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The beta-lactam antibiotics mimic the D-alanyl(4)-D-alanine(5) extremity of peptidoglycan precursors and act as "suicide" substrates of the DD-transpeptidases that catalyze the last cross-linking step of peptidoglycan synthesis. We have previously shown that bypass of the dd-transpeptidases by the LD-transpeptidase of Enterococcus faecium (Ldt(fm)) leads to high level resistance to ampicillin. Ldt(fm) is specific for the L-lysyl(3)-D-alanine(4) bond of peptidoglycan precursors containing a tetrapeptide stem lacking D-alanine(5). This specificity was proposed to account for resistance, because the substrate of Ldt(fm) does not mimic beta-lactams in contrast to the D-alanyl(4)-D-alanine(5) extremity of pentapeptide stems used by the DD-transpeptidases. Here, we unexpectedly show that imipenem, a beta-lactam of the carbapenem class, totally inhibited Ldt(fm) at a low drug concentration that was sufficient to inhibit growth of the bacteria. Peptidoglycan cross-linking was also inhibited, indicating that Ldt(fm) is the in vivo target of imipenem. Stoichiometric and covalent modification of Ldt(fm) by imipenem was detected by mass spectrometry. The modification was mapped into the trypsin fragment of Ldt(fm) containing the catalytic Cys residue, and the Cys to Ala substitution prevented imipenem binding. The mass increment matched the mass of imipenem, indicating that inactivation of Ldt(fm) is likely to involve rupture of the beta-lactam ring and acylation of the catalytic Cys residue. Thus, the spectrum of activity of beta-lactams is not restricted to transpeptidases of the DD-specificity, as previously thought. Combination therapy with imipenem and ampicillin could therefore be active against E. faecium strains having the dual capacity to manufacture peptidoglycan with transpeptidases of the LD- and DD-specificities.  相似文献   
Localization and domain characterization of Arabidopsis golgin candidates   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Golgins are large coiled-coil proteins that play a role in tethering of vesicles to Golgi membranes and in maintaining the overall structure of the Golgi apparatus. Six Arabidopsis proteins with the structural characteristics of golgins were isolated and shown to locate to Golgi stacks when fused to GFP. Two of these golgin candidates (GC1 and GC2) possess C-terminal transmembrane (TM) domains with similarity to the TM domain of human golgin-84. The C-termini of two others (GC3/GDAP1 and GC4) contain conserved GRAB and GA1 domains that are also found in yeast Rud3p and human GMAP210. GC5 shares similarity with yeast Sgm1p and human TMF and GC6 with yeast Uso1p and human p115. When fused to GFP, the C-terminal domains of AtCASP and GC1 to GC6 localized to the Golgi, showing that they contain Golgi localization motifs. The N-termini, on the other hand, label the cytosol or nucleus. Immuno-gold labelling and co-expression with the cis Golgi Q-SNARE Memb11 resulted in a more detailed picture of the sub-Golgi location of some of these putative golgins. Using two independent assays it is further demonstrated that the interaction between GC5, the TMF homologue, and the Rab6 homologues is conserved in plants.  相似文献   
NPY regulates human endocardial endothelial cell function   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Growing evidence suggests that endocardial endothelial cells (EECs) may play an important role in the regulation of cardiac function by releasing several cardioactive factors such as endothelin-1 (ET-1), Angiotensin II (Ang II) and nitric oxide (NO). In our laboratory, we demonstrated that similar to ET-1, EECs do possess different types of NPY receptors, specifically Y(1) and Y(2) receptors. Furthermore, activation of these receptors was found to increase the steady-state level of intracellular free Ca(2+) in EECs and the frequency of beating of cardiomyocytes. In addition, NPY was also found to be present in EECs, and an increase of steady-state intracellular free Ca(2+) induced the release of this peptide from these cells. Thus, similar to ET-1, NPY seems to be released from EECs and this peptide seems to regulate excitation-secretion of these cells as well as excitation-contraction coupling of ventricular cardiomyocytes.  相似文献   
[(3)H]SSR-149415 is the first tritiated nonpeptide vasopressin V(1b) receptor (V(1b)R) antagonist ligand. It was used for studying rodent (mouse, rat, hamster) and human V(1b)R from native or recombinant origin. Moreover, a close comparison between the human and the mouse V(1b)R was performed using SSR-149415/[(3)H]SSR-149415 in binding and functional studies in vitro. [(3)H]SSR-149415 binding was time-dependent, reversible, and saturable. Scatchard plot analysis gave a single class of high-affinity binding sites with apparent equilibrium dissociation constant (K(d)) approximately 1 nM and maximum binding density (B(max)) values from 7,000 to 300,000 sites/cell according to the cell line. In competition experiments, [(3)H]SSR-149415 binding was stereospecific and dose-dependently displaced by reference peptide and nonpeptide arginine vasopressin (AVP)/OT ligands following a V(1b) rank order of affinity: SSR-149415 = AVP > dCha > dPen > dPal > dDavp > SSR-126768A > SR-49059 > SSR-149424 > OT > SR-121463B. Species differences between human, rat, mouse, and hamster V(1b)R were observed. Autoradiography studies with [(3)H]SSR-149415 on rat and human pituitary showed intense specific labeling confined to corticotroph cells and absence of labeling in the other tissues examined. SSR-149415 potently and stereospecifically antagonized the AVP-induced inositol phosphate production and intracellular Ca(2+) increase (EC(50) from 1.83 to 3.05 nM) in recombinant cell lines expressing either the mouse or the human V(1b)R. AVP (10(-7) M) exposure of AtT20 cells expressing mouse or human EGFP-tagged V(1b)R induced their rapid internalization. Preincubation with 10(-6) M SSR-149415 counteracted the internalization process. Moreover, recycling of internalized receptors was observed upon 10(-6) M SSR-149415 treatment. Thus SSR-149415/[(3)H]SSR-149415 are unique tools for studying animal and human V(1b)R.  相似文献   
