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When male mouse spleen cells were incubated with a combination of platelet activating factor (PAF, 1-0-alkyl-2-acetyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine) and sera from female mice in oestrus, the cells displayed a markedly increased rosette inhibition titre (RIT) when subsequently tested in the rosette inhibition assay. Neither PAF nor oestrous mouse sera alone could induce this effect, the combined action was required. Lyso-PAF could not substitute for the PAF, nor could male mouse sera nor the sera from females in dioestrus or metoestrus substitute for the oestrous mouse serum requirement. Pro-oestrous mouse sera could replace oestrous mouse sera but were less effective in their dose-responses. Studies on the mechanism of action of the PAF and oestrous mouse serum components suggested that the PAF stimulated the production and release of soluble factors (termed S2 factors) which by themselves could induce increased RIT values when applied to fresh spleen cells. The PAF-stimulated cell populations were rendered refractory to the action of these S2 factors and did not display increased RIT values, unless oestrous mouse serum was added. This serum acted to reverse the refractory state, allowing the S2 factors to exert their effect, and so cells treated with PAF and oestrous mouse serum displayed increased RIT values.  相似文献   
In bank voles blastocysts arising from mating immediately after parturition do not implant in used zones of the preceding pregnancy but in the regions between them. However, if mating is postponed until 12 or more days after parturition blastocysts do implant in used zones of the previous pregnancy. Implantations also occur at zones used two pregnancies previously. It seems likely that the absence of implantations at recently used zones of the uterus is determined by the uterus rather than blastocysts.  相似文献   
The sequence of 10 amino acids (ICSDKTGTLT357) at the site of phosphorylation of the rabbit fast twitch muscle Ca2+-ATPase is highly conserved in the family of cation-transporting ATPases. We changed each of the residues flanking Asp351, Lys352, and Thr353 to an amino acid differing in size or polarity and assayed the mutant for Ca2+ transport activity and autophosphorylation with ATP or P1. We found that conservative changes (Ile----Leu, Thr----Ser, Gly----Ala) or the alteration of Cys349 to alanine did not destroy Ca2+ transport activity or phosphoenzyme formation, whereas nonconservative changes (Ile----Thr, Leu----Ser) did disrupt function. These results indicate that very conservative changes in the amino acids flanking Asp351, Lys352, and Thr353 can be accommodated. A number of mutations were also introduced into amino acids predicted to be involved in nucleotide binding, in particular those in the conserved sequences KGAPE519, RDAGIRVIMITGDNK629, and KK713. Our results indicate that amino acids KGAPE519, Arg615, Gly618, Arg620, and Lys712-Lys713 are not essential for nucleotide binding, although changes to Lys515 diminished Ca2+ transport activity but not phosphoenzyme formation. Changes of Gly626 and Asp627 abolished phosphoenzyme formation with both ATP and Pi, indicating that these residues may contribute to the conformation of the catalytic center.  相似文献   
Nucleotides encoding glutamate, glutamine, aspartate, or asparagine residues within the stalk sector of the sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca2+-ATPase were altered by oligonucleotide-directed site-specific mutagenesis. The mutant cDNAs were expressed in COS-1 cells, and mutant Ca2+-ATPases were assayed for Ca2+ transport function and phosphoenzyme formation. Multiple mutations introduced into stalks, 1, 2, and 3 resulted in partial loss of Ca2+ transport function. In most cases, subsequent mutation of individual amino acids in the cluster had no effect on Ca2+ transport activity. In one cluster, however, it was possible to assign the reduction in Ca2+ transport activity to alterations of Asn111 and Asn114. The mutant Asn114 to alanine retained about 50% activity, whereas the change Asn111 to alanine retained only 10% activity. None of the mutations affected phosphorylation of the enzyme by ATP in the presence of Ca2+ or by inorganic phosphate in the absence of Ca2+. The combined experiments suggest that the reduced Ca2+ uptake observed in the Asn111 and Asn114 mutants was not due to a defect in enzyme activation by Ca2+ or in formation of the phosphorylated enzyme intermediate but rather to incompetent handling of the bound Ca2+ following ATP utilization. These results demonstrate that the acidic and amidated residues within the stalk region do not constitute the high affinity Ca2+-binding sites whose occupancy is required for enzyme activation. They may, however, act to sequester cytoplasmic Ca2+ and to channel it to domains that are involved in enzyme activation and cation translocation. Simultaneous mutation of 4 glutamate residues to alanine in the lumenal loop between transmembrane sequences M1 and M2 did not affect Ca2+ transport activity, indicating that acidic residues in this lumenal loop do not play an essential role in Ca2+ transport. Similarly, mutation of Glu192 and Asp196 in the beta-strand domain between stalk helices 2 and 3 did not affect Ca2+ transport activity, although mutation of Asp196 did diminish expression of the protein.  相似文献   
