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作者首先研究Epichloe yangzii植株上的人工杂交,明确了供试菌株的交配型.然后将分离自无子座鹅观草属植物的23株"Neotvphodium属"真菌孢子分别与E.yangzii的子座杂交,其中发现有21株与E yangzii(mat-1,mat-2)杂交不亲和,有2株与E yangzii(mat-1)杂交亲和.利用tubB基因片段对8株"Neotyphodium属"真菌菌株进行系统发育分析,结果表明与E yangzii杂交亲和的2个菌株和E.yangzii聚为一枝,而其它6个菌株形成独立的分枝,进一步证实了这2个菌株足有时在宿主植物上不形成子座的Eyangzii.这说明了在宿主植物上的人工杂交是区别有时不产子座的E yangzii和Neotyphodium属真菌的有效手段.  相似文献   
南亚热带水土流失地区人工加速植被演替过程   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
水土流失地区植被在自然条件下从阳生草本到乔灌草复合植被的演替过程常常需要很长的时间,选取适当树种人工造林可以省略先锋物种强阳生草本的发育时间,提早诱发灌木和草本植物发育,大大加速植被恢复演替过程。通过对广东惠州市惠阳区上杨试验站等南亚热带典型水土流失地区的研究发现:自然封育状态下,水土流失地区植被恢复和演替缓慢,25。后植被覆盖度只有35%,且主要以阳生性耐贫瘠的灌木及草本为主,土壤侵蚀仍然比较严重。选择大叶相思树人工造林加速了植被演替进程,控制了水土流失,12a左右植被覆盖度就达90%左右。造林23a左右,林地遮蔽涵养水分和控制侵蚀作用下迅速生长多种当地物种,形成了乔、灌、草、藤、竹多层复合植被。在南亚热带季风气候地区,自然封育状态下严重水土流失区植被恢复至较稳定的次生林阶段需要60a左右的时间;人工造林加速植被演替只需要20a。植树造林是该地区植被恢复发育及控制水土流失的有效措施。  相似文献   
K W Chung 《Life sciences》1987,41(17):2077-2082
Specific binding of testosterone-1 beta, 2 beta-3H by cytosol from anterior pituitary gland of alcohol-fed, isocaloric control, and castrated control and alcohol-fed rats with or without testosterone treatment has been investigated by charcoal assay. The number of androgen binding sites was significantly reduced in alcohol-fed rats (8 +/- 1.0 fmoles/mg cytosol protein), when compared to the isocaloric control value (13.2 +/- 2.1 fmoles/mg protein), with no significant change in Kd (0.7 +/- 0.14 nM). Castration significantly increased the number of receptor sites in control rats and when castrated control animals were treated with testosterone the binding sites were decreased to the intact control level. In contrast, castration or testosterone given to castrated alcohol-fed rats did not alter alcohol-induced reduction of the receptor sites. The binding affinity (Kd) is identical in all groups. The concentration of serum luteinizing hormone (LH) was significantly lower in alcohol-fed rats when compared to that of normal controls. An increased serum LH level with a decreased testosterone level was noted in castrated control rats. However, castration of alcohol-fed rats had little or no effects on the concentrations of LH and testosterone. Administration of testosterone suppressed castration-induced high LH in control rats but alcohol-induced reduction of LH level was not altered by this treatment. These findings indicate that alcohol exerts a suppressive effect on the content of androgen receptors and secretory functions of gonadotropins in the pituitary gland.  相似文献   
Cryptorchid testes of testicular feminization rats are very low in zinc in spite of normal zinc status of the animals. Analysis of the cytosol of the cryptorchid testes by gel permeation chromatography showed decreased zinc binding by proteins eluted at fractions corresponding to 30,000 dalton. Further analysis by sodium dodecylsulphate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis indicated the absence of a protein with molecular weight of 23,000.  相似文献   
