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Clastogenic agents, i.e. agents that can induce chromosome or DNA breakage, have been shown to enhance the rale of direct gene transfer to protoplasts. The effect was analysed at the enzymatic level using protoplast homogenates as well as intact protoplasts. For that purpose existing procedures were modified to enable measurement of DNA polymerase in vivo. In the system used, external DNA was able to enter the cells without the addition of membrane-permeabilizing compounds. When comparing total DNA polymerase activity of protoplasts irradiated with X-rays or UV-light with that of untreated cells we did not observe significant differences. Incubation of protoplasts with high doses of bleomycin affected total DNA polymerase activity negatively. but dideoxythymidine triphosphate-sensitive activity was not influenced. We conclude that the DNA strand-breaks induced by low doses of X-rays. UV-light or bleomycin do not increase the total or the repair-DNA polymerase activity and. therefore. that the increase in the transformation rates after DNA strand-breaking is not preceded by enhanced DNA polymerase activity.  相似文献   
In these studies, we examined the effect of a maximum-tolerated, split-dose chemotherapy protocol of cyclophosphamide, cisplatin, and 1,3-bis(2-chloroethyl)-1-nitrosourea carmustine on neutrophil and lymphocyte subpopulations in the peripheral blood (PBL), thymus, bone marrow and spleen. It was found that this protocol of polychemotherapy, modeled after the induction protocol used with autologous bone marrow transplantation for breast cancer, suppressed both B and T cell populations and T cell function at times when the absolute neutrophil count had returned to normal or supernormal numbers. In the peripheral blood, 7 days following initiation of chemotherapy, there was a twofold increase in the percentage of granulocytes as compared to the level in control animals on the basis of a differential count. The polymorphonuclear neutrophil (PMN) frequency in the bone marrow was increased on day 14 and statistically identical to that in control mice on all other days analyzed. In contrast to the bone marrow cells and PBL on day 7, the frequency of PMN in the spleen and thymus was depressed. B cells (B220+) were depressed in the PBL, spleen and bone marrow and took 18–32 days to return to their normal frequency, while the frequency of B cells in the thymus was increased owing to a loss of immature T cells. The percentage of CD3+ cells in the thymus, spleen and bone marrow was significantly increased and required 10–18 days to return to normal levels, while the absolute number of CD3+ cells in the blood varied around the normal value. The ratio of CD4+ to CD8+ cells in all the organs studied varied only slightly owing to a similar reconstitution of CD4+ and CD8+ cells. In contrast to the phenotypic recovery of the CD3+, CD4+ and CD8+ cells, the ability of the splenic lymphocytes to respond to concanavalin-A was depressed and remained depressed, despite the phenotypic reconstitution of the T cell subsets, on the basis of both percentage and absolute cell number. These results show a selective T and B cell depression following multi-drug, split-dose chemotherapy in tissue and blood leukocyte populations and a chronic depression in T cell function.  相似文献   
Despite the strong evidence for a major role played by genetic factors in the aetiology of non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM), the genes involved are still unknown. Association studies of candidate genes for the inheritance of NIDDM have so far yielded inconclusive results. Some evidence exists for an association between NIDDM and the glucose transporter gene GLUT1, involved in basal glucose transport, although this has not been confirmed. In the present study we have tested the hypothesis of linkage between NIDDM and the GLUT1 gene, using affected sib-pairs. With this method the concordance observed for a given gene marker is compared with that expected under the assumption of no linkage between that marker and the disease. Fifty-four pedigrees (22 Italians and 32 British), for a total of 82 sibpairs were studied by the affected sib-pair method proposed by Weeks and Lange, using two restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs) at the GLUT1 locus, the MspI RFLP, at an estimated 0.171 recombination frequency from the GLUT1 gene, and the XbaI RFLP, located within the GLUT1 gene and previously shown to be associated with the disease. Results showed that the MspI marker and NIDDM segregate independently; for the XbaI RFLP, linkage could be shown only if the results were weighted by the allele frequency [f(p) = 1/p], and only in the Italian and the combined (Italian and British) sib-pair groups. Multilocus analysis with both markers was also negative. We conclude that the GLUT1 gene is very unlikely to play a major role in the aetiology of NIDDM, although an accessory role cannot be excluded, and studies of the gene sequence should help to clarify this question.  相似文献   
