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Chronic granulomatous disease (CGD) is a rare inherited disorder in which phagocytes lack NADPH oxidase activity. The most common form is caused by mutations in the CYBB gene encoding gp91phox protein, the heavy chain of cytochrome b558, which is the redox element of NADPH oxidase. In some rare cases, the mutated gp91phox is normally expressed but no NADPH oxidase can be detected. This type of CGD is called X91+ CGD. We have previously reported an X+ CGD case with a double-missense mutation in gp91phox. Transgenic PLB-985 cells have now been made to study the impact of each single mutation on oxidase activity and assembly to rule out a possible new polymorphism in the CYBB gene. The His303Asn/Pro304Arg gp91phox transgenic PLB-985 cells exactly mimic the phenotype of the neutrophils of the X+ CGD patient. The His303Asn mutation is sufficient to inhibit oxidase activity in intact cells and in a broken cell system, whereas in the Pro304Arg mutant, residual activity suggests that the Pro304Arg substitution is less devastating to oxidase activity than the His303Asn mutation. The study of NADPH oxidase assembly following the in vitro and in vivo translocation of cytosolic factors p47phox and p67phox has demonstrated that, in the double mutant and in the His303Asn mutant, NADPH oxidase assembly is abolished, although the translocation is only attenuated in Pro304Arg mutant cells. Thus, even though the His303Asn mutation has a more severe inhibitory effect on NADPH oxidase activity and assembly than the Pro304Arg mutation, neither mutation can be considered as a polymorphism.Clara Bionda and Xing Jun Li contributed equally to this work  相似文献   


Despite the increase in the number of Aboriginal people with end-stage renal disease around the world, little is known about their health outcomes when undergoing renal replacement therapy. We evaluated differences in survival and rate of renal transplantation among Aboriginal and white patients after initiation of dialysis.


Adult patients who were Aboriginal or white and who commenced dialysis in Alberta, Saskatchewan or Manitoba between Jan. 1, 1990, and Dec. 31, 2000, were recruited for the study and were followed until death, transplantation, loss to follow-up or the end of the study (Dec. 31, 2001). We used Cox proportional hazards models to examine the effect of race on patient survival and likelihood of transplant, with adjustment for potential confounders.


Of the 4333 adults who commenced dialysis during the study period, 15.8% were Aboriginal and 72.4% were white. Unadjusted rates of death per 1000 patient-years during the study period were 158 (95% confidence interval [CI] 144–176) for Aboriginal patients and 146 (95% CI 139–153) for white patients. When follow-up was censored at the time of transplantation, the age-adjusted risk of death after initiation of dialysis was significantly higher among Aboriginal patients than among white patients (hazard ratio [HR] 1.15, 95% CI 1.02–1.30). The greater risk of death associated with Aboriginal race was no longer observed after adjustment for diabetes mellitus and other comorbid conditions (adjusted HR 0.89, 95% CI 0.77–1.02) and did not appear to be associated with socioeconomic status. During the study period, unadjusted transplantation rates per 1000 patient-years were 62 (95% CI 52–75) for Aboriginal patients and 133 (95% CI 125–142) for white patients. Aboriginal patients were significantly less likely to receive a renal transplant after commencing dialysis, even after adjustment for potential confounders (HR 0.43, 95% CI 0.35–0.53). In an additional analysis that included follow-up after transplantation for those who received renal allografts, the age-adjusted risk of death associated with Aboriginal race (HR 1.36, 95% CI 1.21–1.52) was higher than when follow-up after transplantation was not considered, perhaps because of the lower rate of transplantation among Aboriginals.


