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Solitarious nymphs of Schistocerca gregaria were reared under various conditions in both Jerusalem and Oxford to tease apart cues involved in behavioural and colour phase change. Treatments included rearing nymphs from the IInd or IIIrd until the final nymphal stadium in physical contact with similarly aged conspecific groups or with another locust species, Locusta migratoria migratorioides, as well as confining single nymphs in mesh cages, which were kept within crowds of S. gregaria or L. migratoria migratorioides, providing visual and olfactory but no physical contact with other locusts. In the Oxford experiments, an extra treatment was included which provided olfactory cues without visual or contact stimulation. Our results confirm that transformation from the solitarious to the gregarious phase of locusts is complex, and that different phase characteristics not only follow different time courses, but are also controlled by different suites of cues. As predicted from earlier studies, behavioural phase change was evoked by non-species-specific cues. Rearing in contact with either species was fully effective in inducing gregarious behaviour, as was the combination of the sight and smell of other locusts, but odour alone was ineffective. Colour phase change was shown to comprise two distinct elements that could be dissociated: black patterning and yellow background. The former of these could be induced as effectively by rearing S. gregaria nymphs in a crowd of L. migratoria migratorioides as by rearing with conspecifics. Sight and smell of other locusts also triggered black patterning and, unlike behavioural change, some black patterning was induced by odour cues alone. Hence, physical contact was not needed to induce gregarious black patterning. Yellow colouration, however, was only fully induced when locusts were reared in contact with conspecifics, implying the presence of a species-specific contact chemical cue.  相似文献   
A mass spectrometric method is described for monitoring cerebrosides in the presence of excess concentrations of alkali metal salts. This method has been adapted for use in the assay of arylsulfatase A (ASA) and the cerebroside sulfate activator protein (CSAct or saposin B). Detection of the neutral glycosphingolipid cerebroside product was achieved via enhancement of ionization efficiency in the presence of lithium ions. Assay samples were extracted into the chloroform phase as for the existing assays, dried, and diluted in methanol-chloroform-containing lithium chloride. Samples were analyzed by electrospray ionization mass spectrometry with a triple quadrupole mass spectrometer in the multiple reaction monitoring tandem mass spectrometric mode. The assay has been used to demonstrate several previously unknown or ambiguous aspects of the coupled ASA/CSAct reaction, including an absolute in vitro preference for CSAct over the other saposins (A, C, and D) and a preference for the non-hydroxylated species of the sulfatide substrate over the corresponding hydroxylated species. The modified assay for the coupled ASA/CSAct reaction could find applicability in settings in which the assay could not be performed previously because of the need for radiolabeled substrate, which is now not required.  相似文献   
We report a novel developmental mechanism. Anterior-posterior positional information for the vertebrate trunk is generated by sequential interactions between a timer in the early non-organiser mesoderm and the organiser. The timer is characterised by temporally colinear activation of a series of Hox genes in the early ventral and lateral mesoderm (i.e., the non-organiser mesoderm) of the Xenopus gastrula. This early Hox gene expression is transient, unless it is stabilised by signals from the Spemann organiser. The non-organiser mesoderm and the Spemann organiser undergo timed interactions during gastrulation which lead to the formation of an anterior-posterior axis and stable Hox gene expression. When separated from each other, neither non-organiser mesoderm nor the Spemann organiser is able to induce anterior-posterior pattern formation of the trunk. We present a model describing that convergence and extension continually bring new cells from the non-organiser mesoderm within the range of organiser signals and thereby create patterned axial structures. In doing so, the age of the non-organiser mesoderm, but not the age of the organiser, defines positional values along the anterior-posterior axis. We postulate that the temporal information from the non-organiser mesoderm is linked to mesodermal Hox expression.  相似文献   