为考察生长调节剂对甾体微生物转化过程中菌体生长状况的影响,利用沉降密度宏观定量表征菌体的形态和扫描电镜微观观测菌体形态相结合的方法,描述了生长过程中菌体形态的变化。结果表明:与未加调节剂的空白体系对照,加调节剂体系菌体在各个生长时期均呈现出较小的沉降密度。通过SEM图像可以明显看出加调节剂体系菌体表面光滑,长势丰满、挺拔,生长状况优良。两种方法均表明调节剂的加入明显促进了菌体的生长。  相似文献   
啤酒酵母生产的重组水蛭素的纯化及脱色   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
对啤酒酵母生产的重组水蛭素变异体1(rHV1)进行多步骤的纯化。首先将分泌到培养上清液中的水蛭素进行硫酸铵沉淀和SephadexG-50凝胶过滤,再用Q-SepharoseHP阴离子交换层析分离,最后用HPLCSP-5PW阳离子交换柱脱色及HPLCC8柱反相层析。真空干燥后得到的水蛭素蛋白经SPS-PAGE、N端氨基酸序列分析、抗凝血酶活力分析鉴定,证明已获得高纯度的重组水蛭素HV1制剂,为利用基因工程方法生产重组水蛭素的规模化生产及临床应用提供了依据  相似文献   
华北丽斑麻蜥食物同化和疾跑速的热依赖性   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:4  
罗来高  屈彦福  计翔 《动物学报》2006,52(2):256-262
作者研究山西阳泉丽斑麻蜥(Eremias argus)成体的选择体温、热耐受性及食物同化和疾跑速的热依赖性。选择体温、临界低温和临界高温无显著的两性差异,分别为36·0℃、1·0℃和44·9℃。在实验温度范围内,体温显著影响食物通过时间、日摄食量、日粪尿排量、表观消化系数和同化效率。食物通过时间在26 -34℃范围内随体温升高而缩短,在更高的体温下则延长。蜥蜴在30、32、34和36℃体温下明显摄入较多的食物、排出明显较多的粪尿。34℃和36℃下的表观消化系数和同化效率大于其它更低或更高温度下的对应数值,但这两个变量未因体温变化而呈现清晰的规律性变化。疾跑速在18 -36℃范围内随体温升高而加快,在38℃体温下则减缓。36℃或附近体温最适合疾跑速。疾跑速最适体温接近蜥蜴的选择体温,表明蜥蜴疾跑速的最适温度可能与其选择体温密切相关[动物学报52 (2) : 256 -262 , 2006]。  相似文献   
为寻找高效降解水体中氨氮的菌株并对其进行应用评价,研究从多种水产养殖池塘水体和底泥的混合物中筛选出2株氨氮降解菌,降解率分别达97.8%和98.5%,经鉴定均为凝结芽孢杆菌(Bacillus coagulans)。对筛选出的2菌株培养条件进行优化,2菌株pH、C/N适应范围广,并且耐高温、高盐。通过灌服试验表明所筛选菌株对养殖动物是安全的。在此基础上,将筛选菌株与本实验室前期诱变菌株B38复配后制成复合菌,通过养殖试验评价了复合菌对氨氮、亚硝酸盐及藻类数量的调控效果。与4种商品微生态制剂(光合细菌、酵母菌、强效EM和芽孢杆菌)相比,泼洒复合菌的池塘氨氮含量逐渐降低。在氨氮含量下降的同时,亚硝酸盐含量有上升的趋势,但在试验的第18天,复合菌组与酵母菌组亚硝酸盐含量有所降低。对藻类数量的影响结果显示,从第9天开始添加复合菌与芽孢杆菌组藻类数量高于其他各组,在第14天,这2组藻类数量大约为其他组的2倍。由此可见,复合菌具有明显的降氨氮特性,并能有效增加藻类数量,但对亚硝酸盐降解效果不显著。研究为复合型微生态制剂的开发提供了技术支撑。  相似文献   
Mutagenicity of azo dyes: structure-activity relationships.   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Azo dyes are extensively used in textile, printing, leather, paper making, drug and food industries. Following oral exposure, azo dyes are metabolized to aromatic amines by intestinal microflora or liver azoreductases. Aromatic amines are further metabolized to genotoxic compounds by mammalian microsomal enzymes. Many of these aromatic amines are mutagenic in the Ames Salmonella/microsomal assay system. The chemical structure of many mutagenic azo dyes was reviewed, and we found that the biologically active dyes are mainly limited to those compounds containing p-phenylenediamine and benzidine moieties. It was found that for the phenylenediamine moiety, methylation or substitution of a nitro group for an amino group does not decrease mutagenicity. However, sulfonation, carboxylation, deamination, or substitution of an ethyl alcohol or an acetyl group for the hydrogen in the amino groups leads to a decrease in the mutagenic activity. For the benzidine moiety, methylation, methoxylation, halogenation or substitution of an acetyl group for hydrogen in the amino group does not affect mutagenicity, but complexation with copper ions diminishes mutagenicity. The mutagenicity of benzidine or its derivatives is also decreased when in the form of a hydrochloride salt with only one exception. Mutagenicity of azo dyes can, therefore, be predicted by these structure-activity relationships.  相似文献   
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