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The IκB kinase (IKK) complex is the signal integration hub for NF-κB activation. Composed of two serine-threonine kinases (IKKα and IKKβ) and the regulatory subunit NEMO (also known as IKKγ), the IKK complex integrates signals from all NF-κB activating stimuli to catalyze the phosphorylation of various IκB and NF-κB proteins, as well as of other substrates. Since the discovery of the IKK complex components about 15 years ago, tremendous progress has been made in the understanding of the IKK architecture and its integration into signaling networks. In addition to the control of NF-κB, IKK subunits mediate the crosstalk with other pathways, thereby extending the complexity of their biological function. This review summarizes recent advances in IKK biology and focuses on emerging aspects of IKK structure, regulation and function.  相似文献   
Androgenetic alopecia, known in men as male pattern baldness (MPB), is a very conspicuous condition that is particularly frequent among European men and thus contributes markedly to variation in physical appearance traits amongst Europeans. Recent studies have revealed multiple genes and polymorphisms to be associated with susceptibility to MPB. In this study, 50 candidate SNPs for androgenetic alopecia were analyzed in order to verify their potential to predict MPB. Significant associations were confirmed for 29 SNPs from chromosomes X, 1, 5, 7, 18 and 20. A simple 5-SNP prediction model and an extended 20-SNP model were developed based on a discovery panel of 305 males from various European populations fitting one of two distinct phenotype categories. The first category consisted of men below 50 years of age with significant baldness and the second; men aged 50 years or older lacking baldness. The simple model comprised the five best predictors: rs5919324 near AR, rs1998076 in the 20p11 region, rs929626 in EBF1, rs12565727 in TARDBP and rs756853 in HDAC9. The extended prediction model added 15 SNPs from five genomic regions that improved overall prevalence-adjusted predictive accuracy measured by area under the receiver characteristic operating curve (AUC). Both models were evaluated for predictive accuracy using a test set of 300 males reflecting the general European population. Applying a 65% probability threshold, high prediction sensitivity of 87.1% but low specificity of 42.4% was obtained in men aged <50 years. In men aged ≥50, prediction sensitivity was slightly lower at 67.7% while specificity reached 90%. Overall, the AUC=0.761 calculated for men at or above 50 years of age indicates these SNPs offer considerable potential for the application of genetic tests to predict MPB patterns, adding a highly informative predictive system to the emerging field of forensic analysis of externally visible characteristics.  相似文献   
Neurotransmitter transporters play an important role in termination of synaptic transmission by mediating reuptake of neurotransmitter, but the molecular processes behind translocation are still unclear. The crystal structures of the bacterial homologue, LeuT, provided valuable insight into the structural and dynamic requirements for substrate transport. These structures support the existence of gating domains controlling access to a central binding site. On the extracellular side, access is controlled by the “thin gate” formed by an interaction between Arg-30 and Asp-404. In the human dopamine transporter (DAT), the corresponding residues are Arg-85 and Asp-476. Here, we present results supporting the existence of a similar interaction in DAT. The DAT R85D mutant has a complete loss of function, but the additional insertion of an arginine in opposite position (R85D/D476R), causing a charge reversal, results in a rescue of binding sites for the cocaine analogue [3H]CFT. Also, the coordination of Zn2+ between introduced histidines (R85H/D476H) caused a ∼2.5-fold increase in [3H]CFT binding (Bmax). Importantly, Zn2+ also inhibited [3H]dopamine transport in R85H/D476H, suggesting that a dynamic interaction is required for the transport process. Furthermore, cysteine-reactive chemistry shows that mutation of the gating residues causes a higher proportion of transporters to reside in the outward facing conformation. Finally, we show that charge reversal of the corresponding residues (R104E/E493R) in the serotonin transporter also rescues [3H](S)-citalopram binding, suggesting a conserved feature. Taken together, these data suggest that the extracellular thin gate is present in monoamine transporters and that a dynamic interaction is required for substrate transport.  相似文献   
