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Long-term nonprogressor AD-18 has been infected with human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) for at least 16 years. During the past 5 years, he has had undetectable levels of plasma viremia, and HIV-1 cannot be isolated from him. Sequencing of proviral DNA indicates that the only HIV-1 sequences that can be identified in AD-18 have gross defects in the p17-encoding regions of the gag gene (Y. Huang, L. Zhang, and D. D. Ho, Virology 240:36–49, 1998). However, AD-18 has strong, sustained antibody responses to several HIV-1 antigens, including p17. Cytotoxic T-lymphocyte responses to Env and Gag antigens have gradually diminished over the past 4 years, at a time when the titers of antibodies to the same proteins have remained stable. We discuss what these observations might mean for the generation and maintenance of immunological memory.  相似文献   
固态乙酸钠氮离子注入的辐照效应研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用 25ke V 氮离子辐照固体乙酸钠样品,测定离子注入前后样品的紫外光谱,发现辐照后的样品中产生了新的具有紫外吸收的化学物质,给出了新物质的紫外吸收值的剂量效应关系式。通过高效液相色谱的分析测定,发现经氮离子束辐照后的乙酸钠样品中还产生了另一种新的化学基团一氨基,再结合茚三酮反应的检测,得到了离子束辐照剂量与新产物中氨基产生量的曲线关系。  相似文献   
登革病毒疫苗研究现状与展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
登革病毒是属于黄病毒科的小型包膜病毒,在热带和亚热带地区通过蚊媒传播。其感染可引起临床症状轻微的登革热,甚至危及生命的登革出血热和登革休克综合征。登革病毒包含4种血清型,有效的登革病毒疫苗需对4种血清型的登革病毒均具有抗病毒保护作用。目前,尚未有针对登革病毒的特效药和成熟的疫苗产品。各类登革病毒疫苗均在研发中,其中一些已进入临床试验阶段。本文就登革病毒疫苗研究进展作一综述并对未来发展进行展望。  相似文献   
Summary Penicillium sp. DS9713a-01 was obtained by ultraviolet (u.v.) light mutagenesis from the Penicillium sp. DS9713a which can degrade poly (3-hydroxybutyrate) (PHB). The enzymatic activity of DS9713a-01 was 97% higher than that of the wild-type strain. The DS9713a-01 mutant could completely degrade PHB films in 5 days; however, the wild-type strain achieved only 61% at the same time. The extracellular PHB depolymerase was purified from the culture medium containing PHB as the sole carbon source by filtration, ammonium sulfate precipitation and chromatography on Sepharose CL-6B. The molecular weight of the PHB depolymerase was about 15.1kDa determined by SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The optimum activity of the PHB depolymerase was observed at pH 8.6 and 50 °C. The enzyme was stable at temperatures below 37 °C and in the pH range from 8.0 to 9.2. The activity of PHB depolymerase could be activated or inhibited by some metal ions. The apparent K m value was 0.164 mg ml−1. Mass spectrometric analysis of the water-soluble products after enzymatic degradation revealed that the primary product was the monomer, 3-hydroxybutyric acid.  相似文献   
