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Current data support that pharmacological modulators of endoplasmic reticulum stress (ERS) have therapeutic potential for diabetic individuals. Therefore, we aimed to examine whether timolol, having free radical-scavenger action, besides being a β-blocker, exerts a cardioprotective effect via inhibition of ERS response in diabetic rats in a comparison with an antioxidant N-acetylcysteine (NAC). Histopathological data showed that either timolol- or NAC-treatment of diabetic rats prevented the changes in mitochondria and nucleus of the cardiac tissue while they enhanced the cellular redox-state in heart as well. The levels of ER-targeted cytoprotective chaperones GRP78 and calnexin, unfolded protein response signaling protein CHO/Gadd153 besides the levels of calpain, BCL-2, phospho-Akt, PUMA, and PML in the hearts from diabetic rats, treated with either timolol or NAC, are found to be similar among these groups, although all these parameters were markedly preserved in the untreated diabetics compared to those of the controls. Taken into consideration how important a balanced-ratio between anti-apoptotic and pro-apoptotic proteins for the maintenance mitochondria/ER function, our results suggest that ERS in diabetic rat heart is mediated by increased oxidative damage, which in turn triggers cardiac dysfunction. Moreover, we also demonstrated that timolol treatment of diabetic rats, similar to NAC treatment, induced a well-controlled redox-state and apoptosis in cardiac myocardium. We, thus for the first time, report that cardioprotective effect of timolol seems to be associated with normalization of ER function due to its antioxidant action in cardiomyocytes even under hyperglycemia.  相似文献   
Metabolic syndrome (MetS) is a complex medical disorder characterized by insulin resistance, hypertension, and high risk of coronary disease and stroke. Microvascular rarefaction and endothelial dysfunction have also been linked with MetS, and recent evidence from clinical studies supports the efficacy of incretin-based antidiabetic therapies for vascular protection in diabetes. Previous studies pointed out the importance of dipeptidyl peptidase-4 (DPP-4) inhibition in endothelial cells due to getting protection against metabolic pathologies. We therefore aimed to investigate the acute effects of a DPP-4 inhibitor, sitagliptin, on vascular function in rats with high-sucrose diet-induced MetS. In order to elucidate the mechanisms implicated in the effects of DPP-4 inhibition, we tested the involvement of NO pathway and epigenetic regulation in the MetS. Acute use of sitagliptin protects the vascular function in the rats with MetS in part due to NO pathway via restoring the depressed aortic relaxation responses mediated by receptors. Application of sitagliptin enhanced the depressed phosphorylation levels of both the endothelial NO synthase and the apoptotic status of protein kinase B, known as Akt, in endothelium-intact thoracic aorta from rats with MetS. One-hour application of sitagliptin on aortic rings from rats with MetS also induced remarkable histon posttranslational modifications such as increased expression of H3K27Me3, but not of H3K27Me2, resulting in an accumulation of the H3K27Me3. Our findings suggest that, in addition to its well-known hypoglycemic action, sitagliptin may also have beneficial effects on hyperglycemia-induced vascular changes in an endotheium-dependent manner. These present results with sitagliptin aside from the glycaemic control, may demonstrate its important role in the treatment of patients with MetS.  相似文献   
We have previously demonstrated the release of membranous structures by cells into their extracellular environment, which are termed exosomes, microvesicles or extracellular vesicles depending on specific characteristics, including size, composition and biogenesis pathway. With activation, injury, stress, transformation or infection, cells express proteins and RNAs associated with the cellular responses to these events. The exosomes released by these cells can exhibit an array of proteins, lipids and nucleic acids linked to these physiologic events. This review focuses on exosomes associated with traumatic brain injury, which may be both diagnostic and a causative factor in the progression of the injury. Based on current data, exosomes play essential roles as conveyers of intercellular communication and mediators of many of the pathological conditions associated with development, progression and therapeutic failures and cellular stress in a variety of pathologic conditions. These extracellular vesicles express components responsible for angiogenesis promotion, stromal remodelling, signal pathway activation through growth factor/receptor transfer, chemoresistance, immunologic activation and genetic exchange. These circulating exosomes not only represent a central mediator of the pro-inflammatory microenvironment linked with secondary brain injury, but their presence in the peripheral circulation may serve as a surrogate for biopsies, enabling real-time diagnosis and monitoring of neurodegenerative progression.  相似文献   
