genus of parasitic louse to date. These sequences revealed considerable divergence within several widespread species of lice, and in some cases these species were paraphyletic. These divergences correlated with host association, indicating the potential for cryptic species in several of these widespread louse species. Both parsimony and Bayesian maximum likelihood phylogenetic analyses of these sequences support monophyly for nearly all the non-monotypic species groups included in this study. These trees also revealed considerable structure with respect to biogeographic region and host clade association. These patterns indicated that switching of parasites between host clades is limited by biogeographic proximity.  相似文献   
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