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Zusammenfassung An der Gametenverschmelzung bei der heterothallischen, isogamen Grünalge Chlamydomonas reinhardii ist, wie an der Befruchtung bei höheren Organismen, ein lytischer Faktor beteiligt. Während des Kontaktes von und Gameten oder während einer, Isoagglutination von Gameten des einen Paarungstyps mit den isolierten Geißeln vom entgegengesetzten Paarungstyp wurde ein hitzelabiler, lytischer Faktor ins Nährmedium abgegeben. Auch Extrakte aus vegetativen und generativen Zellen von C. reinhardii enthielten lytische Aktivität. Unter der Einwirkung des extrahierten oder des sekretierten Autolysins fand eine partielle Lyse der Zellwände von Gameten und Zoosporen statt, die mit der Freisetzung von Protoplasten verbunden war. Die Präparate mit lytischer Aktivität lösten außerdem die Wände der Zoosporangien von C. reinhardii vollständig auf und setzten dabei Zoosporen frei.
Autolysis of the cell wall from the gametes of Chlamydomonas reinhardii
Summary As in fertilization of higher organisms a lytic factor is involved in the mating reaction of the heterothallic isogamous green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardii. Lytic activity was found in the medium after copulation of and gametes, after isoaggllutination of gametes with isolated flagella, and of gametes with isolated flagella. A lytic factor could also be extracted from vegetative and generative cells of C. reinhardii. Partial lysis of cell walls from vegetative or generative cells accompanied by the release of protoplasts, and complete lysis of the walls from zoosporangia followed by the release of zoospores, were observed in the presence of the autolysin secreted by gametes under the above mentioned conditions or extracted from vegetative and generative cells.


Steatosis is routinely assessed histologically in clinical practice and research. Automated image analysis can reduce the effort of quantifying steatosis. Since reproducibility is essential for practical use, we have evaluated different analysis methods in terms of their agreement with stereological point counting (SPC) performed by a hepatologist.


The evaluation was based on a large and representative data set of 970 histological images from human patients with different liver diseases. Three of the evaluated methods were built on previously published approaches. One method incorporated a new approach to improve the robustness to image variability.


The new method showed the strongest agreement with the expert. At 20× resolution, it reproduced steatosis area fractions with a mean absolute error of 0.011 for absent or mild steatosis and 0.036 for moderate or severe steatosis. At 10× resolution, it was more accurate than and twice as fast as all other methods at 20× resolution. When compared with SPC performed by two additional human observers, its error was substantially lower than one and only slightly above the other observer.


The results suggest that the new method can be a suitable automated replacement for SPC. Before further improvements can be verified, it is necessary to thoroughly assess the variability of SPC between human observers.
Hyaluronic acid (HA) was hydrolyzed using varying temperatures (40, 60, and 80 degrees C) and acid concentrations (0.0010, 0.010, 0.10, 0.50, 1.0, and 2.0 M HCl). The degradation process was monitored by determination of weight average molecular weight ( M w) by size-exclusion chromatography with online multiangle laser light scattering, refractive index, and intrinsic viscosity detectors (SEC-MALLS-RI-visc) on samples taken out continuously during the hydrolysis. SEC-MALLS-RI-visc showed that the degradation gave narrow molecular weight distributions with polydispersity indexes ( M w/ M n) of 1.3-1.7. Kinetic plots of 1/ M w versus time gave linear plots showing that acid hydrolysis of HA is a random process and that it follows a first order kinetics. For hydrolysis in HCl at 60 and 80 degrees C, it was shown that the kinetic rate constant ( k h) for the degradation depended linearly on the acid concentration. Further, the dependence of temperature on the hydrolysis in 0.1 M HCl was found to give a linear Arrhenius plot (ln k h vs 1/ T), with an activation energy ( E a) of 137 kJ/mol and Arrhenius constant ( A) of 7.86 x 10 (15) h (-1). (1)H NMR spectroscopy was used to characterize the product of extensive hydrolysis (48 h at 60 degrees C in 0.1 M HCl). No indication of de- N-acetylation of the N-acetyl glucosamine (GlcNAc) units or other byproducts were seen. Additionally, a low molecular weight HA was hydrolyzed in 0.1 M DCl for 4 h at 80 degrees C. It was shown that it was primarily the beta-(1-->4)-linkage between GlcNAc and glucuronic acid (GlcA) that was cleaved during hydrolysis at pH < p K a,GlcA. The dependence of the hydrolysis rate constant was further studied as a function of pH between -0.3 and 5. The degradation was found to be random (linear kinetic plots) over the entire pH range studied. Further, the kinetic rate constant was found to depend linearly on pH in the region -0.3 to 3. Above this pH (around the p K a of HA), the kinetic constant decreased more slowly, probably due to either a change in polymer conformation or due to an increased affinity for protons due to the polymer becoming charged as the GlcA units dissociated.  相似文献   
Chemiluminescence systems enhanced by either isoluminol or luminol in combination with a peroxidase are sensitive methods for the detection of reactive oxygen species (ROS) generated by phagocyte NADPH oxidase. The two amplifying substrates are structurally very similar, differing only in the position of the amino group in the aromatic ring of the molecules. This difference renders isoluminol a less lipophilic molecule that is less permeable to biological membranes. The use of isoluminol is consequently restricted to studies dealing with the secretion of oxygen metabolites. In this study we show that synthetic peptides derived from the N‐terminal domain of the calcium‐regulated protein annexin AI interfere with the detection of radicals in an isoluminol‐amplified, but not in a luminol‐amplified, system. The annexin AI‐derived peptides reduce the light output with isoluminol excited by superoxide and horseradish peroxidase (HRP) in formyl‐methionyl‐leucyl‐phenylalanine‐ and phorbol myristate acetate‐stimulated cells, as well as by hydrogen peroxide and HRP. The precise mechanism for the inhibition is not known. The results presented strongly suggest that a reduced cellular response detected with isoluminol‐amplified chemiluminescence should be confirmed with an alternative technique to determine release of superoxide anions and hydrogen peroxide. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
A novel series of substituted 2-aryl-5-amino-5,6,7,8-tetrahydroquinoline C5a receptor antagonists is reported. Synthetic routes were developed that allow the substituents on the tetrahydroquinoline core to be efficiently varied, facilitating determination of structure-activity relationships. Members of the series display high binding affinity for the C5a receptor and are potent functional antagonists.  相似文献   
Epidemiologists increasingly realize that species interactions (e.g. selective predation) can determine when epidemics start and end. We hypothesize here that resource quality can also strongly influence disease dynamics: epidemics can be inhibited when resource quality for hosts is too poor and too good. In three lakes, resource quality for the zooplankton host ( Daphnia dentifera ) was poor when fungal epidemics ( Metschnikowia bicuspidata ) commenced and increased as epidemics waned. Experiments using variation in algal food showed that resource quality had conflicting effects on underlying epidemiology: high-quality food induced large production of infective propagules (spores) and high birth rate but also reduced transmission. A model then illustrated how these underlying correlations can inhibit the start of epidemics (when spore production/birth rate are too low) but also catalyse their end (when transmission becomes too low). This resource quality mechanism is likely to interface with other ones controlling disease dynamics and warrants closer evaluation.  相似文献   
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