We have investigated hydrogen (H2) production by the cellulose-degrading anaerobic bacterium, Clostridium thermocellum. In the following experiments, batch-fermentations were carried out with cellobiose at three different substrate concentrations to observe the effects of carbon-limited or carbon-excess conditions on the carbon flow, H2-production, and synthesis of other fermentation end products, such as ethanol and organic acids. Rates of cell growth were unaffected by different substrate concentrations. H2, carbon dioxide (CO2), acetate, and ethanol were the main products of fermentation. Other significant end products detected were formate and lactate. In cultures where cell growth was severely limited due to low initial substrate concentrations, hydrogen yields of 1 mol H2/mol of glucose were obtained. In the cultures where growth ceased due to carbon depletion, lactate and formate represented a small fraction of the total end products produced, which consisted mainly of H2, CO2, acetate, and ethanol throughout growth. In cultures with high initial substrate concentrations, cellobiose consumption was incomplete and cell growth was limited by factors other than carbon availability. H2-production continued even in stationary phase and H2/CO2 ratios were consistently greater than 1 with a maximum of 1.2 at the stationary phase. A maximum specific H2 production rate of 14.6 mmol g dry cell−1 h−1 was observed. As cells entered stationary phase, extracellular pyruvate production was observed in high substrate concentration cultures and lactate became a major end product.  相似文献   
Continuous hydrogen (H2) production during fermentation of alpha-cellulose was established using the thermophillic, anaerobic bacterium Clostridium thermocellum ATCC 27405. The objectives of this work were to characterize growth of C. thermocellum, quantify H2 production and determine soluble end-product synthesis patterns during fermentation of a cellulosic substrate under continuous culture conditions. A 5 L working volume fermentor was established and growth experiments were maintained for over 3,000 h. Substrate concentrations were varied from 1 to 4 g/L and the feed was introduced with continuous nitrogen gas sparging to prevent clogging of the feed-line. The pH and temperature of the reactor were maintained at 7.0 and 600 degrees C, respectively, throughout the study. At concentrations above 4 g/L, the delivery of alpha-cellulose was impaired due to feed-line clogging and it became difficult to maintain a homogenous suspension. The highest total gas (H2 plus CO2) production rate, 56.6 mL L(-1) h(-1), was observed at a dilution rate of 0.042 h(-1) and substrate concentration of 4 g/L. Under these conditions, the H2 production rate was 5.06 mmol h(-1). Acetate and ethanol were the major soluble end-products, while lactate and formate were greatly reduced compared to production in batch cultures. Concentrations of all metabolites increased with increasing substrate concentration, with the exception of lactate. Despite a number of short-term electrical and mechanical failures during the testing period, the system recovered quickly, exhibiting substantial robustness. A carbon balance was completed to ensure that all end-products were accounted for, with final results indicating near 100% carbon recovery. This study shows that long-term, stable H2 production can be achieved during direct fermentation of an insoluble cellulosic substrate under continuous culture conditions.  相似文献   
The autosomal recessive polycystic kidney disease (ARPKD) gene, PKHD1, has been implicated in the genesis or growth of colorectal adenocarcinoma, as a high level of somatic mutations was found in colorectal tumor tissue. To determine whether carriers of a single PKHD1 mutation are at increased risk of colorectal carcinoma, we assessed the prevalence of the commonest European mutation, T36M. First, we assayed a European cohort of ARPKD patients and found T36M was responsible for 13.1% of mutations. We then investigated two European cohorts with colorectal adenocarcinoma versus two control cohorts of similar age and gender. Screening for the most common PKHD1 mutation, T36M, we detected 15:3,603 (0.42%) controls versus 1:3,767 (0.027%) colorectal cancer individuals, indicating that heterozygous PKHD1 mutations are not a risk factor and are protective (p=0.0002). We also show that the carriage rate for PKHD1 mutations in the European population is higher than previous accepted at 3.2% (1:31 genomes).  相似文献   
The role of estrogen receptor alpha (ERα) in breast cancer has been studied extensively, and its protein expression is prognostic and a primary determinant of endocrine sensitivity. However, much less is known about the role of ERβ and its relevance remains unclear due to the publication of conflicting reports. Here, we provide evidence that much of this controversy may be explained by variability in antibody sensitivity and specificity and describe the development, characterization, and potential applications of a novel monoclonal antibody targeting full-length human ERβ and its splice variant forms. Specifically, we demonstrate that a number of commercially available ERβ antibodies are insensitive for ERβ and exhibit significant cross-reaction with ERα. However, our newly developed MC10 ERβ antibody is shown to be highly specific and sensitive for detection of full-length ERβ and its variant forms. Strong and variable staining patterns for endogenous levels of ERβ protein were detected in normal human tissues and breast tumors using the MC10 antibody. Importantly, ERβ was shown to be expressed in a limited cohort of both ERα positive and ERα negative breast tumors. Taken together, these data demonstrate that the use of poorly validated ERβ antibodies is likely to explain much of the controversy in the field with regard to the biological relevance of ERβ in breast cancer. The use of the MC10 antibody, in combination with highly specific antibodies targeting only full-length ERβ, is likely to provide additional discriminatory features in breast cancers that may be useful in predicting response to therapy.  相似文献   
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