Arctiids which as larvae sequester pyrrolizidine alkaloids (PAs) from their food plants are known to synthesize insect-specific PAs by esterifying necine bases derived from plant PAs with necic acids of insect origin. There are two classes of insect PAs, the creatonotines and the callimorphines. The creatonotines contain as necic acids either 2-hydroxy-3-methylbutyric acid (creatonotine A) or 2-hydroxy-3-methylpentanoic acid (creatonotine B). The three known callimorphines contain 2-hydroxy-2-methylbutanoic acid whose hydroxyl group can be either free (deacetylcallimorphine) or acetylated (callimorphine) or propionylated (homocallimorphine). Insect PAs are assumed to play an important role in the recycling of plant derived necine bases and the processing by trans-esterification of PA monoesters that cannot be directly transmitted to the insect's pupal and adult life-stages. The absolute configuration of the insect-specific necic acids was elucidated in the context of the suggested role of the insect PAs as insect-made mimics of plant monoester PAs of the lycopsamine type. For this purpose all needed stereoisomers were synthesized and a gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) method was established that allows the enantioselective separation and assignment of the stereochemistry of all insect specific necic acids as their methyl esters. The method could also be applied to the GC-MS analysis of the intact alkaloids which were hydrolyzed during injection and converted into their methyl esters. Analysis of the creatonotines and callimorphines isolated from the polyphagous arctiids Estigmene acrea and Grammia geneura that were fed with pure PAs and defined PA mixtures revealed the following absolute configuration: the callimorphines and creatonotine A were present in 2'R configuration, whereas creatonotine B was found as mixture of (2'R, 3'S)- and (2'S, 3'S)-stereoisomers. The ratio of 2'S to 2'R was extremely variable ranging from 98% S to 94% R. The cause of the lack of stereospecificity is discussed particularly in respect of a possible epimerization of the hydroxyl group at C-2' in analogy to the known epimerization at C-3' of plant acquired PAs of the lycopsamine type.  相似文献   
Nuclear DNA intron sequences are increasingly used to investigate evolutionary relationships among closely related organisms. The phylogenetic usefulness of intron sequences at higher taxonomic levels has, however, not been firmly established and very few studies have used these markers to address evolutionary questions above the family level. In addition, the mechanisms driving intron evolution are not well understood. We compared DNA sequence data derived from three presumably independently segregating introns (THY, PRKC I and MGF) across 158 mammalian species. All currently recognized extant eutherian mammalian orders were included with the exception of Cingulata, Dermoptera and Scandentia. The total aligned length of the data was 6366 base pairs (bp); after the exclusion of autapomorphic insertions, 1511 bp were analyzed. In many instances the Bayesian and parsimony analyses were complementary and gave significant posterior probability and bootstrap support (>80) for the monophyly of Afrotheria, Euarchontoglires, Laurasiatheria and Boreoeutheria. Apart from finding congruent support when using these methods, the intron data also provided several indels longer than 3 bp that support, among others, the monophyly of Afrotheria, Paenungulata, Ferae and Boreoeutheria. A quantitative analysis of insertions and deletions suggested that there was a 75% bias towards deletions. The average insertion size in the mammalian data set was 16.49 bp +/- 57.70 while the average deletion was much smaller (4.47 bp +/- 14.17). The tendency towards large insertions and small deletions is highlighted by the observation that out of a total of 17 indels larger than 100 bp, 15 were insertions. The majority of indels (>60% of all events) were 1 or 2 bp changes. Although the average overall indel substitution rate of 0.00559 per site is comparable to that previously reported for rodents and primates, individual analyses among different evolutionary lineages provide evidence for differences in the formation rate of indels among the different mammalian groups.  相似文献   
Petri net modelling of biological networks   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Mathematical modelling is increasingly used to get insights into the functioning of complex biological networks. In this context, Petri nets (PNs) have recently emerged as a promising tool among the various methods employed for the modelling and analysis of molecular networks. PNs come with a series of extensions, which allow different abstraction levels, from purely qualitative to more complex quantitative models. Noteworthily, each of these models preserves the underlying graph, which depicts the interactions between the biological components. This article intends to present the basics of the approach and to foster the potential role PNs could play in the development of the computational systems biology.  相似文献   
Cold acclimation induces an adaptative increase in respiration in brown adipose tissue (BAT). A comparative analysis by two-dimensional differential in-gel electrophoresis of mitochondrial protein patterns found in rat control and cold-acclimated BAT was performed. A total of 58 proteins exhibiting significant differences in their abundance was unambiguously identified. Proteins implicated in the major catabolic pathways were up-regulated as were ATP synthase and mitofilin. Moreover, these results support the fact that adipocytes can balance their ATP synthesis and their heat production linked to UCP1-sustained uncoupling.  相似文献   
The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment - Current field emission modelling and toxicity characterisation of pesticides suffer from several shortcomings like mismatches between LCI...  相似文献   
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