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Summary Rhabdomeres of tipulid flies lose membrane during turnover from a shedding zone composed of microvillar tips. These distal domains lack intramicrovillar cytoskeletons and appear to be empty sacs of membrane. Recent concerns about the role of ninaC mechano-enzymes in the architecture of dipteran rhabodomeral microvilli and the dynamic role that they may play in the creation of shedding zones demand an examination of the distribution of actin in tipulid rhabdomeres. We compared rhabdomeres from tipulid retinae incubated before fixation for immunocytochemistry in a buffer without additives and a stabilising buffer that contained a cocktail of cysteine protease inhibitors; both were challenged by an anti-actin antibody for immunogold labelling after embedding in LR White Resin. Shedding zones thus processed collapse to structureless detritus. Stabilised and unstabilised shedding zones were immunonegative to anti-actin. To ensure that the negative results were not consequent upon conformational changes generated by the processing protocol, we examined microvilli of degenerating rhabdomeres of the Drosophila light-dependent retinal degeneration mutant rdgB KS222 (which separate and collapse without creating a shedding zone) and found the detritus they generate to be immunopositive to anti-actin. Stabilised and unstabilised regions of basal regions of tipulid rhabdomeres were equally immunopositive. We infer that (a) actin is absent from shedding zones; (b) actin is not degraded by microvillar cysteine proteases. The implications of these conclusions are discussed in relation to some functional models of arthropod photoreceptor microvilli.  相似文献   
Summary The RpII215 region of the X chromosome of Drosophila melanogaster was investigated to identify genetic functions and correlate these with the known molecular organization of the region. Five genetic loci were identified in a subregion that is reported to transcribe nine or more messages. One locus is nod, which causes meiotic abnormalities, and three other loci are recessive lethal mutations whose developmental lesions are unknown. The fifth and most mutable of the loci is RpII215, which encodes the 215,000 dalton subunit of RNA polymerase II. Mutant effects of RpII215 alleles include: temperature-dependent (heat and cold) survival, altered sensitivity to -amanitin, male sterility, maternal effects and epistatic enhancement of mutant effects of other loci.  相似文献   
In 1990 and 1991, Samoa was struck by two cyclones, Ofa and Val. In the Tafua Rain Forest Preserve on the island of Savai'i, one part of the forest also burned after the first cyclone. Here we report on patterns of regeneration and changes in tree species composition in the Tafua lowland rain forest after five years of recovery from cyclone and fire disturbance. In the unburned area, tree canopy cover increased from 27 percent after the last cyclone to 58 percent, and in the burned area from below 12 to 49 percent. Nine of the ten most common tree species decreased in relative abundance in the entire forest after the last cyclone. One fast growing pioneer species, Macaranga harveyana now makes up 42 percent of the total number of trees (>5 cm DBH) in the unburned area and 86 percent in the burned area. Large interspecific differences occur in size distribution and there are at least four distinguishable regeneration patterns, which may be related to shade tolerance. Mean number of species per plot was generally higher in the unburned area than in the burned area, while the Shannon evenness index was higher in the unburned than in the burned area only for trees above 1 cm DBH. Species with fruits known to be fed upon by birds and/or bats generally made up a larger proportion of all trees in the burned than in the unburned area. In contrast to other studies of post‐cyclone regeneration, in which recovery is often rapid due to resprouting of trees, recovery in the Tafua forest was a slow process with regeneration more dependent on vertebrate seed dispersal than on resprouting.  相似文献   
(1) The growth of 7800 C1 Morris hepatoma cells was inhibited by dexamethasone. The inhibition was detectable at 1 nM and half-maximal effect was obtained with approx. 13 nM dexamethasone. About 80% growth inhibition was obtained with 250 nM of the hormone and the growth rate was normalized on cessation of treatment. (2) These hepatoma cells contain dexamethasone receptors with equilibrium dissociation constant of 0.24 nM and a capacity of 24 fmol/mg cell protein. Treatment of the cells with insulin did not change these dexamethasone binding properties. Binding experiments showed that 2, 10 and 100% of the receptors were occupied when the cells were incubated with 1 nM, 7 nM and 250 nM dexamethasone, respectively. (3) Insulin completely counteracted the growth inhibition by dexamethasone and antagonized the induction of peroxisomal acyl-CoA oxidase and tyrosine aminotransferase caused by the glucocorticoid. (4) Micro-flow fluorometry showed that the cultures had a major diploid DNA stem line and a minor tetraploid stem line. Changes in diploid, tetraploid and S phase cells of the diploid stem line were scored. Dexamethasone reduced the proportion of cells in S phase and of tetraploid cells. Insulin partly reversed the action of dexamethasone in S phase, but prevented the reduction in tetraploid cells caused by dexamethasone. (5) The mitotic rate was significantly reduced by dexamethasone and this effect was reversed by insulin. (6) Continuous [3H]methyl-thymidine labelling showed a growth fraction of unity in all treatment groups. (7) It is concluded that dexamethasone induces growth inhibition by reducing the G1-S transition. Insulin is able to counteract this effect and increase the rate of DNA synthesis.  相似文献   
