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During the passage of sewage through a typical treatment plant employing biological filter beds and operating under dry weather flow conditions, about 7% of the input of anaerobic organisms survive to be released in the effluent. The greatest fall in numbers occurs in the first of two primary settling tanks operating in series and during passage through the filter beds. The predominant organisms were Bacteroides species, gram-positive cocci and clostridial species. There is no significant difference in the rate of survival of any of the genera through the different stages of treatment.  相似文献   
Transplasma-membrane redox systems in growth and development   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
The ability of rat monoclonal antibodies to promote antibody-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity with human effector cells was tested by using a variety of antibodies against different human and mouse leukocyte antigens. It was found that only IgG2b antibodies were effective. This isotype has already been shown to be efficient in fixing human complement, which suggests that among rat monoclonal antibodies, the IgG2b subclass might be a good choice for attempts at serotherapy. Further studies with other antibody-mediated effector mechanisms as well as suitable clinical trials are merited.  相似文献   
The complete reaction sequence of the pentose pathway in vitro was studied by incubating [1-14C] ribose 5-phosphate with rat liver enzyme preparation and assessed by both the rate and extent of formation of the glucose 6-P product. The reactions formed, as intermediates, the 1,8-bisphosphates of D-glycero D-ido octulose (D-g D-i Oct) and D-glycero D-altro octulose, both heavily labelled at C-4 with 14C isotope during the 12h incubation. The formation of the octulose phosphates and the specificity of their isotopic labelling confirms an important prediction of, and contribution by reactions of the L-type pentose phosphate pathway (L-PP) in liver in vitro. Infusion in situ of [6-14C] glucose into the liver of the anaesthetized rabbit resulted in the formation of high specific activity [8-14C] D-g D-i Oct 1,8-P2. The specificity of labelling indicates that the octulose intermediate is formed according to the options of the L-PP mechanism of glucose metabolism in intact liver.  相似文献   
A 16-month field study of the nocturnal prosimianGalago crassicaudatus umbrosus in the Northern Transvaal, South Africa, revealed extensive homerange overlaps between adults of both sexes, age-graded male tolerance, and a high rate of direct affiliative contact between individuals of most age-sex classes. These results contrast with the general characterization of nocturnal lorisid sociality given by Charles-Dominique (1978). Nocturnal prosimians’ dispersion while foraging supports the predation model of group cohesion in diurnal primates. The problem of group size and cohesion should be divorced from that of social networks and social complexity. There may be benefits to social interactions which transcend group living. The more subtle differences in nocturnal prosimian sociality need to be reconsidered in the light of current sociobiological and socioecological theory.  相似文献   
Although the platelets of the mouse are refractory to the direct effects of platelet-activating-factor (PAF), tail vein injection of 10-150 micrograms/kg PAF produces lethal anaphylactic shock. Sensitivity varies with strain and source: Swiss Webster mice show a range of sensitivity and DBA/2 (complement C5-deficient) mice are very resistant. At lethal doses of PAF, animals show labored respiration and general depression; death occurs within 15-45 min. Dexamethasone administered at least 1.5 hr prior consistently protects, whereas the cyclooxygenase inhibitors do not. Antihistamines, adrenergic antagonists, and methysergide have no effect, but cyproheptadine is partially protective at near lethal doses. Calcium entry blockers and calcium chelators, tetracycline and chlortetracycline are partially protective at very high doses consistent with non-specific effects on calcium dependent processes. The arachidonic acid lipoxygenase inhibitors BW755c, phenidone, nordihydroguaiaretic acid and diphenyldisulfide provide nearly complete protection after oral administration of 50-200 mg/kg. Phosphodiesterase inhibitors and dapsone are also effective orally. The leukotriene antagonist FPL55712 administered intraperitoneally (10 mg/kg) 5 min. prior to PAF challenge provides almost complete protection. PAF-induced mortality in the mouse represents a small animal model of systemic anaphylaxis particularly useful for the systemic testing of arachidonic acid lipoxygenase inhibitors and leukotriene antagonists.  相似文献   
An animal model for the human condition of mitochondrial myopathy has been established and characterized physiologically and biochemically. The NADH: coenzyme Q reductase inhibitor diphenyleneiodonium [Bloxham (1979) Biochem. Soc. Trans. 7, 103-106] was either infused acutely in vivo into rat hind limb or injected chronically into rats. Both modes of delivery resulted in a reduced muscle oxidative capacity and increased fatigue. Analysis of muscle metabolites by h.p.l.c. and 31P-n.m.r. indicated that ATP concentrations were similar to control values during periods of stimulation and these were maintained by the phosphocreatine pool. During the recovery period after muscle stimulation in the experimental animals the muscle pH remained depressed and the rate of phosphocreatine synthesis was markedly delayed as compared with controls. Factors thought to be involved in the fatigue response are discussed in relation to this model.  相似文献   
The 1H-n.m.r. spectrum of casein micelles consists of a small number of moderately sharp (linewidth approx. 60 Hz) resonances superimposed on the envelope of very broad lines expected for particles of this size. These sharp lines resemble, in chemical shift and relative intensity, the spectrum of the isolated 'macropeptide' released from the micelles by treatment with chymosin. The sharp lines in the casein micelle spectrum are further sharpened by addition of chymosin and broadened markedly by addition of ethanol. These observations are consistent with the proposal that the 'macropeptide' (the C-terminal 64 residues of K-casein) forms flexible 'hairs' on the surface of the micelles.  相似文献   
We expressed normal and activated human cellular Ha-ras cDNAs which encode 21,000-dalton polypeptides (p21s) in Saccharomyces cerevisiae by their insertion into a 2 micron-based replicating plasmid vector under 3-phosphoglycerate kinase promoter control. We found that newly synthesized p21 in S. cerevisiae was produced as a soluble precursor (pro-p21) which matured into a form electrophoretically indistinguishable from the processed form (p21) observed in mammalian cells. Coincident with the processing event was translocation to a membrane component, suggesting a coupling of the two events. Using vectors that direct the synthesis of p21 variants possessing the ability to autophosphorylate in vitro, we found that processing of p21 did not significantly affect this autophosphorylation reaction. In contrast to Escherichia coli, marked phenotypic changes were observed in S. cerevisiae as a consequence of the synthesis of p21, including reduction in growth rate and induction of flocculation. Accompanying these phenotypic alterations was a significant elevation of adenylate cyclase activity.  相似文献   
Receptors responding to transmural pressure, airflow, and contraction of laryngeal muscles have been previously identified in the larynx. To assess the relative contribution of these three types of receptors to the reflex changes in breathing pattern and upper airway patency, we studied diaphragmatic (DIA) and posterior cricoarytenoid muscle (PCA) activity in anesthetized dogs during spontaneous breathing and occluded efforts with and without bypassing the larynx. Inspiratory duration (TI) was longer, mean inspiratory slope (peak DIA/TI) was lower, and PCA activity was greater with upper airway occlusion than with tracheal occlusion (larynx bypassed). Bilateral section of the superior laryngeal nerves eliminated these differences. When respiratory airflow was diverted from the tracheostomy to the upper airway the only change attributable to laryngeal afferents was an increase in PCA activity. These results confirm the importance of the superior laryngeal nerves in the regulation of breathing pattern and upper airway patency and suggest a prevalent role for laryngeal negative pressure receptors.  相似文献   
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