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The distribution of NO3? reduction between roots and shoots was studied in hydro-ponically-grown peach-tree seedlings (Prunus persica L.) during recovery from N starvation. Uptake, translocation and reduction of NO3?, together with transport through xylem and phloem of the newly reduced N were estimated, using 15N labellings, in intact plants supplied for 90 h with 0.5 mM NH4+ and 0.5, 1.5 or 10 mM NO3?. Xylem transport of NO3? was further investigated by xylem sap analysis in a similar experiment. The roots were the main site of NO3? reduction at all 3 levels of NO3? nutrition. However, the contribution of the shoots to the whole plant NO3? reduction increased with increasing external NO3? availability. This contribution was estimated to be 20, 23 and 42% of the total assimilation at 0.5, 1.5 and 10 mM NO3?, respectively. Both 15N results and xylem sap analysis confirmed that this trend was due to an enhancement of NO3? translocation from roots to shoots. It is proposed that the lack of NO3? export to the shoots at low NO3? uptake rate resulted from a competition between NO3? reduction in the root epidermis/cortex and NO3? diffusion to the stele. On the other hand, net xylem transport of newly reduced N was very efficient since ca 70% of the amino acids synthesized in the roots were translocated to the shoots, regardless of the level of NO3? nutrition. This net xylem transport by far exceeded the net downward phloem transport of the reduced N assimilated in shoots. As a consequence, the reduced N resulting from NO3? assimilation, principally occurring in the roots, was mainly incorporated in the shoots.  相似文献   
A major gene hypothesis for resting metabolic rate (RMR) was investigated using segregation analysis (POINTER) of data on families participating in Phase 2 of the Québec Family Study. Complete analyses were conducted on RMR adjusted for age, and also on RMR adjusted for age and other covariates, primarily fat mass (FM) and fat-free mass (FFM). Prior to adjustment for covariates, support for a major gene hypothesis was equivocal — i.e., there was evidence for either a major gene or a multifactorial component (i.e., polygenic and/or familial environment). The multifactorial model was preferred over the major gene model, although the latter did segregate according to Mendelian expectations. However, after the effects of FM and FFM were accounted for, a major gene effect was unambiguous and compelling. The putative locus accounted for 57% of the variance, affected 7% of the sample, and led to high values of RMR. The lack of a significant multifactorial effect suggested that the familial etiology of RMR adjusted for FM and FFM was likely to be entirely a function of the major locus. Comparing the RMR results from pre- and post-adjustment for FM and FFM suggests a plausible hypothesis. We know from earlier studies in this sample that there is a putative major gene for FM and a major non-Mendelian effect for FFM. The current study leads us to speculate that: (1) the gene(s) affecting body size and body composition also may have an effect on RMR, and further (2) removal of the effect of the major gene(s) for body size and composition allowed for detection of an additional major gene affecting only the RMR. Thus, RMR appears to be an oligogenic trait.  相似文献   
A study of the mangrove fish fauna in a bay of Martinique Island (French West Indies) was carried out at different seasons during two consecutive years. fishes were sampled with specific hoop-nets in the coastal areas at 8 stations.A total of 87 species was collected in the bay. Most individuals were represented by small-size specimens and juveniles. The overall species richness varied according to the stations and the sampling periods. The biomass and number of individuals were variable according to the location but remained stable in time. A factor correspondence analysis and a hierarchical clustering with median links were used to follow the evolution of the stations in space and time. Two types of stations were differentiated: the stations characterized by the mangrove and those under the influence of seagrass beds. A seasonal cycle, opposing the dry periods to the others, was observed.Thus, it seems that the use of the mangrove habitat by the fishes is optimized through a complete reorganization of communities in terms of species composition whereas the overall number and biomass remain stable. This model remains valid even for the most constraining biota of the mangrove ecosystem inhabited by a small number of well adapted species.  相似文献   