Abrupt developmental changes occur in structural form and function of connexin (Cx) channels in the mouse mammary gland. Microarray study shows that the principal connexin isoform in epithelial cells during pregnancy is Cx26, up-regulated and persisting from the virgin. After parturition, there is rapid induction of Cx32. In epithelial plasma membranes, size exclusion chromatography reveals that Cx32 organizes initially with Cx26 as heteromeric (Cx26-Cx32) hemichannels and later in heteromeric and homomeric Cx32 channels. Dramatic alterations of connexin channel function following these developmental changes in channel composition are characterized using native channels reconstituted into liposomes. Changes to channel stoichiometry increase the allowable physical size limits of permeant after parturition; the new Cx32 channels are wider than channels containing Cx26. Most remarkably, heteromeric Cx26-Cx32 channels are selectively permeability to adenosine 3',5' cyclic phosphate (cAMP), guanosine 3',5' cyclic phosphate (cGMP), and inositol 1,4,5-triphosphate (IP(3)), whereas homomeric channels are not. Homomeric Cx26 and heteromeric channels with high Cx26/Cx32 stoichiometry are also inhibited by taurine, an osmolyte playing a key role in milk protein synthesis. Taurine effect is reduced where heteromeric channels contain Cx32 > Cx26 and eliminated when channels contain only Cx32. Connexin channel stoichiometry, permeability, and chemical gating character change in precisely the desired fashion after parturition to maximize molecular and electrical coupling to support coordinated milk secretion.  相似文献   
Human P-glycoprotein (P-gp) transports a wide variety of structurally diverse compounds out of the cell. Knowledge about the packing of the transmembrane (TM) segments is essential for understanding the mechanism of drug recognition and transport. We used cysteine-scanning mutagenesis and disulfide cross-linking analysis to determine which TM segment in the COOH half of P-gp was close to TMs 5 and 6 since these segments in the NH(2) half are important for drug binding. An active Cys-less P-gp mutant cDNA was used to generate 240 double cysteine mutants that contained 1 cysteine in TMs 5 or 6 and another in TMs 7 or 8. The mutants were subjected to oxidative cross-linking analysis. No disulfide cross-linking was observed in the 140 TM6/TM7 or TM6/TM8 mutants. By contrast, cross-linking was detected in several P-gp TM5/TM8 mutants. At 4 degrees C, when thermal motion is low, P-gp mutants N296C(TM5)/G774C(TM8), I299C(TM5)/F770C(TM8), I299C(TM5)/G774C(TM8), and G300C(TM5)/F770C(TM8) showed extensive cross-linking with oxidant. These mutants retained drug-stimulated ATPase activity, but their activities were inhibited after treatment with oxidant. Similarly, disulfide cross-linking was inhibited by vanadate trapping of nucleotide. These results indicate that significant conformational changes must occur between TMs 5 and 8 during ATP hydrolysis. We revised the rotational symmetry model for TM packing based on our results and by comparison to the crystal structure of MsbA (Chang, G. (2003) J. Mol. Biol. 330, 419-430) such that TM5 is adjacent to TM8, TM2 is adjacent to TM11, and TMs 1 and 7 are next to TMs 6 and 12, respectively.  相似文献   
During neurodevelopment neurons increase phospholipid synthesis to generate additional plasma membrane that makes up the growing neurites. Compared with most cell types, neurons contain a high percentage of the polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) arachidonic acid (AA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). By utilizing PC12 cell lines as a model neuronal cell line, we examined the internalization rate of AA, DHA, and non-essential oleic acid (OA), as well as their effects on neurite outgrowth. When wild type cells were differentiated, the rate of AA and DHA internalization increased 50% more than the rate of OA internalization. When media were supplemented with AA or DHA, the average neurite length was increased by approximately 40%, but supplementation with the same amount of OA had no effect. We also increased the levels of acyl-CoA synthetase-1 (ACS1) and ACS2 proteins to determine whether they contribute to PUFA internalization or neurite outgrowth. Overexpression of ACS1 increased the rate of OA internalization by 55%, and AA and DHA uptake was increased by 25%, but there was no significant change in neurite outgrowth. In ACS2-overexpressing cells, in contrast, the rate of OA internalization increased by 90%, AA by 115%, and DHA by 70%. The average aggregate neurite length in ACS2-overexpressing cells was increased by approximately 40% when the media were supplemented with PUFAs, but there was no change with OA supplementation. Taken together, these results support the hypotheses that ACSs are rate-limiting for fatty acid internalization and that ACS2 enhances neurite outgrowth by promoting PUFA internalization.  相似文献   
Bacterial topoisomerases I are generally composed of two domains as follows: a core domain, which contains all the conserved motifs involved in the trans-esterification reactions, and a carboxyl-terminal domain, highly variable in size and sequence. In the present work, we have addressed the question of the respective roles of the two domains in the different steps of the topoisomerization cycle. For this purpose, we prepared various recombinant topoisomerases from two model enzymes: topoisomerase I from the hyperthermophilic bacterium Thermotoga maritima and topoisomerase I from Escherichia coli. We compared the properties of the two core domains to that of the topoisomerases formed by combining the core domain of one enzyme to the carboxyl-terminal domain of the other. We found that, contrary to E. coli (Lima, C. D., Wang, J. C., and Mondragon, A. (1993) J. Mol. Biol. 232, 1213-1216), the core domain from T. maritima (TmTop65) is able to sustain by itself a complete topoisomerization cycle, although with low efficiency. Fusion of TmTop65 to the entire carboxyl-terminal domain from E. coli considerably increases binding efficiency, thermal stability, and DNA relaxation activity. Moreover, the chimera predominantly acquires the cleavage specificity of E. coli full-length topoisomerase. For the chimera obtained by fusion of the T. maritima carboxyl-terminal domain to the core EcTop67, very low DNA relaxation activity and binding are recovered, but formation of a covalent DNA adduct is impaired. Taken together, our results show that the presence and the nature of the carboxyl-terminal domain of bacterial topoisomerases I strongly determine their DNA binding efficiency and cleavage specificity but is not strictly required for strand passage.  相似文献   
