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不同批号蕲蛇酶在家兔血液凝固系统上的生物活性检测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:研究不同批号蕲蛇酶静脉给予家兔后,对血液凝固系统各项指标的影响,以判定其药效的稳定性。方法:取家兔,纯白色,体重1.5-2.5kg,雌雄兼用,每日静脉注入蕲蛇酶1.0u/kg.d^-1,连用3-5天,药前、药后从心脏取血6ml,取全血1ml作血栓形成;余血以3.0%枸橼酸钠按1:9抗凝,分离富血小板血浆(PRP),测定其血小板数目和血小板聚集率,以贫血小板血浆(PPP)测定凝血酶时间(TT),凝血酶原时间(PT),部分凝血活酶时间(KPTT)以及纤维蛋白原(Fg)含量。结果:5个批号的蕲蛇酶药后3天或5天均可明显使血栓形成的重量减轻,长度缩短,Fg含量减少(P<0.01),TT,PT,KPTT均延长(P<0.05-0.01),血小板数轻度减少,聚集率抑制达20%-50%,结论:不同批号的蕲蛇酶静脉给予家兔,具有显著的作用于血液凝固系统,导致血栓形成减少,表明对心脑血管内血栓形成药学相同,说明用家 兔作为鉴定药品质量是可行而必须。  相似文献   
对小麦及其4种近缘属间禾草进行了长时间 (0.5~5.7年, 个别8.6年) 的愈伤组织培养,在继代过程中染色体数目的变异在染色体倍性低的簇毛麦(Haynaldia villosa, 2n=2x=14)及新麦草(Psathyrostachys juncea, 2n=2x=14) 倾向于数目的增大;染色体倍性高的小麦 (Triticum aestivum, 2n=6x=42) 趋向于数目的减少;而倍性居中的羊草 (Leymus chinensis, 2n=4x=28) 既有增大也有减小;染色体倍性最高的高冰草 (Agropyron elongatum, 2n=6x=70) 最为稳定,但也有减少的趋向。愈伤组织的胚性主要与二倍体及亚二倍体的总水平相关。  相似文献   
Abstract: The supposed vestige of a cephalopod gladius from Turonian platy limestones at Vallecillo, north‐east Mexico, named Palaeoctopus pelagicus by Fuchs et al. in 2008, is reinterpreted and shown to be a gular plate of a coelacanth fish, possibly of the genus Megacoelacanthus. In addition to the gular plate, two extrascapulars and fin rays of all fins are preserved on one slab and its counterpart. This is the first record of a coelacanth from these lower Turonian strata at Vallecillo, which are rich in fish.  相似文献   
【目的】为了获得能够在高盐环境下脱色偶氮染料的嗜盐菌群及其降解机理。【方法】采用富集驯化的方法获得一个嗜盐菌群,采用Illumina HiSeq2500测序平台对其群落结构进行测定;采用分光光度法测定了其降解特性;采用GC-MS和红外图谱分析了其降解机理;采用微核实验的方法比较了偶氮染料降解前后的毒性。【结果】该菌群在10%的盐度下,使100mg/L的酸性金黄G在8h内脱色。菌群主要由Zobellella、Rheinheimera、Exiguobacterium和Marinobacterium组成。最适宜的脱色条件是:pH=6,酵母粉为碳源,蛋白胨或硝酸钾作为氮源,盐度为1%–10%。酸性金黄G降解产物的毒性比降解前降低。酸性金黄G主要的降解产物是对氨基二苯胺和二苯胺。此外,该菌群还能使酸性大红GR和直接湖蓝5B等多种偶氮染料脱色,具有较好的脱色广谱性。【结论】获得了快速降解偶氮染料的嗜盐菌群及降解机理,为该嗜盐菌群应用于高盐印染废水的处理提供菌种资源和理论支持。  相似文献   
Plant strategy and life‐history theories make different predictions about reproductive efficiency under competition. While strategy theory suggests under intense competition iteroparous perennial plants delay reproduction and semelparous annuals reproduce quickly, life‐history theory predicts both annual and perennial plants increase resource allocation to reproduction under intense competition. We tested (1) how simulated competition influences reproductive efficiency and competitive ability (CA) of different plant life histories and growth forms; (2) whether life history or growth form is associated with CA; (3) whether shade avoidance plasticity is connected to reproductive efficiency under simulated competition. We examined plastic responses of 11 herbaceous species representing different life histories and growth forms to simulated competition (spectral shade). We found that both annual and perennial plants invested more to reproduction under simulated competition in accordance with life‐history theory predictions. There was no significant difference between competitive abilities of different life histories, but across growth forms, erect species expressed greater CA (in terms of leaf number) than other growth forms. We also found that shade avoidance plasticity can increase the reproductive efficiency by capitalizing on the early life resource acquisition and conversion of these resources into reproduction. Therefore, we suggest that a reassessment of the interpretation of shade avoidance plasticity is necessary by revealing its role in reproduction, not only in competition of plants.  相似文献   
Wheat production will be impacted by increasing concentration of atmospheric CO2 [CO2], which is expected to rise from about 400 μmol mol?1 in 2015 to 550 μmol mol?1 by 2050. Changes to plant physiology and crop responses from elevated [CO2] (e[CO2]) are well documented for some environments, but field‐level responses in dryland Mediterranean environments with terminal drought and heat waves are scarce. The Australian Grains Free Air CO2 Enrichment facility was established to compare wheat (Triticum aestivum) growth and yield under ambient (~370 μmol?1 in 2007) and e[CO2] (550 μmol?1) in semi‐arid environments. Experiments were undertaken at two dryland sites (Horsham and Walpeup) across three years with two cultivars, two sowing times and two irrigation treatments. Mean yield stimulation due to e[CO2] was 24% at Horsham and 53% at Walpeup, with some treatment responses greater than 70%, depending on