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Key message

Stem reorientation is critical to tree survival. With anatomical observation and strain measurement, the tension wood formation and biomechanical behavior were studied to gain insights into tree uprighting process.


Tension wood plays a role in maintaining the mechanical stability of angiosperm trees. Both biological and physical aspects of tension wood are essential in understanding the mechanism of trunk or branch reorientation. In this study, we worked on both tension wood formation and its biomechanical function in artificially inclined 2-year-old Koelreuteria henryi seedlings. The tension wood formation and reorientation process of the trunk last for about 3 months. With pinning method, we confirmed that at the beginning of inclination the cambial zone including the vascular cambium and the developing normal wood fibers on the upper side of the inclined trunk perceives the onset of mechanical change and starts to produce G-fibers that generate a strong contractile released growth strain (RGS) for gravitropic correction. Stronger contractile RGS and more tension wood were found at the trunk base than at the half-height, suggesting that the trunk base plays a key role in trunk uprighting of K. henryi seedlings. The eccentric cambial growth in the tension wood side increases the efficiency of gravitropic correction and the compressive strains measured in the opposite wood of some inclined seedlings also help the upright movement.

Key message

For long-term environmental investigations, tree-ring δ 15 N values are inappropriate proxies for foliar δ 15 N for both Fagus sylvatica and Picea abies under moderate N loads.