Sepsis is a major cause for death worldwide. Numerous interventional trials with agents neutralizing single proinflammatory mediators have failed to improve survival in sepsis and aseptic systemic inflammatory response syndromes. This failure could be explained by the widespread gene expression dysregulation known as “genomic storm” in these patients. A multifunctional polyspecific therapeutic agent might be needed to thwart the effects of this storm. Licensed pooled intravenous immunoglobulin preparations seemed to be a promising candidate, but they have also failed in their present form to prevent sepsis-related death. We report here the protective effect of a single dose of intravenous immunoglobulin preparations with additionally enhanced polyspecificity in three models of sepsis and aseptic systemic inflammation. The modification of the pooled immunoglobulin G molecules by exposure to ferrous ions resulted in their newly acquired ability to bind some proinflammatory molecules, complement components and endogenous “danger” signals. The improved survival in endotoxemia was associated with serum levels of proinflammatory cytokines, diminished complement consumption and normalization of the coagulation time. We suggest that intravenous immunoglobulin preparations with additionally enhanced polyspecificity have a clinical potential in sepsis and related systemic inflammatory syndromes.  相似文献   
This paper reports the synthesis and the antiviral activities of a series of 6-arylvinyl substituted analogues of SJ-3366, a highly potent agent against HIV. The objective was to investigate whether substitution of the 6-arylketone with a 6-arylvinyl group could lead to an improved antiviral activity against HIV-1. The most active compounds 1-ethoxymethyl, 1-(2-propynyloxymethyl), and 1-(2-methyl-3-phenylallyloxymethyl) substituted 6-[1-(3,5-dimethylphenyl)vinyl]-5-ethyl-1H-pyrimidine-2,4-dione (5b, 16, and 18) showed activities against HIV-1 wild type in the range of Efavirenz, and moderate activities against Y181C and Y181C+K103N mutant strains were also observed.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Vom Sommer 1956 bis zum Frühjahr 1959 wurden mit Siebenschläfern (Glis glis L.) Licht- und Temperaturversuche durchgeführt. Jede Versuchsgruppe war in einem besonderen Versuchsraum untergebracht. Daneben wurden Beobachtungen an wildlebenden Bilchen durchgeführt.Eine Gruppe von Siebenschläfern lebte in einer Voliere im Freien, eine zweite in einem Tierstall mit natürlichen Lichtverhältnissen ohne UV, 2 Tiere waren in einem ähnlichen Raum untergebracht und wurden täglich 1 Std UV-bestrahlt. Diese beiden Tierräume wurden im Winter geheizt (meist über 20° C). Eine Gruppe lebte in einem Klimaraum (wechselnde Temperaturen), in dem täglich 18 Std lang Kunstlicht brannte. Einer letzten Gruppe wurde im Frühsommer die Tagdauer rasch verkürzt, so daß im Hochsommer schon Kurztag herrschte (Raumtemperatur über 20° C).Es wurden untersucht: das Körpergewicht, das Haarkleid, die motorische Aktivität und die Körpertemperatur.Auf Grund der Versuche wurde folgendes festgestellt: Das Körpergewicht bildet bei Tieren, die unter natürlichen Lichtverhältnissen leben, einen ausgeprägten Jahreszyklus. Bei Bilchen im ständigen Langtag war dieser nicht mehr zu erkennen; die Gewichte blieben gleich. Es fand demnach keine Fettspeicherung im Herbst statt. Obwohl das Haarkleid oft gewechselt wurde, blieb stets ein Sommerpelz erhalten. Ebenso war die motorische Aktivität dieser Bilche stets die gleiche, während Normaltiere ein Absinken der Aktivität im Herbst und ein Wiederansteigen im Frühjahr zeigten. Durch frühzeitige Verkürzung der Tagdauer konnten die Tiere schon im Juli veranlaßt werden, Fett zu speichern und ihr Haarkleid zu wechseln.Die Außentemperatur hat nicht den Einfluß auf den Winterschlaf, den man ihr meist zuschrieb. Im Winter schliefen Normaltiere bei Temperaturen um 24° C noch verhältnismäßig tief. Die Schlaftiefe ist allerdings bei niederen Temperaturen größer als bei hohen. Demnach stellt die Temperatur einen wichtigen, sekundären Faktor dar. Normale Sommertiere und Bilche aus dem ständigen Langtag blieben auch bei Kälte wach, wenn genügend Nahrung vorhanden war.Es wird der Schluß gezogen, daß durch die jahreszeitlichen Veränderungen der Tag-Nachtdauer eine endokrine Umstellung stattfindet, die Reservenspeicherung sowie die Winterschlafbereitschaft auslöst. Die Temperatur greift dann erst sekundär ein, indem sie die Tiefe der Lethargie steuert. Trotzdem erfolgt in gewissen Zeitabständen ein spontanes Erwachen.Das Problem Winterschlaf — Torpidity wird an Hand eigener Ergebnisse sowie Untersuchungen anderer Autoren diskutiert und dabei festgestellt, daß ersterer ein komplexes Phänomen darstellt, das vom Organismus wohl vorbereitet wird, während die Torpidity einer Kältestarre vergleichbar ist. Letztere ist daher nicht mit Winterschlaf gleichzusetzen.  相似文献   