Survival among dialysis patients was similar for Aboriginal and white patients after adjustment for comorbidity. However, despite universal access to health care, Aboriginal people had a significantly lower rate of renal transplantation, which might have adversely affected their survival when receiving renal replacement therapy.In North America and the Antipodes, the incidence of diabetes among adolescent and adult Aboriginals has risen dramatically,1,2,3,4 with corresponding increases in the prevalence of diabetic nephropathy.5,6,7 Aboriginal people in Canada have experienced disproportionately high incidence rates of end-stage renal disease (ESRD), with an 8-fold increase in the number of prevalent dialysis patients between 1980 and 2000.8 Although the incidence of ESRD appears to have decreased in recent years, the prevalence of diabetes mellitus and its complications are rising, especially among young people.9,10,11Most work evaluating health outcomes among Aboriginal people considers either the general population12or diseases for which interventions are implemented over a short period, such as alcohol abuse,13 injury14 or critical illness.15 Death and markers of poor health are significantly more common among Aboriginal people than among North Americans of European ancestry, perhaps because of the greater prevalence of diabetes mellitus, adverse health effects due to lower socioeconomic status16 and reduced access to primary care.17 Aboriginal patients may also face unique barriers to care, including mistrust of non-Aboriginal providers, institutional discrimination or preference for traditional remedies.18 These factors may be most relevant when contact with physicians is infrequent, which obstructs development of a therapeutic relationship. In contrast, ESRD is a chronic illness that requires ongoing care from a relatively small, stable multidisciplinary team.Although recent evidence highlights racial inequalities in morbidity and mortality among North Americans with ESRD, most studies have focused on black or Hispanic populations.19We conducted this study to evaluate rates of death and renal transplantation among Aboriginal people after initiation of dialysis in Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba.  相似文献   
Interfering Escherichia coli attachment to the urinary tract, using P-fimbriation inhibitors, can prevent pyelonephritis. Clofibric and ethacrynic acids are organic compounds structurally related, but with different pharmacological uses. These agents are potentially active in the urinary tract due to its elimination in an unaltered form by the renal route. This study described a pyelonephritogenic E. coli strain, grown in the presence of sub-inhibitory concentrations of clofibric or ethacrynic acids (0.1 and 1 mM, respectively), which exhibits inhibition of P1 erythrocytes agglutination and a drastic decrease in fimbriation, using electron microscopy and quantitative analyses of superficial proteins (decrease to a 17-25% in comparison with the control). In vivo assays were performed using ascending urinary tract infection in mice. The treatment with therapeutic doses of the drugs, administered 2 days before the bacterial challenge and daily until the end of the experiment (22 days), abolished renal infection after 7-10 days of drug exposure. Within this period clofibric acid did not produce adverse effects on the renal parenchyma. However, ethacrynic acid caused pyelitis and tubular cellular desquamation. These results suggested that clofibric acid might be useful in the short-term prophylaxis of urinary tract infection.  相似文献   
The seasonality of twinning in the Spanish populations has not been studied until now. Differences between seasonal distribution of the twin conceptions and those of the single births have been observed in other populations. The aim of this work is to explore the frequency of twinning in a rural population from Catalonia during the nineteenth century, as well as the seasonality patterns characterizing each of the twinning types. Data corresponding to all births recorded at Tortosa (South Catalonia) from 1801 to 1900 have been analyzed in order to study the twinning distribution. The distribution of the moving averages of the monthly rates of twins shows a peak in autumn. Twinning distribution differs from the total births' distribution in Tortosa. This fact is very clear in the case of unlike-sexed twins that have their greater incidence in the last quarter of the year, while the total maternities have their peak in the first one.  相似文献   
A new class of NO-donor phenol derivatives is described. The products were obtained by joining appropriate phenols with either nitrooxy or 3-phenylsulfonylfuroxan-4-yloxy moieties. All the compounds proved to inhibit the ferrous salt/ascorbate induced lipidic peroxidation of membrane lipids of rat hepatocytes. They were also capable of dilating rat aorta strips precontracted with phenylephrine.  相似文献   
This study surveyed 33 male hunters between the ages of 17 and 54 at the Community Baboon Sanctuary (CBS), Belize, to evaluate attitudes and behaviors in relation to hunting black howler monkeys (Alouatta pigra). The study defined hunting restraint as a learned predisposition not to hunt 1 or more species of nonhuman animal. Consistent with Belizean folklore, Creoles at the CBS exhibited hunting restraint with respect to black howlers, preferring to kill bushmeat other than monkeys. The most cited reasons for the observed hunting restraint were utilitarian. Historical and cultural factors also appeared significant. The study results are interpreted in terms of economic theory and suggest that disinhibition of hunting restraint might depend on changes in opportunity costs of hunting these primates. Nonetheless, a change in hunting attitudes and behaviors by Belizean Creoles seems unlikely in the near future because the local and national government and the benefits of ecotourism economically and legally protect howlers. The Creoles' culturally transmitted hunting restraint also culturally protects A. pigra, and the species is not a preferred source of food.  相似文献   
Hemoglobin (Hb)-based O2 carriers (HBOC) are undergoing extensive development as potential "blood substitutes." A major problem associated with these molecules is an increase in microvascular permeability and peripheral vascular resistance. In this paper, we utilized bovine lung microvascular endothelial cell monolayers and simultaneously measured Hb-induced changes in transendothelial electrical resistance, diffusive albumin permeability, and diffusive Hb permeability (PDH) for three forms of Hb: natural tetrameric human Hb-A and two polymerized recombinant HBOCs containing alpha-human and beta-bovine chains designated Hb-Polytaur (molecular mass: 500 kDa) and Hb-(Polytaur)n (molecular mass: approximately 1,000,000 Da), respectively. Hb-Polytaur and Hb-(Polytaur)n are being evaluated for clinical use as HBOCs. All three Hb molecules induce a rapid decline of transendothelial electrical resistance to 30% of baseline. Diffusive albumin permeabiltiy increases, on average, approximately ninefold (2.78 x 10(-7) vs. 2.47 x 10(-6) cm/s) in response to Hb exposure. All three Hb molecules induce an increase in their own permeability, a process that we have called Hb-induced Hb permeability. The magnitude of change of PDH is also related to Hb size. When PDH is corrected for the diffusive coefficient for each Hb species, no evidence of restricted diffusion is found. Immunofluorescent images demonstrate Hb-induced actin stress fiber formation and large intercellular gaps. These data provide the first quantitative assessment of the effect of polymerized HBOC on their own diffusion rates over time. We discuss the importance of these findings in terms of Hb extravasation rates, molecular sieving, and clinical consequences of HBOC use.  相似文献   