The effect of severe insulin-induced hypoglycemia on the extracellular levels of endogenous amino acids in the rat striatum was examined using the brain microdialysis technique. A characteristic pattern of alterations consisting of a 9-12-fold increase in aspartate (Asp), and more moderate increases in glutamate (Glu), taurine (Tau), and gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), was noted following cessation of electroencephalographic activity (isoelectricity). Glutamine (Gln) levels were reduced both during and after the isoelectric period and there was a delayed increase in extracellular phosphoethanolamine (PEA) content. The effects of decortication and excitotoxin lesions on the severe hypoglycemia-evoked efflux of endogenous amino acids in the striatum were also examined. Decortication reduced the release of Glu and Asp both 1 week and 1 month post-lesion. The efflux of other neuroactive amino acids was not affected significantly. In contrast, GABA, Tau, and PEA efflux was attenuated in kainate-lesioned striata. Glu and Asp release was also reduced under these conditions, and a smaller decrease in extracellular Gln was noted. These data suggest that GABA, Glu, and Asp are released primarily from their transmitter pools during severe hypoglycemia. The releasable pools of Tau and PEA appear to be located in kainate-sensitive striatal neurons. The significance of these results is discussed with regard to the excitotoxic theory of hypoglycemic cell death.  相似文献   
O P Clausen 《Cytometry》1987,8(6):612-617
DNA synthesis kinetics of P388 leukemic cells growing in ascites form in BDF1 hybrid mice were investigated during the periods of exponential growth and growth restriction. Incorporation of tritiated thymidine, and in some instances tritiated uridine, was studied by autoradiography in cells sorted from S-phase fractions during DNA flow cytometry. During exponential growth continuous labeling with tritiated thymidine indicated a growth fraction of unity, whereas the growth fraction was about 30% during growth restriction. At this growth phase the majority of cells with S phase DNA content remained unlabeled after pulse labeling with tritiated thymidine or uridine, indicating that both the "salvage" and the "de novo" DNA synthesis pathways were blocked in most S-phase cells. After pulse labeling with tritiated thymidine the DNA synthesis rate pattern was investigated by sorting of consecutive fractions of cells throughout the S phase followed by quantitative autoradiography. With exception of a reduced rate in the middle of S phase, the DNA synthesis rate increased as the cells progressed through S phase during exponential growth. In contrast, the DNA synthesis rate pattern had a relative peak in the middle of S phase during growth restriction, which is otherwise characterized by a low mean DNA synthesis rate.  相似文献   
The polycyclic phase of Stemphylium vesicarium is the key factor for the forecast and integrated control of purple spot on asparagus. The annual dynamics of airborne conidia were determined under field conditions by conidia traps. From 2013 to 2015, conidia became airborne at the earliest at mid‐July, but the number trapped was considerably enhanced only after mid‐August, early September. The cumulative percentage of trapped conidia was best described using a logistic function depending on the daily temperature sum (base 0°C) accumulated only on days with >0.2 mm of rainfall (R= .81). The germination of conidia was modelled by a generalized beta‐modified Chapman Richards function, and the germ tube length was modelled by a generalized beta‐power function. Conidia germinated in a wide temperature range, with an optimum at 23.3°C, whereas germ tube length had a narrow nearly optimum temperature range around 28.7°C, which indicates that infection by conidia is more restricted by germ tube growth than by germination. The effect of temperature on the number of lesions produced by two strains on green asparagus spears had the narrowest optimum range (optimum at 21.9°C) of all parts of the polycyclic phase. In plant tissue, the spread of the fungus depends on the mycelium growth. The mycelium growth of the four strains, which was modelled with data from a petri dish experiment, had an optimum temperature at 24.7°C.  相似文献   
