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One of the several factors that contribute to the low efficiency of mammalian somatic cloning is poor fusion between the small somatic donor cell and the large recipient oocyte. This study was designed to test phytohemagglutinin (PHA) agglutination activity on fusion rate, and subsequent developmental potential of cloned bovine embryos. The toxicity of PHA was established by examining its effects on the development of parthenogenetic bovine oocytes treated with different doses (Experiment 1), and for different durations (Experiment 2). The effective dose and duration of PHA treatment (150 microg/mL, 20 min incubation) was selected and used to compare membrane fusion efficiency and embryo development following somatic cell nuclear transfer (Experiment 3). Cloning with somatic donor fibroblasts versus cumulus cells was also compared, both with and without PHA treatment (150 microg/mL, 20 min). Fusion rate of nuclear donor fibroblasts, after phytohemagglutinin treatment, was increased from 33 to 61% (P < 0.05), and from 59 to 88% (P < 0.05) with cumulus cell nuclear donors. The nuclear transfer (NT) efficiency per oocyte used was improved following PHA treatment, for both fibroblast (13% versus 22%) as well as cumulus cells (17% versus 34%; P < 0.05). The cloned embryos, both with and without PHA treatment, were subjected to vitrification and embryo transfer testing, and resulted in similar survival (approximately 90% hatching) and pregnancy rates (17-25%). Three calves were born following vitrification and embryo transfer of these embryos; two from the PHA-treated group, and one from non-PHA control group. We concluded that PHA treatment significantly improved the fusion efficiency of somatic NT in cattle, and therefore, increased the development of cloned blastocysts. Furthermore, within a determined range of dose and duration, PHA had no detrimental effect on embryo survival post-vitrification, nor on pregnancy or calving rates following embryo transfer.  相似文献   
Enhancement of hippocampal neurogenesis by lithium   总被引:26,自引:0,他引:26  
Increasing evidence suggests that mood disorders are associated with a reduction in regional CNS volume and neuronal and glial cell atrophy or loss. Lithium, a mainstay in the treatment of mood disorders, has recently been demonstrated to robustly increase the levels of the cytoprotective B-cell lymphoma protein-2 (bcl-2) in areas of rodent brain and in cultured cells. In view of bcl-2's antiapoptotic and neurotrophic effects, the present study was undertaken to determine if lithium affects neurogenesis in the adult rodent hippocampus. Mice were chronically treated with lithium, and 5-bromo-2-deoxyuridine (BrdU) labeling of dividing cells was conducted over 12 days. Immunohistochemical analysis was undertaken 1 day after the last injection, and three-dimensional stereological cell counting revealed that lithium produced a significant 25% increase in the BrdU-labeled cells in the dentate gyrus. Double-labeling immunofluorescence studies were undertaken to co-localize BrdU-positive cells with neuron-specific nuclear protein and showed that approximately 65% of the cells were double-labeled. These results add to the growing body of evidence suggesting that mood stabilizers and antidepressants exert neurotrophic effects and may therefore be of use in the long-term treatment of other neuropsychiatric disorders.  相似文献   
OBJECTIVE: To establish a polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-based clonality assay for archival cervical smears and examine its value in the detection of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN) and prediction of its clinical behavior. STUDY DESIGN: Dyskaryotic cells were microdissected from archival cervical smears of 33 cases and subjected to PCR-based clonality analysis of the androgen receptor gene. High-risk HPV subtypes were screened by PCR. RESULTS: Monoclonal patterns were found in 9/9 CIN 3 and 15/21 CIN 2, while polyclonal patterns were observed in the remaining 6 CIN 2 and 3/3 CIN 1. All patients with monoclonal CIN lesions, including 15 CIN 2, showed recurrence of the disease despite treatment. The original CIN 2 and recurrent CIN lesion in each of the 6 examined cases showed the same monoclonal pattern, suggesting a clonal link. In contrast, the patients with polyclonal CIN 1 or 2 became negative and remained disease free. High-risk HPV subtypes were found in all monoclonal CIN lesions, including 9 CIN 3 and 15 CIN 2, and in 4/6 polyclonal CIN 2 but not in CIN 1 lesions. CONCLUSION: Clonality analysis of cervical smears is potentially valuable in the identification of true neoplastic cells and prediction of clinical behavior of CIN 2 lesions.  相似文献   
