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Morphological and hybridization studies were carried out in H. pubiflorum s. 1. (2n= 14). Chromosome pairing observed at MI in the hybrids was high, but indications of weak sterility barriers were observed. It is concluded that (i) hybridization is fairly easy to perform, and the populations studied belong to the same species, (ii) no divergence in the ssp. halophilum genome was observed, except in (iii) a population with at least one reciprocal translocation, (iv) the halophilum × breviaristatum hybrids had lowered pairing with an increased frequency of univalents, (v) the pairing combined with morphology suggest recognition of H. pubiflorum ssp. breviaristatum (Parodi & Nicora) C. Baden (comb. nov.).  相似文献   
The localization of the auxin receptor relevant to the control of elongation growth is still a matter of controversy. Auxin-induced elongation of maize coleoptile segments was measured by means of a high resolution auxanometer. When indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) was removed from the bathing solution, a rapid cessation of auxin-induced elongation was detected. This decline was delayed when the auxin efflux carrier was blocked by the phytotropins naphthylphthalamic acid (NPA) and pyrenoylbenzoic acid (PBA) or by triiodobenzoic acid (TIBA). The IAA concentration in NPA-pretreated segments was 2–3 times higher than in NPA-free controls 35 min after the removal of IAA in the bathing medium.
A similar rapid drop of growth after removal of auxin was observed for the rapidly-transported synthetic auxin, naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA). When the auxin efflux was blocked, growth induced by NAA was sustained much longer than IAA-stimulated elongation.
In comparison with NAA, the synthetic auxin 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) is known to be excreted very slowly by the efflux carrier. 2,4-D-induced growth remained at a stimulated level when the auxin was washed off, even in the absence of any auxin efflux inhibitor. We conclude from these results that the presence of intracellular auxin is a necessary and sufficient condition for sustained auxin-induced elongation growth, at least for the phases during the 2 h after its application. Consequently, we postulate the existence of an intracellular auxin receptor relevant to the control of growth.  相似文献   
The profundal zone of Lake Esrom, Denmark has a dense population of Chironomus anthracinus, which survives 2–4 months of oxygen depletion each summer during stratification. The metabolism of 3rd and 4th instar larvae was examined in regard to variation in biomass and temperature. Respiration at air saturation was described by a curvilinear multiple regression relating oxygen consumption to individual AFDW and temperature. At 10 °C and varying oxygen regimes the O2 consumption and CO2 production of 4th instar larvae were almost unaltered from saturation to about 3 mg O2 l–1, but decreased steeply below this level. The respiratory quotient increased from 0.82 at saturation to about 3.4 at oxygen concentrations near 0.5 mg O2 l–1. This implied a shift from aerobic to partially anaerobic metabolism. At 0.5 mg O2 l–1 the total energy production equalled 20% of the rate at saturation of which more than one third was accounted for by anaerobic degradation of glycogen. This corresponded to a daily loss of 12 µg mg AFDW–1 or approximately 5% of the body reserves. At unchanged metabolic rate the glycogen store would last three weeks, but long term oxygen deficiency causes a further suppression of the energy metabolism in C. anthracinus.  相似文献   
Choanoflagellates and sponges feed by filtering microscopic particles from water currents created by the flagella of microvillar collar complexes situated on the cell bodies of the solitary or colonial choanoflagellates and on the choanocytes in sponges. The filtering mechanism has been known for more than a century, but only recently has the filtering process been studied in detail and also modelled, so that a detailed picture of the water currents has been obtained. In the solitary and most of the colonial choanoflagellates, the water flows freely around the cells, but in some forms, the cells are arranged in an open meshwork through which the water can be pumped. In the sponges, the choanocytes are located in choanocyte chambers (or choanocyte areas) with separate incurrent and excurrent canals/pores located in a larger body, which enables a fixed pattern of water currents through the collar complexes. Previous theories for the origin of sponges show evolutionary stages with choanocyte chambers without any opening or with only one opening, which makes separation of incurrent and excurrent impossible, and such stages must have been unable to feed. Therefore a new theory is proposed, which shows a continuous evolutionary lineage in which all stages are able to feed by means of the collar complexes.  相似文献   