In the midgut of Spodoptera frugiperda larvae, subcellular fractionation data suggest that aminopeptidase and part of amylase, carboxypeptidase A, dipeptidase, and trypsin are bound to the microvillar membranes; that major amounts of soluble dipeptidase, cellobiase, and maltase are trapped in the cell glycocalyx; and finally that soluble carboxypeptidase, amylase, and trypsin occur in intracellular vesicles. Most luminal acetylglucosaminidase is soluble and restricted to the ectoperitrophic contents. Aminopeptidase occurs in minor amounts bound to membranes both in the ectoperitrophic contents and incorporated in the peritrophic membrane. Amylase, carboxypeptidase A, and trypsin are found in minor amounts in the ectoperitrophic contents (both soluble and membrane-bound) and in major amounts in the peritrophic membrane with contents. Part of the activities recovered in the last mentioned contents corresponds to enzyme molecules incorporated in the peritrophic membrane. The results suggest that initial digestion is carried out in major amounts by enzymes in the endoperitrophic space and, in minor amounts, by enzymes immobilized in the peritrophic membrane. Intermediate and final digestion occur at the ectoperitrophic space or at the surface of midgut cells. The results also lend support to the hypothesis that amylase and trypsin are derived from membrane-bound forms, are released in soluble form by a microapocrine mechanism, and are partly incorporated into the peritrophic membrane. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
Treatment of intact HTC cells with glutaraldehyde results in redistribution of glucocorticoid binding sites between cytosolic and nuclear fractions. The decrease in cytosolic receptors and their accumulation at the nuclear level were found to be directly related to the glutaraldehyde concentrations employed in our procedure and inversely related to the cell density of samples. When the data from eleven separate experiments were combined, and analyzed by linear regression of cytosolic and nuclear levels of receptor complexes vs the ratios between the DNA and glutaraldehyde concentration of our samples, two lines were obtained whose intercepts on the ordinate yielded values of cytosolic and nuclear receptors corresponding to 37.5 and 62.5% of the total cellular pool, respectively. When we compared the subcellular redistribution of glucocorticoid receptor to that of the cytosolic enzyme lactate dehydrogenase upon HTC cell crosslinking with glutaraldehyde, we found that the cytosolic and nuclear levels of the enzyme were 53.2 and 46.8% of the total content, respectively. If the subcellular distribution of glucocorticoid receptor is corrected for the artefactual redistribution induced by crosslinking, using the values obtained for lactate dehydrogenase, it can be concluded that glucocorticoid receptors in HTC cells are distributed between cytosol and nuclei in a ratio which is about 2:1. Our findings lend further support to theconclusion that only a portion of glucocorticoid receptor is cytosolic in intact cells.  相似文献   
Parasites of all kinds affect the behaviour of their hosts, often making them more susceptible to predators. The associated loss in expected future reproductive success of infected hosts will vary among individuals, with younger ones having more lose than older ones. For this reason, young hosts would benefit more by opposing the effects of parasites than old ones. In a laboratory study, the effects of the trematode Telogaster opisthorchis on the anti-predator responses of the upland bully (Gobiomorphus breviceps) and of the common river galaxias (Galaxias vulgaris) were examined in relation to fish age. In a bully population where parasites were very abundant, the magnitude of the fish's anti-predator responses decreased as the number of parasites per fish increased, and this effect was significantly more pronounced in age 2 + and, to a lesser extent, age 3 + fish than in age 1 + fish. In another bully population where parasites were 10 times less abundant, similar effects were noticeable but not significant, whereas no effects of parasites on the responses of galaxiids to predators were apparent. Differences in the abundance of parasites and in their sites of infection in fish may explain the variability among host populations or species. However, in the bully population with high parasite abundance, parasitism has age-dependent effects on responses to predators, providing some support for the prediction that young fish with high expected future reproductive success invest more energy into opposing the effects of parasites than do older fish.  相似文献   