The urokinase-type plasminogen activator receptor (uPAR) plays an important role on the cell surface in mediating extracellular degradative processes and formation of active TGF-β, and in nonproteolytic events such as cell adhesion, migration, and transmembrane signaling. We have searched for mechanisms that determine the cellular location of uPAR and may participate in its disposal. When using purified receptor preparations, we find that uPAR binds to the cation-independent, mannose 6-phosphate/insulin-like growth factor–II (IGF-II) receptor (CIMPR) with an affinity in the low micromolar range, but not to the 46-kD, cation-dependent, mannose 6-phosphate receptor (CDMPR). The binding is not perturbed by uPA and appears to involve domains DII + DIII of the uPAR protein moiety, but not the glycosylphosphatidylinositol anchor. The binding occurs at site(s) on the CIMPR different from those engaged in binding of mannose 6-phosphate epitopes or IGF-II. To evaluate the significance of the binding, immunofluorescence and immunoelectron microscopy studies were performed in transfected cells, and the results show that wild-type CIMPR, but not CIMPR lacking an intact sorting signal, modulates the subcellular distribution of uPAR and is capable of directing it to lysosomes. We conclude that a site within CIMPR, distinct from its previously known ligand binding sites, binds uPAR and modulates its subcellular distribution.  相似文献   
Virus Maturation by Budding   总被引:25,自引:0,他引:25       下载免费PDF全文
Enveloped viruses mature by budding at cellular membranes. It has been generally thought that this process is driven by interactions between the viral transmembrane proteins and the internal virion components (core, capsid, or nucleocapsid). This model was particularly applicable to alphaviruses, which require both spike proteins and a nucleocapsid for budding. However, genetic studies have clearly shown that the retrovirus core protein, i.e., the Gag protein, is able to form enveloped particles by itself. Also, budding of negative-strand RNA viruses (rhabdoviruses, orthomyxoviruses, and paramyxoviruses) seems to be accomplished mainly by internal components, most probably the matrix protein, since the spike proteins are not absolutely required for budding of these viruses either. In contrast, budding of coronavirus particles can occur in the absence of the nucleocapsid and appears to require two membrane proteins only. Biochemical and structural data suggest that the proteins, which play a key role in budding, drive this process by forming a three-dimensional (cage-like) protein lattice at the surface of or within the membrane. Similarly, recent electron microscopic studies revealed that the alphavirus spike proteins are also engaged in extensive lateral interactions, forming a dense protein shell at the outer surface of the viral envelope. On the basis of these data, we propose that the budding of enveloped viruses in general is governed by lateral interactions between peripheral or integral membrane proteins. This new concept also provides answers to the question of how viral and cellular membrane proteins are sorted during budding. In addition, it has implications for the mechanism by which the virion is uncoated during virus entry.  相似文献   
Piglet mortality from farrowing to weaning is a major concern, especially in outdoor organic production systems. This issue might impair animal welfare and generate economic losses for the farmer. In particular, it is difficult to apply management tools that are commonly used for indoor pig production systems to organic or outdoor production systems. Genetics and breeding approaches might be used to improve piglet survival. However, knowledge remains limited on the genetic background underlying survival traits in organic pigs that are born and reared outdoors. Here, we investigated the mortality of piglets from farrowing to weaning in an outdoor organic pig population and suggested genetic strategies to reduce piglet mortality in this production system. The experiment included mortality records of piglets from farrowing to weaning (around 69 days of age). Pedigree-based threshold models were used to analyse the mortality traits of piglets at 0–3 days of age, 4–11 days, and 12 days to weaning. Stillborn piglets were included in the group of piglets that died at 0–3 days of age. We found that the mortality rate from farrowing to weaning was, on average, 19.2%. However, most piglet deaths (79.1%) occurred at 0–11 days of age. As the age of piglets increased, the direct heritability of piglet mortality rose from 0 to 0.04, whereas maternal heritability decreased from 0.03 to a non-significant value. Piglets with higher BW had a lower mortality rate. However, the genetic correlations between maternal effects on piglet mortality and piglet BW were not significant; thus, selection for piglets with higher BW at around 10 days of age, through improving maternal genetics, would not reduce piglet mortality. Piglet mortality increased from sows with increasing number of parities. Crossbreeding also reduced piglet mortality. In conclusion, selection focusing on sow genotype, the use of younger sows, and crossbreeding could contribute to maintain piglet mortality at lower levels in outdoor organic pig production systems.  相似文献   
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