Bioenergy could play a major role in decarbonizing energy systems in the context of the Paris Agreement. Large-scale bioenergy deployment could be related to sustainability issues and requires major infrastructure investments. It, therefore, needs to be studied carefully. The Bioenergy and Land Optimization Spatially Explicit Model (BLOEM) presented here allows for assessing different bioenergy pathways while encompassing various dimensions that influence their optimal deployment. In this study, BLOEM was applied to the Brazilian context by coupling it with the Brazilian Land Use and Energy Systems (BLUES) model. This allowed investigating the most cost-effective ways of attending future bioenergy supply projections and studying the role of recovered degraded pasture lands in improving land availability in a sustainable and competitive manner. The results show optimizing for limiting deforestation and minimizing logistics costs results in different outcomes. It also indicates that recovering degraded pasture lands is attractive from both logistics and climate perspectives. The systemic approach of BLOEM provides spatial results, highlighting the trade-offs between crop allocation, land use and the logistics dynamics between production, conversion, and demand, providing valuable insights for regional and national climate policy design. This makes it a useful tool for mapping sustainable bioenergy value chain pathways.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Vom Sommer 1956 bis zum Frühjahr 1959 wurden mit Siebenschläfern (Glis glis L.) Licht- und Temperaturversuche durchgeführt. Jede Versuchsgruppe war in einem besonderen Versuchsraum untergebracht. Daneben wurden Beobachtungen an wildlebenden Bilchen durchgeführt.Eine Gruppe von Siebenschläfern lebte in einer Voliere im Freien, eine zweite in einem Tierstall mit natürlichen Lichtverhältnissen ohne UV, 2 Tiere waren in einem ähnlichen Raum untergebracht und wurden täglich 1 Std UV-bestrahlt. Diese beiden Tierräume wurden im Winter geheizt (meist über 20° C). Eine Gruppe lebte in einem Klimaraum (wechselnde Temperaturen), in dem täglich 18 Std lang Kunstlicht brannte. Einer letzten Gruppe wurde im Frühsommer die Tagdauer rasch verkürzt, so daß im Hochsommer schon Kurztag herrschte (Raumtemperatur über 20° C).Es wurden untersucht: das Körpergewicht, das Haarkleid, die motorische Aktivität und die Körpertemperatur.Auf Grund der Versuche wurde folgendes festgestellt: Das Körpergewicht bildet bei Tieren, die unter natürlichen Lichtverhältnissen leben, einen ausgeprägten Jahreszyklus. Bei Bilchen im ständigen Langtag war dieser nicht mehr zu erkennen; die Gewichte blieben gleich. Es fand demnach keine Fettspeicherung im Herbst statt. Obwohl das Haarkleid oft gewechselt wurde, blieb stets ein Sommerpelz erhalten. Ebenso war die motorische Aktivität dieser Bilche stets die gleiche, während Normaltiere ein Absinken der Aktivität im Herbst und ein Wiederansteigen im Frühjahr zeigten. Durch frühzeitige Verkürzung der Tagdauer konnten die Tiere schon im Juli veranlaßt werden, Fett zu speichern und ihr Haarkleid zu wechseln.Die Außentemperatur hat nicht den Einfluß auf den Winterschlaf, den man ihr meist zuschrieb. Im Winter schliefen Normaltiere bei Temperaturen um 24° C noch verhältnismäßig tief. Die Schlaftiefe ist allerdings bei niederen Temperaturen größer als bei hohen. Demnach stellt die Temperatur einen wichtigen, sekundären Faktor dar. Normale Sommertiere und Bilche aus dem ständigen Langtag blieben auch bei Kälte wach, wenn genügend Nahrung vorhanden war.Es wird der Schluß gezogen, daß durch die jahreszeitlichen Veränderungen der Tag-Nachtdauer eine endokrine Umstellung stattfindet, die Reservenspeicherung sowie die Winterschlafbereitschaft auslöst. Die Temperatur greift dann erst sekundär ein, indem sie die Tiefe der Lethargie steuert. Trotzdem erfolgt in gewissen Zeitabständen ein spontanes Erwachen.Das Problem Winterschlaf — Torpidity wird an Hand eigener Ergebnisse sowie Untersuchungen anderer Autoren diskutiert und dabei festgestellt, daß ersterer ein komplexes Phänomen darstellt, das vom Organismus wohl vorbereitet wird, während die Torpidity einer Kältestarre vergleichbar ist. Letztere ist daher nicht mit Winterschlaf gleichzusetzen.  相似文献   
Eight independently isolated unstable alleles of theOpaque2 (O2) locus were analysed genetically and at the DNA level. The whole series of mutations was isolated from a maize strain carrying a wild-typeO2 allele and the transposable elementActivator (Ac) at thewx-m7 allele. Previous work with another unstable allele of the same series has shown that it was indeed caused by the insertion of anAc element. Unexpectedly, the remaining eight mutations were not caused by the designatedAc element, but by other insertions that are structurally similar or identical to one of two different autonomous transposable elements. Six mutations were caused by the insertion of a transposable element of theEnhancer/Suppressor-Mutator (En/Spm) family. Two mutations were the result of the insertion of a transposable element of theBergamo (Bg) family. Genetic tests carried out with plants carrying the unstable mutations demonstrated that all were caused by the insertion of an autonomous transposable element.  相似文献   