Johnson RM  Heslop CL  Deber CM 《Biochemistry》2004,43(45):14361-14369
Helix-helix interactions within membranes are dominated by van der Waals packing motifs and side chain-side chain hydrogen bond formation, which act in tandem to determine the residues that comprise the interface between two given helices. To explore in a systematic manner the tertiary contacts between transmembrane helices, we have designed and expressed in Escherichia coli highly hydrophobic helix-loop-helix constructs of prototypic sequence K(1)KKKKKKFAIAIAIIAWAX(19)AIIAIAIAIKSPGSKIAIAIAIIAZ(44)AWAIIAIAIAFKKKKKKK(62), where "small" (Ala) and "large" (Ile) residues were used to maximize the tertiary contact area. Evidence that the two transmembrane (TM) segments in the AI construct contain an interface conducive for folding into a hairpin structure was obtained from the results that (i) the single TM AI(pep) peptide derived from the AI hairpin forms SDS-resistant dimers on PAGE gels and (ii) the corresponding sequence forms a strong dimer when examined in vivo in TOXCAT assays. Site-directed mutagenesis of AI hairpins was carried out to incorporate each of the 20 commonly occurring amino acids at X positions. Analysis on Western blots using an oligomerization assay in 12% NuPage-sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) indicated that mutants with X = E, D, Q, R, N, H, and K largely formed SDS-resistant dimers-which likely correspond to H-bonded four-helix bundles-while all the others (e.g., X = F, W, L, I, M, V, C, Y, A, T, S, G, and P) remained monomeric. Systematic studies of X/Z double mutants indicated that formation of hairpin dimers is the result of the disruption of stabilizing interactions between the antiparallel helices within the AI construct. The overall results suggest that, in situations where hydrophobic van der Waals packing energy between helices is sufficient to prevent significant rotation about the major axes of interacting helices, intrahairpin side chain-side chain H-bond formation will occur mainly when pairs of polar residues are interfacially located and proximal. Knowledge of the relative contributions of these forces should be of value, for example, in clarifying the context--and the structural consequences--of disease-related mutations.  相似文献   
Transmembrane (TM) peptides often induce toxic effects when expressed in bacteria, probably due to membrane destabilization. We report here that in the case of the TM domains of hepatitis C virus (HCV) E1 and E2 envelope proteins, which are both particularly toxic for the bacteria, the insertion of the Asp-Pro (DP) sequence dramatically reduced their toxicities and promoted their expressions when produced as glutathione S-transferase (GST) GST-DP-TM chimeras. Subcellular fractionation showed that these chimeras co-sediment with the membrane fraction and contain active GST that could be solubilized with a mild detergent. Surprisingly, immuno-gold electron microscopy clearly showed that such chimeras are not localized in the membrane but in the cytosol. We thus postulate that they likely form proteo-lipidic aggregates, which prevent the bacteria from toxicity by sequestering the TM part of the chimeras. The reduction of toxicity in the presence of the Asp-Pro sequence is possibly due to Asp's negative charge that probably disadvantages the binding of the TM peptides to the membrane. In addition, the structural features of Pro residue could promote the formation of chimera aggregates.  相似文献   
Iron metabolism in animals is altered by haemolytic anaemia induced by phenylhydrazine (PHZ). In common with a number of other modulators of iron metabolism, the mode and the mechanisms of this response are yet to be determined. However, recent studies have shown increased expression of the ferrous transporter DMT1 in the duodenum and other tissues of mice administered PHZ. We examined the expression of the ferric reductase Dcytb, DMT1 and some other genes involved in Fe metabolism in tissues of mice dosed with PHZ. The expression of iron-related genes in the duodenum, liver, and spleen of the mice were evaluated using Northern blot analyses, RT-PCR and immunocytochemistry. Dcytb, and DMT1 mRNA and protein increased markedly in the duodenum of mice given PHZ. The efflux protein Ireg1 also increased in the duodenum of the treated mice. These changes correlated with a decrease in hepatic hepcidin expression. Dcytb, DMT1, Ireg1 and transferrin receptor 1 mRNA expression in the spleen and liver of mice treated with PHZ responded to the enhanced iron demand associated with the resulting stimulation of erythropoiesis. Enhanced iron absorption observed in PHZ-treated animals is facilitated by the up-regulation of the genes involved in iron transport and recycling. The probable association of the erythroid and the store regulators of iron homeostasis and absorption in the mice is discussed.  相似文献   
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