Currently it is unclear whether stable nitrogen isotope signals of tree-rings are related to those in foliage, and whether they can be used to infer tree responses to environmental changes. We studied foliar and tree-ring nitrogen (δ15N) and carbon (δ13C) isotope ratios in European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) and Norway spruce (Picea abies L.) from six long-term forest monitoring sites in Switzerland together with data on N deposition and soil N availability, as well as a drought response index over the last two decades. For both species, tree-ring δ15N and δ13C values were less negative compared to foliar δ15N and δ13C values, most likely due to recycling and reallocation of N within the tree and fractionation processes associated with the transport of sucrose and the formation of tree-rings, respectively. Temporal trends recorded in foliar δ15N were not reflected in tree-ring δ15N, with much higher variations in tree-rings compared to foliage. Soil N availability and N deposition were partially able to explain changes in foliar δ13C, while there were no significant correlations between environmental variables and either tree-ring or foliar δ15N. Our results suggest an uncoupling between the N isotopic composition of tree-rings and foliage. Consequently, tree-ring δ15N values are inappropriate proxies of foliar δ15N values under low-to-moderate N deposition loads. Furthermore, at such low levels of deposition, tree-ring δ15N values are not recommended as archives of tree responses to soil C/N or bulk N deposition.
Organoseleno-compounds have been investigated for its beneficial effects against methylmercury toxicity. In this way, diphenyl diselenide (PhSe)2 was demonstrated to decrease Hg accumulation in mice, protect against MeHg-induced mitochondrial dysfunction, and protect against the overall toxicity of this metal. In the present study we aimed to investigate if co-treatment with (PhSe)2 and MeHg could decrease accumulation of Hg in liver slices of rats. Rat liver slices were co-treated with (PhSe)2 (0.5; 5 µM) and/or MeHg (25 µM) for 30 min at 37 °C and Se and Hg levels were measured by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) in the slices homogenate, P1 fraction, mitochondria and incubation medium. Co-treatment with (PhSe)2 and MeHg did not significantly alter Se levels in any of the samples when compared with compounds alone. In addition, co-treatment with (PhSe)2 and MeHg did not decrease Hg levels in any of the samples tested, although, co-incubation significantly increased Hg levels in homogenate. We suggest here that (PhSe)2 could exert its previously demonstrated protective effects not by reducing MeHg levels, but forming a complex with MeHg avoiding it to bind to critical molecules in cell.  相似文献   
This work was aimed to test the hypothesis that sub-chronic administration of iron-dextran (Fe-dextran) (six doses of 50 mg Fe-dextran/kg) to rats triggers a transient oxidative stress in brain and mechanisms of cellular antioxidant defence. After 2 h of administration of the 6th dose, a significant increase of total Fe, the labile Fe pool (LIP), the lipid radical (LR?)/α-tocopherol (α-T) content ratio were observed, as compared to values in control brain homogenates. The ascorbyl radical (A?)/ascorbate (AH?) content ratio and the oxidation rate of 2′,7′-dichlorodihidrofluorescein (DCFH-DA) were significantly higher in Fe-dextran treated rats, as compared to values in brain from control rats after 4 h treatment. An increase in both catalase (CAT) and superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity was observed at 8 and 1–2 h, respectively. No significant changes were detected in the nuclear factor-κB (NF-κB) levels in nuclear extracts from rat brains after 1–8 h of Fe-dextran administration. After 2 h of Fe administration Fe concentration in cortex, striatum and hippocampus was significantly increased as compared to the same areas from control animals. Both, CAT and SOD activities were significantly increased in cortex after Fe administration over control values, without changes in striatum and hippocampus. Taken as a whole, sub-chronic Fe administration enhances the steady state concentration of Fe in the brain LIP that favors the settlement of an initial oxidative stress condition, both at hydrophilic and lipophilic compartments, resulting in cellular protection evidenced by antioxidant enzyme upregulation.  相似文献   
Males in many non-monogamous species have larger ranges than females do, a sex difference that has been well documented for decades and seems to be an aspect of male mating competition. Until recently, parallel data for humans have been mostly anecdotal and qualitative, but this is now changing as human behavioral ecologists turn their attention to matters of individual mobility. Sex differences in spatial cognition were among the first accepted psychological sex differences and, like differences in ranging behavior, are documented for a growing set of species. This special issue is dedicated to exploring the possible adaptive links between these cognitive and ranging traits. Multiple hypotheses, at various levels of analysis, are considered. At the functional (ultimate) level, a mating-competition hypothesis suggests that range expansion may augment mating opportunities, and a fertility-and-parental-care hypothesis suggests that range contraction may facilitate offspring provisioning. At a more mechanistic (proximate) level, differences in cue availability may support or inhibit particular sex-specific navigation strategies, and spatial anxiety may usefully inhibit travel that would not justify its costs. Studies in four different cultures—Twe, Tsimane, Yucatec Maya, and Faroese—as well as an experimental study using virtual reality tools are the venue for testing these hypotheses. Our hope is to stimulate more research on the evolutionary and developmental processes responsible for this suite of linked behavioral and cognitive traits.  相似文献   
Despite secular trends in some countries, prestige-based authority in the form of religious leadership remains hugely influential in the everyday lives of millions of people around the world. Here, the costs and benefits of religious leadership are explored in an urban setting in northeastern Brazil. An economic game, within-group cooperation questionnaires, and social network analyses were carried out among adherents of an Afro-Brazilian religion. Results reveal that leaders display high levels of religious commitment and disproportionally provide cooperative services to group members. On the other hand, initiates cooperate less than leaders but do not differ in levels of received cooperation or social cohesion measures. This may indicate some level of exploitation or free-riding. Demographic and group variables also appear to play an important role in the degree of social cohesion a group achieves. These findings are discussed in the context of non-Western urban settings where religious leadership may represent both an alternative to social advancement and a crucial source of material aid, social support, and a strong sense of community.  相似文献   
The production of specific secondary metabolites in vitro can be improved through medium supplementation with secondary metabolite precursors, plant growth regulators (PGRs), and abiotic and biotic elicitors. In the present study, node and internode explants of Phyllanthus amarus and P. urinaria collected from Karkala region, Udupi District, Karnataka, India, were inoculated aseptically onto Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium for callus induction. Uniform calluses were inoculated onto MS medium fortified with one of two precursor’s cinnamic acid (CA) or phenylalanine (PA), or with naphthalene acetic acid (NAA). After 30 d of treatment, calluses from treatment and control groups were harvested and quantitatively analyzed for three lignans (phyllanthin, hypophyllanthin and niranthin) and an antioxidant (ellagic acid). Increased amounts of the lignans and ellagic acid were obtained through supplementation with CA, PA, and NAA, and higher ellagic acid was present at higher amounts than the three lignans. These results demonstrated that the Phyllanthus species collected from Karkala region (designated “Accessions3”) show substantial response to CA, PA, and NAA treatment and represent a potential source of donor plants with higher amounts of lignans and antioxidants. These plants can be cultivated on a large scale both in vitro and in vivo for production of important bioactive compounds. Production of these compounds can be further enhanced through induction of somaclonal variant plants with higher amounts of bioactive molecule production and through production of transgenic plants overexpressing genes related to lignan- and phenolic-compound biosynthesis.  相似文献   
African mole-rats are fossorial rodents that consist of five chisel-tooth digging genera (Heterocephalus, Heliophobius, Georychus, Fukomys, and Cryptomys) and one scratch digger (Bathyergus). They are characterized by striking physiological, morphological, and behavioral adaptations intimately related to their subterranean life. The influence of their mode of life in shaping the cranial morphology has yet to be evaluated in comparison to other Ctenohystrica, especially fossorial genera, which include the subterranean genera Spalacopus and Ctenomys. In our study, we seek to determine to what extent subterranean life affects the morpho-functional properties of the skull among fossorial ctenohystricans. 3D geometric morphometric analyses were performed on 277 skulls, encompassing 63 genera of Ctenohystrica, and complemented by biomechanical studies. African mole-rats and other subterranean Ctenohystrica, especially chisel-tooth diggers, have a short snout, a wide cranium with enlarged zygomatic arches, and a strongly hystricognathous mandible. Even if convergences are also manifest between most fossorial Ctenohystrica, subterranean rodents departed from the main ctenohystrican allometric trends in having a skull shape less size-dependent, but under stronger directional selection with intense digging activity as a major constraint. African mole-rats, notably chisel-tooth diggers, show important mechanical advantage for the temporalis muscles favoring higher forces at the bite point, while mechanical advantage of the superficial masseter muscles is lower compared to other Ctenohystrica. If subterranean species can be clearly discriminated based on their skull morphology, the intrinsic mosaic of anatomical characters of each genus (e.g., skull, teeth, and muscles) can be understood only in the light of their ecology and evolutionary history.  相似文献   
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