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Background and Purpose  

Stroke, increasingly referred to as a "brain attack", is one of the leading causes of death and the leading cause of adult disability in the United States. It has recently been estimated that there were three quarters of a million strokes in the United States in 1995. The aim of this study was to replicate the 1995 estimate and examine if there was an increase from 1995 to 1996 by using a large administrative claims database representative of all 1996 US inpatient discharges.  相似文献   
Disproportionately large feeding structures have been used to infer food limitation in some marine invertebrate larvae, but few studies have investigated whether other factors alter larval morphology in similar ways. In this study, larvae of Crepidula fornicata were reared either at five different food concentrations of Isochrysis galbana (clone T-ISO) at a single temperature (22 degrees C) (Experiments I and II); or on three different phytoplankton species (Isochrysis galbana, Dunaliella tertiolecta, and Pavlova lutheri) at both high and low concentrations at a single temperature (22 degrees C) (Experiment III); or at high and low concentrations of Isochrysis galbana at four different temperatures between 16 and 25 degrees C (Experiment IV). Shell lengths and velar lobe dimensions were determined for individual larvae at intervals to monitor relative rates of velar and shell growth. In addition (Experiment V), fast growing and slow growing larvae in Experiment I were examined separately to determine whether velar lobes developed at similar rates (relative to shell growth) for fast and slow growing larvae within individual cultures. In general, velar lobes grew significantly larger, relative to shell length, when larvae were reared at low food concentrations (P<0.0001); for larvae of similar shell length, the velar lobes of those fed 1x10(4) cells ml(-1) were on average 17.7% larger than those of larvae fed 18x10(4) cells ml(-1) of T-ISO. In contrast, larvae fed different phytoplankton species at equivalently high food concentrations did not differ in relative velum size (P=0.2666), even though shell growth rates differed significantly for larvae raised on the different diets, indicating substantial variation in food quality. We also found that relative rates of velum and shell growth differed among fast and slow growing individuals within treatments. Temperature had no significant effect on relative rates of velar and shell growth within the 16-25 degrees C range tested (P=0.121), but may have altered the relationship between food concentration and relative velar growth. These results indicate that dramatically reduced food concentration induces disproportionate growth in the velar lobes of C. fornicata, but that interpretation of data from field-collected individuals of this species will be made difficult by the potentially confounding effects of temperature, food quality, and differences in individual growth potential. Assessments of food limitation using morphological measurements for field-collected larvae will need to be supplemented with other indicators before convincing conclusions about the extent of food limitation in C. fornicata can be drawn.  相似文献   
Genotoxicity of diacetoxyscirpenol (DAS) was studied on laboratory mice after intraperitoneal injection with single and repeated doses. DAS was administrated at three different dose levels (0.5, 0.75, and 1.0 mg/kg body weight). The study was conducted on both somatic and germ cells additional to the sperm morphology analysis. DAS treatment resulted in a significant reduction (P<0.01) in mitotic activity at all levels of doses tested, confirming that DAS is a potent protein and DNA synthesis inhibitor. At somatic cells (bone marrow) both structural and numerical chromosome abnormalities were observed. Single dose treatment showed significant abnormalities only with high dose treatment. In contrast, at repeated dose similar abnormalities were also observed with some significance but no systematic relation between the administrated dose and abnormalities ratio could be settled. In germ cells (testicles), structural and numerical abnormalities were also observed. In general, the frequencies of scored abnormalities at germ cells were lower than that the somatic cells. Sperm count test revealed a decrease in the number of released sperm after toxin treatment. Abnormalities of sperm shape (head and tail) were observed, confirming the positive correlation between cytogenetic damage and sperm abnormality. The results also proved that DAS is a very toxic mycotoxin, in addition to inducing chromosomal abnormalities, it causes a severe inhibition of DNA synthesis which subsequently affects the cell cycle and cell division. A good system for good harvesting practice and good food technology can lower the risk for the consumers.  相似文献   
Animals possess conserved mechanisms to detect pathogens and to improve survival in their presence by altering their own behavior and physiology. Here, we utilize Caenorhabditis elegans as a model host to ask whether bacterial volatiles constitute microbe‐associated molecular patterns. Using gas chromatography–mass spectrometry, we identify six prominent volatiles released by the bacterium Pseudomonas aeruginosa. We show that a specific volatile, 1‐undecene, activates nematode odor sensory neurons inducing both flight and fight responses in worms. Using behavioral assays, we show that worms are repelled by 1‐undecene and that this aversion response is driven by the detection of this volatile through AWB odor sensory neurons. Furthermore, we find that 1‐undecene odor can induce immune effectors specific to P. aeruginosa via AWB neurons and that brief pre‐exposure of worms to the odor enhances their survival upon subsequent bacterial infection. These results show that 1‐undecene derived from P. aeruginosa serves as a pathogen‐associated molecular pattern for the induction of protective responses in C. elegans.  相似文献   
All extant species in the Rhinocerotidae family are experiencing escalating threats in the wild, making self-sustaining captive populations essential genetic reservoirs for species survival. Assisted reproductive technologies (ARTs) will become increasingly important for achieving and maintaining ex situ population sustainability and genetic diversity. Previous reports have shown that a large proportion of captive southern white rhinoceros (SWR) females are irregularly cyclic or acyclic, and that cycling females display two different estrous cycle lengths of approximately 30 or 70 days. It has been suggested that the longer estrous cycle length is infertile or subfertile, as no term pregnancies have been observed following long cycles. Here we report the achievement of two pregnancies following long luteal phases, using ovulation induction and artificial insemination with either fresh or frozen-thawed semen. One female SWR conceived on the first insemination attempt and gave birth to a live offspring. A second female conceived twice in consecutive long cycles although the first embryo was resorbed by 33 days post-insemination. A pregnancy from this female's second insemination is ongoing with expected parturition in November 2019. Whether prolonged estrous cycles in SWR are subfertile or infertile in natural breeding situations remains unclear. However, our findings demonstrate that the application of ARTs following prolonged cycles can result the successful establishment of pregnancies in SWR. Therefore, with ARTs, female SWR otherwise considered nonreproductive due to long estrous cycles may still have the potential for representation and contribution to the ex situ population.  相似文献   
Molecular dynamics calculations were carried out on models of two synthetic leucine-serine ion channels: a tetrameric bundle with sequence (LSLLLSL)(3)NH(2) and a hexameric bundle with sequence (LSSLLSL)(3)NH(2). Each protein bundle is inserted in a palmitoyloleoylphosphatidylcholine bilayer membrane and solvated by simple point charge water molecules inside the pore and at both mouths. Both systems appear to be stable in the absence of an electric field during the 4 ns of molecular dynamics simulation. The water motion in the narrow pore of the four-helix bundle is highly restricted and may provide suitable conditions for proton transfer via a water wire mechanism. In the wider hexameric pore, the water diffuses much more slowly than in bulk but is still mobile. This, along with the dimensions of the pore, supports the observation that this peptide is selective for monovalent cations. Reasonable agreement of predicted conductances with experimentally determined values lends support to the validity of the simulations.  相似文献   
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