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We have studied the torsional elastic constant (alpha) of short DNA (27mer) oligomers of various sequence by fluorescence polarization anysotropy (FPA) measurements. The lowest alpha values were found in samples with sequence rich in AA dinucleotides or containing the alternating d(A-T) x d(A-T) motif. The torsional rigidity of our DNA samples was compared to that calculated according to the current values of twist angle fluctuations derived for ten dinucleotide steps by recent analyses of DNA crystal structure database. The values of torsional rigidity derived from crystals are higher than our experimental ones, obtained by FPA analysis, suggesting that packing force in crystals may notably hinder the dinucleotide twist angle fluctuations that occur in solution. This behaviour is more evident for samples containing AA, TA and AT steps. In all the samples there is about a twofold change of the alpha value in the 10-40 degrees C range. An activation enthalpy (Delta H (#)) of about 17.4 kJ mol(-1), on average, was obtained for the temperature dependence of eight of the ten samples studied. A correlation with the stacking energy is discussed. 相似文献
V.M. Marshall A.P. Laws Y. Gu F. Levander P. Rådström L. De Vuyst B. Degeest F. Vaningelgem H. Dunn & M. Elvin 《Letters in applied microbiology》2001,32(6):433-437
AIMS: To compare galactose-negative strains of Streptococcus thermophilus and Lactobacillus delbrueckii subspecies bulgaricus isolated from fermented milk products and known to produce exopolysaccharides (EPSs). METHODS AND RESULTS: The structures of the EPSs were determined using nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and their genetic relationships determined using restriction endonuclease analysis (REA) and random amplification of polymorphic DNA (RAPD). Similar groupings were apparent by REA and RAPD, and each group produced an EPS with a particular subunit structure. CONCLUSION: Although none of the strains assimilated galactose, all inserted a high proportion of galactose into their EPS when grown in skimmed milk, and fell into three distinct groups. Significance and Impact of the Study: This information should help in an understanding of genetic exchanges in lactic acid bacteria. 相似文献
A F Pisarnitski? 《Prikladnaia biokhimiia i mikrobiologiia》2001,37(6):651-659
Mechanisms of formation of primary and secondary wine aroma and processes associated with wine maturation and ageing are reviewed. Compounds determining brand- or technology-specific aroma tones (floral, fruit, honey, black-currant, nightshade, yeast, oak-cask, thermal, etc.) are identified. Chemical background of unacceptable, foul tones (oxidized, murine, acetic, hydrogen-sulfide, saprogenic, cabbage, hospital, mold, vulpine, etc.) is presented. 相似文献
Beavers Castor spp. are generalist herbivores, feeding on the bark, shoots and leaves of woody plants, terrestrial herbs and forbs, ferns and aquatic vegetation. As central-place foragers, beavers move out from water to select and cut trees and vegetation, and then transport it back to their refuge. These terrestrial forays are energetically costly; therefore, beavers should concentrate their foraging activity near the central place and increase the degree of selectivity for specific sizes or species of food with increasing distance from the water. The aim of this study was to test the predictions of the central place and the optimal foraging theories for the food selection of the Eurasian beaver Castor fiber , and show the foraging preferences of the focal species in the boreal conifer forest zone of Europe. Foraging intensity by beavers and the abundance of woody species were surveyed in transects positioned randomly at seven beaver territories. In compliance with the central-place foraging theory, the foraging intensity declined with increasing distance from the river. Beavers fed preferentially on willows ( Salix ), rowan ( Sorbus ) and birches ( Betula ), although alders ( Alnus ) dominated their diet. Size selectivity showed similar patterns to previous North American studies, which were also carried out in habitats with predominantly small saplings. The probability of selection of small saplings dropped as distance increased, which is consistent with the predictions of optimal foraging models that larger prey items are more likely to be favoured with increasing provisioning distance. 相似文献
Summary Two methods have been developed in order to discriminate between lateral roots, nodules and root-derived structures which exhibit both root and nodule histological features and which can develop on legumes inoculated with certainRhizobium mutants. The first method, known as the clearing method, allows the observation by light microscopy of cleared undissected root-structures. The second, known as the slicing method, is a complementary technique which provides a greater degree of structural information concerning such structures. The two methods have proved invaluable in defining unequivocally the nature of the interaction between a rhizobial strain and a legume host. 相似文献
The clinical effect of antibiotics in treatment of children at the age of 2 months to 5 years with acute pneumonia during a gnotobiological department in the wards of the 1st class purity and under the conditions of a routine pediatric hospital was estimated. The course of the antibiotic therapy amounted to 4.7 +/- 0.42 days in the gnotobiological department and 12.0 +/- 0.3 days in the routine hospital. After recovery the patients were discharged in 7.61 +/- 0.76 days from the gnotobiological department and in 15.2 +/- 1.11 days from the routine hospital. 相似文献
ATP-dependent bacterial transporters and cystic fibrosis: analogy between channels and transporters.
The traffic ATPases superfamily includes known transporters, both prokaryotic and eukaryotic, including the medically important proteins, P-glycoprotein, and the cystic fibrosis gene product (CFTR), which is known to be a Cl- channel. The structure and mechanism of action of the best-studied members of the superfamily, the periplasmic permeases, are described and related to that of CFTR and eukaryotic traffic ATPases in general. The contention is put forward that the distinction between the architecture and mechanisms of action of channels and transporters is blurred. 相似文献
Behavioral response ofGraminella nigrifrons (Homoptera: Cicadellidae) to experimentally manipulated vibrational signals 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
Mate recognition for the leafhopper Graminella nigrifrons(Forbes) occurs when a male spontaneously emits a multisectional vibrational calling song to which females respond by emitting simple pulses. Significant differences were found among males in the duration, number of chirps, and chirp rate within sections of the song and the total song. Repeatability (proportion of total variation due to differences among males) of call features ranged from very low (0.04 for total chirps in song) to high (0.67 for section 3 chirp rate). However, song modification and playback experiments revealed that the variation in the measured song features was not important in determining whether a female will respond. Rather, female response depended only on the presence of two of the three types of pulses which comprise a chirp. These essential pulses were found within chirps of all call sections that contain chirps. Manipulation of chirp rates from 0.58 to 2.70 times the normal rate did not affect female response, nor did changing the period of silence between the essential pulse types from 0.25 to 1.75 times the normal period. These results suggest that components of the male calling song function in mate recognition but are not used by females to discriminate among conspecific males. 相似文献