Shallow, near-shore water habitats on the continental shelf of the Northeast Atlantic have been productive fishing areas in the past. Here, we review the present knowledge about (i) recent trends in the abundance of plaice and cod in these habitats and (ii) hypotheses regarding the factors responsible for any trends. At present, only a few studies exist on the trends of abundance of plaice or cod, namely from the Bay of Biscay, the North Sea and the Skagerrak/Kattegat. They suggest a declining abundance in coastal, shallow areas and – at least for plaice – a latitudinal gradient with an erosion of the southern distribution boundary in the Bay of Biscay and deepening of stocks in the North Sea. In contrast, no trend in shallow water abundance of plaice similar to a decline in deep-water stocks during the 1970s and their slow recovery during the 2000s is apparent in the Skagerrak/Kattegat. Although shallow habitats fundamentally differ from deeper areas by the prevalence of juvenile stages, the declining trends coincide with decreasing abundance/landings and spatial stock relocations in the deeper areas. Whether this indicates a common trend pointing at connectivity between shallow and deep water remains open. Fundamental differences exist in the suggested causes of the trends in different geographical areas. High fishing pressure together with low local recruitment apparently prevents the recovery of overexploited plaice and cod stocks in the Skagerrak/Kattegat. In contrast, the responses of juveniles and adult fish to increasing seawater temperature are the main hypotheses for changes in distribution and abundance of both fish species in the North Sea/Bay of Biscay. However, temperature alone cannot explain the observed decline of fish in coastal areas, and the causes may be more complex, involving nutrient loading, primary productivity or food availability, although at present, knowledge of these factors is insufficient.  相似文献   
IntroductionAlthough production of polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) is now banned, release from existing products will continue for many years. The PBDEs are assumed to be neurotoxic and toxic to endocrine organs at low concentrations. Their effect on the immune system has not been investigated thoroughly. We aimed to investigate the influence of DE-71 on cytokine production by peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) stimulated with Escherichia Coli lipopolysaccharide (LPS) or phytohaemagglutinin-L (PHA-L).ResultsAt non-cytotoxic concentrations (0.01–10 μg/mL), DE-71 significantly enhanced secretion of IL-1β, IL-6, CXCL8, IL-10, and TNF-α (p<0.001–0.019; n = 6) from LPS-stimulated PBMCs. IFN-γ, TNF-α, IL-17A, and IL-17F (p = <0.001–0.043; n = 6) secretion were enhanced from PHA-L-stimulated PBMCs as well. Secretion of IL-1β, IL-2, IL-10, IL-8 and IL-6 was not significantly affected by DE-71.ConclusionsWe demonstrate an enhancing effect of DE-71 on cytokine production by normal human PBMCs stimulated with LPS or PHA-L ex vivo.  相似文献   
BackgroundIn the past few years, an increasing number of studies have reported the potential use of microRNAs (miRNA) as circulating biomarkers for diagnosis or prognosis of a wide variety of diseases. There is, however, a lack of reproducibility between studies. Due to the high miRNA content in platelets this may partly be explained by residual platelets in the plasma samples used. When collecting fresh plasma samples, it is possible to produce cell-free/platelet-poor plasma by centrifugation. In this study, we systematically investigated whether biobanked EDTA plasma samples could be processed to be suitable for miRNA analysis.Materials and methodsBlood samples were collected from ten healthy volunteers and centrifuged to produce platelet-poor-plasma (PPP) and standard biobank plasma. After one week at ?80 °C the biobanked EDTA plasma was re-centrifuged by different steps to remove residual platelets. Using RT-qPCR the levels of 14 miRNAs in the different plasma preparations were compared to that of PPP.ResultsWe were able to remove residual platelets from biobanked EDTA plasma by re-centrifugation of the thawed samples. Nevertheless, for most of the investigated miRNAs, the miRNA level was significantly higher in the re-centrifuged biobanked plasma compared to PPP, even when the platelet count was reduced to 0–1×109/L.ConclusionWe found, that pre-storage centrifugation conditions have a significant impact on the measured EDTA plasma level of miRNAs known to be present in platelets. Even for the miRNAs found to be less effected, we showed that a 1.5–3 fold change in plasma levels may possible be caused by or easily overseen due to sample preparation and/or storage.  相似文献   
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