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An update of the human obesity gene map up to October 1996 is presented. Evidence from Mendelian disorders exhibiting obesity as a clinical feature, single-gene mutation rodent models, quantitative trait loci uncovered in crossbreeding experiments with mouse, rat, and pig models, association and case-control studies with candidate genes, and linkage studies with genes and other markers is reviewed. All chromosomal locations of the animal loci are converted into human genome locations based on syntenic relationships between the genomes. A complete listing of all these loci reveals that only 4 of the 24 human chromosomes are not yet represented, i.e., 9, 18, 21, and Y. Several chromosome arms are characterized by the presence of several putative loci. The following arms include at least three such loci: 1p, 1q, 3p, 4q, 6p, 7q, 8p, 8q, 11p, 11q, 15q, 20q, and Xq. Studies with negative association and linkage results are also reviewed.  相似文献   
Lipsitz, Lewis A., Raymond Morin, Margaret Gagnon, DanKiely, and Aharon Medina. Vasomotor instability precedingtilt-induced syncope: does respiration play a role? J. Appl. Physiol. 83(2): 383-390, 1997.This studyaimed to determine whether alterations in cardiovascular dynamicsbefore syncope are related to changes in spontaneous respiration.Fifty-two healthy subjects underwent continuous heart rate (HR),arterial blood pressure (BP), and respiratory measurements during10-min periods of spontaneous and paced breathing (0.25 Hz) in thesupine and 60° head-up tilt positions. Data were evaluated by powerspectrum and transfer function analyses. During tilt, 27 subjectsdeveloped syncope or presyncope and 25 remained asymptomatic. Subjectswith tilt-induced syncope had significantly greater increases inlow-frequency (0.04-0.15 Hz) systolic BP, diastolic BP, and HRpower during tilt than the asymptomatic subjects(P  0.01). This difference waspresent during spontaneous but not paced breathing. However, averagetidal volume, respiratory rate, minute ventilation, proportion ofbreaths below 0.15 Hz, and low-frequency respiratory power during tilt did not differ between syncopal and nonsyncopal subjects. Transfer magnitudes between low-frequency respiration and BP, and between BP andinterbeat interval, were also similar between groups. Thus vasomotorinstability before syncope is not related to alterations in respirationor the cardiovagal baroreflex but may reflect oscillating centralsympathetic outflow to the vasculature.

Labelling the beta-lactamase of Enterobacter cloacae P99 with a poor substrate or a mechanism-based inactivator points to an active-site serine residue in a sequence closely resembling that of the ampC beta-lactamase. These results establish the P99 enzyme as a class-C beta-lactamase, and the concurrence of the two approaches helps to confirm the reliability of determining active-site sequences with the aid of mechanism-based inactivators.  相似文献   
25 populations from Turkey and one of Syria belonging to theSabulina section of the genusMinuartia have been karyologically examined. New chromosome numbers have been recorded forM. mesogitana andM. hybrida subsp.turcica, and a new variety was found in theM. hybrida complex. The origin of the taxa with n = 23 and n = 35 is discussed.
Summary Two new deficient glucose-phosphate-isomerase (GPI) variants have been described in patients suffering from severe chronic hemolytic anemias. The patients' parents were consanguineous, such that the patients were true homozygotes for the mutated GPI genes. In both cases the main cause of the defect in enzyme activity was molecular instability of the mutated GPI molecules, their catalytic activity being nearly normal.GPI Paris was characterized by a slow electrophoretic migration and, above all, a drastically altered affinity for the substrates glucose-6-phosphate (decreased) and fructose-6-phosphate (increased). GPI Enfants malades exhibited a slightly reduced electrophoretic mobility, an abnormal curve of the activity in function of pH, and an abnormal ratio of maximal velocity in the backward direction (fructose-6-phosphate»glucose-6-phosphate) to that in the forward direction (glucose-6-phosphate»fructose-6-phosphate).No clear relation could be proved between the kinetic abnormalities of the mutant GPI variants on the one hand and the metabolic changes of the GPI-deficient red cells and the severity of hemolysis on the other.Finally we emphasized the possible role of the impairment of hexosemonophosphate pathway in the reduction of viability of the GPI-deficient red cells.  相似文献   
The variations of the ring current, the local diamagnetic susceptibility anisotropy and the polarization contributions to the chemical shift of the non exchangeable protons of the ribose ring of purine nucleosides are computed as a function of the torsion angle about the glycosyl bond, χCN. The results show that the ring current effect is relatively more important in the purines than in the pyrimidines. In addition, N3 of purines has a local magnetic anisotropy effect similar to the one of the carbonyl group C2O2 of pyrimidine nucleosides. The experimental differences between the chemical shift of the ribose protons of purine nucleosides and of 8 substituted derivatives are discussed in relation to the theoretical variations.  相似文献   
Summary Mitochondrial (Mt) DNA from mitochondrial mutants of race s Podospora anserina and from senescent cultures of races s and A was examined. In mutants, we observed that fewer full length circles (31 ) were present; instead, smaller circles characteristic for each mutant sudied were found. Eco Rl digestion of these mutant MtDNAs indicated that in certain mutants, although specific fragments were absent, the total molecular weight of the fragments was not much different than wild-type.The properties of senescent MtDNA was strikingly different from either wild-type or mutant Mt DNA. First, a multimeric set of circular DNA was observed for both race s and A, with a monomeric repeat size of 0.89 . These circles ranged in size from 0.89 to greater than 20 ; only one molecule out of some 200 molecules was thought to be of full length (31 ). Density gradient analysis showed that there were two density species: a majority were at the same density as wild-type (1.694 g/cm3) and a second at 1.699 g/cm3. Most of the circular molecules from MtDNA isolated by either total DNA extraction or by extraction of DNA from isolated mitochondria were contained in the heavy DNA fraction. Eco R1 enzymatic digestion indicated that the light DNA had several fragments (amounting to about 23×106 daltons) missing, compared with young, wild-type MtDNA. Heavy senescent MtDNA was not cleaved by Eco R1. Analysis with Hae III restriction endonuclease showed also that light senescent MtDNA was missing certain fragments. Heavy MtDNA of average size 20×106 daltons, yielded only one fragment, 2,500 bp long, by digestion with Hae III restriction endonuclease. Digestion of heavy DNA with Alu I enzyme yielded 10 fragments totalling 2,570 bp. By three criteria, electron-microscopy, Eco R1 and Hae digestion, we conclude that the heavy MtDNA isolated from senescent cultures of Podospora anserina consisted of a monomeric tandemly repeating subunit of about 2,600 bp length.These results on the properties of senescent MtDNA are discussed with regard to the published properties of the rho - mutation in the yeast, S. cerevisiae.  相似文献   
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