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Claude Lang 《Hydrobiologia》1984,115(1):131-138
In 1978–80, oligochaete communities of meso-eutrophic Lake Léman (Lake of Geneva) were compared to those of mesotrophic Lake Neuchâtel. Worm species were classified into three groups corresponding to their increasing tolerance to eutrophication: (1) oligotrophic species, mostly Peloscolex velutinus, Stylodrilus heringianus; (2) mesotrophic species, mostly Potamothrix vejdovskyi, P. bedoti; (3) eutrophic species, mostly Potamothrix hammoniensis, P. heuscheri, Tubifex tubifex. In both lakes, eutrophic species constituted the bulk of the communities in terms of absolute abundance. However, relative abundance of mesotrophic and eutrophic species was higher in Lake Léman; oligotrophic species were more important in Lake Neuchâtel. These data confirmed the trophic classification of lakes based on chemical parameters. The number of zero values, which perturbated statistical analysis, was reduced by using species groupings instead of isolated species. Thus, making the lakes more comparable even if different species were present in each one. Relative density values based on all samples were distributed among 4 density classes for the 3 species groupings. The 12 resulting frequencies described the community structure expressed in terms of eutrophication. Furthermore, these frequencies may be used for comparison of eutrophication levels in several lakes.  相似文献   
Summary Alpha-1-microglobulin is a low molecular weight (approximately 30 000 d) glycoprotein present in biological fluids. It is heterogeneous in charge. A monoclonal antibody was used to investigate the tissue distribution of the protein in normal human tissues and cell lines by indirect immunofluorescence and immunoperoxidase techniques. The protein was demonstrable in cells of the monocyte-macrophage lineage, in thymus and T cell dependent areas of spleen, lymph node and tonsils. It was detected in several lymphoid or nonlymphoid cell lines but not in peripheral blood lymphocytes. The microglobulin was also detectable in the cytoplasm of hepatocytes. Finally, it was observed in glandular secretions (sudoral glands and mucosal glands of the digestive tract) where it may be associated with IgA. Possible explanations for the highly divergent results previously reported with polyclonal antisera to 1 microglobulin are discussed.  相似文献   
Phenolamides and floral induction of Cichorium intybus in different conditions of culture in glass-room or in vitro. Three complexes between phenols and amines (phenolamides) have been found in Cichorium intybus L., a plant with an absolute requirement of vernalisation followed by long days for flowering. Upon hydrolysis, these complexes (A, B and C) liberate aromatic amines whose exact identification is in progress, but which are closely related to dopamine, tyramine and serotonin, respectively. In a first series of experiments, phenolamides were studied in the buds of plants grown in the greenhouse under varying conditions. Only buds from plants which flower in long days contained large amounts of these compounds. Much smaller amounts were found in buds at the end of vernalisation (at 2–4°C) before long-day treatment as well as in buds kept in the vegetative state after vernalisation by being grown in short days (8 h light) or in total darkness. In a second series of experiments, phenolamides were studied in bud-forming calli induced in vitro on explants of tuberised root. After sixteen days of culture in continuous light, large quantities of phenolamide were found in the buds and calli of the upper part of the explant, while the lower part which never produces buds contained much less. Buds formed under continuous light produce inflorescences in approximately one month. Various other culture conditions make it possible to maintain the explants in the vegetative state. This can be obtained by short-day conditions, or otherwise under continuous illumination by decreasing the sugar or increasing the NAA levels in the medium. After 13 days of culture, the phenolamide levels were much lower under all of these conditions, than under conditions favourable to floral induction. Compound C is absent or present in trace amounts in vegetative buds. The significance of the differences observed between floral and vegetative buds is supported by the sensitivity of the analytical techniques used. The accumulation of phenolamides in tissues of Cichorium intybus appears to be closely linked to floral induction. Under continuous light it begins very early in young buds and even in the calli that bear these buds.  相似文献   
Stimulation of de novo synthesis of δ-aminolevulinate dehydralasc of radishes grown under far-red light .