Neurogenesis in the adult mammalian hippocampus may contribute to repairing the brain after injury. The signals that regulate neurogenesis in the dentate gyrus following ischemic stroke insult are not well known. We have previously reported that inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) expression is necessary for ischemia-stimulated neurogenesis in the adult dentate gyrus. Here, we show that mice subjected to 90 min of middle cerebral artery occlusion (MCAO) significantly increased the number of new neurons and up-regulated iNOS expression in the dentate gyrus. Blockade of the L-type voltage-gated Ca(2+) channel (L-VGCC) prevented neurogenesis in the dentate gyrus and subventricular zone (SVZ), and down-regulated iNOS expression in the dentate gyrus after cerebral ischemia. This study suggests that Ca(2+) influx through L-VGCC is involved in ischemia-induced neurogenesis by up-regulating iNOS expression.  相似文献   
组织型转谷氨酰胺酶 (tissuetransglutaminase ,tTG ,TGII)是转谷氨酰胺酶家族成员之一 ,多数细胞凋亡过程中均有tTG表达水平的升高。为研究tTG在细胞凋亡过程中发挥作用的机制 ,利用Gal 4酵母双杂交系统筛选了HeLa细胞中与tTG相互作用的蛋白质 ,获得了 17个阳性酵母克隆。序列测定显示其中 1个克隆所含cDNA序列编码TIA 1相关蛋白 (TIA 1 relatedprotein ,TIAR )C端 12 9个氨基酸残基序列 ,GST下拉 (pull down)实验也证实tTG与TIAR能相互作用 ,而且这种相互作用需要Ca2 参与作用。这些结果提示tTG可能通过其Ca2 依赖的转谷氨酰胺活性对TIAR进行修饰从而影响TIAR的功能 ,可能在细胞凋亡中发挥着一定的作用。  相似文献   
鸭源鸡杆菌(Gallibacterium anatis,G.anatis)是家禽中常见的条件性致病菌,主要引起蛋鸡生殖道疾病,造成产蛋量下降。【目的】为探究RTX样毒素GtxA及外膜蛋白(OmpW)对鸭源鸡杆菌生物学特性和致病力的影响。【方法】本研究采用自然转化法对突变株RZ△ompW进一步缺失gtxA构建突变株RZ△ompW△gtxA,通过分析其生长特性、黏附能力、引起细胞凋亡程度及对小鼠致病性等,探究其与生物学特性及致病性可能的关系。【结果】结果显示,RZ△ompW△gtxA能稳定遗传gtxA的缺失;单双基因突变株溶血活性均消失、与RZ株相比菌落形态及生长速率并未出现显著改变;相比RZ、RZ△ompW和RZ△gtxA,双基因缺失株RZ△ompW△gtxA在不同时段对鸡原代输卵管上皮细胞的黏附能力显著降低(P0.05),诱导鸡输卵管上皮原代细胞发生凋亡的能力明显减弱,对小鼠的致病力显著降低。【结论】GtxA毒素和外膜蛋白OmpW在鸭源鸡杆菌毒力、黏附宿主细胞及诱导其细胞凋亡中起重要作用,且可能存在明显的协同关系。本研究为鸭源鸡杆菌感染机制的阐明奠定基础。  相似文献   
柑橘木虱是柑橘黄龙病的重要传播虫媒。目前对柑橘黄龙病的防治尚缺有效的药剂和抗病品种,加强对柑橘木虱的防治,对控制柑橘黄龙病的蔓延具有重要意义。目前防治柑橘木虱多采用化学防治,杀虫剂的频繁使用造成了农药残留、环境污染、生物多样性被破坏和害虫产生抗药性等诸多问题,生物防治以其高效、低毒、低残留、不易产生抗药性等优点逐渐受到重视。昆虫病原真菌能侵入昆虫寄主体内,导致昆虫发病死亡,具有良好的病害流行潜力及生产应用便利性,利用昆虫病原真菌防治柑橘木虱具有广阔的发展空间。本文总结了用于柑橘木虱生物防治的虫生真菌种类,重点介绍了国内外利用球孢白僵菌、玫烟色棒束孢、淡紫紫孢菌、宛氏拟青霉、蜡蚧菌等虫生真菌在防治柑橘木虱中的应用,并对虫生真菌防治柑橘木虱的发展前景进行了展望,以期为柑橘黄龙病的防控提供借鉴。  相似文献   
罗健东  管锦霞 《生命科学》1999,11(5):212-214
甲羟戊酸(MVA)通路对细胞生长具有重要的调节作用,MVA及其衍生物通过对蛋白质异戊烯化和N糖基化修饰而影响Ras蛋白、生长因子及受体的功能、细胞内信号转导和细胞的生长。MVA通路参与血管活性物质生成的调节是其调节细胞生长的另一机制。MVA生成的限速酶羟甲基戊二酸单酰辅酶A(HMGCoA)则受MVA通路衍生物的反馈抑制。HMGCoA还原酶抑制剂通过抑制MVA及其衍生物的生成而抑制细胞的生长和增殖。  相似文献   
为了高效降解造纸污水中木质素类化合物,采用苯胺兰和鞣酸平板法从腐木分离、筛选得到一株具有高降解木质素活性的丝状真菌,经鉴定为绿色木霉,命名为Bax.最适碳源为葡萄糖和蔗糖,最适氮源为蛋白胨和尿紊,最适酸碱度为pH 5.0,最适温度为30℃.通过对木质素氧化酶系分析,主要起作用的是漆酶和木质素酶,为造纸污水的处理奠定了基础.  相似文献   
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