Electrical potential differences between the haemolymph and the extrapallial fluid, and between the haemolymph and the mantle cavity fluid, and ionic concentrations of calcium in the haemolymph and in extrapallial fluid were measured in vivo in Anodonta cygnea. The electrochemical potential of ionic calcium in the haemolymph is clearly above the electrochemical potential of ionic calcium in the environment and is very nearly in equilibrium with that of the extrapallial fluid. Simultaneous measurements of carbon dioxide partial pressure and pH in the extrapallial fluid showed that in this compartment ionic calcium is clearly above saturation. It is proposed that calcium deposition is regulated through the secretion of the organic matrix and by controlling the pH and the carbon dioxide partial pressure of the extrapallial fluid. An estimation of the minimum positive balance of calcium required to sustain shell growth together with the electrophysiological characterization of the mantle cavity epithelium showed that this tissue is not the route of entry of calcium into the animal.Abbreviations BW body weight - DW dry weight - EEPF-S chemical potential difference - EPF extrapallial fluid - Gtot total conductance - Isc short-circuit current - Ksp solubility product - MCE mantle cavity epithelium - MCF mantle cavity fluid - OME outer mantle epithelium - PCO2 partial pressure of carbon dioxide - PVC Poly(vinyl chloride) - S shell - SEM standard error of mean - V ic intracellular electrical potential - V oc open-circuit voltage  相似文献   
Serological studies have suggested the presence of a new HLA-B39 subtype (B39.2) in the Japanese population. To identify the new HLA-B39 subtype and compare it with an other HLA-B39 subtype (B39.1), the genes encoding HLA-B39.1 (B * 39013) and B39.2 (B * 3902) have been cloned from Japanese. We have sequenced these genes and completed the sequence of HLA-B39.1 (B *39011 ) gene from a Caucasian that was partially sequenced. Comparison of the sequence data revealed that B * 3902 and B * 39013 differ by three nucleotide substitutions which result in a two amino acids change at residues 63 and 67, while one silent substitution at codon 312 is found between B * 39011 and B * 39013. These results suggest that B * 3902 has evolved from B * 39013 rather than B * 39011.The nucleotide sequence data reported in this paper have been submitted to the GenBank nucleotide sequence database and have been assigned the accession numbers M94051 (HLA-B*39013), M94052 (HLA-B*39011), and M94053 (HLA-B*3902).  相似文献   
Calcineurin is a calmodulin-dependent serine-threonine phosphatase found in many cell types but most abundant in neurons. To determine its localization in developing neurons, dissociated cultures from embryonic day 15 rat cerebellum were analyzed immunocytochemically after treatment with cytoskeletal-disrupting drugs. During the initial outgrowth of neurites, calcineurin is enriched in growth cones where its localization depends upon the integrity of both microtubules and actin filaments. Treatment with cytochalasin shifts calcineurin from the growth cone to the neurite shaft, and with nocadozole calcineurin translocates to the cell body. Therefore calcineurin is well positioned to mediate interactions between cytoskeletal systems during neurite elongation. By 14 d in culture, when the neurons have developed extensive neuronal contacts and synapses are present, calcineurin is predominantly in the neurite shaft. Incubation of cultured cells with Cyclosporin A or a specific peptide, both of which selectively inhibit calcineurin's phosphatase activity, prevented axonal elongation. Because the microtubule-associated protein tau appears to play a key role in asymmetric neurite elongation, we examined modifications in its phosphorylation state resulting from calcineurin inhibition. In contrast to the normal development of cerebellar macroneurons in which reactivity with the phosphorylation-dependent antibody, tau-1, progressively increases, there was a persistent inhibition of tau-1 reactivity in cells exposed to Cyclosporin A. These findings suggest a role for calcineurin in regulating tau phosphorylation and possibly modulating other steps required for the determination of polarity.  相似文献   
Amino acid neurotransmitters (AANTs) play a major role in maintenance of muscle tone. Abnormal AANT concentrations are associated with hyper- or hypotonic states. Flaccidity from spinal shock commonly occurs after spinal cord injury (SCI) and may be associated with changes in AANT concentrations. Ischemic SCIs created in the lumbar region of rabbits by intraaortic balloon occlusion produced spastic or flaccid injuries. Microdialysis sampling of AANTs from the injured segmental structures was done 3 days after SCI. Evoked potentials were used to monitor spinal cord stability. No significant changes in AANT levels occurred in the spastic or flaccid group after 4 hour sampling. However, flaccid animals had baseline glycine levels 2–3 times higher (p<0.001) than spastic animals or controls. High concentrations of the inhibitory AANT glycine is associated with flaccidity following SCI, or spinal shock, but not spasticity. Glycinergic compounds directed toward suppression of excess muscle tone deserve further study.  相似文献   
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