Density labelling studies of δ-aminolevulinate dehydratase (ALAD) in cotyledons of radish ( Raphanus sativus L. cv. Longue Rave Saumonée) seedlings demonstrate that far-red light stimulates de novo synthesis of ALAD and that the turn-over of this enzyme is very poor. Cycloheximide reduces considerably both the increase of ALAD activity and the incorporation of deuterium in ALAD, which indicates that ALAD synthesis depends upon cytoplasmic ribosomes.  相似文献   
Summary The regulatory regions for the rpsU-dnaG-rpoD macromolecular synthesis operon have been fused to a structural gene whose product is readily assayed (the Cmr structural gene coding for chloramphenicol acetyl transferase, CAT). The promoters (P1, P2, P3, Pa, Pb, Phs) for the macromolecular synthesis operon have different strengths as shown by their relative abilities to drive expression of the CAT gene. Promoter occlusion by P1 can be demonstrated within this operon. Regions 5kb upstream have a profound effect on operon gene expression. There is a thermoinducible promoter located within the dnaG structural gene. One of the macromolecular synthesis operon promoters is under lexA control. Although the operon structure allows coordinate expression of rpsU, dnaG and rpoD these additional features suggest that expression of individual genes can be independently regulated in response to altered growth conditions.Abbreviations Apr ampicillin resistance - CAT chloramphenicol acetyl transferase - Cmr chloramphenicol resistance - kb kilobase pair - orf open reading frame - P promoter - T terminator - Tcr tetracycline resistance  相似文献   
Ovine tubal (n = 87) and ovarian in vitro matured oocytes (n = 99) were fertilized in vitro with ejaculated spermatozoa capacitated for 8 h in modified defined medium buffered with Hepes. High levels of fertilization were obtained as assessed by development to two-to six-cell stage within 40 h (75. 8% for ovulated and 62. 6% for in vitro matured oocytes). Electron microscope analysis of oocytes 20–22 h after insemination indicated that in vitro fertilization approximated the in vivo events. Embryos (two- to six-cell) were transferred surgically to the oviducts of pseudopregnant rabbits. Three days later, 42 (from ovulated oocytes) and 15 (from in vitro matured oocytes) embryos were recovered; 26 (61. 9%) and 10 (66. 6%), respectively, had cleaved at least once. Embryos incubated in vivo (n = 20 from ovulated oocytes; n = 9 from in vitro matured oocytes) were transferred surgically to the uteri of seven and four recipient ewes resulting in four and two pregnancies, respectively, from which three and one, respectively, have been maintained ( > 3 months). The first lamb resulting from the in vitro fertilization of an ovulated oocyte was born. In addition, six embryos (two- to four-cell) from tubal oocytes and ten embryos (two- to six-cell) from in vitro matured oocytes were directly transferred to the oviducts of two and three ewes, respectively. Two pregnancies resulting from in vitro matured fertilized oocytes are in progress ( > 3 months).  相似文献   
Summary Lung organ culture has been a widely used system for studying differentiation and maturation of alveolar epithelium through various culture conditions. The purpose of this work was to carefully characterize in vitro lung biochemical diffeentiation through isolation of surfactant fraction from tissue and to search for optimal culture conditions. Fetal rat lung was explanted on the 18th gestational day for studying glycogen storage, and on the 20th gestational day for studying surfactant accretion, and cultivated for 48 h. Morphologic differentiation was studies byelectron microscopy tissue explanted on the 17th or 18th gestational days and cultivated for various times. Glycogen storage was greater on fluid medium, although less than occurring in vivo. Cellular integrity and surfactant accumulation were maximal on a semisolid medium containing 0.5% agar. Use of O2-CO2 instead of air-CO2 for gassing the explants slighlty decreased phospholipid accumulation. Among media used in previous lung culture studies, Waymouth MB 752/1 was the only one to allow net glycogen accumulation in vitro. The most favorable media for surfactant phospholipid accretion were Waymouth MB 752/1, Eagle’s minimum essential and its Dulbeccco’s modification, CMRL 1066, and NCTC 109. They allowed a 12- to 14-fold increase of surfactant fraction phospholipids in vitro, which is similar to the increase occurring in vivo during the same peiod. Ham’s F10 and F12 media allowed a six fold increase. RPMI 1640 and medium 199 (M199) allowed only a three fold increase. Phospholipid concentration in nonsurfactant fraction only doubled during culture, and differences between various media were much less marked. DNA concentration changed little during culture. Morphologic differentiation of epithelial cells was advanced as compared with in vivo timing in a medium allowing maximal surfactant accretion (Waymouth MB 752/1) but not in a medium allowing low surfactant increase (RPMI 1640). The possible role of compositional differences between media is discussed.  相似文献   
delta 5-3 beta-Hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase is a key enzyme for testicular androgen biosynthesis and a marker for the Leydig cells. The hormonal regulation of this enzyme was studied in cultured rat testicular cells. Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) increased testosterone production in vitro while time course studies indicated a biphasic action of the gonadotropin on 3 beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase activity. An initial stimulation (51%) of the enzyme was detected between 3 and 12 h of culture when medium testosterone was low. This is followed by an inhibition of 3 beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase activity on days 2 and 3 of culture when medium testosterone was elevated. Concomitant treatment with a synthetic androgen (R1881) inhibited 3 beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase activity and testosterone production in hCG-treated cultures while an anti-androgen (cyproterone acetate) increased 3 beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase activity and testosterone biosynthesis. Addition of 10(-5) M spironolactone, an inhibitor of 17 alpha-hydroxylase, blocked the hCG stimulation of testosterone production but increased medium progesterone. In the absence of the secreted androgen, hCG stimulated 3 beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase activity in a time- and dose-related manner. Furthermore, hCG stimulation of 3 beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase activity and progesterone accumulation in spironolactone-supplemented cultures was decreased by concomitant treatment with R1881 but was not affected by cyproterone acetate. The inhibitory effect of R1881 was blocked by the anti-androgen. In the absence of hCG, treatment with testosterone, dihydrotestosterone, or R1881, but not promegestone, alone also inhibited 3 beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase activity while the inhibitory effect of testosterone was blocked by cyproterone acetate. Thus, hCG stimulates 3 beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase activity in cultured testicular cells. The androgenic steroidogenic end products, in turn, inhibit this enzyme. The hormonal regulation of 3 beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase activity may be important in the ultrashort loop autoregulation of androgen biosynthesis.  相似文献   
C-Glycosylation of 5,7-dihydroxy-3′,4′,5′-trimethoxyflavone was carried out with acetobromo-α-d-glucose, -α-d-galactose, -α-d-xylose, -β-l-arabinose and -αt-L-rhamnose. The respective 6-C-glycosides and 6, 8-di-C-glycosides (excepted for galactose) were isolated and permethylated. MS and TLC comparison confirmed the proposed structures of five natural tricetin-derived C-glycosides.  相似文献   
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