In the present study we have analyzed the mechanisms of calcium entry and mobilization in platelets obtained from rats chronically treated with the nitric oxide synthesis inhibitor, N-nitro L-arginine methyl ester [L-NAME, 40 mg/kg/day, 5 days). The platelets were obtained the day of the experiment, washed and loaded with fura-2. The intracellular calcium levels were determined in suspension of cells by means of fluorescence spectroscopy.  相似文献   
Polystyrene Petri dishes, aminated by a plasma deposition process, were surface modified by the covalent linking of two different enzymatically modified hairy regions (HRs) from pectin containing, for example, rhamnogalacturonan-I and xylogalacturonan structural elements. The two polysaccharide preparations share the same structural elements of apple pectin, but the relative amounts and lengths of the neutral side chains present differ. Surface analysis by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, contact angle measurement, and atomic force microscope (AFM) force-separation curves was used to characterize the effects on surface chemistry and interfacial forces of the surface modification process. Cell adhesion experiments using continuous L-929 fibroblasts and primary aortic smooth muscle cells were performed to evaluate the effect of the polysaccharide nature on cell adhesion. Results show that immobilization of the HR affects the interfacial field of forces and the cell behavior: "equilibrium" contact angles, obtained by a recently introduced vibrational approach, decrease after HR immobilization reaching a value close to 20 degrees . AFM force-separation curves show a more extended (or softer) interface in the case of the HR bearing longer side chains. Accordingly, depending on the HR preparation, cells shifted from spread morphology and adhesion behavior quantitatively comparable to that observed on conventional tissue culture polystyrene to rounded morphology and significantly lower adhesion. These data show that engineering of plant pectins can be a valuable tool to prepare novel and finely tuned polysaccharides having different chemico-physical and biological properties, to be used in the surface modification of medical devices and materials.  相似文献   
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