Abstract: The present study was undertaken to examine the adaptive changes occurring 1 and 6 months after moderate or severe unilateral 6-hydroxydopamine-induced lesions confined to the lateral part of the rat substantia nigra pars compacta (SNC). The expression of tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) enzyme was analyzed in the remaining dopaminergic nigral cell bodies and in the corresponding striatal nerve endings. In the cell bodies of the lesioned SNC, TH mRNA content was increased (+20 to +30%) 6 months after the lesion without changes in cellular TH protein amounts. The depletion of TH protein in the nerve terminal area was less severe than the percentage of cell loss observed in the SNC at 1- and 6-month postlesion intervals. Moreover, the decrease in TH protein in the ipsilateral striatum was less pronounced 6 months after lesion than 1 month after. That no corresponding change in TH protein content was observed in the cell bodies at a time when TH increased in nerve terminals suggests that the newly synthesized protein is probably rapidly transported to the striatal fibers. These results suggest the existence of a sequence of changes in TH expression between cell bodies and fibers, occurring spontaneously after partial denervation of the nigrostriatal pathway.  相似文献   
Tentoxin[cyclo-(MeAla1-Leu2-MePhe3-Gly4] is a metabolite isolated from a phytopathogenic fungusAlternaria alternata, which induces chlorosis of many plants. This potentialnatural herbicide binds specifically to the soluble part CF1of the chloroplastic coupling factor, which is a proton ATP-synthase. Theeffect of the toxin is concentration dependent: at low concentration it is apowerful inhibitor, while at higher concentration, it stimulates the enzyme.We synthesized tentoxin and we designed new analogues in order to vary thehydrophobicity on the side chain and to study the structure activityrelationships. Comparative activities suggest that it is possible toseparate inhibitory and activating effects using tentoxin analogues, showingsome evidence for the existence of two binding sites with different affinityconstant.  相似文献   
Bifidobacterium longum was immobilized in k-carrageenan/locust bean gum gel beads, and cultured in a medium containing Lactobacillus MRS broth and whey-permeate. The same beads were incubated for 5 successive batch fermentations and freeze-dried following mixing with a protective solution. Viable population in the beads increased from 8 3 10 7 to 4.7 3 10 10 cfu/g after three batch fermentations, but no further increase in viable cell population could be achieved in the last two fermentations. The freeze-dried culture contained 3 3 10 10 cfu/g with a survival rate of approximately 10%. Survival to freeze-drying of immobilized cells was as good as that of classical free-cell cultures. Stability of freeze-dried cultures during storage at minus 17, 4 and 20°C was not influenced by immobilization.  相似文献   
To investigate the main forces controlling the containment of transposable elements (TE) in natural populations, we analyzed the copia, mdg1, and 412 elements in various populations of Drosophila melanogaster and D. simulans. A lower proportion of insertion sites on the X chromosome in comparison with the autosomes suggests that selection against the detrimental effects of TE insertions is the major force containing TE copies in populations of Drosophila. This selection effect hypothesis is strengthened by the absence of the negative correlation between recombination rate and TE copy number along the chromosomes, which was expected under the alternative ectopic exchange model (selection against the deleterious rearrangements promoted by recombination between TE insertions). A cline in 412 copy number in relation to latitude was observed among the natural populations of D. simulans, with very high numbers existing in some local populations (around 60 copies in a sample from Canberra, Australia). An apparent absence of selection effects in this Canberra sample and a value of transposition rate equal to 1–2 × 10-3 whatever the population and its copy number agree with the idea of recent but temporarily drastic TE movements in local populations. The high values of transposition rate in D. simulans clearly disfavor the hypothesis that the low amount of transposable elements in this species could result from a low transposition rate. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
An update of the human obesity gene map up to October 1996 is presented. Evidence from Mendelian disorders exhibiting obesity as a clinical feature, single-gene mutation rodent models, quantitative trait loci uncovered in crossbreeding experiments with mouse, rat, and pig models, association and case-control studies with candidate genes, and linkage studies with genes and other markers is reviewed. All chromosomal locations of the animal loci are converted into human genome locations based on syntenic relationships between the genomes. A complete listing of all these loci reveals that only 4 of the 24 human chromosomes are not yet represented, i.e., 9, 18, 21, and Y. Several chromosome arms are characterized by the presence of several putative loci. The following arms include at least three such loci: 1p, 1q, 3p, 4q, 6p, 7q, 8p, 8q, 11p, 11q, 15q, 20q, and Xq. Studies with negative association and linkage results are also reviewed.  相似文献   
25 populations from Turkey and one of Syria belonging to theSabulina section of the genusMinuartia have been karyologically examined. New chromosome numbers have been recorded forM. mesogitana andM. hybrida subsp.turcica, and a new variety was found in theM. hybrida complex. The origin of the taxa with n = 23 and n = 35 is discussed.
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