Podocyte injury may contribute to the pathogenesis of diabetic nephropathy (DN), but the underlying mechanism of hyperglycemia induced podocyte damage is not fully understood. The Ras GTPase-activating-like protein IQGAP1 is associated to the slit diaphragm proteins and the actin cytoskeleton in podocyte. Here, we studied IQGAP1 expression alterations in human DN biopsies and extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK)-dependent pathways of IQGAP1 expression in podocyte under high glucose (HG) media. In vivo, analysis of renal biopsies from patients with DN revealed a significant reduction in IQGAP1 expression compared to controls. In vitro, IQGAP1 mRNA and protein expression were observed to decline under HG media at 48 h. But phosphorylation of ERK1/2 was activated under HG media at 24 h and 48 h. However, HG-induced downregulation of IQGAP1 protein was attenuated by specific ERK1/2 activation inhibitor PD98059. Taken together, these results highlight the importance of IQGAP1 in DN, and suggest that IQGAP1 expression in podocyte under HG media is modulated by the ERK1/2 pathway, which may lead to the future development of therapies targeting IQGAP1 dysfunction in podocytes in DN.  相似文献   
单一空间尺度构建的最大熵(maximum entropy, MaxEnt)模型是否具有代表性, 是MaxEnt模型应用与发展中面临的重要问题。本研究基于有效的地理分布位点数据, 利用最小凸多边形法(the minimum convex polygon method)在三江并流、云南省及全国3个空间尺度下分别识别了红色木莲(Manglietia insignis)的建模区域, 并进一步建立MaxEnt模型: 使用ROC曲线分析法与遗漏率(omission rate, OR)检验评估MaxEnt模型预测精度; 基于ArcGIS分析分布概率及其热点区域的分布趋势, 并通过分区统计工具Zonal识别潜在适宜分布区域的质心位置; 采用刀切法检验环境因子贡献率。结果表明: (1)不同尺度下红色木莲的MaxEnt模型都有良好的预测效果, 三江并流、云南省及全国尺度下的AUC值分别为0.936、0.887和0.930, OR值分别为0.18、0.15和0.20; (2)各尺度红色木莲的适生区格局呈现一致性分布趋势, 集中在独龙江、怒江和澜沧江3个流域; (3) 3个空间尺度下红色木莲的地理分布受不同环境因子影响, 存在着尺度依赖效应。由此可见, 红色木莲在不同空间尺度下的预测模型有着稳定的性能表现与良好的预测效果。此外, 我们建议在野外实地调查与野生生物资源保护中加强对普通物种的关注, 在预测物种地理分布的研究中将MaxEnt模型与热点分析结合使用。  相似文献   
Sugar transporters are central machineries to mediate cross-membrane transport of sugars into the cells, and sugar availability may serve as a signal to regulate the sugar transporters. However, the mechanisms of sugar transport regulation by signal sugar availability remain unclear in plant and animal cells. Here, we report that a sucrose transporter, MdSUT1, and a sorbitol transporter, MdSOT6, both localized to plasma membrane, were identified from apple (Malus domestica) fruit. Using a combination of the split-ubiquitin yeast two-hybrid, immunocoprecipitation, and bimolecular fluorescence complementation assays, the two distinct sugar transporters were shown to interact physically with an apple endoplasmic reticulum-anchored cytochrome b5 MdCYB5 in vitro and in vivo. In the yeast systems, the two different interaction complexes function to up-regulate the affinity of the sugar transporters, allowing cells to adapt to sugar starvation. An Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) homolog of MdCYB5, AtCYB5-A, also interacts with the two sugar transporters and functions similarly. The point mutations leucine-73 → proline in MdSUT1 and leucine-117 → proline in MdSOT6, disrupting the bimolecular interactions but without significantly affecting the transporter activities, abolish the stimulating effects of the sugar transporter-cytochrome b5 complex on the affinity of the sugar transporters. However, the yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) cytochrome b5 ScCYB5, an additional interacting partner of the two plant sugar transporters, has no function in the regulation of the sugar transporters, indicating that the observed biological functions in the yeast systems are specific to plant cytochrome b5s. These findings suggest a novel mechanism by which the plant cells tailor sugar uptake to the surrounding sugar availability.  相似文献   
刘莉  邵宇权  张宝荣  蒋萍萍  都爱莲  管敏鑫 《遗传》2014,36(11):1159-1167
线粒体脑肌病伴高乳酸血症和卒中样发作综合征(Mitochondrial encephalomyopathy, lactic acidosis and stroke-like episodes, MELAS)是一种异质性很强的遗传代谢性疾病,而位于tRNA Leu(UUR)基因的A3243G突变是该疾病最常见的致病位点。文章对6个汉族MELAS家系的先证者进行了临床病理、分子遗传学特征分析,探讨了线粒体基因多态性对MELAS病人表型可能产生的影响。线粒体基因检测结果显示,4例先证者为A3243G阳性,其异质性比例介于29%~59%之间,临床症状的严重性和异质性程度大致呈正相关;2例MELAS/Leigh叠加综合征先证者为A3243G阴性,复发次数和严重程度重于其他4例先证者,其中1例先证者的血液和肌肉组织中发现ND5基因T13094C突变,该位点已报道与MELAS/Leigh叠加综合征、小脑共济失调相关。另外,线粒体基因全序列测序结果显示:除主要致病突变外,还存在多个与耳聋、癫痫、糖尿病、心肌病、Leigh综合征相关的线粒体基因多态位点,临床症状严重的患者其多态位点也更多。这表明MELAS综合征的复杂表型不仅受致病突变位点的直接影响,也可能受到其他与疾病相关的多态性位点的修饰作用。  相似文献   
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