Site-specific mutagenesis was used to investigate whether Pro160, Pro195, Pro308, Pro312, Pro803, and Pro812 play essential roles in the function of the sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca2(+)-ATPase. All six prolines were substituted with alanine; and in addition, Pro308 was replaced by glycine and Pro312 by glycine as well as by leucine. Mutant cDNAs were expressed in COS-1 cells, and mutant Ca2(+)-ATPases located in the isolated microsomal fraction were examined with respect to Ca2+ uptake activity, Ca2+ dependence of phosphorylation from ATP, and the kinetic properties of the phosphoenzyme intermediates formed from both ATP and Pi. The enzymatic cycle was little affected by substitution of Pro160, Pro195, and Pro812, which are located in the cytoplasmic domain; but replacement of Pro308, Pro312, and Pro803, in the putative transmembrane helices, had a profound impact on the function of the enzyme. All mutations of Pro308 and Pro803 led to ATPases which were characterized by a reduced affinity for Ca2+. These prolines may therefore be involved in the structure of the high affinity Ca2(+)-binding sites in the enzyme. Substitution of Pro312 with alanine or glycine gave rise to mutants unable to transport Ca2+ even though their apparent affinities for Ca2+ in the phosphorylation reaction with ATP were increased. In these enzymes, the ADP-sensitive phosphoenzyme intermediate was stable for at least 5 min at 0 degrees C, whereas the ADP-insensitive phosphoenzyme intermediate decay at a rate similar to that of the wild type. Thus, the inability to transport Ca2+ could be accounted for by a block of ADP-sensitive to ADP-insensitive phosphoenzyme intermediate conformational transition. In contrast, substitution of Pro312 with leucine gave rise to a mutant enzyme that retained about 7% of the normal Ca2+ transport rate. Phosphoenzyme turnover in this mutant also occurred at a low but significant rate, suggesting that the leucine side chain can substitute to some extent for proline.  相似文献   
The in vivo synthesis of early heat-shock proteins in young leaves of barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) and sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L.) was studied by one- and two-dimensional electrophoresis. Analysis of whole leaf protein patterns demonstrated clearly the enhanced resolution of heat-shock proteins, especially those of low molecular weight, when separated by two-dimensional electrophoresis. Comparison between the two cereals showed that a greater number and diversity of heat-shock proteins were induced in the subtropical C4 (sorghum) species compared to the temperate C3 (barley) species. Fractionation of whole leaf proteins into soluble and membrane fractions showed the majority of heat-shock proteins to be associated with the soluble fraction in both sorghum and barley. However, several low molecular mass (17-24 kilodalton) heat-shock proteins were clearly identified in the membrane fractions, indicating a likely association with thylakoid membranes in vivo during the early stages of a heat-shock response in both species.  相似文献   
Western-blot analysis using antiserum to 3T3-L1-cell fatty acid binding protein (FABP) revealed that pig adipose tissue contains a 15 kDa protein immunologically similar to the murine protein. This 15 kDa protein was purified from pig adipose tissue by sequential application of Sephadex G-50 gel filtration, cation exchange and covalent chromatography on Thiol-Sepharose-4B. The purity of the pig protein was established by two-dimensional polyacrylamide-gel electrophoresis. Isoelectric focusing indicated that the pig adipose FABP (a-FABP) exists with two charge isoforms (pI 5.1 and 5.2), both of which persist after delipidation. The N-terminus of the purified pig a-FABP was blocked; however, cleavage with CNBr allowed recovery of a 12-amino-acid peptide which was identical with the murine a-FABP sequence (residues 36-48) at 10 of 12 positions. The pig a-FABP bound 12-(9-anthroyloxy)oleic acid saturably and stoichiometrically, with an apparent dissociation constant of 1.0 microM. Northern-blot analysis using the cDNA for the murine 3T3-L1 FABP revealed that the pig a-FABP was expressed exclusively in adipose tissue.  相似文献   
Centromere structure and function in budding and fission yeasts   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
The relative DNA content of the "O" and Y chromosome-bearing sperm is presented for the creeping vole, Microtus oregoni. The animals had been trapped in Oregon and in Washington State. The two populations had very similar autosomal chromosome relationships but differed greatly in the size of their X chromosome (which is not carried by vole sperm) and in their Y chromosome. The greater size and banding differences of the Y chromosome of the Washington State vole compared to the Oregon vole paralleled the greater differences in sperm DNA between the Y-bearing sperm and the sperm carrying no sex chromosome (O). The actual DNA differences between O and Y sperm was 12.5% for the sperm from the Washington State voles and 9.1% for sperm from the Oregon voles. The difference in sperm DNA content (12.5%) for Washington State voles was far greater than the difference shown for other voles or other mammals.  相似文献   
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