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Several cationic amphiphilic drugs cause local or systemic phospholipidosis (PLD) after chronic exposure in preclinical species. PLD is characterized by the accumulation of drug, phospholipid, and concentric lamellar bodies in cellular lysosomes. We have developed a fluorescence-based in vitro screen that is predictive of PLD using the Cellomics ArrayScan high-content screening platform, which captures and analyzes images from 96-well cell culture microtiter plates using multichannel fluorescence microscopy. I-13.35 adherent mouse spleen macrophage cells were cultured with drug and a fluorescently tagged phospholipid, N-(7-nitrobenz-2-oxa-1,3-diazol-4-yl)-1,2-dihexadecanoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphoethanolamine (NBD-PE). Drug concentrations were used in a range from 1 to $100 μmol/L. After 24 h incubations, the cells were fixed with formalin. NBD-PE uptake was quantified in controls and treated cells. Nuclei were identified by Hoechst 33258 staining and dead cells were identified using ethidium homodimer-2 incorporation. Thus, confounding accumulation of NBD-PE due to cytotoxicity that produces false-positive results at high concentrations was eliminated from quantitation by ethidium staining and employing cell gating (dead cell rejection). The assay was found to be both sensitive and selective in that 26 of 28 positive, phospholipidogenic controls and 8 of 8 negative, nonphospholipidogenic controls were correctly called.  相似文献   
Down syndrome is the most common autosomal aberration among liveborns, characterised by several clinical features and metabolic disturbances. Aminoacid pathways abnormalities and defective oxidative balance are the most common metabolic problems in Down Syndrome. To evaluate the biochemical responses of children with Down Syndrome to a nutritional regimen supplemented with aminoacids, vitamins and polyunsaturated fatty acids, we submitted 86 subjects divided in two groups (0-6 and 6-12 years) to the dosage of plasma levels of aminoacids, antioxidant enzymes activities and reactive oxygen species, before and after 12 months of such nutritional supplementation and in relation to normal controls. The results obtained showed a tendency towards the values of normal subjects with statistically significant differences. Although other studies must be performed to confirm and define such report, our experience supports the usefulness of a nutritional supplementation with aminoacids, vitamins and polyunsaturated fatty acids, also considering the absence of side effects.  相似文献   
Resonance Raman and infrared spectra and the CO dissociation rates (k(off)) were measured in Coprinus cinereus peroxidase (CIP) and several mutants in the heme binding pocket. These mutants included the Asp245Asn, Arg51Leu, Arg51Gln, Arg51Asn, Arg51Lys, Phe54Trp, and Phe54Val mutants. Binding of CO to CIP produced different CO adducts at pH 6 and 10. At pH 6, the bound CO is H-bonded to the protonated distal His55 residue, whereas at alkaline pH, the vibrational signatures and the rate of CO dissociation indicate a distal side which is more open or flexible than in other plant peroxidases. The distal Arg51 residue is important in determining the rate of dissociation in the acid form, increasing by 8-17-fold in the Arg51 mutants compared to that for the wild-type protein. Replacement of the distal Phe with Trp created a new acid form characterized by vibrational frequencies and k(off) values very similar to those of cytochrome c peroxidase.  相似文献   
Inprevious work (McKee EE, Bentley AT, Smith RM Jr, and Ciaccio CE,Biochem Biophys Res Commun 257: 466-472, 1999), the transport of guanine nucleotides into the matrix of intact isolated heart mitochondria was demonstrated. In this study, the time course andmechanisms of guanine nucleotide transport are characterized. Twodistinct mechanisms of transport were found to be capable of movingguanine nucleotides across the inner membrane. The first carrier wassaturable, displayed temperature dependence, preferred GDP to GTP, anddid not transport GMP or IMP. When incubated in the absence ofexogenous ATP, this carrier had a Vmax of946 ± 53 pmol · mg1 · min1 with aKm of 2.9 ± 0.3 mM for GDP. However,transport of GTP and GDP on this carrier was completely inhibited byphysiological concentrations of ATP, suggesting that this carrier wasnot involved with guanine nucleotide transport in vivo. Becausetransport on this carrier was also inhibited by atractyloside, thiscarrier was consistent with the well-characterized ATP/ADP translocase. The second mechanism of guanine nucleotide uptake was insensitive toatractyloside, displayed temperature dependence, and was capable oftransporting GMP, GDP, and GTP at approximately equal rates but did nottransport IMP, guanine, or guanosine. GTP transport via this mechanismwas slow, with a Vmax of 48.7 ± 1.4 pmol · mg1 · min1 and aKm = 4.4 ± 0.4 mM. However, becausethe requirement for guanine nucleotide transport is low in nondividingtissues such as the heart, this transport process is neverthelesssufficient to account for the matrix uptake of guanine nucleotides andmay represent the physiological mechanism of transport.