Exploiting the differential expression of genes for Calvin cycle enzymes in bundle-sheath and mesophyll cells of the C4 plant Sorghum bicolor L., we isolated via subtractive hybridization a molecular probe for the Calvin cycle enzyme d-ribulose-5-phosphate 3-epimerase (R5P3E) (EC, with the help of which several full-size cDNAs were isolated from spinach. Functional identity of the encoded mature subunit was shown by R5P3E activity found in affinity-purified glutatione S-transferase fusions expressed in Escherichia coli and by three-fold increase of R5P3E activity upon induction of E. coli overexpressing the spinach subunit under the control of the bacteriophage T7 promoter, demonstrating that we have cloned the first functional ribulose-5-phosphate 3-epimerase from any eukaryotic source. The chloroplast enzyme from spinach shares about 50% amino acid identity with its homologues from the Calvin cycle operons of the autotrophic purple bacteria Alcaligenes eutrophus and Rhodospirillum rubrum. A R5P3E-related eubacterial gene family was identified which arose through ancient duplications in prokaryotic chromosomes, three R5P3E-related genes of yet unknown function have persisted to the present within the E. coli genome. A gene phylogeny reveals that spinach R5P3E is more similar to eubacterial homologues than to the yeast sequence, suggesting a eubacterial origin for this plant nuclear gene.Abbreviations R5P3E d-ribulose-5-phosphate 3-epimerase - RPI ribose-5-phosphate isomerase - TKL transketolase - PRK phosphoribulokinase - GAPDH glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase - FBP fructose-1,6-bisphophatase - FBP fructose 1,6-bisphosphate - G6PDH glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase - 6PGDH 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase - OPPP oxidative pentose phosphate pathway - Rubisco ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase - FBA fructose-1,6-bisphophate aldolase - IPTG isopropyl -d-thiogalactoside - GST glutathione S-tranferase - PBS phosphate-buffered saline - TPI triosephosphate isomerase  相似文献   
Hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer (HNPCC) is a relatively common autosomal dominant cancer-susceptibility condition. The recent isolation of the DNA mismatch repair genes (hMSH2, hMLH1, hPMS1, and hPMS2) responsible for HNPCC has allowed the search for germ-line mutations in affected individuals. In this study we used denaturing gradient-gel electrophoresis to screen for mutations in the hMSH2 gene. Analysis of all the 16 exons of hMSH2, in 34 unrelated HNPCC kindreds, has revealed seven novel pathogenic germ-line mutations resulting in stop codons either directly or through frameshifts. Additionally, nucleotide substitutions giving rise to one missense, two silent, and one useful polymorphism have been identified. The proportion of families in which hMSH2 mutations were found is 21%. Although the spectrum of mutations spread at the hMSH2 gene among HNPCC patients appears extremely heterogeneous, we were not able to establish any correlation between the site of the individual mutations and the corresponding tumor spectrum. Our results indicate that, given the genomic size and organization of the hMSH2 gene and the heterogeneity of its mutation spectrum, a rapid and efficient mutation detection procedure is necessary for routine molecular diagnosis and presymptomatic detection of the disease in a clinical setup.  相似文献   
S100 proteins are low-molecular-weight calcium-binding proteins of the EF-hand superfamily and appear to be involved in the regulation of a number of cellular processes such as cell cycle progression and differentiation. More than 10 members of the S100 protein family have been described from human sources so far. We have now isolated a YAC clone from human chromosome 1q21, on which 9 different genes coding for S100 calcium-binding proteins could be localized. Moreover, we have mapped the gene coding for S100P to human chromosome 4p16 and thereby completed the chromosomal assignments of all known human S100 genes. The clustered organization of S100 genes in the 1q21 region allows us to introduce a new logical nomenclature for these genes, which is based on the physical arrangement on the chromosome. The new nomenclature should facilitate and further the understanding of this protein family and be easily expandable to other species.  相似文献   
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