environment. Under supplemental irrigation, e[CO2] stimulated yields at Horsham by 37% compared to 13% under rainfed conditions, showing that water limited growth and yield response to e[CO2]. Heat wave effects were ameliorated under e[CO2] as shown by reductions of 31% and 54% in screenings and 10% and 12% larger kernels (Horsham and Walpeup). Greatest yield stimulations occurred in the e[CO2] late sowing and heat stressed treatments, when supplied with more water. There were no clear differences in cultivar response due to e[CO2]. Multiple regression showed that yield response to e[CO2] depended on temperatures and water availability before and after anthesis. Thus, timing of temperature and water and the crop's ability to translocate carbohydrates to the grain postanthesis were all important in determining the e[CO2] response. The large responses to e[CO2] under dryland conditions have not been previously reported and underscore the need for field level research to provide mechanistic understanding for adapting crops to a changing climate.  相似文献   
Due to resource scarcity and environmental degradation, a new development concept emphasizing environmental concerns, called the circular economy (CE), has been enacted in legislation in China. This environmental management concept can be implemented at three levels, namely, region, industrial zone, and individual enterprise, with the objective of boosting economic development while lessening environmental and resource challenges. Environmental supply chain cooperation (ESCC), an approach that utilizes customer and supplier cooperation in environmental management, has been initiated among Chinese enterprises. Using survey data collected from 396 Chinese manufacturers, we examine the role of ESCC practices in influencing the relationship between implementing CE practices and the achievement of performance outcomes by testing the moderation and mediation effects of ESCC practices on the CE practice‐performance relationship through hierarchical regression analysis. Our data analyses indicate that ESCC practices are useful by moderation and, in some cases, essential by mediation, for Chinese manufacturers seeking to realize the performance targets desired in CE practices. The results highlight the need for Chinese manufacturers to improve supply chain coordination in their implementation of CE. On the policy side, our research findings suggest that ESCC practices are beneficial and, in some cases, necessary for the development of CE in China.  相似文献   
Aggressive treatment with high‐dose atorvastatin reduces more effectively the incidence of cardiovascular events than moderate statin therapy. The mechanism of this benefit has not been fully elucidated. In order to know the potential effects of statin treatment on the protein expression of circulating monocytes in acute coronary syndrome (ACS) patients, a proteomic analysis of these cells was carried out by 2‐DE and MS. Twenty‐five patients with non‐ST‐elevation acute coronary syndrome (NSTEACS) were randomized, the fourth day after admission, to receive ATV 80 mg/dL (n = 14) or conventional treatment (CT) (n = 11), for two months. Blood was withdrawn at the end of the treatment, and monocytes were extracted for proteomic analysis and their protein expression patterns determined. Age, sex, total cholesterol, LDL, HDL, triglycerides, body mass index, presence of hypertension, diabetes, and smoking status were not significantly different between the two groups of patients. The expression of 20 proteins was modified by intensive ATV. Among the most relevant results stand out the normalization by intensive ATV treatment of the expression of proteins that modulate inflammation and thrombosis such as protein disulfide isomerase ER60 (PDI), Annexin I, and prohibitin, or that have other protective effects as HSP‐70. Thus, this approach shed light at the molecular level of the beneficial mechanisms of anti‐atherothrombotic drugs.  相似文献   
 以我国干旱沙漠区流沙治理的成功模式包兰铁路沙坡头地段人工植被防护体系作为研究对象,研究了区域人工植被与环境演变过程中植物多样性的变化特点。研究表明:该区人工植被经过40余年的演变其植物种的组成趋于动态平衡;植物多样性在时间尺度上的变化表现为随群落演替的进行而增大,42年前(1956年)建立的人工植被多样性指数达到D=0.706~0.822或H′=1.393~1.893,10年前(1987年)建立的人工植被其多样性仅为D=0.501~0.702或H′=0.819~1.074;β多样性的测度表明,沙坡头地区人工植被在其演变的历程中经历了2次物种周转速率相对较快的阶段,这一特点与植被演替密切相关,对干旱沙漠地区的生态恢复和人工绿洲建设与管理具有重要的参考价值。本文还进一步研究了土壤基质条件等变化对植物多样性的影响。  相似文献   
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