Congenital Trypanosoma cruzi infection is a highly pathogenic and underreported condition. Early recognition is essential for effective treatment. Umbilical chord blood from newborns (n = 302) to infected mothers was analyzed with microhematocrit, hemoculture, and PCR methods. Each subject was then followed serologically. In calibrated suspensions of T. cruzi in blood, the sensitivity of PCR was 27-fold higher than hemoculture. However, this advantage was not reflected during routine testing of samples from maternities, partly because of the uneven distribution of few parasites in small samples. Levels of detection of congenital infection were 2.9% (8/272) for microhematocrit, 6.3% (18/287) for hemoculture, 6.4% (15/235) for PCR, and 8.9% (27/302) for cumulated results. Evaluation against the standard of delayed serology indicates that the regular application of PCR, hemoculture, and microhematocrit to blood samples allows the rapid detection of about 90% of the congenitally infected newborns, in samples that can be obtained before the mother and child leave the maternity ward.  相似文献   
The infective behavior of a mutant Trypanosoma cruzi clone, carrying a targeted deletion of the gp72 gene, was studied in the insect vector Triatoma infestans and in mice. After feeding T. infestans with complement-resistant forms (CRF) of Ynull and wild-type clones, it was observed that the number of parasites released in the bug's feces was reduced to less than 1% in the mutant clone. Both gp72-null and wild-type clones had a low infectivity for mice in comparison with other T. cruzi isolates, probably as a consequence of prolonged in vitro culture. Therefore, the behavior of both clones was tested in highly susceptible BALB suckling mice and immunodeficient athymic mice. After infecting the animals with 10(5) CRF, wild-type parasites could be detected in fresh blood mounts of most mice, but mutants were never found by this method. However, in 4 of 22 hemocultures from 11 athymic mice, gp72-null epimastigotes carrying the mutant phenotype were reisolated by day 29 of infection. Serological and polymerase chain reaction determinations performed on the blood of animals inoculated with the mutants indicated the possibility of temporary infections, which were extinguished after 90 days. The intact GP72 gene seems essential for sustaining latent infections in immunocompetent animals.  相似文献   
Truncated hemoglobins (trHb's) form a family of low molecular weight O2 binding hemoproteins distributed in eubacteria, protozoa, and plants. TrHb's branch in a distinct clade within the hemoglobin (Hb) superfamily. A unique globin gene has recently been identified from the complete genome sequence of Mycobacterium leprae that is predicted to encode a trHb (M. leprae trHbO). Sequence comparison and modelling considerations indicate that monomeric M. leprae trHbO has structural features typical of trHb's, such as 20-40 fewer residues than conventional globin chains, Gly-based sequence consensus motifs, likely assembling into a 2-on-2 alpha-helical sandwich fold, and hydrophobic residues recognized to build up the protein matrix ligand diffusion tunnel. The ferrous heme iron atom of deoxygenated M. leprae trHbO appears to be hexacoordinated, like in Arabidopsis thaliana trHbO-3 (A. thaliana trHbO-3). Accordingly, the value of the second-order rate constant for M. leprae trHbO carbonylation (7.3 x 10(3) M(-1) s(-1)) is similar to that observed for A. thaliana trHbO-3 (1.4 x 10(4) M(-1) s(-1)) and turns out to be lower than that reported for carbon monoxide binding to pentacoordinated Mycobacterium tuberculosis trHbN (6.7 x 10(6) M(-1) s(-1)). The lower reactivity of M. leprae trHbO as compared to M. tuberculosis trHbN might be related to the higher susceptibility of the leprosy bacillus to toxic nitrogen and oxygen species produced by phagocytic cells.  相似文献   
Studies of CO ligand binding revealed that two protein states with different ligand affinities exist in the protoglobin from Methanosarcina acetivorans (in MaPgb*, residue Cys(E20)101 was mutated to Ser). The switch between the two states occurs upon the ligation of MaPgb*. In this work, site-directed mutagenesis was used to explore the role of selected amino acids in ligand sensing and stabilization and in affecting the equilibrium between the “more reactive” and “less reactive” conformational states of MaPgb*. A combination of experimental data obtained from electronic and resonance Raman absorption spectra, CO ligand-binding kinetics, and X-ray crystallography was employed. Three amino acids were assigned a critical role: Trp(60)B9, Tyr(61)B10, and Phe(93)E11. Trp(60)B9 and Tyr(61)B10 are involved in ligand stabilization in the distal heme pocket; the strength of their interaction was reflected by the spectra of the CO-ligated MaPgb* and by the CO dissociation rate constants. In contrast, Phe(93)E11 is a key player in sensing the heme-bound ligand and promotes the rotation of the Trp(60)B9 side chain, thus favoring ligand stabilization. Although the structural bases of the fast CO binding rate constant of MaPgb* are still unclear, Trp(60)B9, Tyr(61)B10, and Phe(93)E11 play a role in regulating heme/ligand affinity.  相似文献   
Protoglobin from Methanosarcina acetivorans C2A (MaPgb), a strictly anaerobic methanogenic Archaea, displays peculiar structural and functional properties within members of the hemoglobin superfamily. In fact, MaPgb-specific loops and a N-terminal extension (20 amino acid residues) completely bury the heme within the protein matrix. Therefore, the access of diatomic gaseous molecules to the heme is granted by two apolar tunnels reaching the heme distal site from locations at the B/G and B/E helix interfaces. The presence of two tunnels within the protein matrix could be partly responsible for the slightly biphasic ligand binding behavior. Unusually, MaPgb oxygenation is favored with respect to carbonylation. Here, the crucial role of Tyr(B10)61 and Ile(G11)149 residues, located in the heme distal site and lining the protein matrix tunnels 1 and 2, respectively, on ligand binding to the heme-Fe-atom and on distal site structural organization is reported. In particular, tunnel 1 accessibility is modulated by a complex reorganization of the Trp(B9)60 and Phe(E11)93 side-chains, triggered by mutations of the Tyr(B10)61 and Ile(G11)149 residues, and affected by the presence and type of the distal heme-bound ligand.  相似文献   
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